Making Decisions

Twice couples one shot collection

MiMo one shot:

Making Decisions

A one shot requested by @Byunpenguin ^^ who is my pretty Dongsaeng hehe

Thank you for the request! I hope you like it J

** Just a warning, if you are uncomfortable with Medical stuff, pregnancy, blood, I advise maybe to not read this.It's a little angst too... But I hope that you still do since it's a happy ending :) Sorry if I made any of you uncomfortable.

Hirai Momo and Myoui Mina met approximately 8 years ago when they first entered Tokyo University. They were both pre-medical students that had almost all the same classes together so it didn’t take long for them to get along. As they found out more of each other, they noticed they had a lot of similarities but differences as well. Their friendship soon began to blossom into something more precious, love. Momo confessed to Mina during his second year, which she immediately accepted. Now being in their last year of medical school, the 2 have been dating for 7 years.

Although the 2 were both medical students, they were going into different fields so the last couple years, they didn’t have much classes together. Plus graduation was in a month and a half so the 2 of them were busy enough working on graduation research papers they had to turn in and paperwork. The good thing was that they both lived together and that they were both going to work at Myoui Memorial Hospital which Mina’s parents used to run but was now run by her uncle. Momo was going to the surgeon ward while Mina was going into the pediatric ward. Things were going very well for the both of them. The two had no clue that approximately a month and a half away from graduation, things would turn a whole 360 degrees.

Momo was currently walking on campus, heading towards his boss, Professor Kuro’s office. He had gotten a call earlier to come see him because he had important news to tell him. While Mina was in a lecture hall, listening to her professor, being a good student in class. Momo finally reached his office and knocked. His professor motioned him to come in.

“Have a seat, I have some important things to tell you.” Professor Kuro told him. Momo gulped down saliva nervous to what he was going to tell him. He quickly took a seat like he told him to and waited for him to start talking whatever he had to tell him.

Meanwhile, his girlfriend Mina was just finishing up a lecture but was unable to move. She felt super nauseous and felt like she was about to collapse any minute. When she felt someone grab her shoulder. She barely turned her head around to find one of her best friends, Jihyo looking concerned.

“Mina are you ok? Do you need to go to the infirmary?”

Before she could respond, Mina felt like the world went black in front of her. She could faintly hear Jihyo’s voice shouting her name, but she soon lost consciousness.

Momo was still at his professor’s office trying to process what his professor had told him. He couldn’t believe it and his mind was absolutely blank. He finally got out of his stunned state when his phone started to ring. He excused himself from the professor’s office and answered the call. The phone call made Momo in a blank state again, as his foot started to run on its own. He just had a call that Mina had collapsed after a lecture and had to be transported to the hospital by an ambulance. Luckily, she was transported to the University hospital and not Myoui Memorial Hospital, which her Uncle was running. It was close distance but far for running, which was what Momo was doing. His mind wasn’t thinking properly so he dared not to drive almost getting run over by several cars, as he stumbled his way to the University Hospital.

He finally got there, sweating profusely and panting hard, asking for which room Myoui Mina was in. A nurse told him and he went towards the room. A doctor asked him if he was part of family. He hesitated whether he should tell him the truth or not but decided to since he at lying anyways.

“I’m Hirai Momo, Mina-san’s boyfriend. Her parents died in a plane accident when she was young so she has no parents. Her Uncle is the head doctor at Myoui Memorial Hospital but I believe he is busy and I got a call from the nurse here so. Doctor, is she ok?” He replied.

“I see. She is sleeping right now but she should soon wake up. You should talk to her well, about her condition. Since you seem like you are a medical student. Good luck and congratulations.” The doctor smiled at him and took off. Which made Momo confused. “What did he mean by talk to her about her condition? Is she terminally ill?” Momo paled at the thought and shook his head. “It must be stress with graduation nearing. Yeah, that has to be it.” He thought as he walked into the room she was in. He went close to her hospital bed and sat at the edge. He her face and moved the locks of hair covering her face behind her ear. Momo then faced forward again, his mind drifting back to what the professor had told him earlier.

“Momo-kun?” A faint voice called him and he whipped his head around.

“Mina?! Are you alright? I heard you collapsed at school. I’m sorry I couldn’t recognize that you were tired to the point you collapsed. I’m a medical student too…”

“Momo-kun, don’t worry I’m alright. Don’t blame yourself. I’m a medical student too you know?” she giggled.

“That’s true. What did the doctor say to you? He said I should talk to you about that.” Momo told her.

“Oh… Uhm… He said I have to be hospitalized for tonight. Depending on my condition he said I could go home tomorrow.” Mina told him her voice shaking a bit.

“Ok. I’ll stay with you then. I know you don’t like being by yourself at night so.” He said and kissed her forehead.

“Thank you Momo-kun.” Mina told him.

“Of course, now you should sleep. You need to rest. I’ll be sitting here so don’t worry.” Momo said as he faced the front again. He took out a book from his bag and started reading. He was soon interrupted though.

“Momo-kun, you won’t leave me too right?” Mina suddenly asked him, wrapping her arms around his waist, head resting on his back.

“Eh? I-I won’t Mina…”

“You sound very hesitant about that Momo-kun.”

He had to tell her now or never.

“Mina…. I have something to tell you.” Momo told her, turning around so he can see her eyes. He grabbed her hands in his and continued. “You know my dream right? To work under Professor Layton’s team at Cambridge University Hospital? Well… I got an offer from him directly to work there.” Momo grinned sheepishly and blushed. He looked at his girlfriend to see her in a shocked state. Which made him puzzled as well. “Why isn’t she saying anything?” Momo thought and just stared at his girl waiting for her response.

“What about Myoui Memorial Hospital?” she suddenly whispered after a moment of silence.

“… Mina I’m very grateful that your Uncle has given me a position at his hospital. But I may need to reconsider it now, that this offer has come. Myoui Memorial Hospital is one of the best in Japan and I am proud that I was offered a job there. However, I’m pretty sure you know the rumors too, Mina. That I was offered a job there just because I am your boyfriend. I became close to you just because I can secure a job. We both know it’s not true but I always felt guilty and unfair every time I heard that. Mina, let’s go to London together.” Momo told her.

“Momo-kun… As much as I want to go with you, I-I can’t.”

“Why Mina?!”

“First reason is, we both passed the national exams, Momo-kun. To become a doctor. If I go to London, I can’t pursue that. Also I can’t leave Myoui Memorial Hospital just like that. They need me as the next heir to the hospital. I also can’t leave the only thing my parents left for me.” Mina told him.

“I understand… we did work so hard for it. What’s the second reason Mina?”

“The second reason is… I-I’m pregnant” Mina whispered.

Momo’s eyes widened in shock. Did he hear her right just now? Did she say pregnant? Wait, with his baby? Of course it has to be his. Or else that means Mina is cheating! He mentally face palmed himself.

“I-Is it our baby?” Momo asked, his voice shaking. Mina nodded.

Momo hugged her and made sure she wasn’t suffocating.

“I understand now why the doctor said congratulations. I don’t know what to say Mina, but I’m really happy. Why is that a reason to not come with me? It should be a reason more.” Momo whined.

“Momo… I’m happy that you’re happy too but you know I can’t ride airplanes. Ever since my parents…. Died. If I wasn’t pregnant I would have probably gone with you and tried. But with the baby, I can’t since it might stress the baby out and worst case possible, there might be a miscarriage.” Mina reasoned with him.

He let go of her, and stared at her. That was true. He didn’t want her to have a miscarriage either. He knew how scared she was of planes and he didn’t want to risk it.

“Is it too much to ask to wait for me until I come back?”

“You know, I’ll always wait for you, but if you go, Momo-kun you and I both know you’re not going to come back. You love your medical research and job too much.”

Momo couldn’t say anything as he hung his head down. He couldn’t think properly right now and he knew this conversation was not going to go anywhere even if they kept talking. Since both of them wouldn’t back down on what they want. He let out a loud sigh.

“Let’s discuss this, once I get discharged Momo-kun. We both need some rest. We’ve had a long day.” Mina told him. Momo could only nod and he went over to the sofa that was near her bed. He spent the night there. Mina was luckily discharged the next day, and the two went back home together.

“You shouldn’t move much Mina. I’ll make lunch so stay there and rest.” Momo told her as he settled her down on the couch of their living room.

“Thank you. Momo-kun, after lunch we should um, talk about you know?” Mina gave him a shy glance uncertain about what she should say.

“Yeah… we should.” Momo replied with a monotone. He seemed to have no expression which scared Mina.

The two ate their lunch in silence. The air was filled with awkwardness, and both of them were glad when Momo picked up the dirty dishes and started washing them. Mina stood up and was walking towards to the foot of the bed, when Momo who finished the dishes suddenly started talking.  

“As a medical student I don’t want to do it nor say it but Mina, I think we should---“

“If you’re thinking about aborting the baby, forget about it. I’m not going to Momo-kun. I can’t believe you even thought about it. He’s your baby!!! Our baby!!” Mina screamed at him, crying and crumbling down to her knees. Which made Momo freeze on the spot. He never in his 7 years with her, heard her scream like that.

“I’m sorry Mina. You’re right I shouldn’t have said or even thought about it. But I don’t know what I should do. I love you and I don’t want to leave you but the chance of working with Professor Layton might never come again, and it was offered directly from him too.” Momo whimpered putting his hand on his forehead. Mina didn’t say anything and just kept silently crying at the foot of the bed.

There was absolute silence between them. When it seemed like a few hours have passed Mina suddenly stood up and started packing some things in her duffel bag.

“Mina?” Momo asked.

“Momo-kun, I think we both need our own space and time to think. We should take a break from our relationship until we both decide what we are going to do. Call me when you’ve made up your mind.”

Momo could only stare at his girlfriend’s back as she left the apartment. He couldn’t even form the words out of his mouth. He wanted her to stay. But he somehow couldn’t do anything as if his whole body just stopped functioning. He just stood there with his mouth hanging for who knows how long. Before he realized it, he was asleep on the bed. When he woke up, he was hoping for Mina to be back but she wasn’t. He walked around the room. It felt really empty without her presence and the room itself reminded him of her and their memories together that it was driving him crazy. He traced his fingers around the pictures they took and hung together in the room. His heart hurt so much. But he couldn’t give up his dream that easily either. He’s dreamed of working with Professor Layton since 10 years old when he came to the orphanage Momo had grew up in. Momo went back to his bed and decided to sleep again. He didn’t want to think of anything.

Momo woke up the next day and decided to text Mina to see if she was alright. He called her later in the day but she didn’t respond. He tried reaching her for the next few days but she didn’t answer. Momo was becoming really frustrated. To the point he went all the way to Myoui Memorial Hospital to see if her uncle knew about her whereabouts but her uncle drove him away too. He was now becoming worried more than frustrated. Momo knew he was being selfish that he didn’t want to lose both his dream job and the most important person to him. He decided to go dance, which was one of his hobbies, to ease the pain. But no matter how long he did, he wasn’t feeling any better. Momo knew running away wouldn’t solve anything but he wanted to do just that. He decided that he needs to think about what he wants to do.

It was a bad habit of Momo’s when he decides to concentrate on one thing, he forgets to do everything else. Which meant eating, drinking, and sleeping. During the years, Mina would always tend him and make sure he was alive, during finals, projects and researches. Momo was too immersed in thinking about his choices all day that he didn’t go to school, rarely ate and slept. He hadn’t been checking his phone either. Which he seldom does even on a regular basis, which got his best friend Tzuyu worried that he came over.

When he rang the doorbell, no one answered but he heard a loud thud so he tried to open the door, which was strangely unlocked, to find a collapsed Momo on the floor. Tzuyu also being a medical student, that was almost graduating and also passed the national exam like Mina and Momo, checked him over before calling the ambulance. It seemed like Momo was just sleep deprived and stressed so he set him down on his bed and let him rest.

“Tzuyu what are you doing here?” Momo asked groggily, finally waking up.

“Momo! You ok man? Professor Kuro and I have been trying to contact you this whole week but you wouldn’t pick up. I even called Mina-san but she said that she hasn’t seen you the past 2 weeks! What happened?”

“Mina picked up your call?!” Momo sprang up immediately and grabbed his friend’s shirt collar.

“Y-yeah? Momo let me go. You’re suffocating me. Anyways, I’m guessing that’s the only thing you just got right now.” Tzuyu told him giving a bitter smile.

Momo let go of Tzuyu’s collar and collapsed on the bed again. “I guess she’s only ignoring me then. I’m fine Tzu, just tired. And lost, not knowing what I should do.” Momo told him.

“What exactly happened between you two? I’m guessing again but it has to do with Professor Layton’s offer doesn’t it?”

Momo nodded. He then told Tzuyu everything. About what happened between Mina and him and how she was pregnant.

This time, it was Tzuyu who grabbed his shirt collar.



“I can’t believe you’re deciding what you should do with the offer when your girlfriend is pregnant Momo. PREGNANT!!! I’m disappointed in you, Momo. I thought you were much better than that. I didn’t expect my best friend to be so pathetic and a coward.” Tzuyu told him. He let go of Momo’s collar and pried Momo off, pushing him a little roughly which made Momo fall on the floor because he was so weak already. He then left Momo’s apartment.

He was at a loss of words. Not only his girlfriend left him too, but his best friend, more like his only friend left him as well. Momo yelled in frustration. He hated himself more than anything right now for being a coward. He was torn apart and devastated. He knew he was a total mess right now and that 2 weeks of thinking didn’t help at all. He needed help, but he couldn’t ask for help. Nor did he have anyone to ask now that his best friend had also left him. He decided to go freshen up. But when he saw the mirror, he couldn’t help but punch it, making his knuckles bleed but he didn’t care more or less. He was actually happy that the physical pain actually made him forget the aching pain in his heart. One blow after another, he hit the mirror, not caring about the shards sinking in deeper into his skin. When he couldn’t feel anything anymore, he stopped. He saw his reflection in the remains of the shattered mirror and found a devil instead of himself. Hair being all disheveled, tear streaks all over  his cheeks, bloodshot eyes from the lack of sleep and crying, blood all over his shirt and hands, some even streaked on his face. He then tended his wounds, and cleaned up the mess before taking a long cold shower, to cleanse himself from the mess and sins he made. Momo then collapsed on his bed once again.

Momo knew at the bottom of his heart he had made the decision already a long time ago. He was just being a coward. Afraid of what would happen in the future. As a baby, he was left at the front steps of an orphanage. Being an oddball from when he was little, he never did really have friends at the orphanage, and the kids at school had , not that he really cared. The first friend he ever made was Tzuyu when they met each other in middle school and realized they had many similarities such as both of them wanting to become a doctor. He was afraid that since he never earned the proper family love himself that if he could love the baby like he should. Momo, who has never messed up in his life until now, was afraid that he would mess up again, that he would ruin Mina and the baby’s future if he stayed with them. He really didn’t know what to do. He lost his girlfriend and his best friend. He was all alone again. Momo decided to sleep it off when his cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and bolted up in surprise.

“H-hello?” Momo answered.

“Long time no see, Momo-kun. You remember me right? The orphanage director? Mishima Kaoru?”

“Of course I would never forget you Director Mishima. If you haven’t let me in your orphanage, I wouldn’t be alive here today.”

“I’m happy to hear that. Momo-kun, I heard from Tzuyu that you haven’t been eating well or sleeping well. If there’s anything wrong. I’m always here to help.”

Momo always hated asking help from others. He felt useless and inferior, especially when he was already an orphan and had to be taken care of everything. But he was too broken at this point to care. He needed someone to listen to him.

“Director, I don’t know what to do anymore. I know I messed up big time and that I can’t do anything about it now but I don’t know what I should do.” Momo told her breaking down on his bed.

“Momo, I’m pretty sure there are still ways to make things better. If you messed up, just start over again.”

He was glad that the director did not force him to say anything about what happened. She was always taking care of him, when the other kids and faculty members ignored him. He had to tell her what happened at least. He didn’t want her to worry.

“Director, it’s a very long story but can you listen to what I have to say? I believe you have the right to know. Or, I want you to know. You remember Mina right? I took her to the orphanage a couple years back. Well... (Momo talked to the director with everything that happened the past 2 and a half weeks.)”

“You’ve had quite a few hectic moments all in one day, Momo-kun. I’m sorry to say this but you can’t choose both. Not right now though at least. I’m not saying there will be, but I’m pretty sure this is not the only time you can work with Dr. Layton. If you become a famous doctor like you said you wanted to be, I’m pretty sure there will be more opportunities to interact with him in the future. And I think, you forgot the purpose of why you wanted to be a doctor, Momo-kun. You wanted to be a doctor famous enough to be on TV so that your parents might show up in front of you one day right? And if they get sick, you can take care of them. Not to work under Professor Layton as an assistant, am I right? Also, I’m pretty sure you know but I can’t make the decision for you, Momo-kun. You need to make it yourself. I can help guide you into making that decision though. Just remember what I always told you when you were small. If you need to make a decision that’s difficult to choose, do what your heart tells you to. I have to go now, Momo-kun. I’ll call you again or you can call me whenever you want to. Just remember, I’m always on your side, whatever decision you make. Bye bye.”

Momo was wrong. He had received the family love all these years. From the orphanage director, from Tzuyu and most of all, from Mina. He would go by what his heart says, like the director told him. He also learned that asking for help when it’s needed is also not a bad thing. Momo finally got the courage to do what he wants to. He dialed a number.

“Hello? Professor Kuro? Yes, I have finally made my decision….”

A week later, Mina was standing in front of Professor Kuro’s research office. Where Momo has been working the past few years. She knew that she had been childish by avoiding him, and felt bad, but she needed time to herself to think. Mina knew that Momo had been wanting this job ever since she met him, so she didn’t want to be in the way, but she also didn’t want him to leave. She knew she was being selfish but Mina had no confidence to raise the baby by herself. Plus she wanted a family since she had lost hers at a young age, but more so, she wanted Momo to know what a real family was like. Since he never had one. So she decided she would talk to him, about what she wants. Mina wasn’t going to run away from her worries anymore. She decided that she would be straightforward and whatever it takes she won’t step down. Mina took a deep breath before she knocked on the door.

“Yes? How may I help you? Oh, Mina, hello there.” Professor Kuro opened the door.

“Hello Professor Kuro. Is Momo-kun here?” she asked.

“Momo? He hasn’t showed up the past 3 weeks I’m afraid.” He told her.

“Do you have any idea where he might be?”

“Wait, haven’t you heard from Momo, Mina? The flight for London is today. I’m pretty sure it departs at Narita at 3:00----“

Before Professor Kuro finished, his sentence, Mina ran off, surprising the professor. Mina ran with all her might, running to the nearest parking lot to hopefully catch a taxi, which she was able to do so. She told the taxi driver to head to Narita airport. On the way there, Mina was trying hard to suppress her emotions from falling out. She was mad at Momo for not telling her his decision but more so sad.

Mina finally arrived at the airport. Frantically trying to find where the departures for Britain were. She cursed inwardly for not asking earlier. Fortunately she knew what time the plane departs so she asked a nearby staff where the terminal for it was located and swiftly went to go find it. She found the terminal faster than expected and went inside, trying to find him. She was worried he might have gone inside the security already. As she wandered around, she saw a familiar back a few meters away. Mina wasted no time running to him.

“Momo-kun!!” He heard a familiar, perhaps too familiar voice call him and something, more like someone ambush his back. It was Mina, hugging onto him tightly not letting go.

“Mi-Mina? What are you doing here?” Momo asked surprised to find his girlfriend who had been avoiding him the past 3 weeks.

“I should be asking you the same thing! Were you just going to leave without even saying goodbye?! You know I will respect whatever decision you decided to make, but going without even telling me is too cruel.” She sobbed.

“Mina I think you’re misunderstanding something. I’m not going anywhere. I just came to say goodbye to Tzuyu. He’s the one leaving. Although he’s only going for a week to check out the research facility and greet the crew. Since he still needs to graduate. I gave my offer to him because his girlfriend, Sana is in London studying English literature.” Momo explained. He slowly pried off his girlfriend’s arms off him and faced her. He gave a low chuckle when he saw how wide her eyes were opened along with .

“Does that mean?” Mina asked with uncertainty in her voice.

“I’m staying here. In, Tokyo, with you and our baby. I’ll help manage Myoui Memorial Hospital with you.” Momo smiled at his girlfriend who had tears running on her cheeks.

“But-but what about your dream? I know you really wanted to work with Professor Layton. You’ve been telling me ever since you met me. Although I didn’t want you to go, I loved how you would never give up on that one dream you had since you were a child. Are you sure you want to give that up because of me?”

“Mina, even though I didn’t take the offer this time, I didn’t say I was ever giving up didn’t I? With my best friend on the team, Myoui Memorial Hospital can maybe even work on a project with them. Wouldn’t that be even better? Since that means you can also work with them you know? I’ve thought about this for the past 3 weeks you’ve been avoiding me, Mina. I can live without taking the offer. But I can’t live without you. I dreaded every moment that I didn’t stop you from leaving me. I was a fool blinded by gold. I was so immersed in the one choice in front of me, that I didn’t realize what was really important. Our 7 years of friendship and love that we slowly nurtured together. A job can be replaced anytime but love is never irreplaceable. I’m sorry, I hope you forgive me.”

“Baka!! You didn’t even do anything wrong… I should be the one saying sorry. I crushed your dreams, and—“Momo shut her up with a kiss, which attracted some attention from the people at the airport.

“Don’t say that. My dreams came true already.” He smiled when they parted. Wiping her tears with his thumb.

“Eh?” Mina asked her head tilted to one side in confusion.

“To become a doctor with the person I love. We both passed our national exams and we would be graduating in 3 weeks.” He said hugging her. She immediately hugged him back, resting her head on his shoulders.

“Also, I get to have a family too. I’ve always wanted one. I made you pregnant so I will take full responsibility.” Momo whispered in her ear, which made Mina immediately pull back from his embrace. Before she knew it, he was on his knees.

“Myoui Mina, I know there are more romantic ways I could have done this, but I can’t wait any longer. I want you to be mine and I want to be yours. Since I’ve never had a proper family, there may be times where I would be useless, or not being able to properly love our child, but I promise I’ll try my best. Will you marry me, Mina?” Momo asked, he tried to convey all his emotions he felt into that one question and into his eyes, which were absorbed in Mina’s.

 Mina on the other hand, was crying again with her hands covering , nodding ferociously. She then enveloped her arms around him, still streaming down tears, which were staining Momo’s jacket which of course he didn’t mind. He patted her back and head until she calmed down. Once he knew she had stopped crying, he made her stand up facing him. He first wiped the tear streaks off her face before putting on the engagement ring he had in his hand. The growing crowd around them were cheering wildly at the two, making them blush. But it still didn’t stop them from ruining the atmosphere between the two. Momo leaned their foreheads together, both of them staring at each other and smiling. He wiped the remaining tear streaks on his fiancé before hugging her tightly.

“Thank you.” Momo whispered into his soon to be wife’s ear.

“For what?” Mina asked back confused.

“For everything. But most importantly helping me make the best decision in my life. To ask you to be my wife.” Momo told her.

The End ^^

*** Author’s note

SO this one shot was actually requested by my cute dongsaeng @Byunpenguin<3 I actually really liked the plot and really liked writing it ;) As I was writing it I thought it would be a good opportunity to tell you readers that it’s ok to have more than one thing you want to do. It’s ok to have a backup plan. That’s what they are for if things don’t work out the way you want them to be. That there is more than one choice or path you can take. And lastly, that it’s ok to ask for help. Right now I am studying animal science aspired to be a veterinarian in the future. I thought that this was the only career to be all my life. However, I learned recently that there is a lot of different things I can do with my degree actually. I am not giving up easily but I learned that being a veterinarian is not the only thing I can do. Ok, I think you guys had enough of the life lessons for now lol. I’ll stop. Changing the subject, did you guys all see Twice’s TT remix version? The Dance break was so awesome!!!! Also I’m still open for trading if anyone wants to ^^

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Chapter 13: This was adorable 💖
kimberlee #2
Chapter 8: continueeee pleaseeeee
zlnzx_ #3
Chapter 22: Continue Please^_^
Chapter 22: Continue please
sana24 #5
satzu next please authornim?
Chapter 22: For this story, isn't the past Momo stealing the present Momo's life?
AugustK88 #7
Chapter 22: Yes, a continuation of the story would be great! Hope everything's' so well to you authornimn! :)
Chapter 22: Yeay mimo ^^
Satzu for the next chapt please