Chapter 22

I Need a Girl

Chapter 22

Bring it On

The next day when GuiGui arrived at school everyone came rushing to her.

"GuiGui!! We heard about Hebe!" A student said trying to soother GuiGui.

"Yeah! Don't worry! Karma will get her!" Someone shouted.

"Mhm! We support you Gui!"

"Yeah! Don't care about Hebe!"

"Gui! I heard she was a witch that brainwashed him!"

"Yeah! But its okay! We'll knock his memory back!" Someone shouted. Then the person jumped out of the crowd. Rainie!!
GuiGui was near tears. She was so happy that everyone had supported her.

"GuiGui, it's okay. I still think you and Aaron are meant to be." A girl said. Then she stepped out of the crowd.

"Hey, I'm Angela." The girl said holding out her hand.

"I'm in your homeroom class, but you probably hadn't noticed me." She said again. GuiGui shook her hand. Angela? She's never.. Ohh!! That girl that always sits in the front and answers the teachers questions!

"Yeah! With me and Angie here you don't have to fear anything!" Rainie shouted. Everyone applauded, Rainie bowed. Then Aaron and Hebe came towards them. They were holding hands. GuiGui felt like she was going to puke. But she couldn't. She had to stay strong. If Hebe wanted a fight.. Then a fight she will get.

"What are you doing here you two-timer?!" Angela shouted. Everyone nodded.

"Hmph. I'm defnitley not here for you." Hebe remarked. Angela's face turned red. GuiGui couldn't take it anymore. Even though she didn't know Angela much.. Well okay at ALL. She still didn't like the fact that Hebe was bullying her.

"Hebe what do you want?" GuiGui said smoothly. She was surprised at how easily she could talk.

Hebe was surprised that GuiGui could talk so easily.. She would've thought the weak GuiGui would.. Maybe she had in fact not understood her enough?

Aaron felt like he could remember her somewhere but he just couldn't pin point the memory. He also felt a special connection to her, like she was someone important to him before.

"Nothing. Just wanted to intro.."

"Heh. Your boyfriend? She knows him already. In fact, she used to go out with him. Remember Hebe?" Chun said, walking out of the crowd to join them.

Chun couldn't stand what Hebe was doing. He felt like his whole life he had been decieving his loved one. If he really wanted GuiGui to like him.. He'd have to work hard.

"Chun!?" Hebe said in disbelief. After everything they've gone through. After helping him! He was HELPING HER!? Hebe whispered to Aaron to go first. He nodded and walked away.

"Chun, even after I help you. Is this how you repay me!?" Hebe said. Anger raising in her voice. She never knew that there was a side of her like this.. Some part of her actually liked it.

"I admit that I had lied to GuiGui, hurt her and decieved her." Chun said calmly.

What? Decieved? Lied? Hurt? So.. Everything involving.. GuiGui was stunned and hurt. She thought that Chun was.. pure.. That he wouldn't exort to these methods.. She felt a hand on her shoulder. Rainie.

"Hmph. Your not as smart as I thought. You admitted in front of your loved one. Do you think she'll still like you now?" Hebe said in a sassy voice.

"No. And I don't expect her to like me anymore. As long as she's happy I will be to. But.. the moment she frowns, the moment a tear falls, the moment someone hurts her. I will do everything I can, to get that person. I will make that person hurt x10 more than she had hurt." Chun said.

Hebe scoffed. "You really think she'll like you?" Before Chun could answer GuiGui stepped up.

"Of course I would. Even if he had done those things I forgive him. You know why? Because I would to. I would if I wanted that person to love me again." GuiGui said anger in her voice. Chun was stunned. GuiGui had stood up for him.

Hebe could not believe what she had just heard. GuiGui would still accept someone like Chun!? Even.. Even after what he's done!?

"Heh. You think its that easy? I have Aaron already. You have no chance of winning." Hebe said. GuiGui looked at her. And for a second JUST for a second, Hebe wavered. She had never seen GuiGui use an expression.. So scary..

"We'll see." GuiGui said coldly. Then she pushed Hebe away and walked away as the crowd followed her.

Hebe could tell that GuiGui had matured. That GuiGui was not a kid anymore.. She suddenly felt lonlier.. Did she have the confidence to fight GuiGui? WOULD she be able to fight GuiGui? Everyone had followed her.. She.. She was the new Hebe. SHE was who everyone envied.. There roles had switch.. Now.. Hebe.. Even with the most hottest guy as her boyfriend... No one even cared.

Authors Note: I'm not feeling to well.. So I'm updating
Lots of chapters.. So if I don't update for a day or two
It's because I'm not feeling well. But enjoy!! Lots of
fight and stuff. You'll see GuiGui mature in the end. (:

GuiiLunn <333
Feburary 9th, 2011
5:57 PM

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