Chapter 20

I Need a Girl

Chapter 20

Accident Part Two- Forgetting You

Hebe could hear Aaron comforting GuiGui. Something in her heart broke. Maybe it was the tie between her and GuiGui, or her jealousy. But she could tell that Chun was not feeling good either. So she took his hand.

"Remember?" She said quietly. He nodded. Hebe and Chun had decided to come visit Aaron, and on the way stopped to buy flowers for GuiGui and Aaron.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" GuiGui shouted. And in walked Hebe and Chun hand in hand. Then Hebe tried her best to force a smile.

"Hey Aaron! GuiGui! How are you two?" Hebe asked smiling at GuiGui. Then she handed the flowers to Aaron. Aaron looked at it hesitantly then took them. Then Chun handed GuiGui flowers.

"Why are you giving me flowers?" GuiGui asked. Chun smiled.

"Because. It's so you can be happier. And that you won't be mad at Aaron." Chun said in his goofy voice. Everyone laughed. This was how it was supposed to be. How..

"Aaron!?" Hebe shouted. She ran to him and pushed GuiGui away. Then she quickly pressed the button for the nurses. A few seconds later, and GuiGui and everyone else was ushered out of the room. Aaron was sent to the ER again..

[Aaron..] GuiGui thought. And she broke into tears.

As much as he wanted.. he didn't. Instead, he walked up to the crying Hebe and hugged her. Hebe hugged him back.

GuiGui was surprised that Chun hadn't come to her. Maybe he had really gotten over her. And this time.. GuiGui cried for Aaron, and because Chun had moved on. She knew she was being selfish, but Chun was like a big brother to her. And to see him.. Him moving on.. Really hurt her.

Hebe was shocked that Chun had hugged her instead.. Could it be that he liked her? Noo.. It couldn't. He still liked GuiGui. But because of there act he had no choice. Then the doctor came out.

"How is he!?" GuiGui said running up to the doctor. He sighed.

"He was overexcited. Didn't I tell you guys to keep his emotions calm?" The doctor asked. No one answered, then he sighed again.

"He was too overexcited. It's not good to be overexcited, especially after having surgery. And because of this..."

"This what doctor? THIS WHAT!?" GuiGui shouted. Tears streaming down her face.

"Since his surgery was for his brain.. There is a 99.9% chance of memory loss. And.. It's pretty bad. He remembers everything.. Except for the ones that were very important to him." The doctor said. Then he walked away.

"You'll be able to visit him after there finished." The nurse said. And walked away.

GuiGui couldn't believe what she had just heard. Memory LOSS?! This was ALL GuiGui's fault. All GuiGui's fault. Then her knees buckled and she fell.

"GuiGui!!" Hebe shouted and kneeled down to hug her. Both of them cried. After Aaron's parents arrived they were allowed to see Aaron. Aaron was up. He wasn't sleeping. But instead, talking to the nurse. They were both laughing.

"Aaron!!" GuiGui shouted and ran to him. Then she hugged him.

"Aaron!! Do you still..." Before GuiGui could finish Aaron pushed her away.

"Who are you?" Aaron asked. GuiGui couldn't believe what she was hearing. Aaron had forgotten her.. the tears slowly glided on her cheek.

"Hey.. Don't cry.. Hebe, Chun, mom, dad.. Whose this?" Aaron asked cheerfully.

Hebe was not used to his cheerfullness. Aaron had really changed.. He really did. Maybe Hebe could take advantage of this situation.

"Aaron! Are you okay!? I was so worried! You didn't come pick me up for our date!" Hebe said then she ran to him, pushed GuiGui away and hugged him. Aaron hugged her back.

Chun could see the hurtness in GuiGui's voice.

"Date?" He said.

"Yeah.. But its okay. I don't blame you." Hebe said. GuiGui couldn't force the words out of . Inside she was screaming at Hebe, yelling at her. But she couldn't get the words out. Mrs. Yan laughed and hugged Aaron.

"Hebe! You should've told me that you two were going out!" Mrs. Yan said. and everyone laughed. Everyone except GuiGui. She couldn't take there fakeness anymore. She ran out of the room, wiping the tears off of her face. She ran to all the way to the entrance. Then she stopped. Aaron really had forgotten her. Everything had happened SO fast. Why had her happiness gone again? Why? Why!? She thought.

From somewhere far away, time could see the suffering. Time could see the gaining, and time could see the lying. And you know what time hates the most? LIARS. So guess what? Time is going to fix everything for the suffering. Time is going to make the gaining regret and the suffering happy. Time, is going to be the helper this time.

Authors Note: Here ya go! Hehe. I really wanted to get the
Memory loss thingy in. Plus, I didn't want the tears to
be there much anymore. So I decided to put Aaron and
Hebe together just for a few chapters. THENn time would
work its magic. For the mean time, lets see if Chun
and GuiGui will progess. :) COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!!

GuiiLunn <333
Feburary 7th, 2011
3:44 PM

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