Who's that

Twice couples one shot collection

MiMo one shot

Who’s that?

A one shot inspired from Got7’s song Who’s That. Sorry the story would not be going in order according to the lyrics. The lyrics would be all over the place ^^; I’ll bold the lyrics part so you guys can understand. ** Making this gender bender making Momo the guy and Mina as the girl. It also has some similarities to Hana yori dango or boys over flowers because of 4 guys who are popular and rich.

Hirai Momota was the most famous and popular guy at JYP academy. Most of the girl’s in the academy were either in love with him or his close friends Jeongyeon, Dahyun and Tzuyoshi (Tzuyu). They were known as the 4 princes in the group. The 4 princes were known to be very handsome and rich. Momota and Tzuyoshi were also very athletic and smart too. Jeongyeon and Dahyun, compared to the two were not so much in academics but sports wise very talented. Momota was the student council president, rank number one student, dance team captain and vice-captain of the archery team. Tzuyoshi is vice president of the student council and team captain of the boy’s archery team. While Jeongyeon and Dahyun are Captain and co-captain of the boy’s track and soccer team.

Well, just like there is a prince to every story, there is also a princess. The boys were very close to and are always with the school’s 5 princesses. Myoui Mina, rank number two student, captain of the girl’s archery team, shy, reserved, and is the most popular girl in school but is a bully’s target from girls. Minatozaki Sana, the student council’s secretary and vice-captain of the dance team. Im Nayeon, manager of the boy’s track team and surprisingly rank number three student. Son Chaeyoung, the student council’s treasurer and president of the art club. The last princess of the school is Park Jihyo, the singing goddess, president of the music and choir clubs, and is the student rep in student council. The 9 of them had been friends and been together since their elementary school days. All nine of them were super popular, always having a crowd around them. Most of them asides from being talented and good looking, were rich as well. Which made them stand out even more.

It was lunch time and the 9 of them were heading towards the cafeteria for food. The students made way for them to get through and they got their lunch. They sat at their usual spot in the student council’s conference room so the other students won’t be staring at them or listening into their conversations. 5 people sat on one side of the table and the 4 on the other side. Usually Momota would sit at the end when they had conferences but during lunch he would sit on the side with his friends. Momota, Mina, Sana and Tzuyoshi sat on one side, while Jihyo, Jungyeon, Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Dahyun sat on the other. As they all settled down, the crew started to eat. This was their normal routine, eating together if no one had meetings or anything and talking with each other, enjoying everyone’s presence. When finished with eating, Momota noticed Mina had a smear of ketchup at the corner of her lips. He smiled and took out his handkerchief.

“Mina” He called her name and leaned closer to her face. Dabbing the spot where the ketchup was, wiping it all clean. “You had some ketchup on your face.” He smiled satisfied with the reaction he got from her. She was blushing really hard, slightly smiling.

“I’ll go wash my face in the restroom. Thank you Momota, for noticing. I’ll be back!” She quickly rambled and left the room in the speed of lightning.

“Mina, please look at me. I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed whenever I come close to you suddenly you become surprised and your face turns red. I’m not the only one imagining it right?” Momota thought and sighed.

“You’re definitely not the only one. She was pretty red just now.” Jeongyeon chuckled, making Momota realize he said his thoughts out loud, making him become red in embarrassment.

“She’s taking long, I’m going to go find her.” Momota said and left the room so he wouldn’t get teased.

He knew the restrooms were right close by the student council, conference room so he was becoming worried to where she might be. Momota soon found her sitting on the bench nearby the room looking dazed. He approached her silently.

Are you thinking about me?” He whispered in her ear, making Mina jump in surprise.

No! Of course not!” Mina said her cheeks flushing.

“With that kind of reaction, I bet you think about me around 12 times a day.” He told her.

“Momota, even your stalkers wouldn’t think that much about you. Plus I have more important things to worry about.” She sarcastically replied back.

“Ehh why are you denying it? I’m pretty sure you think about me somewhere throughout your day?”

The bell rang then, and Mina just smiled at him, “We’re going to be late for class if we don’t hurry up. I’m going to go ahead if you’re just going to stand there.” And like that, she left him. Momota could only shake his head at her.

Classes finally ended and it became time for extracurricular activities. He had student council today which meant he couldn’t go to archery practice. Which also meant he wouldn’t get to see Mina. He sighed but it couldn’t be helped. His orders as student president came first before anything. When the meeting finally finished, he realized it was already 6 o’clock. Momota looked at his pile of unfinished paperwork and decided to just take them home to do later tonight and practice archery for an hour before he went home. Since he was the student president, he had a master key and he easily was able to slip into the archery dojo. He changed into his archery uniform and started to practice. It felt really nice because of the evening wind and also because he hasn’t practiced in a while. Without him realizing, 2 hours had passed already and it was dark outside. He couldn’t see the target well. So he decided to change tactics by closing his eyes and feel the wind instead and started aiming. He shot the arrow, and smiled as he saw the arrow hit bull's eye. Momota liked this style of archery better honestly than calculating the wind speed and direction and such. He continued practicing until he heard a familiar voice started talking to him.

“It’s a bad habit of yours you know? Doing archery by feeling rather than aiming or calculating the wind speed and direction. Look at Jimin, for example. He’s always making sure and calculating things before aiming for the target.”

Damn, did you just compare me with that guy? You know me perfectly well enough Myoui Mina that I don’t need to do that. Or do I need to show you?” Momota turned around to see Mina with a quirked eyebrow.

“Ok, sorry, I know no profanities in the dojo but really? I know I’m not as good as Tzuyoshi but am I really not that good enough for you?” He asked her giving her a sad face look while at it.

She laughed and shook her head. “I’m not saying you’re not good enough but you could be better. Now let’s go home. It’s late now so you have to take me back home.” She ordered him.

“What if I say no?” He grinned.

“I know you’re not going to leave me alone when it’s already dark outside so stop with the joking. Let’s go.” She told him.

“As you wish, mademoiselle.” He chuckled and followed after her to his car.

When they got to his car, Momota realized he left some of the paperwork for student council he was going to work on tonight in his office.

“Mina, I’m so sorry! I forgot some paperwork. Wait for me here ok? Call me or scream if anything happens.” He told her and she just nodded.

He jogged back to his office so he wouldn’t keep her waiting for long. He found the papers where he left them fast and stuffed it into his school bag. Momota was jogging back to where his car was when he heard voices towards one of the corridors. He knew he shouldn’t eavesdrop or anything but he was curious and worried as the student president who was still at school at this hour. He immediately regretted it and wanted to flee from the scene but couldn’t. His feet wouldn’t move. Luckily the 2 didn’t see him. Jimin, the one Mina was comparing him to earlier was hugging her, the girl that he loved. Momota felt defeated but was relieved when he heard their conversation.

“Jimin, please let me go.”

“Not until I tell you what I have to say, Mina-shi. Mina-shi I love you. Please go out with me.”

“Sorry I can’t.” Mina told him and slowly untwined herself from his embrace.

“Why? Is it because you are already going out with someone?”

Mina shook her head.

“Is it because of our student president then?!” Jimin said in annoyance.

Momota froze when he heard this. He was anticipating for Mina’s answer when she said,

“What does Momota have to do with this Jimin? He’s just my best friend. I have to go now. He should be coming back any time soon.” She let out a small laugh and returned towards the car. Momota felt like his heart just shattered into a million pieces, but he had to get back before Mina did.

He barely made it back in time, when Mina called out his name from behind. He couldn’t turn around though, fearing tears would fall if he looked at her.

“Sorry for making you wait. I… “

“It’s ok. I saw you in the corridor. I didn’t want to interrupt your privacy. But who’s that guy?” Momota asked his back still turned.

“Oh, it was Jimin. He wanted to tell me something.” Mina replied with hesitation in her voice.

“Did he confess to you?” Momota asked, finally turning around to face her. He saw her eyes widen and couldn’t hold back a smile. She just looked too cute with that surprised look of hers.

“Y-Yeah… I rejected him though.” Mina said, her eyes darting everywhere except his.

“Of course you did. Even if you don’t agree, I’m the only one for you. Don’t date other guys. Let’s go before your parents get mad at me for taking you home this late.” Momota said as he opened the passenger seat door for her. He went over to the other side and as he got in, putting on his seatbelt she joked back,

“Yeah your perfect reputation from my parents would definitely be ruined.”

“You think I’m perfect?”

“Were you not listening? I said my parents.” Mina said as she rolled her eyes.

“Hey I’m driving so don’t blame me. But really, even if I don’t look like your ideal type, I’m pretty sure I’m the best man you’ve ever met. Since I have no flaws. Like you always say, if you want a man that has some sense and manners, just look right next to you. See, I am the perfect boy for you right?” Momota winked.

Mina just rolled her eyes again, “Please look forward when you’re driving. I don’t want to die yet. Also, just because my parents think you’re a perfect boy, doesn’t mean others will. Don’t flatter yourself too much.” Which made Momota pout and Mina laughed at his silly face he was making.

“Ah, Mina just letting you know, Tzuyoshi will be picking you up tomorrow morning for school. I won’t be here tomorrow because of family business I have to attend to. Sorry its last minute but it was just decided a few hours ago.” Momota told her.

“The whole day?” she asked. Somewhat looking distressed, in Momota’s eyes of course.

“Yeah, sadly. So Tzuyoshi will also take you home ok?”

Mina just nodded. Momota seeing this was trying to fight back a smile, biting the insides of his cheeks even. The rest of the car ride was in silence. When they got to her house, he quickly went to go over to open the door for her.

“Thank you Momota. See you to-the day after tomorrow. Also you don’t have to take me all the way to the door. I’m fine here.” She gave him a small smile.

“Are you sure? Shouldn’t I explain to your parents why we’re so late?” Momota asked, concerned that she would get scolded because of him.

“Don’t worry. I can explain to them. It’s my fault that we got home late anyway.” Mina told him.

“It wasn’t your fault. If you do get in trouble, call me. I’ll explain it to them ok? Goodnight Mina!” Momota gave her his brightest smile.

“Thank you. Good night, Momota.” Mina also smiled at him before turning around to head inside her house. He watched from outside the gate to make sure she went inside her enormous house. Once he made sure that she did, he went back to his own, finishing the paperwork he had to do.

The next morning, he woke up on his desk by the ringtone of his phone. He looked to see that Tzuyoshi had texted him.

[Good morning Hyung! I picked up Mina Noona and she is now safely at school. I will let you know how she is. I’m pretty sure your plan is going to work though hehe ^^ Mina noona is not a morning person as everyone knows but she’s extremely grumpy today. Anyways, I’ll let you know when I safely take her back home too. Good luck at your meeting!]

Momota chuckled at the message. It always amused him how Tzuyoshi texts like a girl with the emoji’s and his wording. He also liked the fact that Mina seemed to miss him. Usually he would never miss school since he would then not be able to see Mina. But he wanted to try if he didn’t go, how it would affect her. So he decided to attend his dad’s business meeting with him this one time.

Surprisingly the day went by fast and before he realized it was already pretty late at night. He had attended 2 business meetings and then had a dinner with his father’s company’s client. By the time he came back it was close to midnight. He immediately fell on his bed but soon realized he turned his phone off the whole time during the meetings. He was eager to see the reports from Tzuyoshi but was even happier when he saw more than 50 notifications of missed calls and texts from Mina when he his phone. He quickly sprang up from his comfy bed to his balcony and made a call.


“Hey. Sorry I couldn’t answer your calls. I was attending some business meetings with my dad. What’s up?”

“Nothing really. I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Since you never really told me what family business you had to attend. I’m surprised though. You never go along with your father to those meetings.”

“Well, I don’t but I figured I should start since we’re in our last year of high school. I don’t think I’ll be going to one again anytime soon though. Did you miss me?” Momota grinned, waiting her response.

“Pshh as you wish. The others were with me so I was fine.”

“And yet you left more than 50 missed calls and text messages? I’m pretty sure that your day without me was not the same as usual.”

“That’s not it…” Mina told him.

“What is it then? Wait I got it. You were so used to hearing my voice every day. You couldn’t sleep without hearing it right? Since all the notifications are within the last couple hours.” Momota chuckled. He was waiting for her to respond back denying but nothing came. He even made sure the signal was still going on. “Mina?” He asked concerned if he went too overboard.

“You’re right I did miss you. Good night Momota, see you tomorrow!” She finally replied and hung up the phone. Momota grinned triumphantly, it didn’t matter how many times she told him about her ideal type. “Just see, Mina in no time, I’ll make you mine” he whispered to himself before he got ready for bed.

**A couple days later

Momota and Tzuyoshi were working on files for an upcoming school event, while the other student council members were busy with their other school club activities or patrolling around the school. They’ve been working on the paperwork for almost 2 hours and it was driving both of them crazy. Momota decided they should take a break.

“Hey Tzuyoshi?”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Yeah. Ask me anything.”

“How did you make Sana fall in love with you? My cousin is definitely not an easy target to win over you know?”

“I know. I had to try a lot of times. I’ve been trying to win her over as long as you’ve been trying to win over Mina Noona. One difference though, Sana can actually take a hint. While Mina Noona is so dense…”

“Yeah I know… But seriously though! I’ve been giving her so many hints. I even confessed to her and she still didn’t get it. It wasn’t the most straightforward confession ever, but I’m pretty sure she would have realized my feelings by now?!” Momota spat out in frustration.

“Can I ask a question back?”

“Yeah sure.”

“When did you start liking Mina Noona? I know you liked her but I just got curious when you actually started liking her.”

“I don’t know when exactly. I’ve thought about this countless times but I can’t seem to figure out when exactly. Before I realized it, she was different from the others, she became so pretty without me realizing. I thought she was too precious to be looked over. I’m also the only one that knows her true charms too so.”

“That’s pretty much the same with me and Sana too. I didn’t realize she became so pretty over the years until like middle school. Momota Hyung you better hurry and capture Mina Noona’s heart fast. She’s been getting a lot of confessions lately. The other day, I saw Seungkwan Hyung confessing to her.”

Who’s that?” Momota mumbled.

“He’s part of the music club and basketball club? I think.”

“I’ll have to see if she accepted his confession or not later then…You know, she’s been stealing glances towards me a lot these days. I jokingly told her that she must like me if she’s stealing glances like that all day but she still denies it. Also last week, I saw Jimin confess to her and she rejected him when like 20 minutes earlier, she was comparing me to him! This means I might still have a chance right Tzu? That she only hasn’t realized her own feelings yet. “

Yeah, I think you still have a chance hyung. Although even Sana said that although Mina Noona is her best friend, she doesn’t know what she’s thinking when it comes to love situations. But I still think Mina noona likes you so don’t worry too much ok? I can help you too. Or do you have any plans already?”

Apparently the first chapter or step is for her to flutter or blush at my words and actions. I think we already got passed that stage. Second chapter is confusion. We’re exactly at that. It’s only a matter of time until she falls in love with me, Tzu. She probably already is. She’s the only one that’s not realizing her feelings though.” Momota told Tzuyoshi, swiping his thumb over his lips.

Tzuyoshi just rolled his eyes at his best friend who was flattering himself. Although he is saying the truth so he can’t blame him. Mina definitely does seem like she likes him. By the way she gets jealous when he’s approached by other girls or by the way she looks at him. But no matter how many times everyone in the group asks her, she denies it.

“Why don’t you just confess already? She might realize her feelings finally if you do. Mina’s so dense. You practically have to tell her everything word to word or she won’t get it.” Tzuyoshi told him getting annoyed that his best friend is going back and forth from being confident to not confident at all. There might be a slight chance that he might get rejected but it’s for the best if he gets over it. Since clearly that’s what’s on his mind the whole time these days. Not concentrating on school or the council. 

Momota thought about it for a moment till he replied back, “Yeah…you’re right. I’m tired of teasing her and waiting. It might be better if I got this over with. I’ll go tell her now.”

“Wait Now?!” Tzuyoshi asked surprised.

“Yeah, it’s better to act fast when you can.” Momota winked at him.

He left the student president office and walked around the campus in trying to find her. He soon spotted her down the corridor with a guy. When she spotted him, she waved to the guy that was with her and came running over.

“Who’s that?” He unconsciously asked.

“Just a random boy who started talking to me. Let’s go home together Momota.” Mina said grabbing his shoulders from behind and making him walk forward towards the student council office. Sighing, he started to walk, Mina following him still holding on to his shoulders. When they got to the student council president’s office, Momota saw Tzuyoshi had left. Mina sat down on the armrest of the couch, waiting for Momota to finish packing his school bag. When she suddenly started talking.

“I wonder why that boy suddenly started talking to me. I don’t even know him.” Mina said. When she was about to continue talking, Momota went over to her, used his finger to bring her chin up so she can see his eyes.

Don’t think about other guys. Just look at me. As you can see I’m different from the other guys. I’ve been giving so many hints the past few years. My heart is this close to bursting. Do you not understand my feelings? Mina, I want to walk on the same road as you, by your side. You know what that means right?” He said before leaning in to capture her lips.

The End ^^

*** Author’s note

Sorry that it’s messy. Also I kind of made Momota seem narcissistic and overprotective TT I apologize about that! I just wanted to portray that he knows she likes him but she doesn’t know her feelings towards him yet…

I took the lyrics from Japanese translation and I translated them into English so if you guys know the English translation of this song, sorry it might be a little off…

ALSO I JUST GOT MY TWICE ALBUMS!!! HOWEVER, 2YEON LOVES ME SOO MUCH TO THE POINT I HAVE 2 JEONGYEON CD’s AND 2 NAYEON HOLOCARDS TT lol IF ANYONE IS WILLING TO TRADE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. Preferably people in the US or Canada but other countries are ok too. Also it would be nice to trade for Momo or Mina but at this point, I don’t mind any member.

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Chapter 13: This was adorable 💖
kimberlee #2
Chapter 8: continueeee pleaseeeee
zlnzx_ #3
Chapter 22: Continue Please^_^
Chapter 22: Continue please
sana24 #5
satzu next please authornim?
Chapter 22: For this story, isn't the past Momo stealing the present Momo's life?
AugustK88 #7
Chapter 22: Yes, a continuation of the story would be great! Hope everything's' so well to you authornimn! :)
Chapter 22: Yeay mimo ^^
Satzu for the next chapt please