Chapter 7

I Need a Girl

Chapter 7

I'll Lie for You

GuiGui walked down the hall with Hebe. [She still couldn't get the picture out of her mind, Hebe was kissing Aaron. She had remembered that Aaron said he will always be there when she cried. But why wasn't he there yesterday?] She shook those thoughts out of her head. She was going crazy.
Then she saw some kids pointing at Hebe and whispering. Then they ran away. [What's going on?] I thought. I sighed and shrugged it off, must be something minor, no biggie. But GuiGui.. Was wrong. When she got into the classroom the talking stopped and everyone ran to there seats. [Okay.. This is really weird..] GuiGui thought. DING! DONG! DING! DONG!

"Okay guys! Lets start class. Turn your books to page 80." The teacher said. It was 5 minutes into class when someone passed GuiGui a note. She took it and looked at it. It was a picture of Aaron and Hebe kissing.

"Hey! Did you guys know that Hebe forced herself on Aaron?" One comment said.

Another said: "Oh my gosh! She's such a !"

"Guess she's not as innocent as we think!!" Another one said.

"Gosh! I looked up to her." Another one said.

"Maybe she didn't force herself on him! Maybe he did?" One said.

"How could you guys be so stupid! Does it look like he wants to kiss her" One said in reply.

GuiGui just read the comments in disbelief. How could they say this? Especially about Hebe!! GuiGui was angry. But deep down, she was sorta glad Aaron didn't want that kiss. But nevertheless she wasn't going to pass this to Hebe with out whiting out the bad ones. But before she could even get her white out Hebe had turned around and grabbed the paper.

"Hey! Give that back!" GuiGui whispered to Hebe.

"No! I want to read it!" Hebe said. Then she turned around.
Less than 2 minutes had passed and she turned to look at me.

"W-who w-wrote t-this?" Hebe said. Her voice was quivering and she was near tears. She was dissapointed that people would think that she was this type of person. GuiGui had no answer, all she did was look down.

"Miss Tian. Can you please answer the question?" The teacher said impatiently. Hebe stood up. But instead of answering the question she held the paper up.

"Who wrote this." She said, clenching her teeth.

"Wrote what? Miss Tian." The teacher said. She walked up to Hebe and grabbed the paper out of Hebe's voice. Everyone looked scared the moment the teacher stopped reading it.

"WHO WROTE THIS!?" The teacher shouted. No one answered. Suddenly, half the class stood up.

Then a voice from the students said "Who cares if we wrote it? She was our role model! But no one expected her to do that! To push herself to guys!"

"Yeah!" The class shouted. The teacher was in shock, she didn't know what to say. What had gotten into her students.

Hebe felt the tears at her eyes. She couldn't believe that the students were think that.. That.. But wasn't that what she had done yesterday? Forced herself onto Aaron? She shook her head. No, she was right and they were wrong..
Then Aaron stood up.

"It wasn't Hebe's fault. We both agreed to the kiss." Aaron said coldly. The whole classed looked at him in shock. He had to lie. He couldn't let Hebe get hurt, even though he doesn't love her like that anymore, she's still important to him. He stole a glance at GuiGui and could see that hurt was written all over her expression.

"If it's true then does that mean that you guys are dating?!" A student shouted. Aaron knew that there was no getting out of this. So he nodded his head, then he took Hebe's wrist and dragged her out of the room.

The tears were falling. She was so mad and upset that Aaron was going out with Hebe. She knew that.. that she didn't have a chance with Aaron. But she still wished. Now it would be so weird to have him tutor her.. Maybe she should just back off.

From afar Chun saw GuiGui crying. He wanted to get up and go comfort her, he wanted to run out and punch Aaron for making her cry. But he stayed back. He knew she wanted to be alone.

Here goes Chapter 7. I'll try to see if I can update
tonight again. I'm going to a funeral :(
Anyways, hope you liked it. I know I think I write to much
but I can't stop it, once I'm on a roll, well I gotta finish it!! Thanks for all the lovely comment! I have so many and I'm only on Chapter 7!! Ahh! Love you guys!! Comment!!

----GuiiLunn <333
Janurary 23rd, 2011
10:03 AM.

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