Confession Song (Who's That continuation)

Twice couples one shot collection

MiMo one shot

Who’s that continuation

Confession song

Since quite a few of you requested for a continuation here it is ;) Hope you like it!

Myoui Mina, the archery club president, and rank number two student, who never missed school in her entire life, (even when she was sick or bullied) has decided not to go to school the past 3 days. Today was her fourth day into missing school. She knew she had over 200 notifications, about half of those coming from a certain boy that had caused her to not go to school. She knew she couldn’t hide forever in the comfort of her bedroom. But Mina had no clue what she should do. As much as Mina hated depending on someone, she decided to do it. She needed to talk to someone. Mina pulled out her cellphone which she had turned the notifications off and dialed a number.

About 30 minutes after she had called, she heard an engine of a car she knew well. She went over to her window and saw that he had come again. But this time, she noticed he was not alone. He was with the person she had called 30 minutes ago. As expected, her phone started to light up signaling a call from her housekeeper. She picked up and told the housekeeper to only allow one of them into the house. She hung up the phone, pacing back and forth in her room waiting for the person to come up. When she heard a knock, she rushed to her door to unlock it revealing a grinning squirrel in front of her. She knew that look. The look that was very amused of what was happening between her and a certain someone. A look that signaled Mina to get ready for an endless teasing. Mina sighed and let the person in her room before locking the door again and setting up the soundproof system in her walls. Sana just watched her raising her eyebrows in amusement because Mina spoke so softly that with or without the system it wouldn’t matter. No one can hear her.

“So what is it that you called me over enough to skip school, you miss school for the first time for 4 days, ignore all of our calls and messages, and most importantly turn the soundproof system on when you barely even speak? I’m guessing this has to do with my stupid cousin?” Sana asked. She had no intention of intimidating Mina but wanted to do it to see her reaction.

Which turned towards Sana’s favor because Mina just widened her eyes in surprise and looked down, her face all red and hands fidgeting from nervousness.

“I-I turned the sound system on in case you yelled, Sana. I don’t want anyone else to know about what happened.” Mina replied.

“I see. Ok what did my stupid cousin do this time?” Sana rolled her eyes. Many thoughts ran through Sana’s head as she tried to figure out what exactly he did to make Mina so mad to avoid him.

“He-he ……” Mina whispered

“He what? Mina speak louder.”

“He kissed me.” Mina mustered out. Her face beet red as she bit her bottom lip.

“He kissed you?!” Sana shouted.


“You skipped 3 days of school just because my stupid cousin kissed you?!” Sana shook her head in disbelief.

“He also confessed too.” Mina protested.

“So you two are dating now?” Sana glistened her eyes in amusement.

“N-No. I-I didn’t give him back a reply and just ran out the door. My legs just moved on its own.” Mina muttered.

“Why?! Myoui Mina?! Why?! You like him right?!” Sana made sure.

Mina just nodded and averted her eyes away. Sana didn’t understand why Mina ran away from him when he confessed.

“Did something else happen between you two?” Sana asked softly.

Mina shook her head and still had her head down.

“Then why Mina? You had no reason to run away and avoid Momota. “

“Sana, you and probably no one else knows this because I never told this to anyone and also because I didn’t want to remember it. But I guess I should tell you why I’ve been avoiding Momota after the kiss. I-It’s because of an incident that happened in our first year of middle school.”

~Flash back~

“Mina~” someone comes up from behind and back hugs her.


“Yeah~ it’s me. Let’s go home together.”


“Why is Mina stuttering? Aigoo so cute~~. Why does my Minari have to be so cute every day?”

“Momota, stop teasing me!”

“I’m not teasing. I tell you this every day. I also tell you that you should be my girlfriend too but you keep putting off your answer.” Momota pouted.

“Momota, you say it every day so it sounds like you’re just teasing me and not sincere you know?” Mina countered.

“You say that every day too.” He grumbled.

“Did you say something?”

“N-No… Let’s go home.” Momota said as he pulled her hand to leave.

“Ah! Here, Take one side of the earphone in your hand.” Momota said as he took out his iPod and earbuds. Mina took them and put one side in her ear as they started walking back to their homes. Momota grinned and stared at Mina while Mina kept her head down, avoiding Momota’s gaze and trying to listen to the music. For some reason Mina can’t keep her head up in front of Momota.

Mina had been putting off Momota and not responding to his confessions for a reason. She wanted to tell him her feelings on Valentine’s Day. Mina wanted to make chocolate for him and show her sincere feelings to him on that special day. Also because she felt that she wasn’t ready for a relationship yet. But since they were in middle school now, she thought it would be ok to take a step further into their relationship. From childhood friends to girlfriend and boyfriend. However, Mina was uneasy whether she would be able to confess her feelings so easily like Momota does. Since Mina is shy and cannot express her feelings well. She has tried confessing her feelings back. But it resulted in hundreds of confessions without success. Mina tried telling him directly, tried calling and texting, even writing a love letter because she was shy telling it. None of them worked because she would always back out or not be satisfied with herself. Why is it so hard just to write a simple letter? She kept writing and tearing it over and over again. Through texting she first makes sure he reads her text before trying to confess. But the day when she tried to he didn’t respond back immediately like he usually does. So All day long she waited for his reply. When he finally responded, Mina kept writing and erasing to make sure there’s no mistake in her words. But she was scared to send it so instead she accidently says things that she doesn’t mean.

I feel so unconfident should I just go back. I say I’ll confess for sure but it’s pointless with no actions in the end” Mina thought in her head. But she decided that she’ll make sure to confess this time.

Finally Valentine’s Day comes and Mina waits near by the school gate where she always does to wait for Momota. She decides to practice her confession while she waits for him to come. But every time she tries to utter out a single word, she can feel herself becoming red and nothing comes out.

I’m in love with you, why are these words so hard. I keep hesitating to say over and over again. I shouldn’t be like this. If I’m like this during practice there’s no way I would be able to say it during the real thing. Mina Fighting.” Mina whispered to herself.

So she continued practicing until she realized it’s been quite some time since waiting for him. Mina decided she should go see if he’s still practicing dance. Since Momota had a tendency to not notice the time when he dances. She checks the dance room but he wasn’t there. Mina walked around the school hoping to find him and that he hadn’t left without her. But she knew he never does so he had to be at school somewhere. That’s when she noticed in the school backyard two students, who were most likely a couple since its Valentine’s Day, hugging. But when she went closer to get to one of the corridors she couldn’t believe her eyes. One of the students that was hugging was Momota. He was hugging the girl with one hand while holding a box of chocolates in the other. Mina fled from the scene before they could notice her. She threw her chocolate that she made for Momota before running back home. Mina cried herself to sleep after getting back home. When she woke up in the middle of the night, she promised to convince herself to be happy for her best friend.

~End of Flashback~

“I shut my feelings for him since that day. That was why I ran away from him. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to keep these feelings back in myself when I finally got used to shutting them. That’s why I always joke back whenever he says sweet things. I was afraid to get rejected if I returned the feelings. I didn’t want to feel the pain I felt that day again.” Mina told Sana, her eyes burning from trying to not spill the tears.

“Mina… I remember that Valentine’s Day Momota was really sad saying he didn’t get choco from you. I remember him telling me that you either forgot or got mad that he was late to leave with you so that it was his fault. He was jealous that Jeongyeon and Tzuyoshi got one from you but he didn’t. He said he was late to meet up and go home with you because this one girl asked him to taste her chocolate before giving it to her boyfriend to see if it’s alright. Apparently it was really bitter. I wasn’t there and I didn’t hear all the details from Momota so I’m not sure but I think that’s the girl he was hugging. I think he was trying to make her stop crying. Since Momota would never touch any other girl besides you, Mina. He never even hugs me when I’m upset. Don’t be a coward anymore Mina and tell him you feel the same way too. Momota’s being annoying and groaning about how you rejected him.” Sana advised Mina.

Mina’s eyes widened. “T-thank you Sana. For telling me what you know. Also, I-I will tell him my feelings. He might not accept it now since I made him mad but I won’t run away anymore. C-can you help me though?”

“Of course.” Sana smiled. The two then came up with a plan. Mina was going to confess on Christmas Eve. Which is in 3 days. Mina prepared herself mentally and physically for the event while Sana was preparing decorations and other set ups. Sana was also the one bringing Momota to over where Mina will be confessing.

It was finally the day. Momota came over to school just like Sana asked to even though they were on break. He walked through the school gates and entered the school with his master key. The perks of being the student council president, only to found it unlocked already. He thought it strange but he figured Sana opened it because she asked him to meet inside the school. How she got the master key, she probably bribed one of the male teachers with her aegyo or stole it from him when he was sleeping and copied it. Probably the latter he thought when he realized the only and last option she probably did to get the key. She stole it from her boyfriend, Tzuyoshi. He mentally face palmed himself for giving the key to Tzuyoshi. He went inside the school, and went up to the second floor, towards the music room as he was told to. Momota finally reached the room and took a deep breath as he opened the door. As he did, his mouth dropped open due to the shock of seeing who was in the room. It was Mina, the girl that was avoiding him for the last couple days, sitting in front of the piano dressed nicely.  She smiled shyly at him before taking a deep breath and playing a melodic tune.

Mina was super flustered, nervous and frustrated as she waited for Momota to arrive. She practiced the dramatic lines in front of the mirror over and over again so she wouldn’t forget them. Especially since when she sees him, her mind goes all blank and nothing comes out of .

He finally opened the door and came into the room. The lines she practiced so hard were all forgotten when she stands in front of him, flustering her. Mina couldn’t remember anything, which was what she was afraid of but she promised she wouldn’t back out this time. So Mina just gave Momota a small smile before playing the piano. As she played, it eased her nerves and she remembered the lyrics one by one. Mina decided to convey her feelings by music because talking or writing didn’t work out. She took a deep breath before singing.

You may not feel the same way as I do

I may never see you again, that’s what I’m afraid of

Don’t have the courage to tell you

With this song let me open my heart to you

I love you, baby I, I love you (for a very long time)

I love you, baby I, I love you

My hands hesitate in front of yours

My heartbeat sound getting louder, you might hear it yeah

You may not feel the same way as I do

I may never see you again, that’s what I’m afraid of

Don’t have the courage to tell you

With this song let me open my heart to you

I love you, baby I, I love you (for a very long time)

I love you, baby I, I love you

My heart beats like a DRUM

My arms just wait for the day to hug you tight

My calendar just waits for the day marked red

My confession just waits for my courage

Though I am still a timid fool

I hope this song I wrote for countless nights

Deliver my sincerity

I love you, baby I, I love you (for a very long time)

I love you, baby I, I love you


As she finished the last notes, she saw that Momota was coming up to her.

Shall we?” Momota asked.

“Shall we what?” Mina asked back in confusion.

“Date. What else.” He grinned.

“Yes.” Mina told him as she threw his arms around him.

Their friends who were watching all cheered and congratulated the new couple who were finally together.

The end

*** Author’s note

Here’s part 2 or continuation of who’s that ^^ It’s not a full sequel but I hope you guys liked it. I thought this song which is another Got7 song would be perfect to use. It’s also the right time of the year for it too. <3 Which is why I waited to upload this and also because I had final exams. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

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Chapter 13: This was adorable 💖
kimberlee #2
Chapter 8: continueeee pleaseeeee
zlnzx_ #3
Chapter 22: Continue Please^_^
Chapter 22: Continue please
sana24 #5
satzu next please authornim?
Chapter 22: For this story, isn't the past Momo stealing the present Momo's life?
AugustK88 #7
Chapter 22: Yes, a continuation of the story would be great! Hope everything's' so well to you authornimn! :)
Chapter 22: Yeay mimo ^^
Satzu for the next chapt please