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      Stepping into the familiar building, Sehun walked straight to the elevators, no one dared to stop him because almost everyone that worked for his mother knew him as the son of the CEO of Oh glitters and glamours . Some of the workers smiled at him and some bowed in greetings. Sehun tried his best to acknowledge them all by nodding, smiling or bowing back. He made it to the last floor and just when he stepped out of the elevator someone stopped him by calling his name, Sehun turned around to see who it was and suddenly it felt like a Deja Vu, Kim Seokjin–whom Sehun hadn't noticed taking the ride with him– was standing in front of the now closed elevator's door holding a folder in his hands. But instead of the neutral face he had that day, he was smiling at him today. "I see you've decided to change your tactics. And it's better this way, you can still hide your identity and your health won't be endangered. Good decision." He said still smiling like they two of them were long time friends. "I am sure you're here to see your mother, should I direct you to her office as well or?" "No thanks I know my way around here." He wasn't sure why the omega was in his mom's company, because as far as he was aware, his mother didn't have any omega that work for her. She despised them so much to have one in her company. "Of course you do, I was just saying." He bowed at Sehun politely. "Have a good day then." He added before turning around to leave but before he could go much further Sehun stopped him. "Excuse me." He said and Seokjin turned to look at him. "What did you meant that day when you said my aura was different and not in a good way." "Excellent question, I thought you'd never ask." "Well forgive me for not calling you or visiting your home to inquire." He said sarcastically. Seokjin shook his head. "No need to be sarcastic, I thought you'll probably ask your brother if you wanted to talk to me." "I did asked him and he said he would set up a meeting with you." "I guess he's very much busy that he forgot to mentioned it to me" he cleared his throat. "Well what I meant was you were taking the killer drug" "Killer drug? I know the suppressants have side effects but they wouldn't have killed me." "Yes, it would not have killed you but it would've killed the children you're going to have in the future or might make it even impossible to be able to have them if you hadn't stopped." It was nothing he hadn't heard before, he was fully aware the meds he took were not healthy for his womb if he planned on having a child someday– which he did now since he'd already started day dreaming about his future with Kai. "I know that." "And you still took them?" "I didn't have a choice." "Yes you did, you just didn't want to look at other options. Well it's fine now, glad to know you've taken the right decision this time, the Omega in you seemed very pleased now." Sehun hummed not sure what to say about that. "So what are you doing here by the way?" He decided to say instead. "I came to see a friend of mine that works for your mother." "An Omega?" He found himself asking. Seokjin shook his head, holding tightly onto the file in his grip. "No, you know you mom doesn't hire omegas to work for her, according to her they're too weak, unintelligent and useless to do a good job. He's an Alpha friend. Kim Namjoon." Sehun didn't know the Alpha but he nodded anyways and Seokjin was right about his mom. "Thank you Mr. Kim, I will see you sometimes." He was the one that bowed this time and Seokjin immediately returned the courtesy. "Have a good day Oh Sehun." Seokjin said and continued to the other side of the building. Sehun stared at his retreating figure for moment before turning around and headed to his mom's office. His mother was sat behind her desk, a pile of papers sprawled in front of her. She looked up when Sehun walked in and bowed politely at her which she acknowledged with a nod. "Good morning Mom!" "Have a seat" she pointed at one the cushions located at the other side of the room.  Sehun did as told, taking his seat on the loveseat opposite his mom's desk. Seulgi took her time to finish her paperwork and Sehun used that opportunity to calm his heart beats and regulate his breathings in other not to have a panic attack in front of his mother. She made a phone call talking about an upcoming show in the next month or so before she stood up and strode to where he was. She took her seat next to his and crossed her legs. Adjusting her glasses, she took a deep breath and looked directly into her son's eyes. "How are you doing Sehun?"  Sehun's eyes widened because that was not what he expected. His mom had never asked how he was doing, she must be up to something if she was suddenly playing the nice card. He blinked a few times before his tongue was able to function. "I- I am good." He said looking between his mom's face and her expensive corporate wear. "You seemed surprised, why I may ask?" "Uhm you've never asked me how I was doing. Like ever." She nodded. "I know, and I want to make up for all those times for being a bad mom." "Huh?" Sehun's eyes widened even more. "Mom are you really okay?" She nodded. "I think so, I just had a long night thinking about all the bad decisions I've made in my life and marrying your father was one of them." "What? Why would you say that? What happened?" She took a deep breath before she spoke. "Let's just say he did something that he shouldn't have done, but I will tell you when the time is right." She said, then uncrossed her legs and placed both hands on her lap, she looked something close to nervous to whatever she was about to say. "Have you met your brother?" "No I haven't seen Wooyong hyung for a while now–" "I wasn't talking about Wooyong I was taking about your eldest brother. Kris." His mom must really be ed up to be asking about the son she disowned. "I know you have, I just wanted to know how he's doing." And Sehun could see the undeniable longing in her eyes. Sehun nodded. "Yes I have and he's doing good." "Is he happy?" Sehun thought for a while before nodding once again. "He's happy." "That's good to hear." She nodded as well. "So Irene told me she doesn't want to marry you, at first I was mad because I thought you probably did something to make her change her mind since i knew she was interested in you from the start. But after last night I decided to ask you first. Tell me honestly Sehun what do you want?" Hope rose within Sehun, his mother just asked him what he wanted, it was a first. Was she really changing for the best? or was it just one of her schemes? But her eyes spoke a different story, they showed her sincerity.  "I don't want to marry Irene." "That's alright, tell me what you want." Kai. His mind supplied. He shook his head slightly to shake the thought off. "I_" a part of him was pushing tell the truth. If he tell her he was into men then maybe she'd understand and wouldn't bother him with arranged marriages again. Or maybe not, either way he had suddenly decided to tell her the truth. "I am gay mom" he closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable. He could hear his mother taking in a deep shaky breath and his heart pounded so hard he feared it might jumped out of his ribcage. "Well that's new, I didn't see that coming. Never knew you'd be following your brother's footsteps." Was what she said and Sehun opened his eyes to see her expression. The first thing he could read was disappointment. She was disappointed, that much was clear, there was something else on her face he couldn't describe, something close to understanding with a little bit of acceptance. "I will get you a nice male omega to marry" the disgust was still there when she said the word 'Omega' but that was not what bothered Sehun. He came out to his mom because he thought it would keep him off the arranged marriages but it seemed he had been wrong. "I know I few prestigious families that have male omegas, I will look into it and get you the nicest one." Sehun swallowed back the lump in his throat, he'd already regretted coming out.  "I despise omegas, I still do– they're a pathetic piece of trash, house wreckers and husband snatchers. They're only good for breeding children and a good during their heats but other than that, they're all just another waste of space in this world. But if it will make you happy then I will over look my needs, I don't want to lose another son like I lost your brother. I am serious when I said I want to make things right." Oh no mother, you still have a long way to go. He thought bitterly a lump rising in his throat, he still didn't understand why his mom hated omegas so much. "That's all I wanted to say, you can go back to school. Now." He nodded and stood up, his mouth felt dry unable to say what was on his mind and made his way to the door.
**** Walking into his and Kai shared apartment, Sehun stopped abruptly, looking around the house to make sure he was inside the right apartment. But then again if it wasn't that, he didn't think the door would've opened when he pressed the code. It must be Kai's penthouse but it looked different, the living room that used to be white and gray was now red and white, his eyes flickered to the dining room and the settings and color had changed too, it had the same color as the living room. The only thing that made him certain he was inside Kai's house was when he sighted the Alpha descending and stairs."Oh hey you're home." Kai strode to where Sehun was rooted in living area.  "What the hell happened here?" The omega made a gesture around with his hands. Kai's eyes followed Sehun's hands and made an oh sound, then he shrugged. "I was bored and didn't want to go to work today so I used magic to redecorate the house." "You used magic? To make it look like this?" He asked impressed. Kai nodded and broke into a grin then he noticed the
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.