Thirty four

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.   10 weeks along.
Of course, the morning sickness was present in full-force but so was the ginger and mint decaffeinated tea, a piece of toast or fresh bread before eating anything heavy. The nightly book reading to the pup and one-sided talk.  He had begun to feel tiny flutters of movement inside his stomach at 10 weeks. At first, he had been surprised and had convinced himself that maybe he was imagining things. But when he told Jungkook, the doctor had told him it was normal because with each pregnancy the fetal movements could be felt very early as the body is familiar with the distinctive sensations. “Ah, the pup moved!” he announced while he lay on the sofa sprawled like a starfish and with a pillow under his head, hands on his belly and a huge grin on his face. “What! Really?” Kai said as he rushed to his side and knelt beside him. “I can’t feel it. Did I missed it?” his Alpha mumbled at the same time one of his warm hands smoothed over his exposed midriff gently. A string of giggles spilled out of Sehun's mouth before he uttered, “Well, the pup is still roughly larger than a strawberry.” Feline eyes narrowed at his belly and then journeyed slowly up to his own. “It isn’t fair, that’s favoritism,” his mate pouted while careful finger pads tickled the expanse of his belly. At that, jolly laughter bubbled in Sehun's chest and he immediately reached for his warlock’s face and then, pulled him closer. Kai carefully settled between his splayed legs and then their lips fused in a gleeful needy kiss. Everything sweet was on his list from kiwi and cantaloupe to pineapple and chocolate chip cookies, fondue and cheesecake and soufflé—he craved things he never did before. **** 14 weeks. Today was day for his second prenatal visit, and also to listen to their baby’s heartbeat for the first time(not like the times Kai used magic to let him feel their baby, this one will be in the hospital, the normal way). and Sehun got up early to pick the perfect outfit for the event. Sehun's reflection was staring back at him, he wasn't really seeing himself, his eyes penetrating the mirror and were a million miles away. After another bout of early morning sickness, that Kai immediately woke up for and sprang into action this time, another feeling had replaced it bubbling away deep within the  stomach... Sehun was really really nervous about this. A thousand and one questions were spinning around his head, what if his womb will never heal? What if the suppressants he took will damaged their baby again?! What if there was something terribly wrong with his womb and can never be fixed even with the Stone's magic? Sehun kept worrying and thinking about his previous pregnancy. What if.. He kept fretting for what felt like a lifetime, focusing so intently that a small bead of sweat had started trickling down his forehead, and his nauseousness was starting to return, but he was harshly snapped out of his fears when he heard Kai's phone start buzzing, so much so he nearly jumped out of his slippers! As Sehun's eyes rapidly blinked to refocus on the mirror, he quickly started to deeply regret his choice of clothing. Sehun knew he had another few minutes because Kai always pressed the snooze button, so he spent them rethinking his dress sense. In a minute Kai was standing by his side, reassuring and soothing his worries. "This baby is going to be born." Kai told him loud and clear. And something pleasant in Sehun snapped, he have faith in his Alpha. An hour later they're already inside the doctor's office. A mix of excitement and nerves left him feeling woozy. As he laid on the examination table pants low on his hips, t-shirt all the way up to his pecs, and belly totally exposed, Kai stood beside him and held his left hand tightly between his. He couldn’t even feel how cold the gel was on his stomach, that’s how nervous he was. Jungkook brought out a small handheld machine called a Doppler stethoscope and he moved the wand slowly down on his abdomen below his navel. And… Thump, thump, ba boom, ba bump… A silent gasp parted his lips and sent his own heart into a presto, and his Alpha’s grasp grew tighter. This was nothing like the magic Kai used to feel their baby, this was so intense and raw. Thump, thump, ba boom, ba bump… Their gazes met and their lips sprawled from ear to ear—this moment was a memorable epoch in their lives. Thump, thump, ba boom, ba bump… The sound of their baby’s heart was the sweetest sound Sehun had ever heard—strong and rhythmic. He could listen to it for hours on end, the sound of life inside his body. It was almost sad to part with it when 
Jungkook pulled the wand away.  “The bouncy pups are developing well as of now. Everything is on track. Keep doing what you’re doing, Sehun. Now that the morning sickness has subsided considerably, it’s time for you to eat well and keep active. But try to rest, and please do not think about what happened during your previous pregnancy calm your mind,” the doctor chided affectionately with a pointed look. He nodded. “Got it– wait you said pups?" Jungkook hummed. "That's right, you're having twins." "Oh my God!" Kai breathed out, with tears welling in his eyes. "We're having more than one" he turned to look at Sehun. Sehun pulled his mate for a kiss, humming against his lips. "I am so happy– thank you my love for the wonderful gifts" Kai kissed him passionately for a moment before pulling back to look at Jungkook."So, when’s the due date?” Sehun couldn’t wait to have his pups in his arms, to see their little faces, and for Kai to meet his children. “I say this babies are due late Winter, March 1. But it might come a bit earlier or go over the due date. It’s normal for first timers,” Jungkook explained. March couldn’t come soon enough. ***** 16 weeks 
The first trimester had been difficult with what the constant nausea and the need to take naps, but he wouldn’t change a thing. He was growing two lives inside of him— lives he never thought he could nurture. This was his and Kai's children, a life made with so much love and hope. Sehun felt a strong connection to the pups already, a defenseless being that needed him to survive, grow, and thrive. He still couldn’t feel the baby move much and his belly was was not flat anymore, but the morning sickness and fatigue, tender s and mood swings, and all the other fun discomforts that came with it were wholeheartedly welcome. He and Kai even downloaded a pregnancy app, and to be honest they were both rather obsess with it. Every day, as soon as they woke up, they’ll open the app and read the baby’s progress.  “How’s my little peanuts today?” Kai cooed against his belly, eyes fond and touch a soft delight. “You’re 16 weeks today, sweethearts, and bit larger than the size of a lemon. Be good with Papa today, okay?” his mate added as he glanced up at him with the warmest feline eyes in existence. He couldn’t help but cup his Alpha’s face and reeled him in for a kiss. Sehun's scent was like an orchard where the smell of fruit and sugar maples and sweet pea mingled in an exquisite taste which ensorcelled his senses. They enjoyed the flavors off of each other’s tongues unhurried— by , and the juices of one another’s mouth slowly, every note fully savored. This love, their love, had made not just a life but two—half of each other in two little beings they both cherished with all their hearts. Whenever he had a chance, Kai caressed his belly affectionately and let some of his magic flow as he did so. His Alpha kissed his stomach adoringly as they laid in bed and talked to the pups in different languages with the sweetest and gentlest voice. “I love you, my bunnies. You make us so happy, cherubs. Daddy and Papa can’t wait to meet you, my stars.” Every day, left indelible memories in his mind— they carved themselves into his heart like a most welcome scar.
Sehun shouldn’t have agreed to watch this movie. He thought it was gonna be one of those saccharine romance movies many people seemed to enjoy so much, but in a colossal ship and back in the 20thcentury. Thus, he didn’t give it much thought because Kai tastes in movies hadn’t let him down so far.  Plus, he really liked to listen to his mate talk about random movie facts while they were watching it. But this movie had been a bad idea, especially because with the pregnancy his hormones were a mess. His mood was a grand chaos, sometimes he couldn’t even stand himself—it was like being in the middle of a snake pit surrounded by different types of snakes. Some of the snakes were passive and others were aggressive, and while some of them crawled up his body unthreatening, others launched at him violently. And now here he was, sitting hip-to-hip on the sofa with his Alpha, wearing a pair of black sweat pants made of the softest cotton, cloaked in his favorite cobalt blue cashmere blanket, wrapped possessively by one of his mate’s strong arms, and also trying hard not to cry. He was really trying. Really. And, he had held himself back many times, which in his opinion wasn’t short of heroic. But dammit, this time he couldn’t blink the tears away. So, he let them fall. Jack could have gotten on that wooden plank with Rose. Why didn’t he even try?! They would have both fit; they wouldn’t have sunk. It was a movie, fiction, yet it stirred pain in him. Just the thought of losing Kai was enough to cause him bodily pain not to mention make him cry more profusely. As the tears kept streaming down his now cool cheeks, he kept his eyes on the screen. Because he was a gentleman and a prince, Kai said nothing, yet his hand was there carefully entwined with his own and offering sweet silent comfort. He felt a bit ridiculous for crying about a movie, but he could always blame the babies. And, he could also blame the pregnancy for how much more ually insatiable he had become, good thing his Alpha’s refractory period was ‘magical’.    All in all, despite the nausea and vomiting, body aches and dizziness, increased libido and emotional whiplash—he was feeling amazing. They were happy with their little family. **** 20 weeks.
As the pregnancy progressed and his stomach got bigger and rounder, his skin began to itch and feel dry, so Jungkook suggested that he rubbed it with a specialized lotion. Of course, his Alpha didn’t miss the chance to do it for him every day and let his magic flow as he did so. “How’s daddy's little cherubs today? Have you been good to papa?” the High Warlock cooed while they lay in bed, as his finger pads swept over the precious baby bump. He couldn’t help the beaming smile on his face at the sight—his Alpha relaxed and talking in such a low soft voice to the tiny little people they had made together with so much love.  “Your little cherubs has been a bit naughty today, punching me non-stop and even throwing a few kicks into the mix,” Sehun said with a smile as his fingers bushed over his belly and then tangled with his Alpha’s hand. Kai made a playful surprised face, but it was obvious from the smug fruity scent that rolled off of him that he was satisfied with that report. “Oh, my sweet babies are badasses already. Daddy is so proud,” he praised, feline eyes bright and lips stretched from ear to ear. How could this be his life? He felt so happy, plentiful. After an extended period of mourning, this blessing inside of him had come to give him renewed hope. To see his Alpha so joyful, to enjoy his bottomless affections—he was lucky, so lucky. With the constant growth of his stomach, some stretch marks had appeared on his skin and he couldn’t deny he was a bit self-conscious about it, but they meant nothing in comparison to the lives responsible for them. His babies were growing steadily and that was all that mattered. But as always, his mate was in tune with him and everything that had to do with him. His always attentive man never failed to soothe his insecurities and doubts in ways that left his cheeks burning and his heart racing. “These are the most beautiful battle scars I’ve ever seen in my life. You’re breathtaking, Sehun—a divinity growing masterpieces inside his body,” the older man whispered as he traced the pinkish lines with his fingertips and then, peppered them with kisses. Those clean feline eyes reflected the same boundless love he felt inside his soul.“I love you,” he found himself saying as his hands reached for his Alpha. “And I love you,” was Kai's response before their lips were swallowed up by a kiss. His bellybutton had popped out at 20 weeks and it w
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.