Thirty seven.

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Kai had spent a few hours, kissing and just staring at his daughter, when Jiyong came back with Kyungsoo and four other warlocks tailing behind him.  They informed him that the demons had been taken care of and Suhodeus got his comeuppance, Jennie was able to take him down and captured with the help of her mate Lisa. His so called uncle won't be able to hurt anyone again and his followers had been captured as well. They're all now secured in Edom dungeon awaiting their trials and would rot there for the rest of his lives. It was in the process that the Edom Royals came, Kai had hugged his grandparents, thanking them once again for their help. The king had held Aurora, kissed her cheek and blessed her with a rare gift. "She's truly a sight to behold." He placed his hand on her forehead and a faint light emitted from his palm as it passed through Aurora's chest. "What was that?" Kai asked, he trusted his grandfather but he still wanted to know what he just did to his baby girl. "I bestowed upon her the power that will forever keep her invincible to demons or anyone with demon blood that wished to harm her." "Oh" Kai said smiling at his grandfather. "Thank you." "No need to thank me, she's my family." the king said as he kissed the girl once again. The girl yawned cutely, and nuzzled the king's hand. He chuckled, eyes flickering between the sleeping Sehun and the baby."she looks a lot like your husband."  Kai found himself nodding, Aurora's look like Sehun while Jae and Dae look a lot like him. "Yeah she does" he agreed.  "Where are the the boys?" The king asked when his wife came to hold the baby. "With my mom and mother in-law. Sehun needed to rest which was why my mom offered to hold them while he slept" "Hyoyeon is here?" The king asked. Kai nodded. "She's just right outside." "I will get boys, I haven't the chance to meet them." Jiyong said, bowing deeply at the king before heading out. A moment later Jiyong came back and walked to where Kai stood. "Your mom's changing their diapers." He told him. **** Opening his eyes slowly, Sehun glanced at the woman gently stoking his hair. He blinked a few times at her, she's beautiful and somehow looked familiar even though he's certain he'd never seen her before. "Oh you beautiful boy, I am so happy to finally meet you." She said slowly pulling her hand back. He moved into a sitting position, and he felt Kai's hand holding his as he helped him to sit properly. Glancing around the rooom, Sehun was met with a crowded, two ladies, Jiyong, Kyungsoo and others he couldn't recognize.  "Son!" One of the men Sehun didn't recognize said, taking a few steps closer with beaming smile on his face. Sehun could swore he's looking at another version or his husband, this one order and a little taller than Kai. "I am Jongin's grandfather." he introduced. Sehun glanced at his husband, trying to remember where he heard that name, his eyes widen when realization dawned on him. Kai had told him Jongin was the name the Edomite chose to call him. There's nothing about the man that showed he was a demon, nothing. Smiling, Sehun bowed his head respectfully at his grandfather in law. "Grandfather!" He breathed out when the man suddenly pulled him into a hug. "I am sorry It took so long to come see you, it's not very easy to be traveling between dimensions, it requires a lot of magic." He said, holding Sehun tightly for a moment before pulling back to look at him. Sehun shook his head."You have nothing to apologise for, I understand." The man turned to his right and Sehun noticed all the other warlocks hung their heads low, as though it was a crime to look the demon king in the eye. "It's not a crime, it's just a way of showing their respect." The woman that Sehun first saw said with a calming smile. "I am the queen, your mate's grandmother and yes I have the ability to read minds." She told him. Sehun nodded, reaching to hold her hands and she smiled brightly at him and it felt like he's staring at another version of Taeyeon. "This is Jennie, Jongin's cousin, also my granddaughter." The demon king pointed to one of the ladies, standing stiffly beside the other lady. "This one here is her mate, her name is Lisa"  Sehun waved a little at the two and the two women bowed in return. "Nice to meet you all."  "Ah Jennie had told me about you and the babies, I've seen Aurora she's so cute I would love to meet the boys." Lisa said, slightly clapping her hands and bouncing on her feet to show her enthusiasm. "I want to see what type of marks they have, are they feline eyes like the Royals or–" "Lisa!" Jennie said in a scolding tone, eyes flickering between Sehun, Kai and the King. "It's okay." Sehun waved them off with a smile. "I will love to meet the boys as well." The King said sounding just as enthusiastic as Lisa. Sehun turned to where Kai was sat beside him. "Where are the kids?" "With Mom changing their diapers, she'll be here any moment." Sehun hummed."Aurora?" "I conjured a crib for her to sleep in" Kai pointed at said crib. Sehun smiled, his eyes on his daughter sleeping soundly in the crib, the sudden urge to hold her was hard to ignore, he stretched his arms unknowingly and to his and everyone's surprise Aurora's crib started moving towards him. He turned around to see if it was one of the warlocks or even demons doing but non of them had a hand directed to his daughter's crib except his. A round as gasps went up from the others in the room and Sehun looked at his hand in horror. A bright purple tendrils of magic was coating his hand. He quickly pulled his hand to the side and the magic disappeared just as Aurora's crib stopped moving. "He's wielding magic– how?" Sehun heard someone spoke. His mind wandered off to similar incident that happened in the toilet just a day before he had his pups. He hadn't told Kai about his newly found ability because Sehun thought it might not happen again and he had freaked out. "The blood of my grandchildren had mixed with his during the period of his pregnancy." The king spoke. "You mentioned something like that" Kai said a bit unsure. "I mentioned something exactly like that." The king corrected, once again moving closer to Sehun. "Do not fear my child! You've been gifted with the ability to wield magic just like the warlocks. Now part of Jongin's magic runs through your vein." He said placing a hand on Sehun's shoulder. "I am so sorry I totally forget to mention it, I was so occupied with your pregnancy." Kai said and Sehun looked to see the apologetic look on his husband's face. "It would have saved you the shock of suddenly knowing you now have magic." Sehun opened his mouth to respond but stopped when the door opened as his mom and mother in law walked in holding Jae and Dae in their arms. "Ah the boys" the king said, pulling his hand from Sehun's shoulder and moved to where the babies were. *Sehun I am sorry it slipped my mind. Please* *It's okay my love, it had happened yesterday when I was in the bathroom. Remember when you asked what happened?* Kai nodded.  *I will tell you about it when we get home. Okay?* *Okay* Kai smiled. *I will be there to teach you everything about magic and how to control it, especially how it will help increase the pleasure during .* "It's amusing how you two keeps communicating telepathically." the queen said looking them both in the eye. "Just don't talk about naughty stuff while I am still around." Sehun blushed ducking his head. While Kai cleared his throat. "F-father!" Hyoyeon said smiling widely at the King. She bowed politely and the king patted her shoulder before pulling her into his arms, mindful of the baby still in her hold. "Thank you for the gift, I read the letter." "I know it must be hard to live an eternity without your mate." The king said pulling back to take Jae into his arm. Kai looked between his mom and grandfather. "What is he talking about?" "He gave me a stone that will help take away my immortality and set me free from the bond I had with your father." "She'll be able to take another mate and doesn't have to live in loneliness for the rest of her live." the queen explained, sadness evident in her tone. "Are you going to become immortal?" Kai asked. His mom nodded. "Yes, Kai you might not understand how it feels to be able to live without you mate for eternity but you should understand as my son I really have to do this, I can't live forever without your father by my side." Kai took a deep shaky breath, he understood how his mom felt, he couldn't imagine spending the rest of his immortal life without Sehun, God forbid something happened to Sehun, Kai will instantly rid himself of his immortality to save himself an eternity of torment without the love of his life. "I understand mom." Hyoyeon smiled. "I know you would, now I will have to talk with your younger brother, Taeyeon had encouraged me to take it." Kai knew it will be difficult for Taehyung to agree to it, he's an Omega and the most sensitive among the three of them, he just hoped Tae would see reason and not hold their mother back. "Ah this two pumpkins are so much like Jongin" the king said looking between the boy in his arms and the other boy in Seulgi's arms, his hand glowing as he placed it on the boy's chest. The same glow of lights that went through Arora, was passing into Jae's chest. Sehun gasped, hand grasping Kai's in a frantic way. "W-what is he doing?" Kai wanted to laugh but the look on Sehun's face told how confused he was. "Relax he's blessing them with a gift that will make them invisible to demons or any warlock that wished to harm them." As he said those words he felt Sehun visibly relaxed. "Oh" the omega said, and Kai moved to pick Aurora from the crib when she started to make little whiny sounds. "Here I think she's hungry." he passed the girl to his mate. Sehun smiled as he held his baby girl. He wanted to feed her but the room was too crowded for his comfort and not all of them were his family, Kai looked at him and smiled, then clicked his fingers as an invisible barrier formed around Sehun. "They won't be able to to see you." "But I can see them" Sehun said looking up and glanced around the room, the demon king now has Dae in his arms, blessing him with the same gift. "Yeah, I know and believe me none of them can see you, I made it that way so that you can keep your eyes on our boys while you feed Aurora." The omega hummed, pulling his shirt up and placed Aurora on his chest. The girl instantly latched on his and Sehun giggled at how she in earnest. "It seems my little princess is hungry." He said, staring fondly at his daughter. "I bet she is" Kai smiled at the two before turning his attention back to where his grandfather was.
**** 4 months later.
Music started playing, Jiyeon and Lufan started dancing around throwing tinsel at one another when they were suddenly lifted off the ground, floating towards the ceiling. They weren't the only ones, Jimin and his son (Scott ), Jungkook, Irene, Wooyong, Taehyung, Yoongi, Kris, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Jiyong and Kai were up the ceiling as well. The group looked down, seeing three different colors magic shooting out of the pups hands. Kai was proud of his sweet peas, but this was not funny especially with a pregnant Jimin floating in the air. “My sweet darlings, I'm so proud of you, now put us down carefully. Uncle Jason and aunt Irene are pregnant with your cousins, so they need to be on a level surface. Put us down please.” The pups smiled, blowing spit bubbles and waving their hands in The air sending everyone flying around. “Oh what the f–! Nephews and niece you put us down right Now! This isn't funny!” Yoongi shouted but the pups ignored him, grinning widely and eyes flashing bright. That wasn't good, damn warlock pups and their strong powers. “Kai do something! These are your children! Can't you block their magic.” “I can, but I don't want to harm Johnny in the process. Sehun!” Kai called his mate, they watched him rush out from the kitchen looking around not seeing them until he looked at the pups and saw magic floating from their hands . Sehun then looked up seeing his family flying around the ceiling. Jiyeon was enjoying himself and so were Lufan and Scott, but the other weren't. Jimin looked as if he was about to vomit, which was more likely to happen. “Oh-Kim Jae'in, Dae'in and Aurora you release them and place them back on the ground safely right now!” Sehun said sternly, hands on his hips while he looked at his pups in their multicolored eyes. The pups listened to their Papa and placed the group on the ground. Jiyeon and Lufan were excited while Jimin raced towards the bathroom to empty his stomach. The pups looked at Sehun with innocent expression, what the hell were they playing at? Four months old and they think they could get away with something like this. Oh these little monsters were smart. “No way in Hades I'm falling for the innocent stunt, you are truly your father's children. Now since you thought it was okay to play with your aunt and uncles I have a surprise for you.” Sehun snapped his fingers three pairs of mittens were place on the pups hands blocking them from using their magic. Sehun had been practicing and now he could be able to control his magic properly thanks to his mate. They squirmed about but it was useless, they faltered and smiled up at their Papa. “You all are grounded!” Kai dramatically shouted, making everyone burst out laughing. “You have ruined my hair and disobeyed me, I don't like that one bit. We are having a serious conversation during bath time!” The pups babbled in baby talk protesting to his remarks. “Ah, I will have no talk from the three of you! No bedtime story.” Jiyeon gasped, “Uncle Kai! Let's not get to hasty here, bedtime stories are important! You can't take it away.” Sehun rolled his eyes at the two of them, while still staring at his multi-personality pups. They are so cute staring up at him, moving their limbs around. Sehun fixed plates for everyone before cleaning the kitchen. It was time for the pups to eat and he didn't want to miss his time to pump milk. “Guys dinner!” Snapping his fingers, Sehun placed the plates on the table then walked back into the living room. He sat comfortably on the couch and picked up Arora since she's the youngest, and the smallest. Kai sat beside his mate to help him switch the babies. "Oh the food is amazing Sehun." Jiyong called from the dining room. "I am taking some leftovers if you don't mind" Baekhyun said. "Take as much as you want hyung." "I am taking some too" Jimin said, stuffing his mouth with more food. 
After they fed and burped, Sehun snapped his fingers conjuring and filling three baby tubs to wash the pups. It was close to their bedtime and he didn't want them being late. He had plans for him and Kai to spen
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747 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.