Chapter 16

I Need a Girl

Chapter 16

Secrets Revealed

It was 6:59. A minute till 7. GuiGui had arrived 5 minutes earlier. She wanted to surprise Aaron. It turned 7:00 PM. Then 7:05. Time passed, and by the time she checked her watch it was 8:30 and Aaron had not arrived. She was angry at him. Was this a prank? Did he call me here to make me look like a fool!? She thought. She stood up and walked out of the door.

It was 6:55. Only 5 minutes till 7 and the meeting had not ended yet. Aaron had been dragged to the meeting with his parents. He had no interest in it. But he had promised that he would go to a meeting ONCE a month.. Apparently the meeting had to be today. Even though he said that he had something important going on, his parents didn't believe him. By the time the meeting ended it was 8:15. He wondered if GuiGui was still at the Cafe.

"YaLun. Let's go get dinner" His mom said.

"No thanks. Get it yourself" He said coldly and ran out the door. He got into his car and sped to the cafe. But by the time he got there they were closing already. He checked his watch. 8:30. Damn!! He thought he got out of the car. Just then he heard a scream and ran towards it. Two guys were shoving a girl into a car. The girl looked oddly familiar. Just then he realized it was GuiGui. He ran towards her.

"GuiGui!!" He shouted. The two men stopped and turned around.

"Aaron!!" GuiGui shouted back. Aaron felt his blood pumping. He ran to the two guys and started punching them. Then he took GuiGui's wrist and pulled her away from them.

"Madam! Madam!! Please don't go!! Liao Ba would fire us!! Madam!! We need to bring you back!!" The tall guy shouted.

GuiGui's dad had sent his two henchmens to bring her back to her house. It's just that she didn't want to go home. She had ran away, because she had caught her dad cheating on her mom. Now her dad was trying to explain to her. But she never wanted to see her face. She was glad that Aaron was there. She was glad that he had helped her. They ran and ran until they reached a park. Then they both sat down.

"Gui! Are you okay?" Aaron asked. Panting in between. GuiGui nodded.

"Those jerks!" He said arrogantly. GuiGui smiled.

"Why are you smiling! They almost took you away!!" Aaron shouted. GuiGui smiled.

"Thank you. But.. Those men were sent by my dad." GuiGui said. The smile falling from her face.

"Your dad? Why??" Aaron asked. Concern in his voice.

"I ran away from home.. I caught.. Caught my dad cheating on my mom with this women.. I didn't want to face any of them.. So I ran away.." GuiGui said. The tears falling.

"Stupid girl. You should've told me before." Aaron said, smiling. He pulled her into a hug. She pulled away.

"How was I supposed to tell you!.. I didn't even know where to start.." GuiGui said sobbing. Aaron wiped her tears away.

"Don't cry. You'll look like a ghost." He said. A hint of teasing in his voice. She laughed and hit him on the arm.

"Ouch!!" He said. They both started laughing. Then he stared at her.

"W-what?" GuiGui said. She was scared. Why was Aaron staring at her like that. Then he leaned in.. There lips touched, and GuiGui was caught off guard. She and Aaron were kissing!!

The kiss was different. When his lips touched GuiGui's he felt a ripple of shivers throughout his body. Slowly they both pulled away from the kiss. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Lets go. I'll take you home." She nodded. And they both walked back to Aaron's car.

Authors Note: Bwahaha. Here you go!! I think I've
update enough to make up for being a bad person
and NOT updating.. right? Haha. Anyways enjoy!!
And COMMENT PLEASE!! Thank you!!

GuiiLunn <333
February 3rd, 2011
3:13 PM

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