Winning her back

Twice couples one shot collection

This one-shot is to cheer up a special person that’s been feeling down. Also this is based on a true story that happened to my friend. If it makes you feel any better. It’s also a bit inspired from Nayeon’s cover she posted on YouTube and Vlive. Which was a beautiful cover that made me cry and think about you at the same time. I hope you like it and don’t give up yet! I know you’ll regret if you do because you’re just like me ^^

“Farewell Momo Unnie. I like someone else now.” (Reference from Taecyeon Oppa’s MV)

Those words have been haunting her ever since she left her. She wished she didn’t agree to her words. She wished she hadn’t given up so easily. She wishes she wasn’t a coward. But the sad truth is that she is a coward that did stupid things and now she’s regretting it. She wishes she can go back in time when they were friends and start over again. Or that day that changed the two’s relationship.


“I think we should take a break from our relationship, Unnie.”

“You want to break up with me?”

“No, I’m not saying we should break up. But take a break in seeing each other.”

“Mina, we’re already not seeing each other though. You’re in the US while I’m in Korea.”

“I know… It’s not your fault Unnie. Please just give me some time…”


~End of flashback~

Momo now regrets giving her the time. She can’t say no to her girlfriends request though. But she still regrets not holding on to her and giving up easily. If she hadn’t things might have been different. They might have still been dating. It kills her that they’re just back to friends. It slowly kills her heart every time when they don’t contact each other every day like they used to, or when she realizes they’re just friends now or when she sees her social media with another girl that is supposedly the person she told her that she likes before they broke up. It’s painful and it takes every single effort and soul in her body to live her life as if nothing happened. But what hurt her the most was when she called her “Unnie” in the last few weeks of their relationship prior to the break and after the break up. She always called her “Momorin” and it hurt. Because calling her Unnie like the others meant there was nothing between them anymore. The nickname was a special thing only for her and it showed their special bond. It’s been a month since they broke up. Her ex had moved on but she was still not able to. It hurt her that she seemed to have forgotten about their relationship already. The times they loved each other Momo would have never thought her heart would change. That separation would be so easy for her. But she’s still here longing and yearning for her. She was hanging on to that slight hope and trusted that Mina would come back to her. But no, ever since she left for the states, things have been sprawling downhill. Yet she missed her dearly and Momo didn’t know what to do. Thus, even though today being Saturday and a day off from University, she moped around in her room, thinking about her.

“Still can’t get over Mina?” Someone suddenly said from behind her.

“H-How did you even get in here?”

“Is that how you treat a friend who came to check up on you? I knocked many times but you didn’t answer so I let myself in to see you in a disaster.”

“Oh… Hey… Sorry Sana.”

“It’s ok… To be honest I would be like you too if Tzuyu suddenly told me that.”

“Have you been talking to Mina lately? I haven’t been able to really contact her the past couple days…”

“Not really actually. I’m still mad at what she did to you. I was talking to Nayeon and Jeong the other day but they haven’t been talking to her either. They didn’t know you two broke up. It seems like she hasn’t contacted our high school friends much.”

“That’s weird… I know she was contacting everyone back when we were dating. And she still talks in the group chat sometimes.”

“Yeah but no one has been talking to her individually. She shut herself out…”

“How long had this been happening?”

“About a month and a half. For Jeong and Nayeon at least.”

“Oh… But she’s been talking to me though. Except for the past few days.”

“Mo, I think you still have a chance with her. Why don’t you try winning her back?”

“For the millionth time, Sana she broke up with me because she likes someone else now! How am I supposed to win her back?!”

“You can still try. And who knows? She might not like that person anymore.”

“I’m pretty sure she does. The same girl is on her Instagram and snapchat 24/7.”

“They might just be good friends. Like you two used to be.”


“Sorry Momo…”

“It’s fine. I guess it doesn’t hurt to try. But I’m scared Sana. What if I get rejected again?”

“I’ll always be here to comfort you. Don’t worry. I should get going now. Make sure to eat ok?”

“Thanks Sana. For everything. See you at school.”

“Yup. Bye.”

Sana left Momo’s room that she shared with Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung. To say the truth she had lied one thing to Momo. She felt really guilty because she’s never lied to her before. It’s true that their high school friends haven’t been able to get in contact with her but she lied that she hasn’t been talking to Mina. The truth is she has been talking to her rather almost every day to comfort the younger girl as well. Momo didn’t know but the younger one was also suffering from their break up. She just hid it well and Sana was mad at her for that. But she couldn’t just leave her other best friend like that when she needed the help. What frustrated Sana the most was that she couldn’t really do much to help the two of them. They needed to find a solution themselves. To unravel the misunderstanding between them. Sana went back to her own apartment she lived with Tzuyu. Tzuyu was at work and wouldn’t come back yet so Sana decided to call Mina.

“Hi Sana Unnie.”

“Hey Mina. I went to go check on her like you asked me to.”

“How was she?”

“Horrible… Mina why did you lie to her? Why did you break up with her? Why can’t you guys be together again? Just ask her to be your girlfriend again. It’ll save both of your hearts.”

“Sana Unnie… I told you before why I broke up with her.”

“I understand Mina but why did you give up? Why did you both give up? It’s frustrating and amazing how you’re total opposites but so similar at the same time.”

“It’s for the better Unnie. She deserves someone better than me. It’ll be painful for the both of us if we kept the relationship going. Momorin is too nice. She’s too softhearted but stubborn so the only way for her to make her forget me was to lie to her.”

“But she didn’t forget you.”

“She will eventually. As time passes.”

“I don’t think so.”

“I’m pretty sure Unnie.”

Mina was right. Momo did forget about Mina for a little while. She met Kei, at one of her classes at University and they clicked instantly with both of their love for Jokbal. Kei asked her out and they started dating. But the relationship didn’t last long. It made her remind of Mina and she couldn’t continue the relationship anymore. Kei who knew Momo had someone in her heart agreed to break up. They were now good friends though. Momo talked to Kei about her problems whenever Sana couldn’t hang out. Momo didn’t want to bother her either. She was doing well with Tzuyu. It’s been 6 months since their break up. Momo seemed like she healed physically but on the inside she was still excruciating in pain. No one would probably suspect she wasn’t over Myoui Mina yet unless you were Sana or Mina herself, who knows Momo than herself. What Momo didn’t know that Mina was equally or maybe more in pain from the relationship loss. Like that one famous lyric, it hurts more to say goodbye than hearing it.

“Are you thinking about her again?”

“Huh? Oh hi Lisa.”


“I’m not…”

“I know you are, Mina. Seriously, why don’t you at least tell her the truth? I’m not telling you that you guys should get back together.”

“If she finds out the truth. She’ll most likely come here to strangle me.”

“If she’s willing to come here all the way to strangle you, she really loves you.”


“Come on, face the truth Mina, You’re still not over her and she’s not over you based on what your friend told you. For the sake of both of you, just revive the relationship already. Give it another try. This time without giving up until you put up a fight. Don’t run away. “


“Don’t give me buts or its better that way. You don’t know that. You guys didn’t try. You don’t know yet. My boyfriend and I have been together longer than you two. There were times like you and her that we thought we should give up. But we still tried. Because there was the slight chance of hope it would still work out. Please Mina. Try. For me. For her. For your friend and most importantly, for yourself. “

“Fine… Let’s return to Korea during spring break.”

“YES!!! You can finally meet my boyfriend and I could meet your girlfriend.”

“My ex-girlfriend Lisa. She’s not my girlfriend.”


Mina just sighed and proceeded to text Momo and Sana that she would be coming back home next week for spring break.

While Momo on the other hand couldn’t believe her eyes. She was staring at her phone screen for the longest time until Sana burst into her room.

“Mo! M-Mina is….” Sana panting running out of breath.

“I know.”

I know what?”

“She’s coming back.”

“Wait how do you know?!”

“She texted me.”


Momo showed her the phone screen she was staring at for who knows how long earlier. Momo chuckled at the sight of Sana enlarging her eyes as if they would pop out of her socket.

“This is great news Mo!”

“Sana I’m not sure if I’m ready to see her. I might break down if I do.”

“Momo, she texted you saying she’s coming back and wants to see you. This is basically her trying to fix the situation between you two. Trying to extend her hand out saying she wants to try being with you again.”

“I doubt that Sana.”

“Open your eyes Hirai Momo!!! I’ve been keeping this a secret because Mina told me to but I’m telling you. I’m sick and tired of you two being cowards and not telling your feelings to each other when you both want each other. Remember when I told you the gang hasn’t been in contact with her? Well I lied. Everyone in the gang except me wasn’t in contact with her. I talked to her then and still do. I’m not telling you anymore because its not in my place to tell you, Mo. You need to talk to her. She needs to talk to you. I’m saying this because this is all a misunderstanding. I would’ve told you earlier but I knew you wouldn’t believe me in that depressed state of yours. Which is why I’m telling you now. Also because Mina threatened me not to tell you but she’s coming and you’re going to know anyways so I’m just giving you a heads up.”

“I’ll try to talk to her. If she lets me that is. Whenever I tried to on the phone, she’d always hang up.”

“Well it is the phone. You ca easily run away. It’s not so easy to run away in person. Don’t run away anymore Momo.”

“I won’t. I should text her back to ask when she wants to meet. I’m glad our spring break is the same this year.”

“Hurry up and text her.”

“Ok ok.”

After Momo texted Mina, a reply soon came after.

“She said she wants to meet on Monday. Her plane is apparently arriving on Sunday night. Also she’s bringing a friend with her so she told me to bring one as well that’s not Sana. Or our high school friends.”

“….” Sana muttered.


“Sorry but not sorry. Seriously I’ve been helping both of you out and this is what I get?! Does she not want to see me?!”

I’m pretty sure that’s not the case so chill.”

“Fine. Who are you bringing over anyways?”

“Kei I guess. Since she’s probably bringing the friend that’s been on her social media.”

“Wow… you guys are really… never mind….”

“Oh another text came. She said her friend is also bringing another friend that’s living in Korea so she told me to bring one more friend. I know exactly who to bring.”


“Kei’s new not so new girlfriend.”

“I’m not taking any responsibility in this when Mina gets mad. You know how she is when she gets jealous.”

“I don’t think she’ll get jealous. She’s the one who broke up with me liking someone else.”

“I told you, everything is a misunderstanding for god’s sake Momo! Just talk to her and don’t get her mad that she runs away from you. Ok?”

“Ok. Sana I just realized something.”


“Monday is Mina’s birthday…”

“I totally forgot about that…”

“I just remembered too so I doubt Mina even remembers it. “

“It’s the perfect opportunity then. After the whole “friend’s meeting” take her out on a date and do a surprise event and win her back.”

“That doesn’t sound bad. I’ll think of something.”

“Good. I’m going to go now because I left Tzuyu who has a fever.”

“You came here all the way for me then?!”

“Yes you doofus, now I really got to go. Bye!”


Time of course never stops and it soon became Monday. The day where she had to meet up with Mina and her friend. Momo was so tensed up and nervous she didn’t realize she was grabbing on to Kei really hard until Kei winced in pain. She muttered a quick sorry and gave an apologetic look. Kei of course forgave her quickly. Kei’s girlfriend was coming later because she had an errand to do beforehand. It was actually good that way because Mina had told her that her friend’s friend was also running late. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice Mina already in front of her.


“Eh uh Hey Mina…”

They stared at each other awkwardly not saying anything. Momo then noticed a girl behind Mina. The pretty girl that was always with Mina. The same girl Momo had suspected Mina had started to take an interest upon.

Mina also was lost as they just stood there staring at each other until she noticed the girl next to Momo. She noticed they have been hanging out recently and it made Mina wonder if the older girl actually had gotten over her. A chill ran through her spine as she maybe thought it was too late.

“Hi, I’m Lisa. I’m a friend of Mina’s from University. I used to live in Korea for a while so that’s why I can speak Korean. And please just call me Lisa.”

“I’m Momo. Mina’s… friend since high school. Please call me Momo as well. I don’t really like formalities.”

“And I’m Kei. Momo’s friend from University. Just call me Kei as well.”

“It’s nice to meet you Kei. I’m Mina. Like Momo said her friend from high school… Please call me Mina.”

“Are you guy’s hungry?” Momo asked.

“Since we did eat lunch earlier, not too much.” Mina answered as Lisa nodded.

“Same here. So you guys don’t mind if I get us some coffee and tea and cake then?”

“No. I’ll come with you.”

“It’s ok. I know what you want. Do you mind telling me your preference though Lisa?”

“Not at all. I don’t really like coffee so tea would be better. As for the cake anything is fine.”

“Thanks. I’ll be back.”

“Wait. I’ll come with you.”

“I told you I already know your preference.”

“That’s not the reason why. I asked you to come so I should be paying.”

“It’s ok Mina. I can pay.”

“It’s not ok.”

“Both of you should just go.” Kei piped up suddenly.

“Yeah. Don’t bicker here.” Lisa added.

So the two went together to the register. Kei and Lisa smiled at each other knowingly. These two are really easy to catch up on things and noticed the two brought them over for comfort and to evoke jealousy.

“So, I’m guessing you’re the girl Momo has been constantly complaining about being on Mina’s social media too much.”

“And I’m guessing you are the girl that Mina has been complaining about that she’s on Momo’s social media too much.”

The two laughed and continued their conversation about the two stubborn ex-lovers. They were hitting it off pretty well until the two came back. Since the two were pretty much badmouthing them they couldn’t really say anything when Mina asked how they were doing while they were gone. Both Lisa and Kei were glad the register was on the other side of the store so they couldn’t see them bawling their heads off about them. Just when Momo and Mina were about to sit down, two voices of Sorry I’m late was heard from right behind them.

“I know you’re always late but I was worried you forgot, babe.” Lisa stood up and went over to the guy behind Mina and hugged him.

“Same. Although I knew you had an errand.” Kei also stood up to walk over to the girl behind Momo and held her hand.

Momo and Mina were both standing there dumbfounded. They didn’t expect the friend the other brought had a lover. So they both loudly said in unison,

“You had a boyfriend/girlfriend?!”

Momo directing the question to Lisa and Mina to Kei. Kei and Lisa looked at each other and started laughing.

“I didn’t know your boyfriend was Bambam though. You should’ve told me your girlfriend was Lisa man!”

“Wait you two know each other?” Lisa asked eyeing Momo and Bambam.

“Momo, Mina and I all went to the same high school, Lisa.” Bambam answered.

“Wow this is interesting…Oh I should introduce to you guys. This is Jisoo, my girlfriend.” Kei perked up.

“H-Hi I’m Jisoo. It’s very nice to meet all of you.” Jisoo shyly said.

They all sat down at the seats in the corner of the café. And just on cue, the deserts and coffee and tea were served. Now knowing that they were both still single, Mina and Momo had relaxed a bit. They were even enjoying the conversation and time they were spending together right now. Momo was really glad because she thought she was going to literally break down when she saw her. She didn’t but it still didn’t stop her from staring at Mina for a little too long, or reaching for the milk for Mina’s coffee or the urge to hold her hand as she talked to her. Mina also noticed the stares Momo gave her, she also had to hold in not to reach her napkin and dab her face to get the whipped cream off or to make sure she didn’t spill anything. Small things like that were a habit when they were together hurt them but they both managed. It also made them realize, that even though it might be better for their relationship, they couldn’t be just friends. They need each other. The 6 of them were enjoying their tea time together when Jisoo and Kei said they needed to go. Lisa and Bambam soon followed as well. Which left Momo and Mina, the two of them alone at the table. An awkward silence filled the area around them. When Momo suddenly stood up and grabbed Mina’s hand. She dragged her out the shop and led them to Momo’s car. She opened the passenger door for her and Mina silently got in. Momo slowly drove to her destination. The place she wanted to take Mina.

“Remember?” Momo asked as they reached the place.

“Of course. How can I forget?”

“Good. Let’s go.”

“Go where?”

“Like we did before. I have everything in the trunk.”

Momo opened the passenger side for Mina again. She then went to the trunk and grabbed a couple things. Momo went towards the beach that was laid out in front of them. She placed the mat she had packed and placed her other things on it and sat. She motioned Mina to sit next to her.

“It’s exactly like our first date.” Mina whispered.

“Right? I wanted to take you here because today is a special day.”

“Unnie… we broke up.”

“Our anniversary isn’t coming up yet. Happy birthday, Mina.” Momo said as she pulled out something from her bag and gave it to Mina. Mina opened it and gasped. It was the same exact penguin plushy that Momo had given her on their first date. It was her treasure and she always hugged it to sleep going to bed. Even after their break up.

“Why…” Mina whispered barely enough for Momo to hear, as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Well, I figured having a companion for the other penguin was nice. He must have been lonely.”

“No. I meant why are you still being this nice to me Unnie. I was horrible to you.”

“It’s because I love you Mina. I still do. I want you to tell me the truth Mina. Why did you suddenly shut me away? Not just me but everyone except Sana. Why did you lie? I heard from Sana…”

“It’s because I don’t deserve you Momo Unnie. You deserve better. Long distance relationships don’t tend to work especially after being close. I was worried that I might not even go back to Korea after University. I was afraid the rejection that would come if I stayed. That’s why I decided to let you go. So you would be free but more so for my cowardness. So I wouldn’t be hurt. I was immature and selfish only thinking about myself when it was our relationship. And I know you wouldn’t give up unless I lied to you. That’s why I told you I had someone else in my heart now. So you would slowly detach yourself from me. But I was wrong Unnie… I should’ve not been a coward and faced you properly. I’m sorry. I won’t say to forgive me but I wanted to tell you the truth and my feelings before I go back to the states.”

“Do you still love me then?”


“Just answer me, Mina.”

“I do. I love you Momo Unnie.”

That was all Momo needed to hear before enveloping the younger girl in her arms. Mina tried to break free from the hug but she knew she would fail. Momo had a strong grip like a koala.

“That’s all that matters Mina. The most important thing I believe is our feelings of love we have for each other. I-I have an idea. Let’s forget the whole break up and incident we have. Let’s go back to being lovers like we were back before you went to the states. Like a blank slate. Erase the memory since we know it was painful for the both of us. I’ve never blamed you for what happened Mina. I could never. So please don’t blame yourself. Let’s start over. We learned our lesson this time. We just have to be careful not to make the same mistake again. I’m not going to let you go so easily like I did before. Another reason why I chose this place was because it gives me courage. Since I asked you to be my girlfriend here the first time, I’ll ask again. Will you be my girlfriend again Myoui Mina?”

“Yes. Please take care of me again Momorin.”

The pain and chain that was suffocating them was broken. They hugged each other and enjoyed each other’s company under the moonlight on the beach like their first date. Today marked the second start of their new relationship.

The End

*** Ok I know I’m late for Mina’s birthday but Happy Birthday Mina! I’m glad she seems happy. And I hope you like this story ^^ You should know who I’m talking about lol.


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Chapter 13: This was adorable 💖
kimberlee #2
Chapter 8: continueeee pleaseeeee
zlnzx_ #3
Chapter 22: Continue Please^_^
Chapter 22: Continue please
sana24 #5
satzu next please authornim?
Chapter 22: For this story, isn't the past Momo stealing the present Momo's life?
AugustK88 #7
Chapter 22: Yes, a continuation of the story would be great! Hope everything's' so well to you authornimn! :)
Chapter 22: Yeay mimo ^^
Satzu for the next chapt please