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        Sehun stepped into the club and his senses were overloaded right away. He should be tuning into the music, the atmosphere, the lights, but he couldn't. He was mentally on high alert, looking out for all the ways this could go wrong for him. He was overthinking it, he knew that, but it was not something he could stop right now. He felt as if anyone could tell he was an Omega right away and would probably grab him to a corner of the club to have their way with him. He shook his head when he felt Kai's hand tightened around his as they walked further into the club. Loud music, too many scents and perfume, and the fake smoke mix together in a way that got on Sehun's nerves. Too many bodies were around, dancing and grinding against each other. Kai led them to the bar and ordered their drinks. Turning around to look at the dance floor, Sehun's eyes caught the sight of two familiar figures dancing together, he squinted his eyes to get a better look and instantly recognized who they were.  Yoongi had his hands wrapped around Taehyung's waist and the omega wrapped an arm around the Alpha's neck, they were simply dancing unlike the other people around them that were grinding against one another. He tapped Kai's shoulder and the Alpha turned away from the bartender and focus his attention on Sehun."Look over there." He pointed ahead and Kai's gaze followed Sehun's finger. His eyes widening at the sight of his brother. "The ?" he instantly stood up, clearly in an attempt to match to the dance floor but Sehun quickly grabbed his hand. "Don't" he shook his head firmly. "You shouldn't spoil their mood." "He's an Omega Sehun, I can't have him in a club full of hungry Alphas" Kai said, eyes flickering between the dance floor and the omega holding his hand. "So am I" "Your situation is different, he isn't taking any potion to prevent people from knowing who he is, one whiff will be enough to tell and you know how–" "Calm down Kai, look at him, he's not alone. Yoongi wouldn't let anyone come near him and I am sure Yoongi hyung wouldn't have brought him here if he knows he can't take care of his mate to be, let them be. Okay?" Kai was still looking at the dance floor, and Sehun tightened his grip to get the Alpha's attention. "Mom is not gonna like this." He said with a defeated sigh. "She doesn't have to know. Beside I know she'll understand even if she finds out. You're here with me, to hang out remember not to babysit your brother or tell him what to do when he clearly have an Alpha that could do a good job at taking care of him. He's an adult Kai, and soon he'll be married– mated. So let him be ." That seemed to do it, Kai sighed and went back to sit down but he continued to look back for a moment before he finally gave up when their drinks arrived. Sehun thanked the bartender and the latter winked at the Omega causing Kai to glare at the tall beta. They finished their drinks and Kai ordered them another before turning to Sehun. "Wanna dance?" Sehun blinked, then glanced at the dance floor for a brief moment before nodding. He was good at dancing but wasn't like he was going to show off his dancing skills, all he had to do was move his body to the beats. After finishing up their second drink, Kai took his hand and led him to the dance floor and Sehun noticed he picked a place where he could keep an eye on his brother. It started slowly, the two just moving to the beats for a while, then Kai brought his arms up looking Sehun in the eyes silently asking for permission and when Sehun gave a nod in approval the Alpha placed them on Sehun's waist and pulled him closer to his body. Sehun had to hold his breath for a moment, because his skin tingles where Kai had touched him causing him to close his eyes. When Kai noticed Sehun still had his hands to his sides, he pulled one hand back and used it to place Sehun's arm around his neck.  Sehun felt something in him danced happily when Kai leaned forward and and buried his face in the crook of his neck, inhaling a lungful of his scent, he felt like he was on could nine when Kai subconsciously dropped a kiss on his neck. It was so intimate and Sehun loved it. He did kind of understand why people like this. Clubbing. He just had other sorts of entertainment that he preferred to stick to. But he could do this again just to experience this kind of high again. It was like he was in a bubble, untouchable, separate from anyone but the alpha pressing close to him. It was good. And the alpha was so pleased to have him with him, Sehun resolved to come with him once in a while. He took Kai by the wrist and brought it up to rub his cheek on the alpha's scent glands. And Kai let him do it for however long he wanted to. His right hand, free to touch Sehun, stayed put on Sehun's waist. What they're doing wasn't intentional, it must be their inner parts connecting because of the closeness or so Sehun thought .They stayed that way and each of them unable to pull away until a voice called Sehun's name and they unwillingly snapped out of it. Sehun turned around to see Taehyung with his arms crossed grinning at them. He wiggled his eye brows playfully. "Never expected to see you here." He said hooking an arm around Yoongi's middle. "Me neither" Sehun said, stepping closer to his friends. "You brother insisted on taking me to a club." "Yeah he did mentioned you two having a date on Friday but didn't know it will be this very club." "It's not a date." Kai said coming to stand next to Sehun. "Hanging out just as friends." He emphasized. "Uh-huh?" Yoongi made a sound and chuckled when Sehun glared at him. "The way you two were dancing– were they even dancing or scenting each other?" The Alpha asked, looking at his boyfriend. "The latter." Taehyung agreed, his boxy grin still gracing his face.  Sehun shifted uncomfortably and Kai noticed the shift. "Stop you two, you're making him uncomfortable, let's get a place to seat, I will go get us more drinks." Kai said, already walking forward, dragging Sehun along. When they all settled down, Kai excused himself to go get them their drinks but not before asking what they would like to have. Sehun watched Kai walked to the bar and he only averted his gaze when Taehyung cleared his throat. "What?" He asked frowning slightly from the look his friend was giving him. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Taehyung shook his head, putting a hand to cover his mouth as if trying to stop himself from laughing. "Nothing" he said, his voice muffled by his hand. "So how are you doing?" Yoongi asked, adjusting his position, sneaking an arm around Taehyung's waist and Sehun could tell the question was just an excuse to divert Sehun's attention from his boyfriend. "Seriously hyung?" "I really want to know how you are doing. I haven't seen or heard from you since the day you left the clinic" and now Yoongi sounded genuine. "Well as you can see I am doing fine." Sehun smiled at the Alpha. "I never expected to see you here though." Yoongi nodded. "Me neither, but I understand we need to let loose sometimes. Tae wanted to come to a club and I decided to bring him here because this is the safest club for omegas, it belongs to the Jeons and I heard they have an Omega son who loves to party, which was why they created a safe atmosphere for him." "Jeon as in Jungkook's family?" Taehyung nodded. "Yeah, his dad owns the club." "I thought they are doctors." "Yeah they are but doctors have to invest in some other way when they have the means. But like Yoongi had said this was for their omega son" Sehun hummed, trying not to feel envious of a boy he'd never met. Some parents just love their pups unconditionally no matter what they were. "Jungkook has a brother?" He asked instead. "Yup, he spent most of his life abroad and just got back two months ago after graduating high school." "Kook never mentioned he had a brother." Taehyung shrugged. "I guess he forgot to mention it but I am sure Jimin knows about him." Sehun nodded, Jungkook was courting Jimin, it was only natural for the alpha to tell the other about his family. Sehun would love to know more about Jungkook's family as well, he would ask the Alpha the next time they meet. They talked about nothing in particular for almost 15 minutes and Kai was still not back. Looking around to the bar, Sehun wondered what was holding Kai up. And he wished he never did because what he saw was another guy– obviously an Omega–from how he carried himself, Sehun could tell that much– leaning to kiss Kai on the cheek and Kai was smiling fondly at the omega who was still leaning his body against Kai. The Alpha reached up and brushed the hair out of the omega's face, before he affectionately ruffled the boy's hair, Sehun noted the Omega was young, even younger than Taehyung, maybe 17 or 18.   Something hot and squirming slid into his stomach. His palms tingled. His spine straightened. He felt sick, his throat tight, his chest felt compressed. Sehun knew what that was, it was jealousy as it washed over him like maelstrom. It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t based on anything, anything other than the fact that there was another man, standing beside Kai. Feeling his insides tingle and his skin heat up, Sehun excused himself and quickly his heels and headed for the back exit needing to get away before people could tell what he was feeling. He closed the door behind himself and leaned over and rested his hands on his knees, trying hard to breath in through his nose and out through his mouth to calm himself, his stomach turning and his heart racing in his chest. It has started raining and the cold wind pulled at his clothing making him shiver slightly as he stood bent over on the almost completely dark space, hating himself and his traitorous body for once again betraying him when he wanted to be calm and controlled. He kept his eyes and tried to tell himself that he had no reason to be jealous and that Kai wouldn’t actually do this to him. And reminding himself of the fact that Kai wasn’t actually his to be jealous over was just making him feel a little uneasy (angry maybe?). Straightening up and turning around at the sound of the
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.