Momo's Birthday ~Revenge~ (MiMo and SaTzu)

Twice couples one shot collection

MiMo and SaTzu oneshot

Momo’s birthday ~Revenge~

After the kissing incident at the fan meet, things were a little awkward between the members but it soon became back to normal. Mina and Momo are now lovey dovey as ever after the incident and the members were glad to see that. However the two were not mad but still slightly annoyed at their fellow Japanese member, Minatozaki Sana who acted like nothing ever happened after the incident. She did apologize once, but Momo and Mina knew she wasn’t really that sorry after seeing the aftermath of what happened between them. She was rather satisfied. The two Japanese lovers were also not stupid enough but rather smart enough to realize, Tzuyu acting weirder than usual around them. So the two decided to investigate.

First thing Mina and Momo noticed is that Sana and Tzuyu are back to like what they were during LOA era. During car rides and off camera they would be together and on stage too, they would be eyeing each other. At the Mnet meet and greet, Sana even picked out the picture of them two! I mean the stares Sana and Tzuyu give to each other are always really obvious and all members knew they liked each other except them. But the problem was that the Japanese members knew, Sana was avoiding Tzuyu or more like couldn’t get close to her because of the managers wishes. SO they went up to Tzuyu during break to see what was going on. Mina back hugged Tzuyu so she couldn’t escape while Momo talked to her.

“Tzuyu~~ are you with Sana now? Because you two have been pretty close these days!” Momo teased.

“Wait what?! No! Sana unnie and I aren’t dating….” Tzuyu told her with bright red cheeks.

“Aigoo someone’s embarrassed. Are you confessing though?” Momo whispered.

“…Not anytime soon. Since she’s finally come back to me after she’s been avoiding me. I don’t want to lose her again or make her uncomfortable by saying my feelings.” Tzuyu whispered back.

“I don’t think that will be a problem though?” Mina added.

“It will, Mina Unnie trust me.”

“Well, enough of that, what were you and Sana doing that one day when we had a music show recording? I know you were with her. It was so obvious with the smile you had on Tzuyu! Although you guys came back at different times to show you weren’t together but I think everyone knew.” Momo asked her.

“Uhh… Nothing Unnie. We were just talking about random things.” Tzuyu told her. Since of course she couldn’t tell them that Sana and her were planning to make them kiss.

“Aww come on Tzuyu-ah~ you can tell us Unnies anything you know? We won’t spill your secret.” Momo smiled at her with a nodding Mina.

“I doubt that Momo Unnie. Mina Unnie can be trusted but you tell Jeongyeon Unnie everything which then goes to Nayeon Unnie and then everyone.” Tzuyu laughed which also made Mina laugh and Momo pout.

“Tzuyu~~” Momo protested giving her best pout look to her. Tzuyu had to admit she did look really cute and sometimes she really wonders that her Unnies are more like the maknae than she is.

“Sorry Momo Unnie, I can’t tell you. Or else Sana Unnie’s going to be very mad at me.” Tzuyu told her.

“Fine… I will let you off the hook for now Tzuyu-ah but Mina and I are going to come back ok?” Momo told her and she and Mina left her. Tzuyu immediately felt that she needed to tell Sana but Sana was currently preoccupied with other members. When she saw that Momo and Mina went off somewhere, she knew it had to be know or never, she grabbed Sana’s wrists and pulled them into the corner. Little did they know, the other Japanese members were watching them, trying to zero in to their conversation.

“Why did you bring me over here Tzuyu? Is anything wrong?” Sana asked her

“Sana Unnie, please help me!”

“What happened?”

“Momo and Mina Unnie are pestering me about what happened that day when we were talking about the plan. I almost gave it away when they pressured me but somehow evaded them but I don’t think I can anymore if they insist again…” Tzuyu told her.

“Aww Tzuyu-ah… Just stay with me, that way they won’t dare to ask you.”

“But Unnie, I can’t always stay with you.”

“Hmm… that’s true. Just try and if they try to corner you again, run away. Or be with another member. Chaeyoung would probably be best or Dahyun. The older ones will probably only try to help them.”

“Ok Unnie, we better go back before those two come back.”

The two went back to the other members. Still not knowing the couple was listening to the whole conversation. “What plan?” they both thought and looked at each other in confusion. But they knew something was going on at least and decided to investigate further. However, the next few attempts that were tried kept on being blocked by Sana or by Tzuyu. Momo and Mina sighed. They decided that if they were going to ever find out the truth, they had to keep one of them busy while the other talks. Mina told Momo to keep Sana busy while she goes talks to Tzuyu because Tzuyu would be more like to spill the secret to Mina because of what she said earlier.

So Momo went over to Sana, went they got back to the dorm, telling her to come with her to the mart. Jeongyeon pitched in wanting to join and the 3 of them left the house. Mina then went over to Tzuyu’s room.


“What is it Mina Unnie?” Tzuyu eyed her nervously but sighed in relief when she realized Momo wasn’t with her.

“If you’re not busy do you want to go for a walk?”

Tzuyu eyed her roommates who were busy studying together. She didn’t want to bother them so she agreed. They were walking around their dorm area with caps on for disguise. Since it was pretty dark out, people wouldn’t recognize them either. Mina took them to a nearby park and sat on a bench, beckoning Tzuyu to sit down next to her, which she did. Mina leaned her head on Tzuyu’s shoulders, making her freeze in surprise.

“M-Mina Unnie? Um… won’t Momo Unnie get mad at you if you uhm…”

“It’s ok Tzuyu. Momo knows I’m with you right now. Plus she doesn’t get much jealous as I do.” Mina pouted.

“Aww… poor Mina Unnie. That’s true she does flirt with the other members.”

“Yeah… that’s why I really respect you Tzuyu-ah. I lash out at Momorin sometimes because I get jealous, but you keep your composure all the time when Sana Unnie flirts with the others. Sometimes I really wonder if you are the maknae.” Mina chuckled as she said the last part.

“….. Well, you’re dating Momo Unnie, but I’m not dating Sana Unnie. So I just can’t lash out my feelings at her. She’s not even mine… I really want to Mina Unnie. I really want to tell her I love her but I don’t want to ruin our relationship. Plus it seems like she likes Dahyun Unnie. I want her to be happy. Even though I may be only a friend or someone she can rely on when she needs help, I want to be by her side. It’s better than not being able to be by her side at all.” Tzuyu whimpered, finally letting her feelings all out. Mina embraced her and patted her head and back lightly, trying to calm the girl down. She felt guilty trying to make the poor girl spill out whatever she was hiding. But she knew the younger girl was still hiding things and wanted her to spill them out so she can feel better.

“Thank you for telling me your true feelings Tzuyu. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you sooner. Next time you’re distressed come talk to me before you hold it in ok?” Tzuyu only nodded and continued to cry in Mina’s arms silently so they won’t gain unwanted attention.

“Mina Unnie? Do you know why, Sana Unnie keeps avoiding me some days and other days she clings on? Like during Jeongyeon Unnie’s birthday event or when she asked me to help you and Momo Unnie be closer?” Mina gasped at the last part, making Tzuyu realize she slipped up. She tried to quickly get up from the bench but Mina held her down.

“What do you mean by getting me and Momo Unnie closer Tzuyu?” Mina asked with an innocent smile that made shivers go down Tzuyu’s spine.

“Uhh… um…” Mina went closer to Tzuyu, still holding on to her so she wouldn’t escape.

“Well, Sana unnie wanted me to help you two be closer. Since our schedules been busy and that even though you guys have been dating for quite a while, it didn’t seem like it. Since Momo Unnie would always flirt with the other members. So we came up with several plans but the only one that worked was the pepero game…” Tzuyu whispered the last part very softly Mina was barely able to hear it.

“That’s what they meant by plan earlier. I knew it! Of course Sana planned it… She didn’t seem sorry at all when she apologized. More like she was satisfied about it. Momo’s going to kill that squirrel if she finds out… Should I keep this to myself? Because there is no way Momo will not rage about this to Sana Unnie. Tzuyu will be probably then be scolded… They finally got close again, I don’t want to ruin Tzuyu’s heart.” Mina thought.

“Mina Unnie?” Tzuyu interrupted her thoughts.

“I knew Sana Unnie was up to something when she told me she would help me… Since the week before she just shrugged me off and said to give myself to Momo Unnie?!” Mina repeated the last line slowly.

Mina mentally face-palmed herself! This was Sana’s revenge for being clingy to Tzuyu at Jeongyeon’s birthday event! Since she knew both Tzuyu’s and Sana’s feelings for each other. Now it all made sense. At that moment, Mina thought up with the perfect payback and curved her lips upwards. Tzuyu looked at her in confusion.

“Tzuyu, I’m going to tell Momorin about this because she deserves to know too. But don’t worry we will protect you ok? So Sana doesn’t get mad at you. Let’s go back to the dorm now ok?” Mina told her and grabbed her wrist. Once they got back to the dorm, the 3 that went back to the market were back and Tzuyu just stared at the flooring. She couldn’t make eye contact with Sana nor Momo at the moment. Since Mina still was holding on to Tzuyu’s wrists Momo and Sana were glaring towards them with widened eyes. Momo came over and took Mina’s hand that was holding Tzuyu’s wrist and pulled her to her room. Tzuyu tried to hold in a smile because she saw Momo being actually Jealous for maybe the first time. It also made her happy that Mina seemed so happy by it to.

“Why are you smiling?” Sana suddenly questioned, with a hint of coldness in her voice.

“I’m just happy that Momo unnie is finally showing signs of jealousy. Mina Unnie was just complaining to me about it.” Tzuyu told her.

“What were you two doing?”

“Uhh just talking. Mostly Mina Unnie saying that Momo Unnie seems to be unaffected when she hangs out with other member.” Tzuyu quickly spoke. Sana raised an eyebrow at her fast rambling but just let it slide.

“Ok. I see. Tzuyu let’s watch something together. I miss hanging out with you.” Sana smiled and Tzuyu just nodded relieved that she didn’t continue to ask any more questions.

Meanwhile in Momo’s room,

“What was that? Why were you holding hands with Tzuyu?” Momo demanded.

Mina mentally face-palmed herself again. She just added fuel to Momo’s anger even before she can reveal what she found out. “Momorin, I was holding Tzuyu’s wrist to bring her back to the dorm. When I tried talking to her about what she was hiding, she broke down into tears. She spilled everything. How she was hurt that Sana Unnie had been avoiding her, how she wants to confess to her badly but doesn’t at the same time because it would ruin their friendship. Also how that she’s been jealous of Dahyun who’s been receiving so much love from Sana Unnie these days. So I was just comforting her, there happy?” Mina asked and smiled inwardly when Momo looked guilty.

“I’m happy that you’re finally giving me your full attention though.” Mina hugged her and kissed her neck. Making Momo blush like crazy and forgetting to hug her back. When she got out of her trance, she tried hugging her back but Mina suddenly pulled away making her pout. Mina kissed the pout away, immediately making her smile. Looking into Momo’s eyes, Mina told her, “Momorin, I’m going to tell you now what I heard from Tzuyu. Now don’t get mad and try to interrupt while I’m talking about it ok? Or else I’m going to get mad at you.  Please listen till I finish the end of the story. I’m telling you this because I don’t want Tzuyu to get hurt more than she already is. I’ll give you a reward if you are able to do it ok?” Putting her finger to Momo’s lips, the older girl just stared at her finger and nodded. Mina smiled at her, patted her head and started, “So remember, when we eavesdropped Sana and Tzuyu’s conversation the other day? Well the plan that they were talking about was to make us closer because we haven’t had time to be with each other recently. According to Tzuyu, they made several plans and attempted them during our schedules, but the only one that actually worked was our kiss at the fan meeting. Now Momorin, I see you wanting to talk. I’m not finished yet just be patient a little more ok? So let’s start from the beginning. I’m just assuming things here but I think it’s the truth. On Jeongyeon’s birthday event, you went off to a different schedule so you wouldn’t know but I was jealous that you were with Heechul sunbaenim recording the music video so I unconsciously intertwined my arms and grabbed Tzuyu’s hand so I wouldn’t clench my fists. Sana Unnie noticing this, glared at me which she never did before. I quickly ran over to the car after the event was over because I was really scared. She went straight to Tzuyu though so I was relived but then she came into the car and sat in the back next to me. She told me not to worry about you because you would be fine and avoiding Heechul sunbaenims looks anyways. She then suddenly started talking about how she would help me with giving you a birthday present. I’m guessing the kiss was the help. I’m glad she helped us and I’m happy to know she was worried about us but dragging Tzuyu into this I wasn’t so happy about. Since I’m guessing Tzuyu made you and Nayeon Unnie kiss. Soo~~ Momorin, why don’t we also get revenge on them and do payback?” Mina grinned innocently. Momo just looked at her and swallowed. Mina was sure hella scary when she was mad. She then went over to Momo and pecked her on the lips. “You can talk now Momorin. Yokudekimaa (You did very well.)”

“Uhm… so ok. I got what happened. Basically you’re telling me not to get mad or even tell Sana we found out the truth from Tzuyu so Tzuyu won’t be hurt right? What’s the plan?” Momo grinned evilly.

“I’ll give you two more rewards when we finish our talk. You know obviously Sana likes Tzuyu because she’s talked to us about it right? And that Tzuyu also likes Sana. Well, I’m thinking, we should make them kiss too. Sana Unnie’s birthday is coming up so it’s a great timing too. I even came up with the perfect plan. All we need to do is tell the other members also because things may get really wrong if we don’t tell them ahead of time. Don’t worry just our plan. Not the plan Sana Unnie and Tzuyu did on us because the other member’s will probably confront them about it. So here’s the plan….” Momo smiled as Mina finished explaining. Her girlfriend was a genius!

“That’s brilliant baby, we should go tell the others while Sana and Tzuyu are still together.” Momo told her.

“How do you know Sana and Tzuyu are together?” Mina asked raising her eyebrows in confusion.

“They’re watching a movie. You can hear the faint voices of Japanese coming from the living room. Only Tzuyu or us watches Sana’s mushy Japanese love movies with her.” Momo laughed.

Mina then started to leave the room to go tell the other members of their plan but stopped when she realized her girlfriend wasn’t following. She turned around to see Momo having her arms across, her face pouting like a small child. “Where’s my reward? You told me you would give me 2.”

Mina just shook her head and walked up to her girlfriend and placed her lips over hers. When they parted, Mina then whispered into her ear, “I love you Momorin,” and then took her hand to get out of the room. Momo smiled like a fool because Mina rarely said those 3 words to her. Although she was still mad at the squirrel she was happy that the squirrel made them kiss. She couldn’t wait to give her back the sweet revenge they have planned.

To Be Continued…


*** Author’s note

So here is part 3 of the story! I will have a continuation of it called Sana’s birthday lol. I will upload it when the time comes near her birthday. That is why I did not reveal Mina and Momo’s Evil? Plan yet haha. I’m writing so many one-shots that I’m not updating my actual stories sorry!! I will update partners as soon as I can. I want to finish it before winter break so I can focus on writing The Promise during the break. I’m currently writing a couple one shots which one of them, I might make it into a series. I’ll upload as soon as I finish them!

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Chapter 13: This was adorable 💖
kimberlee #2
Chapter 8: continueeee pleaseeeee
zlnzx_ #3
Chapter 22: Continue Please^_^
Chapter 22: Continue please
sana24 #5
satzu next please authornim?
Chapter 22: For this story, isn't the past Momo stealing the present Momo's life?
AugustK88 #7
Chapter 22: Yes, a continuation of the story would be great! Hope everything's' so well to you authornimn! :)
Chapter 22: Yeay mimo ^^
Satzu for the next chapt please