Chapter 4

I Need a Girl

Chapter 4

Exams?! Noo!!

"Its the time of the year students! Starting tomorrow we will be studying for the exams! So you guys have till the end of class to find a tutor if you need one!" The teacher exclaimed. Everyone groaned.

[Oh my gosh!! I haven't been paying attention in class these past few days!! The problem with Chun still hasn't left my mind yet!!] GuiGui thought.

"Wei! GuiGui!" Hebe whispered. GuiGui turned around.

"Do you know anyone who can tutor us? I really need some help!" Hebe whispered. GuiGui just shrugged and said:

"I don't know. The only people I know is Chun and Aaron" GuiGui replied. Hebe's expression looked hurt. And GuiGui quickly apologized.

"Sorry!" GuiGui said. Hebe smiled and said:

"It's okay. Im over it. Then I'll ask Chun for help and you can ask Aaron" Hebe said.

GuiGui shook her head. [But she really needed his HELP!!]

"Wei!! GuiGui! Are you okay!?" Hebe whisper shouted.

"Yeah.. Umm. Is it really fine with you if I.. well ask him?" GuiGui said. She wanted to make sure it was fine, she didn't want to hurt Hebe. Hebe nodded and pointed to Aaron. I nodded back and pointed to Chun. We both smiled. [This is how things used to be] GuiGui thought.

The exam was really easy. Aaron had read over the answers so many times that he felt he could repeat the answers backwards. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned to see who it was. GuiGui.

"Hello Aaron! It's me.. GuiGui!" GuiGui said, enthusiastically.

"Umm.. I was wondering if you could be my..."

"Aaron, can you be my tutor." The girl said. Aaron turned around and saw the girl that sits a few seats behind him.

GuiGui was shocked. [This girl had just beaten her to it. Now she wasn't going to have a tutor.. Now she was surely going to fail the exams. Her parents would defnitley hate her!!] GuiGui thought. She looked at the girl then pouted.

Aaron looked at GuiGui, she was pouting. He smiled. Completely ignoring the girl Aaron said:

"GuiGui, what did you need?"

[Huh?] GuiGui thought. He's asking me what I need? I looked at the girl and saw a hurt expression on her face. I didn't want to hurt her so I told Aaron it was nothing, but he didn't seem convinced.

"GuiGui Wu. If you need me to tutor you just say it." Aaron said coldly. GuiGui stopped and turned around.

"H-how did you know?!" GuiGui said. Alarmed. Had Aaron planted a tracking device on her?!

"Please, you sit a few seats away, how can I NOT know?" Aaron said. GuiGui smiled. She was happy that Aaron was listening to her conver... HAPPY!? Oh my gosh she's totally out if it! But she didn't want to hurt the girl by agreeing to let Aaron tutor her. So right before she was about to protest Aaron said:

"Sorry, but I'm already tutoring somebody else." GuiGui could see the girl was about to cry. She felt really bad for taking Aaron away from the girl. But deep down she was beaming with happiness that he had chosen her instead of the girl.


"Hebe!!" GuiGui shouted. Hebe turned around and saw GuiGui. She waved.

"Hebe! Did you get Chun to tutor you!?" GuiGui asked. Hebe nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, he said it was fine, since he already knew the stuff" Hebe said.

Like usual we walked to our lunch table. But this time Aaron and Chun were sitting there. I looked at Hebe, her face was blank. I sighed and sat down. It was quiet, really quiet.

[Chun and Aaron were sitting right across from me and GuiGui.. Aaron.. I miss him so much, but I know that we will never have a chance together. Maybe thats why I let GuiGui ask him to tutor her? Maybe that's why? Does that mean I'm giving up?] Hebe thought.

The silence at the table was to die for. Everyone was so quiet that GuiGui felt like she actually was Gui (Ghost).

"Hehe.. Soo.. What do you guys want to do after school?" GuiGui asked. Hebe looked at her and grinned.

"SHOPPING!" The two shouted in unison. A few people turned to look at them.

"So.. You guys up for it?" Hebe asked. Aaron looked at her and said:

"I have to tutor GuiGui". Upon hearing Aaron say that Chun looked at him. [What? Tutor GuiGui!? Hebe had told me that GuiGui didn't want a tutor.] Chun thought.

"Ahh.. Does it HAVE to be tonight?" GuiGui whined. Aaron smiled. Everyone looked at him.

"Wahh!! Aaron Yan. AARON YAN IS SMILING!! Ahaha! I have to capture this moment!!" GuiGui shouted. She quickly took out her hand phone and took a picture of him.

[He.. Smiled? I haven't seen him smile for such a long time..Could it be.. That he likes GuiGui? No way, Chun likes her. He would never betray his friend.. Would he?]


Tehe. Im sorta having writers block so I don't really know what to write. The next chapter will be bout GuiGui going to Aaron's house so he can tutor her. But his mom became drunk and started causing problems so he started yelling at her and they got in a fight. Then he stormed out (with GuiGui of course) and they walked to the park.. Soo.. Next chapter is all GuiLun only okies??

--GuiiLunn <<333
XieXie ni for your undying support. So many comments and its only Chapter 4 haha. I love you guys! Please comment silent readers!
Janurary 21st, 2011
8:27 PM

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