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    From the outside, the Oh family could not have looked more perfect. Oh Donghae and Seulgi had been married for nearly thirty years. Donghae was a state senator. Seulgi, the CEO of Oh fashion empire and also a lawyer. They lived on an estate large enough to have a guest house, and they had three beautiful children. From the outside, the cracks couldn’t be seen. The first time Sehun questioned his status was when he was 14 years old(when he came to fully understand his parents dislike for omegas) Up until that point, he never even had a reason to think about secondary genders and what the consequences of being an alpha, beta, or omega were. He was just a kid. He had no use for the adult stuff when there were so many other more important and interesting things to learn. It wasn’t exactly a secret that out of all three secondary genders, it was the alphas who were the strongest, the most aggressive, the most territorial. It was well-known. It was also completely wrong. Because of the rarity of omegas, people believed that they were either submissive or neutral, like betas. Not many people were educated on how dangerous a threatened omega could be. Those that were educated? Their knowledge often came from a personal experience. Sehun could remember when he was a child, and his mother had scheduled his brothers so strictly that everything down to a two-minute bathroom break had been written into law. Now they're all adults, and things haven’t really changed. It’s just that the increments of time have gotten larger. Instead of being planned in hours and minutes, they're being ordered around in weeks and months and even years. Kris had a law degree. He worked at one of the law firms under Seulgi's name. She decided which cases Kris take and he spent most of his time doing research and writing briefs for the partners, because he’s not “mature enough” to take his own case. Beyond that, she had already decided that he was going to run for office for the first time when he was thirty-four and that it would be for the state legislature. After six years of that, he would be ready for a national run. He would be a senator by the time he was in his forties. Kris told Sehun with grim amusement, that she had not slotted in any time for theoretical lost elections. Of course, their mother didn’t plan to lose. She never did. Whether or not Kris wanted to win was a different question, and one that his brother had never dwelled on very much. He had even less interest in being a politician than he had in being a corporate lawyer, but their mom had never been interested in what her children wanted. That was her plan for Kris, and his input was neither required nor requested. Their mom had done everything to make sure that her oldest son would bring greatness to their family name. He had the best education money could buy. He had done a semester abroad during college to broaden his horizons. He was physically fit and healthy and had played soccer and basketball in school. He could speak four languages, play the piano at a moderate proficiency, and had the demeanor and presence of a leader. But all that had gone down the drain when Kris couldn't take his life being dictated anymore coupled with the way his mother refused to allow him to help omegas by taking their cases. Thus he bailed out, left the home and their mother's attention was shifted to Wooyong and Sehun. For Wooyong's–Sehun's immediate brother– future was to become a goverment official, Prosecutor General. He had studied and worked hard to become a prosecutor, like Seulgi wanted. And now he was successful in his line of work. Which Seulgi was very proud of. However: her plans for Sehun were different, she planned his future to become the CEO of her fashion empire and that was precisely why she made him take fashion as his major and business admin as his minor(even though Sehun had something else he wanted to do, but it didn't matter, his opinion never mattered). The one thing his mom couldn’t account for was biology, and it was Sehun's biology that was going to screw him. Or, in his case, get him screwed. Nobody was really sure of how genetics played in to the alpha-beta-omega determination. All Sehun knew was that almost everyone in his family was an alpha, but somehow he had been born an omega. His mother was an alpha, and his father was one too, and he had numerous alphas on both sides of his family tree without an omega to be seen. There was no earthly reason that he would have been born an omega, the lowest social caste, known to be weak-willed and less intelligent, interested only in the pleasures of the flesh rather than any higher intellect or goal. Thus Sehun had hid his secondary gender for years and everyone believed he was an alpha. He had spent the last 4 years desperately trying to figure out how he could tell his family. The idea was horrific, but he didn’t have a choice. He knew his mother would immediately write him off as a loss. His life will be over, his future gone in the blink of an eye. He had read stories about prestigious families who took care of their omega children by sending them to institutions or declaring them mentally unfit. He knew his parents wouldn’t hesitate to do something like that, if they thought Sehun might do something to harm the family’s reputation. And for an omega, ‘existing’ was enough to do that damage. Anyone who had been wronged by an omega claimed it was because that person was an omega. There was no defense they could really make against that claim other than protesting that it wasn’t so. And before long, the prejudice against omegas was just as deeply embedded into society as racism or ism. Yet he hated lying to his family, especially his big brother Kris, Sehun knew the elder didn't share the same view as his parents when it come to how omegas should be treated. But he was still hesitant to tell his brother.(who now was no longer part of the family).
Flash back. Four years ago, Sehun stood on the street in front of his house, saying goodbye to his brothers as he waited for the presentation bus to arrive. his parents weren't there to see him off, putting the weight on his brothers' shoulders. Wooyong hugged him and winked at him, telling him to have fun during his first rut as an Alpha while the younger blushed a particular shade of red. The idea of  his brother thinking of him rutting had him more flustered than he hoped he appeared. Kris spared him the dirty details and told him in a more clinical way exactly what his rut would entail. Somehow. “You’re becoming an adult, Sehunnie. You’ll be fine, we’ve all done this and look at us.” Kris said, “we’re here and we’re fine. You will be too.” He smiled at the younger before patting him on the shoulder as the bus rolled in.  Sehun took a deep breath and stepped into the bus. It took a few hours to get to the presentation grounds, and the bus was buzzing with excited energy as the trees grew thicker and the sun dipped lower below the horizon. They stopped at a clean building, the drop off point where they would shed their clothes and technology before being guided one by one to different premade dens. The others chattered around him, but he couldn’t bring himself to join in; the whole situation was more than he expected and he was beginning to feel a little overwhelmed. Maybe it was just a symptom of the presentation. He hoped it was as the anxiety curled in his stomach. Something wild within him begged to be let loose, but a kind-faced Beta interrupted, taking the group inside where they were sectioned off into private rooms to prepare. Sehun slipped out of his clothes, carefully folding the shirt that his brother had bought him fondly, setting it next to his phone. He wouldn’t be needing them in the woods. Then he sat down on the bench, skin bristling at the coldness of it while he waited for another Beta guide to take him to the den where he would spend the next few days in a rut.  “Mr. Oh? We are ready for you now.” The woman said as she opened the door to let Sehun pass by. He tried not to be embarrassed by his ness, and was glad that the woman kept her gaze at a professional eye level. She explained some things that he had not been aware of as they walked out of the building and into the wilderness. “We have scent blockers just outside the perimeter of your den so that the other presenters don’t get triggered and try to approach you.” Sehun nodded as she continued. “Inside the perimeter are chemical scent detectors which will tell us when your presentation starts and when it ends. We will pick you up a day after it signals a full presentation. There is enough food for a week, just in case your presentation is slow, and we have provided clean and safe toys for heats and ruts.” She stated emotionlessly. Sehun blushed at the mention of toys, hoping he wouldn’t have to use them. The Beta woman gave him a reassuring look when she noticed him falter beside her and waved him forward. “We are almost there, just one more mile or so.” They stopped at a homey looking den that looked like a mildly furnished cave with a fur covered floor bed and a rudimentary shelf with the food she had mentioned before. A small chest sat at the back of the shallow cave, containing what Sehun assumed to be the toys she had mentioned. “Do you have any questions?” She asked. He shook his head and watched her nod in response before she turned around and disappeared back into the trees. He was all alone now. Sehun stood there awkwardly for a few moments and decided he was thirsty. He wandered into the cave and grabbed a bottle of water from the shelf and settled into the furs, finding a comfortable position to rest in. It was almost assuredly midnight now and he was surprised by how tired he was; he hadn’t slept on the bus at all because he was too nervous about his presentation. Now he was too sleepy to pay any attention to the butterflies flitting around in his stomach, so he did what any intelligent person would do: he closed his eyes and let himself drift asleep. Sehun woke with a start, sweat dripping off his body and chilling in the wind. His body felt like it was on fire and he roughly twisted the bottle cap off his water and chugged the cool liquid. It didn’t even take the edge off. Something Kris had said about a rut fever passed through his mind and he groaned as the heat intensified. This was all normal, he assured himself. But he wasn’t so sure because he didn’t remember his brother saying anything about the weakness in his limbs; they felt like weights had been strapped along his body and that was definitely not what Kris had prepared him for. He had told him that Alpha’s feel a hundred times stronger in a rut, that they could bench a house with one arm. The air around him steamed with traces of a sweet smell and he instinctively dragged his heavy fingers over his sensitive skin, trembling at the feeling. Another thing Kris hadn’t told him, Alpha’s were supposed to smell strong and powerful, not delicately sweet. His scent now mixture of jasmine and honey like- Oh...oh Like an Omega, his mind finished. No, that couldn’t be true, he argued. He was born to be an Alpha, everyone knew it. Sehun writhed in the furs, small pants escaping his lips as he struggled with both a physical and mental battle. He lost both when a new sensation dripped down from between his legs. Whines keening from his open mouth intensified as he reached down only to withdraw slick covered fingers. Sehun stared at the sticky liquid, scissoring the strands between his fingers in disbelief. A wave of need caused him to yelp out as his hole fluttered around nothing, begging to be filled. He could feel tears slipping down his cheeks as the truth dawned on him fully. Oh Sehun was an Omega. a weak, useless, ty Omega that his parents hated so much. He sobbed into the furs as the pain in his core grew unbearable and he crawled to the little chest across the room because his legs didn’t have the strength to hold him. Every time his skin dragged along the floor, his nerves sparked pleasure straight to the bud deep within him. He paused several times to desperately jerk out a quick , just to relieve some of the pressure so he could just get to that damn chest. Sehun drew himself up with leaden arms and a hysterical laugh bubbled up from inside him as he finally reached the chest of toys. He wasted no time opening it and looking for the biggest knotting in the pile. There was no time to make himself comfortable. He flopped over on the floor, his on display as he instinctively pushed it up in the air. The burning of his heat overpowered the shame he felt and his hole clenched in anticipation as more slick dripped down the back of his thighs. Without wasting much time, Sehun hurriedly took care of himself Sehun was ed in more than one sense of the word as he lay limp on the floor minutes later, panting and drooling. Royally ed. The heat cooled into a gentle buzz along his body as the full weight of what had just happened finally hit him. Oh Sehun the supposed to be Alpha was now actually Oh Sehun the Omega. The heat flared up again and he cried out in frustration, gripping tightly onto the knotting as he resumed the humiliating position. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take. * Three days later, Sehun emerged from the den, exhausted and groggy. He had lost some weight during that time, being too lustful to bother eating, and his stomach was growling at him angrily. He listlessly spooned a can of soup while he waited for the Beta woman to return and take him away from this place. He was in his third can when she finally came through the brush. “Mr. Oh?” She asked as he
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.