Chapter 5

I Need a Girl

Chapter 5

Trouble, trouble, trouble

GuiGui and Aaron silently walked to his house. No one said a word. The silence was killing GuiGui. She was starting to regret asking Aaron to tutor her. He never talks at all. Then he stopped. I looked up and saw that his house was beautiful. It wasn't big or small. It was PERFECT.

"Wahh! This is your house!? It's.. It's so beautiful!" GuiGui exclaimed. Aaron smiled and shook his head.

"No. That's my house." Then he pointed to a box. GuiGui looked stunned. He.. He lived in .. a box?! She felt really bad for Aaron and really embarrased to. All of a sudden Aaron started laughing. GuiGui shot him a quizzical look.

"I was just joking. That's not my house. The one up there that you were looking at is." Aaron said. He was laughing. LAUGHING! [Ahh.. His smile was so cute! It was like.. WAIT! I should be mad at HIM! He tricked me!]GuiGui thought. But when she looked at Aaron again his eyes were sparkling and he looked really happy. So she decided not to ruin this precious moment, but instead save it for herself.

"Come'on lets go" Aaron said. GuiGui followed him to his house. As expected the inside was even prettier. It was so clean and everything look new. The only thing was.. There was no one else in the house.

"Where's everyone?" GuiGui said. Aaron just kept walking. Completley ignoring her. They walked up some stairs and walked into his room. Aaron's room was so clean that GuiGui felt that she being in it would ruin the cleanliness of it.

Aaron looked at GuiGui. She seemed surprise. Oh well. All he's glad for is that his mom isn't home. He had told her that he was bringing friends over and that she had to get out of the house. This was how it always was. His mom and dad were business people, but sometimes business would become tough and they'd go drinking. They'd usually get into a fight about business and stuff. He was never really interested.

He snapped back to reality and took out his stuff. He gestured GuiGui to do the same thing. They worked on there homework for a few hours. After a while GuiGui started to get hungry. Her stomach was growling and before she could do anything about it Aaron was standing up already.

"Where are you going?" GuiGui asked.

"Aren't you hungry? I'm going to get us a snack. I think we should take a break." Aaron said. Then he opened the door and walked away. GuiGui smiled. He cared!!

[It's been a while now.. Aaron hasn't came back yet. Well.. It's only been 10 minutes but how long does it take to make snack!?] GuiGui thought. [Oh no! What if he hurt himself!? What if he was rolling on the floor dying!] GuiGui quickly shook these thoughts out of her head. She stood up and went downstairs. From the stairs she could hear voices and yelling.

"Ma! Please stop drinking! I have a friend over!" Aaron shouted.

"YaLun! (Aaron's name) How many times do I have to tell you DO NOT BOTHER YOUR MA WHEN SHE'S DRUNK!" The lady shouted back. Guessing that was Aaron's mom.

"How long are you going to keep drinking!? Haven't you realised that you drinking is not solving anything!? Have you even thought of working with people to FIX your problems!!" Aaron shouted with anger in his voice. GuiGui had never seen him this mad.

"Why do I have such an UNFILIAL SON! Who do you think you are to TELL ME WHAT TO DO HUH!? I AM YOUR MOTHER AARON! I MAKE THE RULES!! DON'T THINK THAT JUST BECAUSE YOUR DAD IS ON A BUSINESS TRIP THAT I WON'T TELL HIM HOW SUCH A BAD SON YOU ARE!!" Mrs. Yan shouted back. This time Aaron didn't say anything but his facial expression did. He was hurt. GuiGui couldn't stand by and let Aaron get hurt. So she ran up to Aaron and said to his mom:

"Mrs. Yan! Please don't yell at Aaron. He's really a good person!" GuiGui protested. She didn't want to see Aaron hurt.

"Haha! Who do you think you ARE!? Do you think you know my son that well!? HUH!?"

"I-i.." GuiGui was lost at words.

"Heh. You don't HUH!? Just like I guessed! Don't get to close to my SON! He's no good! Just a useless SON! Who can't do anything RIGHT!!" Aaron's mom shouted.

"But.. Mrs. Yan you should give Aaron a chance to prove himself! And don't you think you should stop drinking and solve your problems!?" GuiGui protested again. She was not giving up without a fight.

Aaron had never experienced something like this before. This was the first time somebody had stood up for him, first time somebody had fought SO hard for him. He was happy that GuiGui was here today.

"Y-YOU!" Then Mrs. Yan slapped GuiGui across the face.

"Ha! Who do you think you are?! Telling me what to do! You!..."

"MA! STOP IT!" Aaron shouted at her. Mrs. Yan suddenly grew quiet. Aaron grabbed GuiGui's wrist and pulled her away. He kept on walking, right on out the door and they just kept walking. Walking and walking till they got to a park. Then they sat down.

"Gui.. I'm sorry are you okay?" Aaron said. His voice was full of hurt and concern. GuiGui nodded.

"I'm sorry Aaron" GuiGui said. Aaron looked at her.

"For what?" Aaron said. He really didn't know what she meant.

"For.." Just then GuiGui's stomach started to growl. They both looked at eachother and started laughing.

"Come'on I'll treat." Aaron said. And together they walked to a nearby restraunt. Not knowing, that there were two people following them. Two people whose heart was breaking. TWO people, who were going to break them apart before things get out of hand. TWO people who were going to take back there loved ones. And TWO people, who are going to lie for themselves.
Haha! Updated 4 chapters! Bwahah! :D
Guess who those TWO people are!? Haha, here's the FIRST LIE guys! Its in the Forewords. LIE FOR THEMSELVES!!
Hope this was enough GuiLun for you guys!
Anyways, last chapter of the night!
Don't you think Aaron's mom is so mean? Well she was drunk so yeah. But I'll let you meet her again when she's NOT drunk. You'll probably like her then!
Next chapter... *sigh* writers block -_- So I really have no idea but I'll try to think of something! Comment!

--GuiiLunn <33
Janurary 21st, 2011
9:04 PM
edited-9:10 PM

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