Chapter 3

I Need a Girl

Chapter 3

Tears of Hate

[It's been four days since the incident between Hebe and Aaron. But Hebe had asked me to not be mad at Aaron. That she had also done the same thing to him. I couldn't say no because I didn't want to make her cry again. Some part of me already forgave Aaron, because he didn't deserve to be rejected in a way like that. But some part of her hated him..] GuiGui's thoughts stopped when Aaron kicked her desk.

"Ahh! What do you want?!" GuiGui shouted. The whole class erupted into a series of laughing. And even Aaron was laughing, which was rare, because she could feel that Aaron was still hurting on the inside.

"GuiGui Wu! What do you mean what do I want?!" The teacher asked. Clearly she was mad at GuiGui for yelling at her.

GuiGui's faced turned bright red and she was at a loss for words. She meant to yell at Aaron but instead she had yelled at the teacher... Oh no! What was she supposed to do now? Then Aaron stood up.

"Teacher San, I aplogise for GuiGui. It was my fault so please don't blame her." Aaron said.

"And Mr... Yan.. Why would you say that?" Teacher San asked.

"Well sir, I had kicked her desk because she wasn't feeling well, and before class she said that if somebody asked her something and she didn't answer to kick her desk." Aaron said again, slightly annoyed.

[What is he doing? Why is he standing up for GuiGui.. It couldn't be... Could it?] Hebe thought.

"Hmm.. Ms... WU.. Is this true? Are you not feeling well?" The teacher asked, this time with concern in his voice.

"H-huh? U-uhh.. I-im feeling fi..." GuiGui didn't even finish her sentence when she felt somebody kick her. It was Aaron.

"She means she is feeling a little WEIRD.. Because she feels like she is a GHOST..." Aaron said. Emphasizing the word 'GHOST'. The whole class started laughing all over. Just then the bell rang. Woo! Saved! GuiGui thought.

*sigh* "Class Dismissed" Mr. San said. And then everyone ran out of the room.

[Wooh! Thank god Aaron was there!!] GuiGui thought. [Aaron? Oh right! I should thank him!]

"U-umm.. Aaron?" GuiGui said. Aaron turned around.

"I-i.. I-ijustwantedtosaythankyouforhelpingmebackthere!" GuiGui said. [There! Done and DONE!] GuiGui thought.

"What did you say?" Aaron said. Confusion was written ALL over his face.

*sigh* "He's supposed to be smart.. Why is he so dumb?" GuiGui said out loud.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Said Aaron. Then he walked away. Oops! GuiGui thought. What's wrong with me?

"Gui.." Chun said.

"Huh?" GuiGui said. What did Chun want?

"Remember you said you would accompany me to talk?" Chun said. [Oh that's right!! Chun wanted to talk to me.. about.. the thing 5 years ago...] GuiGui thought. She nodded her head and followed him.

"Gui.." Chun said when they reached the school park, and sat down.

"I just want to say I'm sorry about what I did 5 years ago. I know I was stupid.. I really liked you back then but I... I just... I was scared.. I didn't think that you would like me because I.. I was weird.. I didn't have friends at all.. So I rejected you.." Chun said. His voice was filled with sadness. But GuiGui was filled with anger.

[How could he do this? Why would he tell me he loves me now? Why would he bother to apologize to me now? Why would he tell me he loves me now after he had broken my heart already?!] GuiGui thought. Her tears were about to fall but she bit them back.

"Gui.. I just want to know... Can you please be my girlfriend?" Chun said. His voice was to full of itself, if it thought that I was going to say yes. Just then Aaron saw GuiGui and Chun talking. GuiGui seemed really mad.

"Don't you think it's a little to late to apologise?" GuiGui said. She was filled with anger now. [Who does he think he really is? Telling me that he loves me now!? When he has broken my heart?! Is this how Aaron felt when Hebe confessed to him!?] GuiGui thought. The tears were about to fall.. But GuiGui bit her tongue to keep from crying.

From a far distance Aaron could see GuiGui and Chun. He could see that GuiGui was hurt, and somewhere.. Somewhere deep down he knew that she felt his pain. Just then, Chun tried to pull GuiGui into a kiss. Aaron was about to help her when she pulled away.

"CHUN! What do you think your doing!!" GuiGui yelled. Her heart was beating fast and she was angry. First its the whole I love you and I'm sorry and now this?! He's thinking to highly of himself.

"Gui.. I-im..." Before Chun could finish GuiGui stopped him.

"Chun! My feelings for you are already gone, and even if there still there, it doesn't mean I love YOU. Your not the Chun I knew 5 years ago. Your someone totally different." Then GuiGui walked away. She could feel the tears in her eyes but she bravely walked away until she was far enough. Then, that's when the tears came. She stopped and sat on a bench, and let her tears fall. Her heart was hurting so much. It felt like it was shattering. Who did Chun think he was anyway?! Then, GuiGui heard footsteps behind her. She stood up and turned around. Aaron.

"A-aaron??" GuiGui said. Trying to make her tears stop. She didn't want to cry in front of him.

"It's okay. You can trust me." Aaron said. And pulled her into a hug. GuiGui was shocked but comforted.

"Shh.. You can cry all you want. I'll never leave your side." Aaron said. And continued hugging her.

Authors Note:
Haha sorry! It sorta ! I know! I rushed the story a little bit! I have to go somewhere... :( And it's VERY long.. Sorry bout that haha. Please comment. I'll write a better one later!!

--GuiiLunn <333
Janurary 21st, 2011
4:52 PM

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