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Baekhyun rolled over and glanced up to the ceiling, his mind wandering back to the Alpha he'd met yesterday. He's had his fair share of lovers but non of them were as handsome, manly and breathtaking like this particular Alpha he came to learn his name was Chanyeol. The guy had made something stirred inside him and if Baekhyun didn't know better he would think this Chanyeol guy was his true mate. However he associated it with his loneliness and the need of someone to love and make him feel safe. His Dad had tried setting him up with other prestigious Alphas after he broke up with his last boyfriend but Baekhyun wasn't ready for another relationship or so he thought until yesterday when he met that good looking Alpha walking out of his father's office. He couldn't take his eyes of the Alpha until the latter sensed he was being stared at and turned slightly to bow at him with a smile. Baekhyun had turned around looking for the person Chanyeol was smiling at and– and when he realized it was directed at him– Oh God, he almost fainted from sheer excitement. He had smiled and bowed back, watched the Alpha until he was out of sight before proceeded into his dad's office. Groaning when a soft knock on his door interrupted his thoughts, Baekhyun glanced over to see his Dad walking in with a soft a smile on his face. "Are you alright love?" His Dad asked, stopping at where he was laying on his huge bed. The size of the bed making him look even smaller than he already was. Baekhyun pushed to a sitting position and rested his head back against the headboard before he nodded. "Yeah"  His Dad furrowed his brows and Baekhyun could see the genuine concern in his father's eyes. "I picked up your scent from miles away and I am certain something is bothering you my baby boy." Baekhyun smiled, he was really lucky to have this man before him as his father. His dad was one of the rarest parents to find in their country. Most parents that have male omegas as children send them to an institution– that the mare thought of such place was making Baekhyun shudder– or they would simply abandon their kids by disowning them and let them fend for themselves no matter how young the Omegas were. His father was one in a million. Since his mother's death eleven years ago, his Dad had turned down any offer from other prestigious families that wished to have their daughters married to him. His father didn't want to have another wife solely because he knew how Omegas were treated and he couldn't have his beloved only son being mistreated by anyone. Baekhyun love his father so much because Mr. Byun had never let his son feel the loss of his mother. He occupied that space and took care of his son the way a mother would. His mother was an Omega but his father had loved her so much and it was the same love that was passed on to her son. Baekhyun was very lucky to have his father love and support him despite his secondary gender, which was why he never hide anything from his Dad. "I met someone today." He told his father and the elder brushed his fingers through his son's hair, humming in the process. "He's an Alpha." Baekhyun added leaning into his the touch."he's so handsome and I really felt drawn to him." "Do you know his name?" His Dad asked, smiling warmly at him. "Park Chanyeol." His dad had a thoughtful expression on his face for a moment as he repeated the name over and over again. Then his eyes lit up as realization dawned on him "The boy that works in the marketing department?" Baekhyun raised his brows, he had no idea that Chanyeol was working for his father. "Tall, like very tall with big ears?" He asked and his dad nodded. "He works for you?" Another nod from his father. "Oh my God, how come I've never seen him around?" His dad chuckled. "You hardly come to the company unless you needed a new credit card." Baekhyun giggled along with his Dad because that much was true. "You're right, but I think am going to be more frequent from now on. I can't believe I missed meeting him– how long has he been working in the company?" "Two years, he was working as a delivery boy when I first met him. I saw potentials in him and hired him. He's one of my best employees." "I bet he is." For some odd reason Baekhyun felt like a proud boyfriend. "Don't worry love, I will do anything in my power to get him to be with you if–" "No Dad" Baekhyun cut his dad off, shaking his head slowly. "I don't want you to do anything, I'd prefer to have him without your interference. I want him to fall for me not because he felt obligated to do so or because I am rich, I won't even tell him I am your son until I am certain he really likes me back." His Dad nodded, pride shone in his eyes. "We do it your way. Love. I am sure no man will be able to resist my beautiful omega boy." Baekhyun giggled and buried his face in his dad's chest. "Thanks Daddy." His dad dropped a kiss on his forehead. "I will do anything to make you happy my boy. You're my pride, my one and only baby." Each word was punctuated with a kiss. "I am going to go see Irene regarding the matter, I bet she could help." His dad laughed pushing him gently to look at his face. "You think your cousin can give you relationship tips? When she's never been in one herself?" He nodded. "She's a psychologist, I want her to teach me a few things on how to read people, I really like this guy and I want to know if he's the right one for me" "Alright" his Dad hummed, his hair affectionately. "If you say so love." He kissed his cheek before rising to his feet. "I have to go now, I have a meeting with Oh-Kang Seulgi." "Seulgi? The CEO of Oh fashion empire?" His dad nodded and Baekhyun grinned mischievously. "Is she going to become my mom soon?" "Dear God!" His dad palmed his face with a groan. "She's still happily married Baekhyun, you shouldn't say such things carelessly." Baekhyun pouted, he just wanted his dad to be happy, to have someone to love and care for him as well. And he'd known about his dad's crush on the Alpha female for years now, the only hindrance was her marriage to Oh Donghae. "I just want you to be happy. " "I know sweetheart." "You've given me everything I ever wished for. Love, care and support in a world I would have broken down if it weren't for you. I want you to have the best Dad." "I know, but I don't think I can ever be with Seulgi even if she wasn't married." "Why?" "She despises Omegas and I can't stand that, I can't have her misbehaving and mistreating you in anyway, I'd rather stay single for life than marry someone who doesn't value my son. " Baekhyun blinked, he felt tears threatening to fall down his cheek. Standing up, he threw himself into his father's arms. His dad held him tight, rocking him slowly as he cried. God he was such a baby. "I want you to be happy." He repeated, choking on a sob. "No my boy, you shouldn't cry. I am happy as long as i make you happy." He ran a hand down the Omega's back soothingly. "I promise I am fine Baekhyun." Baekhyun just hummed, holding his Dad tightly. "I love you Dad." "I love you too my boy." His dad smiled and kissed his temple once again. "As much as I want to keep holding you, I really have to go. It's an important business deal." Baekhyun pushed back with a smile, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. "I don't want to hold you up then" he kissed his dad's cheek. "I'll be heading out to see Irene now." "Make sure you eat your breakfast before you leave." His dad told him, placing a hand on the door handle. "I will." "Take care of yourself and send my regards to your cousin and her parents." "Will do" His Dad smiled one more time before proceeding to walk out of the room.   ****   After his workout session, Sehun left the gym and walked into the living room to find Jimin heading for the front door."Jimin!" He called, his friend must have waited a while before deciding to leave and instantly Sehun felt bad for the way he'd been acting toward Jimin. He knew the younger was one of his best wishers in life and would always love him and want the best for him. Jimin stopped and turned to face him, his face was unreadable. "Yeah?" "Can we talk in my room please?" Sehun wasn't sure if Kai had left to see his family, like he usual did every Saturday or still in the house. And knowing Alphas have more super senses than the other classes, he wouldn't want him to over hear what he was about to tell Jimin. Jimin let out a sigh in relief. "Okay" Reaching his room, the two sat on the bed and stayed silent for a while before Sehun muster the courage to tell Jimin all that he had been feeling from the moment he saw Kai. Jimin reached out to take his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I know you don't want to hear me say this but I have to be honest."he took a deep breath. "I think Dr Lee is right. Kai is your mate." Sehun only hummed. "I don't know what to do Jimin. The fact that I've imprinted was the most scariest." "You just have to do one thing Hunnie." Jimin said now gently Sehun's hair. "What?" "Accept who you are and–" "Jimin you know I can't do that." "Yes you can Sehun. You just don't want to." "How do you think my life will be if my parents finds out?" "I want you to have the best Sehun. You know I do, but you have to stop living for your parents and start living for yourself. If they disown you just because you're an Omega then they don't deserve you as a son." "I've been with them my whole life, I've known and learned everything from them. I don't think I can survive without them." "Don't say that, of course you can. My parents will be there for you. Your brother Kris, Yoongi hyung and Chanyeol will be there,  and I myself with be there, and I am certain Kai will definitely be there for you too, there are a lot of people that loves you not because they expect something from you." Sehun shook his head."You don't know that, he might not want me–" "That's not true, who wouldn't want you Sehun?" "I am serious Jimin. I will lose my family's name." "Then you can have mine, or make one for yourself. Even Kai will happily share his." "Stop getting him into this." "Why the hell not? You just told me you're developing feelings for him–" "And I can undevelope them" "You know you can't, not when you've imprinted.– look Sehun no one is going to force you to be or do anything you don't want to. I will always stand by you no matter what you decide. But I want you to give it a thought. Hiding yourself by taking those medications isn't the way. They're slowly destroying you and I am sure you know that. I want to help you. Please Sehun think about it, being an Omega isn't as terrifying as it sounds. Look at me– heck look at Taehyung he's doing perfectly fine." "That's because he's rich and he have his family." "What about me? I am not rich, I am an Omega and I am living my life the best way I could." "You also have your family Jimin. That's my point, family is the point and they love me." Jimin let out a defeated sigh. "What your parents does in the name of love isn't what family do to their loved one. Family don't force you to do anything you don't want to, they don't expect anything from you and don't push you Into a loveless relationship. Correct me if am wrong. You told me they forced you to go out with Irene, don't they? Even when you made it clear that you don't want to." Jimin was right, he might not be sincerely loved by his family but they're still his family. He didn't have the courage to come clean– maybe someday in the future when he make a name for himself, he could tell them proudly that he was an Omega and not a failure. But not now. "Look Sehun I am not trying to paint your family as the villains, I just want you to understand that their ways aren't the best. Look at your brother, we both know how righteous Kris is but he left because he knows what he wanted. I am not asking you to leave but try being yourself and see what will happen." He squeezed Sehun hand. "And about Kai if you felt he's your mate when he shook your hand, don't you think he must have felt it too?" Yeah, Sehun remembered Kai's expression but he couldn't be certain Kai felt it since the Alpha was acting normal and unaffected moments later. He didn't want to lift his hopes high. "I am not really sure about what he felt." Jimin nodded. "It's okay but please think about it." "I will" Sehun said even though he knew he probably wouldn't. "Just as I thought" came a voice from behind them. Both Sehun and Jimin quickly turned to see Taehyung standing by the door, hands crossed over his chest. There was a broad grin on his face as he stared at Sehun.  "Tae," Jimin said nervously glancing at Sehun. "How much did you hear" "Pretty much everything. Sorry didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help myself not when the most interesting conversation was going on."Taehyung shrugged, looking unapologetic and he was giving them that box shaped grin."So you're an Omega" it wasn't a question but more like a statement. Sehun felt his heart hammering against his chest. "You suspected that I was an Omega?" If Taehyung suspected he was an Omega then who else– Taehyung nodded. "Yeah, I saw your meds and even though it was perfectly disguised, I could guess what's inside, because from what I heard Jimin said you aren't seeing anyone so It left me wondering what you'll be doing with Alpha birth control pills." He walked into the room shutting the door behind him. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me as long as you want to keep it hidden." He then turned to face Jimin. "And you I thought we're best friends?" "Of course we are" Jimin quickly said. "And you didn't tell me your other best friend is an Omega too?" "You know I couldn't have told you anything about that
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.