Childhood Friends

Twice couples one shot collection

Childhood friends one-shot: (not really a couple one shot)

Tzuyu moved into this neighborhood when she was 6. It was a quiet and peaceful neighborhood in Korea that was in a cul-de-sac. All six houses on the cul-de-sac had children around her age too so Tzuyu’s parents and her were eager to move in. Although Tzuyu was worried she would get teased or not get along with them because she couldn’t speak Korean well yet. She was moving to Korea from Taiwan. It relived her a little bit when her parents told her 2 of the households there moved into the neighborhood 2 years ago from Japan so some of the children were not as fluent as well.

It was the day of the move in and Tzuyu was both nervous and excited. She just arrived at her new house. She looked out the car surprised to see all the neighbors gathered around their house waiting for them holding banners that welcomed them saying “Welcome Chou family.” Tzuyu was touched that the neighbors were welcoming them so nicely and warmly. Without realizing she had tears streaming down her face. Which surprised her parents when they turned around to tell her they were here. Since Tzuyu rarely cried even when she got bullied at school for her calm attitude for her age, or when she got hurt or when they had to leave Taiwan and their friends and family there.

Tzuyu quickly wiped away the tears that were trickling down her face. She had to look nice in front of her neighbors. After finishing wiping her tears she opened the car door. Her parents had already gone out talking to the adults. So Tzuyu was surprised when she opened the car door, to see 8 faces right in front of her. Too surprised, on impulse she tried to close the car door in their faces but one of the girls stopped it.

“Sorry to scare you Tzuyu. I’m Park Jihyo. One of your next door neighbors. Welcome to Korea! Ah! Sorry do you not understand Korean? Ehh Nihao?”

“It’s ok. I was just surprised. I can understand a little. I was taught a little before I moved here. I can’t speak well though…” Tzuyu said shyly.

“Woww that’s not true! You can speak very well! We’ve been here for 3 years but Momo still can’t speak.” A cute girl who looked like a squirrel spoke. She was the cutest girl Tzuyu ever laid eyes upon and guessed she was one of the girls that moved to Korea from Japan.

“Hey! That’s not true! Anyways I’m older than you!” A girl that reminded Tzuyu of a raccoon argued. She guessed the girl was Momo.

“Being older doesn’t have to do anything with this Momo… Don’t mind her! I’m Sana by the way and that’s Momo. Momo and I are twins and we live next door to you too. The other side from Jihyo.” Sana smiled. Tzuyu smiled back.

“You have such a pretty smile so cute~!” Another girl who now resembled a bunny came up to Tzuyu suddenly grabbed her cheeks and squeezed it.

“Yah! Nayeon-ah stop! You’re scaring her!” This time a girl with short hair spoke.

“Arasso arasso Jeongyeon. Sorry Tzuyu it’s just that you’re so cute I couldn’t help it. I’m Im Nayeon! I’m the oldest out of all of us here.” Nayeon said sheepishly.

“I’m Yoo Jeongyeon. I live next to Jihyo and the second oldest in this group.” Jeongyeon, the short haired girl told her.

“Hi Tzuyu! I’m Kim Dahyun! I live next to Jeongyeon. My house is on the end across from Mina and Chaengs. Nayeon Unnie lives with me too.”

“I’m Chaeyoung! I’m glad you moved in because I heard you’re the same age as me! I am Mina Unnie’s adopted little sister. The Myoui’s adopted me when they came to Korea on a vacation. So I was in Japan for about 3 months when Dad got a job offer in Korea so we moved here 2 years ago. That’s why my Korean is a little weird sometimes. But my Japanese isn’t good either. I hope we can get along.” Chaeyoung said. Tzuyu smiled. She liked all of them so far already. Especially Sana and Chaeyoung though she didn’t dare say it out loud. She then noticed there was one more girl who was hiding behind Momo’s back.

“This is Mina, Tzuyu. Mina and Chaeyoung live next to our house. She’s a little shy like you are. Mina doesn’t bite or anything so don’t worry.” Momo gave a wide grin and introduced Mina for her.

“H-Hi… I’m Mina like Momorin just said.” She said in a very small voice but Tzuyu was able to hear it because of her good hearing.

“Hi! I’m Chou Tzuyu. It’s very nice to meet all of you. Please take care of me.”

“OF COURSE!” Everyone said and smiled at her. Tzuyu knew that moment that she was going to be ok. That she was going to get along really well with everyone.


This is how I image the houses to be laid out

Tzuyu Jihyo
Samo Jeongyeon
Michaeng Dubu and Nayeon

Just to sort of give you guys an idea

Tzuyu Jihyo


SaMo Jeongyeon



Michaeng Dubu and Nayeon

Image is more like aCul de sac (rounded corner) than a square


Tzuyu continued to talk to everyone until her parents called out to her.

“Tzuyu? The Parks have prepared a surprise welcome party. So let’s hurry and unpack our things. Also apparently everyone is having a sleepover at the Park family’s house after the party. Do you want to join honey?” Her mother asked.

Tzuyu’s eyes widened. She didn’t expect her neighbors to be this nice. She quickly nodded her head and said thank you to Jihyo and her parents, who gave her a warm smile.

The Chou’s then took the stuff out of their car, neighbors helping of course, into their new home. Tzuyu looked around the house and was quite happy. The children told her that her house is a lot similar to theirs as well. All 8 of them helped Tzuyu as much as they can to unpack and help sorting things in her room. They wanted her to finish unpacking so they can all go to Jihyo’s house more quickly and talk and play and to learn more about the Taiwanese girl. After about an hour, Tzuyu had finally finished. Her parents told her to go ahead and that they’ll catch up later. The cute Japanese girl, Sana then took her hand eagerly and they all flew out the door to Jihyo’s house next door. Tzuyu got a quick tour of the house from the other girls and was astonished by the big swimming pool Jihyo had in her back yard.

“Jihyo’s the only one out of us that has a pool. So we all stay over at her house once its summer.” Sana explained.

“Our families also have an annual summer party and have a pool BBQ party here as well!” Momo added.

“So, Tzuyu how is Taiwan like?” Jeongyeon asked

“Is it like Korea?” Chaeyoung asked next

“Is the food good?” Momo then asked.

“Did you go to school there? Why did you suddenly decide to come to Korea? Do you like animals? Do you like us? Who do you like best out of all of us?”

So many questions were bombarded at Tzuyu at once and she couldn’t help but freeze on the spot.

“Now give Tzuyu some space guys! She just got here and there’s only one of her. She can only answer so many questions at once.” Jihyo saved her.

“Thank you Jihyo Unnie…’

“No problem Tzuyu-ah! Now everyone ask one at a time and one question each.”

“Is the food good?’ Momo asked first.

“It is good. I’ll probably miss it a lot.”

‘Take me with you one day Tzuyu!”

“Take me too!” Everyone else yelled which made Tzuyu smile.

“Is it similar to Korea?” Chaeyoung asked next.

“I think so? I haven’t really seen much of Korea yet so I don’t know…”

“I see! We’ll take you to many places then.” Chaeyoung smiled at her.

“Why did you suddenly some to Korea?” Jeongyeon then asked.

“My dad got a job offer here so we decided to all move.”

“I’m glad you did! Or else we wouldn’t have been friends.” Jeongyeon replied and the rest were all nodding their heads in agreement.

“Is there anything you want to ask us Tzuyu? Since I think we’ve been asking you so many.” Jihyo laughed.

“Ummm do you guys have a dream? Something you want to be when you grow up?” Tzuyu asked out of curiosity. She was surprised when Mina spoke up before the others. Since she hasn’t spoken ever since Tzuyu set foot in Jihyo’s house.

“Momorin’s wife.” Mina whispered and blushed.

“Eh? I’m marrying jokbal though?” Momo said confused.

“Silly! You can’t marry Jokbal. You have to marry a person! Just marry Mina! She can make you jokbal although she’s too perfect for a dummy like you.” Sana pointed out.

Momo looked like she was about to cry when Sana told her she can’t marry jokbal but lightened up when she said Mina can cook it for her.

“Really Mina?” Momo said with glittering eyes. Mina smiled at her and nodded.

“I’m marrying Mina then.” Momo announced making some of them go aww and some of them sigh. Mina was just smiling next to Momo her cheeks blushing.

“Is there anything you want to be Tzuyu?” Sana then asked her. Tzuyu being tall for her age was taller than all of them except for Jeongyeon. So Sana was looking up at her with her sparkling eyes and puffy squirrel cheeks and it made Tzuyu happy and nervous.

“U-uhm I really like dogs so maybe something that has to do with them? Or a bakery since I like bread. Do you have a dream Sana unnie?”

“I’m not sure yet but since I like school so maybe a teacher.” She smiled at her and Tzuyu couldn’t help but smile back.

“I want to be a pilot!” Jeongyeon suddenly announced.

“I want to be an artist or a musician.” Chaeyoung said next.

“Ohhhh musician sounds nice! I want to be one too.” Dahyun said after that.

“I want to be a famous singer!” Nayeon and Jihyo exclaimed at the same time making them laugh.

“You guys can be one together. I’ll be your number one fan, Nayeon-ah.” Jeongyeon smiled.

“What about me?” Jihyo pouted.

“Arasso, you too.” Jeongyeon told her which made everyone laugh again.

Tzuyu was really happy that she was able to be friends with them. She wished she can stay friends with them forever that moment. The nine of them were in Jihyo’s room talking about school reassuring Tzuyu that they will show her around when she starts. They also talked about what children would normally talk about. Who they liked and disliked, their favorite animals or characters, the latest episode of the hit TV show going on right now. Tzuyu with her adequate Korean just listened and smiled as they talked. Mina also doing the same because well, she doesn’t really talk much. It made her happy seeing Nayeon and Jeongyeon bicker as well as Sana and Momo but they would stop bickering and take each other’s side if they were going against each other. Like right now for instance. Sana and Momo were arguing against Jeongyeon and Nayeon about one of the teachers liked either choco or red bean bread. The argument ended by Jihyo telling them to ask on Monday. Even if Tzuyu was only with them for a few hours, she could tell the roles and personalities of each of the members in the squad now.

As they were chatting and playing around with Jihyo’s dolls, their parents called them for dinner. Which was BBQ out in the yard. Since the weather was a little too chilly for the swimming pool still, the older girls suggested dipping their feet and the younger ones followed. Sana and Jihyo sat on the sides next to Tzuyu and Sana intertwined their small hands together. Next to Sana was Momo who had her hands around Mina’s waist so she wouldn’t fall in. Next to Mina was Chaeyoung linking her arm with Dahyun. Next to them was Nayeon and Jeongyeon who were leaning on each other. After chit chattering some more and splashing water on each other, which they got scolded for, the kids went to the table at sat down to eat as all types of grilled meat and veggies were set down. All of them ate happily, especially Momo and Jeongyeon who loved to eat the most out of the nine.

After dinner, the children played some more like hand games and silly truth or dare while the adults were drinking and also enjoying themselves. When the clock hit 8 though, the mom’s came storming in from the outside and made them wash up. They took a bath in groups and they all changed into their pajamas. Jeongyeon and Nayeon had matching pink and blue pajamas. Momo had a Barbie pajama and Mina had a light pink satin or silk, Tzuyu couldn’t tell pajama. Sana had a very girlie light purple pajama that was like a nightdress. Chaeyoung and Dahyun had matching blue collared long sleeve pajamas. And Tzuyu, she herself had a short sleeve hoodie with dog ears and matching shorts with a tail. Which everyone squealed over. Especially Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Sana. They were squishing her cheeks, hugging her and Sana was even kissing her. Tzuyu thought she would faint from all the attention. Attention usually made her uncomfortable but she somehow liked it when it was from her new neighbors. It was time for them to go to bed and Tzuyu couldn’t help but smile when everyone started arguing over who was going to sleep next to who. They were in a spare bedroom with a big mattress and futon on the floor. It was big enough for all the nine children to sleep next to each other.

“Tzuyu and Chaeyoung should sleep in the middle between me and Nayeon unnie because they’re our maknae.” Jeongyeon said which made everyone protest back.

“No! I want to sleep next to Chewy.” (Sana)

“I’m going to sleep with Chaengie.” (Dahyun)

“And I’m going to sleep next to you Yoo Jeongyeon!” (Nayeon)

Jeongyeon and Jihyo sighed. The group then just decided on their own where they want to sleep and the order became like this. Mina -> Momo -> Sana -> Tzuyu -> Jihyo -> Nayeon -> Jeongyeon -> Chaeyoung -> Dahyun. Jihyo then read everyone a bed time story (since Nayeon didn’t want to when she’s the oldest.) Afterwards Jihyo turned the lights off and everyone fell into a blissful sleep. Tzuyu remembers from all the nervousness and fun she had that day that she fell asleep immediately. With Sana next to her holding her hand.

Tzuyu woke up smiling. She was currently sitting on the airplane on her way back to Korea. She wondered if that was the reason why she dreamt of her first day in Korea. Tzuyu still remembers that day like the back of her hand. She was really glad and happy to go to Korea and meet the 8 of them. Since Tzuyu was pretty much sleeping the whole time, the plane landed at Incheon International airport soon after. She spotted her parents as soon as she got out of the gate and they both hugged her along with Gucci, her dog. The Chou’s carried Tzuyu’s luggage to the car and headed to the small neighborhood they moved into 12 years ago.

The 9 had beautiful memories in this neighborhood, but as they each graduated high school, they left one by one. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung were the last to leave. Tzuyu decided to pursue a college life in her home country Taiwan while Chaeyoung to a famous art university in Seoul. She missed all of them, especially Sana dearly and was eager to get back to her home in Korea. It was finally winter break when she can see her family and friends again. She immediately took the first plane back possible. Her parents came to pick her up at the airport and Tzuyu ran over to hug them when she saw them. She was so glad to see them and excited to see how everyone else was doing. Tzuyu was also nervous at the same time because she didn’t know if anyone was back from university as well, nor that they will be there when she comes back at all. So during the whole car ride on the way back, she was squirming and fidgeting in her seat, making her parents scold her to calm down. As they got nearer Tzuyu had gotten butterflies in her stomach and was sweating profusely. Her parents turned the corner into the familiar cul-de-sac. Tzuyu opened her eyes in shock to see everyone in front of her house, holding a “Welcome back home Tzuyu!” sign. It reminded her of when she first moved to Korea and all the memories inside her. Tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her face, as she scrambled to get out of the car. When she was finally able to do so, everyone ran over to her, involving in a group hug. The older ones were teasing her, “Wae Tzuyu? Why are you crying? Aren’t you happy to see us?” While the younger ones just hugged and watched the maknae and Unnies teasing each other. Tzuyu was moved by her friend’s actions and was glad to be back home where she belonged.

***Author’s note

This is actually the very first one shot, (TWICE related) I wrote in my life. It’s just that it was uncompleted and left untouched for so long. It was actually originally supposed to be a series but I had no clue how to end it so I just made it into a one shot. I might make a series later though. Sorry that I’m not good with the younger children/baby talk… Tzuyu and Chaeyoung were six here but the other kids are significantly older so I thought it would be ok haha….

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Chapter 13: This was adorable 💖
kimberlee #2
Chapter 8: continueeee pleaseeeee
zlnzx_ #3
Chapter 22: Continue Please^_^
Chapter 22: Continue please
sana24 #5
satzu next please authornim?
Chapter 22: For this story, isn't the past Momo stealing the present Momo's life?
AugustK88 #7
Chapter 22: Yes, a continuation of the story would be great! Hope everything's' so well to you authornimn! :)
Chapter 22: Yeay mimo ^^
Satzu for the next chapt please