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Kai_maaya this one is for you.

Warning; lots of angst.


Every detail at their wedding celebration was the embodiment of simplicity and sophistication. As Kai had often said, ‘Every small detail makes the difference, Sehun.’ From the light-pink cherry blossoms (which symbolized the fragility and beauty of life) and white plum blossoms flower arrangements (which Kai had told him symbolized perseverance and hope, beauty and purity and transitoriness of life), to the simple and minimalistic yet beautifully arranged and performed Matcha Tea Ceremony, which one of Kai's dear friend, Toshio came from Japan to carry out together with his Alpha, Toshio was the High Warlock of Tokyo and a male Omega. Hanging scrolls which featured sage and popular adages and tatami mats were also part of the décor. There was even a calligraphy, ikebana, and origami stations for anyone who wanted to try a hand at these lovely Japanese traditional arts.    Red and white paper silk lanterns with frames from bamboo were suspended in the air. Each had different things written in kanji on them, auspicious words to wish good fortune, long life, and a happy union. Their light set an intimate and warm mood. The music was just sublime, there was no other word for it. Kai had hired Japanese musicians to play three of the most important and traditional Japanese instruments: the shamisen  (similar to a guitar with a long thin neck and rectangular body covered with skin, it has three strings and its plucked with a large triangular plectrum), the shakuhachi (a flute made out of bamboo and its played by blowing on one end, it has four holes in the front and one in the back), and last, the koto (a large wooden instrument with 13 strings, pics are worn on the fingers to play it). One of the songs he enjoyed the most was called ‘Sakura, Sakura’ performed on the koto. Kai explained to him that this tune was usually performed during the cherry blossom season. The food was also exquisite and arranged buffet-style for convenience— tsukune (or chicken meatballs), yakitori (type of skewered chicken), tempura (seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried), and sashimi (very fresh raw meat or fish sliced into thin pieces), and of course, chūtoro (fatty tuna). As for drinks, well, Kai didn’t hold back on that either—nihonshu (Japanese sake), shoshu, beer, and an array of exotic cocktails. Delicious Japanese sweets were also served: Hanami Dango (tri-colored sweets dumplings—pink for cherry blossoms, white for lingering snow, and green for spring leaves), creamy mochi ice cream (made from Japanese mochi with ice cream filling, green tea Matcha, strawberry, and vanilla), and wagashi in pretty and detailed shapes (traditional Japanese confessions made of mochi, anko, and fruits). Everything was beyond perfect. He couldn’t stop his wide-eyed look despite having been the first one to see everything. Kai was an expert at leaving him wordless. Sehun looked breathtaking in the suit Kai had brought for him. A tasteful, custom-made suit which hugged the younger man in all the right places and accentuated his good looks. His Omega wasn’t only beautiful inside but equally ravishing on the outside. For the wedding reception Sehun had dressed in an all-white three-piece-suit with gold detailed buttons never had looked better— coupled with a crisp white shirt and white bow tie with gilded edges as well as gold embroidered silk lapels and shiny black patent leather laced-up shoes (the outfit similar but yet different from the one he wore for the wedding). The clean and simple color of the suit couple with the golden touches brought out his mate’s lovely brown eyes and fine skin tone. A well-made man through and through. Now the challenge was to hold himself back from jumping him in front of everyone. It might be one of the hardest challenges he had ever faced. “My heart, you look absolutely ravishing,” Kai murmured as he stood closer to the light of his life. His better half chuckled shyly, still not completely used to his compliments. It was adorable and frankly irresistible to make his tall man, blush so brightly. “You always say that.” The chatter and music and everything else around them seem to fall back and become background noise when their focus was aimed at each other. Another charming smile directed at him made his heart beat faster. “That’s because it is true, Sehun. I wish you could see what I see when I look at you. How wondrous you are and have always been, and will always be.” Kai always managed to leave him agape and gasping for air, not only his words and actions but also the ways he looked and carried himself—always so self-assured and imposing, and today much more so. If his mate usually looked well-put together and dashing, today– now he looked especially exquisite— dressed in a classy red velvet three-piece suit, black bow tie with gold embroidery and silk black shirt, black leather formal dress Oxford boots and a few golden highlights, kohl rimmed eyes and charcoal gray eyeshadow, his rings and an understated gold ear cuff. To say he could barely breathe every time their eyes met was an understatement.   His Alpha’s scent was healing. He felt a bit fidgety surrounded by so many people (some, he had just met), but his husband's scent reached out to him and comforted him— it swathed him in a warming embrace.  They were both so focused on one another that they didn’t notice their friend and his dad approach, it was after he had cleared his throat loudly that they both noticed. "Congratulations" Mr Byun said smiling at Sehun. “Congratulations you two, this is a beautiful party,” Baekhyun who looked sharp in a dark brown tweed windowpane suit, striped blue dress shirt, and a brown tie with a golden tie pin. “Thank you, but this was all Kai's work,” he quickly replied as he took another sip of ‘the best martini in the world.’ Not one to lose, his Alpha replied, “I just worked my magic, but it was all inspired by all the things Sehun likes about Japan and its culture.” “Are you going on honeymoon?” Seulgi asked as she approached. She looked more beautiful that usual in a knee-length and crew neckline, black lace-detail bell-sleeve dress. Her makeup was subdued except for blood-red lips. Hair pulled back into a low ponytail with a few ringlets at the sides of her face, high strappy heels and her favorite pearl earrings. It felt good to see her happy. It was Kai who answered her question, “We would like to take the ‘olden days traditional month-long marriage trip,’ but Sehun's yet to finish his finals.” She nodded and smiled. "Exams, huh?” Mr Byun commented as he sipped some wine. A strange little furtive look was exchanged between Mr Byun and his mother, before she spoke. "It's his final exams and after that he'll join the company or  work wherever he wants, whichever he decided." “Ah…” Mr Byun grinned, looking lovingly at Seulgi. "That's very thoughtful of you." He and Kai looked at each other, curious. Mr Byun arched his eyebrows at the same time he emptied his glass, and then excused himself for a bit. “Time for a refill, are you good?” Kai asked Sehun replied with a nod. “I’ll be right back, love.” After those and a peck on his cheek, his mate left. There was this weird little vibe going on between Mr Byun and his mother, and to be honest, he really didn’t want to think about it too much. But what he knew with certainty, was that both of these people in front of him smiling at one another with reserved smiles, deserved to be happy. Perhaps was he the same person his mom told him about? The idea of his mom being in relationship—was refreshing, it felt right. "I will go be with my mate." Baekhyun informed, eyes darting around the room until it landed on said mate, who's now having a chat with his other mate. "Congratulations once again." "Thanks, I never got the chance to congratulate you too." Baekhyun had mated with Chanyeol a week back and Sehun hadn't the chance to give him his best wish. "Thanks" Baekhyun said with smile, then he's gone. He and Kai were never alone for too long, someone always approached them to chat. With Kai caught in conversation with Mr Jeon and his mate who had just arrived, he was left alone albeit briefly when Mr Byun and his Mom went to try a hand at Ikebana. When he was about to walk to the buffet table, a familiar hand on his shoulder stayed him. “Hey, buddy. I can finally catch you alone, you’ve been busy,” Wooyong said, eyes bright and cheeks rosy—he wasn’t drunk yet, but definitely slightly buzzed. His brother looked good in the light-gray suit, white shirt, striped yellow/blue tie, and camel-colored shoes ensemble. With an amused smile, Sehun commented, “I won’t ask if you’re having a good time because you obviously are, but maybe lay off the sake for a bit.” A childish groan and pout were his reply, which made the Omega chuckle. “Hey, I wanna tell you somethin’,” his brother croaked, expression tempered with seriousness. “Okay…” "It's about Mom, i think she's seeing that Alpha and I was thinking we have a chat with him" Sehun hummed. "I thought so too but I think it's best we let Mom approach us with it first." Wooyong nodded. "You're right." He said. "Alright go have the best of your life brother." "Oh God!" Sehun groaned, and shove his brother when the latter leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Go be with your fiancee, and in case you forget we're in a middle of party, if you'll excuse me I have guests to attend to" Wooyong grinned and waved lazily at him before he took off.  One thing Sehun's certain of was; he had the best moment of his life today.
****   Five weeks later.
Everything was going perfectly, his pregnancy and living happily with his husband, the never ending love and support from his family. Which made it easier to live as an Omega in the society, he goes to school every day (except for weekends)  and surprisingly most of his classmates and professors had never treated him differently now that they realized he was an omega but of course there were a few who looked at him with obvious disgust, but Sehun never bothered about those, he has Jimin and Taehyung by his side, always. Those two will snapped at anyone who looked at him the wrong way and Sehun was grateful for that. Both Jimin and Taehyung were mated to their Alphas, and Taehyung's wedding had been set 8 months from now. Another good thing was Sehun wasn't the only pregnant omega, Jimin was a few weeks pregnant as well. Everything was perfect until it came crashing down at 15 weeks, on a day when heavy gray clouds crowned the pastel-colored skies. Sehun had entered his second trimester and his almost four months belly was starting to show a little. They were scheduled for their baby’s first ultrasound next week, he couldn’t wait to finally see their pup and neither could Kai. It was when he was getting ready to head out to school that he began to feel increasingly strange—nauseous, pelvic pain, exhaustion, and some cramping. But he didn’t think much of it, pregnancy wasn’t an easy thing and his body was changing as the baby grew and took more space. So, he left for school. Maybe a walk and fresh air would help him feel better. Thank the Angel Kai wasn’t home, because he’ll have made him stay and kept him in bed the whole day.   Maybe, he should have. Everything was going well until it wasn’t. Later that day, when he was still at school eating lunch with Jimin (in a Cafe very close to their school) the mild symptoms he had felt all day long became stronger, almost unendurable. The nausea had given way to vomiting, the pelvic pain now was accompanied by intense abdomen and lower back pain, fatigued had settled deep into his bones and his head felt dizzy, he wasn’t in Heat yet sweat pooled at the base of his neck and trickled down his temples and forehead. The world around him swirled. The gold fountain pen he's holding slipped through his fingers and fell on the hardwood floors with a muffled thud. He could barely hear anything through the harsh rush of blood in his ears and the clamorous beats of his heart. All noise and sight, smell and taste and feel faded away and only the unbearable pain and terror remained. “Aaargh, aahhh!” A forceful yowl rushed out of his throat at the same time he doubled over in pain and clutched his belly. Through his own inner turmoil, he heard Jimin's voice. But he could barely remain straight on the chair or open his eyes to look at Jimin or even move his mouth to form words.   “Oh, God! Sehun, you’re burning up!” Jimin said, his voice worry-ridden and hands tremulous upon one of his shoulders and forehead. “ji…, ugh! Jimin, I-I feel horrible… my pup ka–kai, call-” He felt as if cleaved in half by an invisible ax, right through his stomach. “Uggh, oh, God…” NO NO NO NO NO NO “Sehun, come on, get up,” his friend urged as one of his arms coiled around his waist and the other pulled his left arm over her shoulders. “We need to go to the hospital.” With effort, he stood up and his legs almost gave out from underneath him, but his friend held on to him tightly.  People were starting to gather and watch what was unfolding. “Kai…” he called in a stuttery voice, chest heaving faster and faster. “Shhh, I’ll call him, but first we need to get a doctor to see you,” Jimin responded, tone taut. As he walked on lead-heavy clumsy feet, his chest heaved forcefully as a uterine contraction cut through him and parted his lips. “Aaaah!!! he caterwauled out in pain. His body quivered and he almost fell to the ground if it wasn’t for another pair of familiar arms which stayed him. “Sehun! Sehun ! Oh, God, what’s going on, Jimin?” Taehyung.   He couldn’t hear them clearly through the deluge of terrible thoughts rushing through his head and the dreadful feeling which had settled in his heart. His eyes lids felt as heavy as sandbags and his mouth tasted sour. Suddenly, another contraction stabbed him and he couldn’t help but double over in pain. Kai “Aahhhh!” Please come Alpha Muffled alarmed voices yelled and screamed and called for help. Kai, our pup His legs no longer worked, he couldn’t move. Pup be safe be safe please Something warm and thick and copious soaked his underwear and pants, it had a sharp metallic smell. Blood. He was bleeding. Kai His hands went to clutch his stomach protectively. No. No. No. Please. No. My pup. God, please! Kai's child. Our baby. No. He felt his mouth move and his head shake from side to side, his breaths came faster and faster and his legs
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.