Chapter 11

I Need a Girl

Chapter 11


It was getting late, and GuiGui had to go. She didn't want her parents to worry. As she and Aaron were walking down the stairs his mom popped out.

"Gui! Do you want to have dinner with us? Then I can send you home? It's REALLY dangerous for a young girl to walk by themselves." Mrs. Yan said cheerfully.


"Please??" Mrs. Yan said. GuiGui sighed. She didn't want Mrs. Yan to be upset. Plus, she wanted to spend a little more time with Aaron. She nodded her head and Mrs. Yan jumped up in glee. Just then the door opened. Everyone turned there heads.

"Dad.." Aaron said.

"YaLun, mom.. Eh.. Whose this?" Aaron's dad said. He walked over to me.

"O-oh.. I-im.."

"I'm tutoring her dad" Aaron said again. Mr. Yan smiled.

"So this is the girl that you made a big fuss about?" Mr. Yan said. GuiGui blushed and Aaron turned away. Both Mr. and Mrs. Yan startd laughing. Then they gestured us to the dinner table.

"So what took you so long to come home?" Aaron said.

"We were in a meeting about promoting the business. Were probably going to go international." Mr. Yan said beaming.

"I-international?" I said. I didn't know what he meant.

"In other words, we are going to expand our business into other countries. Our business is doing really good right now and this oppurtunity doesn't come easily." Mr. Yan replied. I nodded my head.

International? My dad wants to expand international? Will I have to leave GuiGui here?

"And, we would like Aaron to go with us." Mrs. Yan said. GuiGui turned towards Aaron. Aaron smiled and took her hand under the table. GuiGui was shocked, but she didn't want Aaron to go either.

"I don't want to work in the business." Aaron said. Both Mr.and Mrs. Yan sighed. They nodded there head and gestured for us to continue eating. After dinner Mrs. Yan took GuiGui home.

----In the Car---
"So.. GuiGui, how long have you and my son been dating?" Mrs. Yan asked. GuiGui looked shocked.

"D-dating?" GuiGui replied. Mrs. Yan nodded.

"W-were not dating.." GuiGui said. Blushing now. Mrs. Yan laughed.

"Don't lie. Even if you guys are not dating, you guys have DEEP feelings for eachother. Just like at dinner, I haven't seemed him smile like that since.." Mrs. Yan didn't finish her sentence.

"Since??" GuiGui asked. Curisoty filled her voice.

"Since his younger brother died." Mrs. Yan said. Tears forming at her eyes.

"I'm sorry." GuiGui said.

"It's okay, all I want is for you to take good care of him. If he doesn't listen to us he'll listen to you." Mrs. Yan said. Then the whole ride home was silent. Mrs. Yan dropped GuiGui off and GuiGui thanked her.

Authors Note: Well.. Idk guessed it
turned out to be sorta long haha.
Anyways enjoy, and comment silent readers.
By the way I am sorry for posting late. :(

GuiiLunn <333
Janurary 29th, 2011
9:36 AM

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