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Sehun stared at his friend for a moment without saying a word, because Jimin was right. Sehun had never looked at any other Alpha the way he looked at Kai. He drew in a breath and silently entered into his car without responding to what Jimin had said. In fact he didn't know what to say. Jimin stood there making no effort to get in, brows shot up and he kept staring at his friend.  Sehun resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he spoke"You gonna keep standing there or?" Jimin threw his hands about. "You didn't answer me" "I don't remember you asking me a question" "True, I made a statement and you didn't say anything about it" Jimin nodded, placing his hands on his hips. "Just get it in, I have a class in an hour time and I need to drop you off before then." Jimin looked like he wasn't going to move until Sehun responded to his statement, but sighed after another minute or so and entered. "So what happened back there?" Sehun started the car, he drove out of Kai's building before responding. "Nothing happened." "I know you Sehun, I saw the look in your eyes. How you reacted when Kai told you there was nothing between the two of us. You looked relieved. Perhaps did you felt something whe–" "No" Sehun quickly said. "Don't Jimin just don't." He warned, the last thing he needed was for his friend to make assumptions, nothing really happened except for the undeniable pull he felt toward the Alpha. Knowing how his best friend was Jimin nodded once again without another word and the drive went in silence. Arriving at Jimin's house, Sehun parked the car and waited for Jimin to step out, but his friend didn't for a long moment. The younger let out a deep breath before finally exited the car but he didn't close the door and instead leaned against it, his eyes fixated on Sehun's. Sehun averted his gaze. "You can talk to me about anything. You know that right?" Sehun turned to face his best friend. "I know."  "Good, call me when you're ready to talk." Without waiting for Sehun's response, the younger Omega walked to the direction of his house.  Sehun let out a deep breath and was about to drive off but stopped when he saw his brother (Kris) walking out from Jimin's house, Chanyeol trailing behind him. He watched as his brother and Jimin shared hugs, before Jimin proceeded into the house and Kris turned to where Sehun was with wide eyes. Kris was pulling a pair of fingerless gloves on when their eyes met and he gave Sehun a brotherly smile while fastening them around his wrists.  Sehun wanted to escape but he couldn't not when his brother was coming toward him and it had been way too long since he last saw the older. He missed his brother, the least he could do was say hi. He let out another sigh and exited the car. "Hyun–" he was cut off abruptly when Kris pulled into his arms. "Sehunnie!" Kris said, voice laced with emotions, holding tightly on to his brother. "Dear God, I've missed you so much." Sehun stood awkwardly, contemplating what to do with his arm. "You're not going to hug me back? I am sorry, I know i–" Kris pulled back to say, but Sehun cut him off by shaking his head and bury his face in the crook of Kris' neck. It had been over a year since Kris had moved out. And Sehun really missed this, the closeness he used to have with his brother. "I may not truly understand why you left me but I kind of understood a few things. You don't have to apologise. " He brought his arms and wrapped them around his brother's shoulders. Kris tightened his hold, nuzzling against his brother's neck, scenting him how only family could. "Thank you hunnie, thank you." A moment later the two pulled back and that was when Chanyeol came closer to give Sehun a hug as well.  "How have you been little Alpha?" Chanyeol said, patting Sehun's back before they simultaneously broke the hug. "I am good" Sehun responded with a smile. Chanyeol smiled back, his gaze on Kris as he spoke. "Glad to hear that." Sehun watched the two closely and immediately understood there was something more than friendship between his brother and Chanyeol. If only the way Kris blushed slightly as Chanyeol continued to stare at him unblinkingly confirmed his suspicion. The younger had to clear his throat to get their attention back. Kris was the first to look away, Sehun rose a questioning brow at his brother but before he could ask what he intended, his brother was already explaining. "Uhm– we're seeing–dating each other." Kris told him. "Oh" Sehun smiled, he had known about Chanyeol's feelings for his hyung for over three years. He could remembered how devastated Chanyeol was when Kris moved in to Luhan's apartment. Sehun and Jimin had to spent so much of their time comforting him. But now it seemed the younger Alpha had finally mustered up the courage to confess. "I am happy for you both" he said and he meant it, even though male Alpha/Alpha relationships were looked down upon, Sehun wasn't one of those who have a problem with such relationship. Unfortunately his parents highly looked down upon male Alpha/Alpha relationships, just as much as they looked down on Omegas. He believed an Alpha had the right to date another Alpha as long as the feeling was mutual. Just like how betas date other betas and even omegas can date one another as far as Sehun was concerned. "How is Wooyong-ah?" Kris cut his train of thought. Sehun lifted his head to look at his brother. "He's good, you don't call him?" "I do call and sent messages but he hadn't return any of them." Sehun nodded, his immediate brother could be strong headed, he was so much like their parents. Sehun wasn't sure if Wooyoung was naturally that way or he adopted the attitude just to be on their parents' good front page. "I am sure he will respond when he have the chance, he's been busy these days." "It's been over a year since I left Sehun. It's okay you don't have to cover up for him, I know how Wooyong can be." Kris shrugged, like it was nothing but Sehun could see the pain swirling in his orbs."I am sure mom and dad won't be happy with you if they learned you've been communicating with me" Sehun shook his head, moving to take a hold of his brother's hand. "I do fear our parents but I don't care how they'll feel or react about the issue. You're my brother, living in the Ohs family house or not, nothing will ever change that." Sehun told him seriously and Kris smiled, giving Sehun's hand a gentle squeeze. "It means a lot to hear you say that." "I know I've been a jerk. I wasn't happy with the idea of you leaving and I ignored you for a while because of it. But if that makes you happy then it's okay hyung, I mean it. Really." Kris pulled him into his arms once again. "I couldn't stand our parents anymore, the things they did– still doing to omegas are horrible, i am sorry I had to leave. "You don't have to apologise, I said I understand didn't I?" Kris nodded, "you did."  "Hyung can i ask what actually happened– I mean what made you left precisely" Sehun asked as he broke the hug to look at his brother. Kris glanced at Chanyeol and Sehun wasn't sure why, but he followed his brother's gaze and saw Chanyeol nodding as if telling Kris that it was okay to tell Sehun. "I over heard mom and one of her friends talking about sending me to the institution mom's friend sent her omega son. Mom came to learn about my feelings for Chanyeol and they believed I wasn't normal, that I need a conversion therapy." Sehun gasped, he knew how his parents were but he never thought they'd even consider sending their Alpha son to such institution, just because he was in love with another male Alpha. The Ohs were more crazily messed up than he thought. "I am so sorry hyung, I had no idea." "Of course you didn't. That's why I decided to leave before they could end my life." Kris was not exaggerating, those that were unfortunate to be sent to such institution always ended up taking their own lives if whatever they did to them at the institution didn't kill them first. "That was so horrible of mom, I can't believe she almost did that to you." "That's how she's always been Sehun. I am very thankful to whomever owns the throne up there" he pointed at the sky. "That all of us are Alphas, I can't imagine what they'd have done if one us were an Omega." Sehun's stomach churned, he clenched his fist, mind wandering to his parents, what they would do to him if they knew about his real secondary gender, a slight shudder ran through him at many possibilities. Shaking his head to get that thought out of his mind, Sehun adjusted his position and decided not to talk or think about his parents."How's Yoongi hyung?" He asked instead. His brother was working at the other Alpha's law firm, Kris had told Sehun the second time he'd sent him a text. "He's doing good, just a little out of the ordinary now that he's fallen in love." Sehun's eyes went wide, a small smile curving on his lips. He couldn't believe a person like Yoongi was able to fall in love. "With who?" "An Omega, a guy named Taehyung. Though he's still playing hard to get but Yoongi is trying really hard to woo the Omega, he's thinking about courting him in the old fashioned way." "Oh my God!" Sehun laughed, shaking his head as he did so. "I can't believe this is actually happening. Yoongi hyung is really in love?" Kris nodded. "He is, you should have seen him the first day he met the omega. Yoongi couldn't function properly all through the day, it took him a whole week to get a hold of himself." "I've met Taehyung, he's a nice and beautiful guy. I can't even blame Yoongi."Chanyeol said, leaning against Sehun's car.  "How did you meet him?" Sehun was curious.  "I met him through his brother who happens to be an old friend of mine." Sehun hummed. "Well it's good to know my friends are falling in love." "What about you? Met any one yet?" Kris asked. Sehun's mind automatically brough
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.