Chapter 9

I Need a Girl

Chapter 9

I'm Sorry

It's been a few days since the scene in the room. GuiGui still couldn't get it out of her mind.

"WHO WROTE THIS!?" The teacher shouted. No one answered. Suddenly, half the class stood up.

Then a voice from the students said "Who cares if we wrote it? She was our role model! But no one expected her to do that! To push herself to guys!"

"It wasn't Hebe's fault. We both agreed to the kiss." Aaron said coldly

*End of Flashback*

GuiGui felt the tears stinging her eyes. She felt betrayed. Even though she kept telling herself that she didn't like Aaron, she couldn't stop herself from thinking about him. Every day she would have to see him after school, and every day her heart felt like it was breaking. Every day she had to see and act like nothing happened. Truthfully, she was dying inside.

The memories kept coming back to Aaron. He knew who he liked, he had his feelings straight. But he had no idea why he did what he did that day. He noticed GuiGui acting weird. Everytime he would try to talk to her she'd walk away. He felt like he was dying everytime GuiGui walked away from himm without talking to him. He had to confess his feelings soon. That day.. He could see GuiGui was hurt, but he didn't want misunderstandings between Hebe and him.

"Look Hebe, you know what I meant back there. I only did it because your GuiGui's friend and I didn't want her to get hurt." Aaron said. There was no hint of coldness, no hint of anger when he said GuiGui's name. In fact, there was sort of a hint of relaxation. Hebe felt like she had just died. [So.. I-it.. Was for GuiGui?] She thought.

"D-do.. Y-you.. l-..l-love her?" Hebe said. She tried to control her voice but she couldn't. It hurt her so much to know that the guy she likes has fallen for her friend. Aaron didn't say anything, but she knew what the silence meant. Yes.

*End of Flahsback*

Chun sighed. Since that day GuiGui had been acting weird. She hasn't talked to any of them. Hebe and Aaron had acted like nothing had happened. Deep down Chun was angry at Aaron. He wanted to punch Aaron for hurting GuiGui. In fact, he had already made his decision, he was going to tell Aaron that he liked GuiGui. Yes, thats what he would do.

--Study Hall--

"Aaron! I need to talk to you!" GuiGui shouted from across the hall. People stopped to look. Aaron ran to GuiGui. He wondered what GuiGui wanted. [Something stupid perhaps] He thought. He smiled. They both walked to the front of the school and sat down.

"Aaron.. I don't think you should tutor me anymore." GuiGui said. She was surprised to see Aaron's reaction. She'd thought he would be happy, but when she saw his face, it was hurt. And then she started to hurt. All the memories of them together flooded into her mind, all the memories of how they cared for eachother.. and thats when she knew. When she knew that she REALLY liked Aaron.

"Why?" He said. His voice was cold but it was hurt. Aaron couldn't believe what he had just heard. GuiGui meant a lot to him, she was more than a friend. These past few months she had taken up a important position in his heart. She was the first to make him feel at ease, the first to make him feel wanted. He loved her.

"Because.. I don't want Hebe to misundetstand us." GuiGui coldly said. She had to break up whatever they had. Hebe was her friend and she couldn't afford to hurt her OWN friend. GuiGui stood up and started walking away.

"Why? Hebe already knows what I meant! I had already explained it to her!!" Aaron shouted. GuiGui stopped and turned around.

"BUT YOU DIDN'T EXPLAIN IT TO ME!!" GuiGui shouted back. Tears were falling now but she didn't care.

"GuiGui.. Please don't do this! Your the only one that makes me feel wanted, your the only one that makes me feel like somebody needs me. Your the only one who I'm not afraid to be 'ME' around. GuiGui, I really lik..." Aaron was cut off when Chun called his name. GuiGui took this chance and ran away. Tears streaming down her face. She ran back to her classroom. Then she remembered what Aaron said.

"GuiGui.. Please don't do this! Your the only one that makes me feel wanted, your the only one that makes me feel like somebody needs me. Your the only one who I'm not afraid to be 'ME' around. GuiGui, I really lik..." GuiGui wondered what it was that Aaron was going to say. She sighed, [God.. Why are you so cruel?] She thought.

Authors Note: Haha, to make up for not updating for a while I decided to make this one LONG. Well there ALL long but yeah. (: Thanks for the postitive comments! I'll defnitley do my best on exams!! Well its only long because of spaces haha.

GuiiLunn <333
January 25th, 2011

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