Let’s become friends!!


*I know my ff is a bit puzzling, so SORRY everyone!! -_-// (bows)

Please let me know neh!! I will improve it!! ^.0


Donghae POV

Lee Hyukjae……

The moment he introduce himself to my class, I was stunned for his looks. He has a very perfect jaw line, with flaming red-haired and kissable lips…WAIT!! What am I thinking!!!??? I’m not g…!!!!!! Urgh…whatever… but all in all, he is…………PERFECT!!!

And he’s going to sit behind me!!! I love you sooo much Mr.Kim!!! I don’t know why but I’m so damn excited now!!!

As he made his way through the seat behind me, I quickly look at him. I want to be the first one to be friends with him!!

“Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Lee Donghae…,”

He was blushing madly at my sudden act. How cute!! I thought I was going to pinch his lovely cheek!! Well…until I realize that he still did not shake my hand which is still hanging on the midair…

“Hey, hello~ are you there Hyukkie???,” I waved my hand in front of his face. “Ah!! Mianhei Donghae-shii!!!,” he quickly shake my hand and I felt like an electric current just flow through my veins!! OMO!! What is this feeling!!

“Eh?? Did you just call me something??,” he asked with his eyebrow knitted together. Oh God!! Please don’t do that…you’re killing me with your cutie face!!!

“Hemm…maybe because you look like a cute monkey!! So, can I really call you Hyukkie??? Can I?? Can I???,” I give him my puppies eyes which up until now, no one can ever resisted. Ha!!

He chuckled and shows his perfect gummy smile I ever see!! “Well, I don’t mind though…all my close friends call me Hyukkie~,” he smile shyly. “Then…can I called you Hae??,” he added. I found myself grin more widely.

“Sure!! Why not!!! Let’s become best friends!!!”.


“Hyukkie, this stupid game freak is my little brother, Kyu…YAH!! Pay attention when I’m introducing you!!!,” I smack my little brother head as he keep on concentrating on his beloved PSP. He never got bored with that thing…

“Ouch!! Stop it Hyung!! It hurts!!,” he pouted while rubbing the back of his head. Both Sungmin and Hyukjae were laughing after seeing our childish act. But then they suddenly gasped. “Huh??What’s wrong??,” I ask as they pointed their fingers to me and my little brother.

“Y-your guys are brothers?? Bu-but how come that you’re in the same class??? Are you TWINS!!!???,” they gave us questioning looks before we burst to laughing. “Haha!! Mianhei… actually this evil brother of mine is so genius even though he is one year younger than me, he skip a year faster than everyone else!! That’s why we’re in the same class because of his freaky genius brain!!,” I said while my little brother frowns loudly.

“Yup!! I’m more GENIUS than my stupid brother, by the way I’m Kyuhyun…,” he ignore my deathly stare and shake his hand with Hyukjae. “Minnie has told me so many things about you, is it true that you have a strawberry farm!!??,” he said excitedly. “Err yeah, but just a small farm…,” Hyukjae replied. Bwuoh??!! He has a strawberries farm?? Well, that’s explained why he has a very strong strawberries scent…

“Can I come to your farm Hyukkie?? I want to look your strawberries farm!!,” I squeals excitedly at him. “Uh?? Why are you soo excited?? I thought we’ve been to many strawberries farm before?? Malaysia, China, Thailand…,” Kyuhyun lost in his thought. Pabo!! I stomped hard on his left foot. “OUCH!!!,” he grunted in pain while I give him my ‘shut up!!’ look.

“Aniyo, it’s okay!! You can come anytime!! Maybe I can teach you how to make a lot of things with strawberries like baking a strawberries cake but Minnie are far more better than me in baking cake,” he said while winking at Sungmin. He laughed in shyly.

“Really?? I love cake!! Can you teach me??,” Kyuhyun asked him. Sungmin nodded happily. “Sure, why not??!!”.

We’re walking on our way towards the school canteen. There is only 15 minutes left before our classes started again as me and my little brother were busy taking Hyukjae and Sungmin touring around the school. Our school is really big. There were too many places to visit. After a while, I finally able to figure out everything about Hyukkie. He likes strawberries milk, he is very clean and neat person and most importantly, he loves DANCING!!! Just like me!! He even plans on join the dance club with me!! We didn’t realize time had gone too quickly until we heard each other stomach grumble in hunger.

“Is this really the school canteen???,” Hyukjae asked in astonishment as we step our foot inside the canteen. “It looks like a five stars restaurant to me!!,” Sungmin said while widening his eyes around the foods. There were even several chefs are cooking from behind. And they all are looks so professional with their top white hat on their head. 

“What sort of school provided beef steak or salmon for lunch!!??,”

“I can’t believe there are so many strawberries dessert here!!!”

“What’s this?? OMO!! They even serve the puffer fish!!! Isn’t it poisonous!!!???”

Both Sungmin and Hyukjae keep on mumbling about this and that. Well, for me and Kyuhyun, it was a normal thing. We even have our own chef at home…this was nothing…

In the end, they decided not to buy anything.

“Why you didn’t buy anything??,” I ask them after they return to our table with their most gloomy face. I’ve already finished my lunch, and so is my brother. They put their head on the table before sighing heavily.

“They are just too expensive!! Why on earth I agree to come to this rich school at the first place!!?? One lunch is equals to my house rent monthly payment!!,” Sungmin complaint while Hyukjae just shut himself quietly.

“Note to myself, I must bring my lunchbox with me started from tomorrow!! Want me to make yours too Hyukkie??,” Sungmin ask Hyukjae and that latter nodded silently. I smiled before looked at Kyuhyun and he nodded at me.

“Come on then, just eat something, and consider it as our treat for today,” I said to them but they shook their heads furiously. “No but thanks Hae, we don’t want to bring you so much trouble,” Hyukjae said and slowly lift his head from the table. Upon hearing that, Kyuhyun immediately stood up and went to the food corner. He took away two plates full with some foods before placing them in front of Sungmin and Hyukjae. They just stunned at his action. Kyuhyun gives them his most deathly glares.

“EAT.NOW…,” with just two words from Kyuhyun mouth, they automatically eat their lunch without saying anything. Ah, great…my little brother sure is fearsome sometimes…



Hyukjae POV

“That game boy is so MEAN!!!,” Sungmin complaint to me. I just nodded, too tired to hear his lecture. “But sometimes he looks so cute when he was playing his PSP…,” he giggles in a low voice. “I can hear that Minnie…,” I smirked. We are walking on our way towards the bus stop. Donghae and Kyuhyun have offered to lift but we refuse. They had treated our lunch today, and that is more than enough.

“And both of them have their own CAR!!!,” he said again and I rolled my eyes at him. “And they are ten times more expensive than my shoes!! No wait!! More than 100 times!!!,” he squeals loudly.

“Minnie!! Please stop it!!!,” I pleaded him to stop. “Stop what??,” he said innocently. I make my most dull face. “Yes!! They are RICH Minnie!! I KNOW that… so please stop saying those things to me, I’m really tired now…,”

Huh?? Why did I look so depressed??

Then, suddenly a black Mercedes stop in front of us. We jumped in shocked.

“Oit!! Idiot!! Are you trying to kill us!!!!,” Sungmin got anger and tapped hardly on the driver window. I quickly hold his back to prevent him from doing something worse. Don’t mess with him or you will have his nun chunks stuck on your throat!!

Then, the driver went out from his luxury car slowly. He has muscular body, with a height of a model and a very handsome figure like a movies star!! I look at him slowly starting from his feet until I met his eyes…

I gasped…

“Well, well…we met again Hyukjae…,” he snickered. I could no longer felt my breathing. They seem to be stuck on my lungs. Sungmin who in the angry state before, become silent as he recognized the man that just nearly hit us. He quickly went back and covered me behind his back.

“Si-Siwon!!! S-Stay away from us!!,” he warns him. I just keep silent behind him. “Hmp…I just want a talk with him!! There is no offences right??,” he said while making his way closer to us. We went back step by step until I realized there were thick, concrete wall on my back. And that’s mean, NO WAY BACK…

“Hyukkie~ come here…I just want to have a talk with you, sweetie…,” he said in his most charming voice. I shook my head refusing. I clench my fingers tightly on Sungmin shirt. All of sudden, the horrible memories come flooding back on my mind. “I warned you Siwon…,” Sungmin said coldly at him. Siwon raise his eyebrow. “Ohw, there is no need to be so cold…you know that really well that I’m the only one who can do THAT…,” he sneer.

“Just what you want!!!,” Sungmin scream back at him. Siwon just smirk evilly. My hand was trembling. I admit, I’m really AFRAID of this guy…

“I come here to collect my debts of course…what else…,”

We gasped. “Pabo!! Hyukkie had nothing to do with this!! Just search Kangin for God sake!! He’s the one that owes you!!!,” Sungmin spread his arms protectively on me. Siwon frown loudly.

“In case you have forgotten, an agreement is an agreement…and something must need to be the pay for the debts…,” he took a little step closer to us and tried to snatch me away from Sungmin. “NO!! GET OFF HIM!!!,” he kick Siwon straight at his stomach and drag me out from there in hurry. Siwon kneel in pain while holding his stomach.

Then, suddenly we’re surrounding by a bunch of guys in black suite.

Hell…Siwon is not ALONE…







Thanks for the comments and subscribing!! >o<

Is my story really confusing??? o////o

I’m so sorry if it really confusing you!! (bows) T-T

Please let me know and I will try to improve it better!! \^0^/

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Chapter 10: Ok ~~ the ending is unexpected but it's kind of cute ~~~
Chapter 10: .....wait wait wait.
so it's ended just like that? Oh wow. I'm sorry (for the lack of better words), but it's just disappointing. I was hoping for an angst moment when eunhae goes wild after knowing the truth sigh thanks for sharing btw
Julymoe #3
Chapter 10: It's too short……Why you didn't write sequel ?I wonder how about heechul and everthing……
Julymoe #4
Chapter 1: I'm new reader……I love your first chp
It is awesome
MizzPeel0007 #5
Chapter 9: I loved the story especially the ending, but how come the wife of Lee Man Soo did not realize that this was not her baby was she blind?( not sure if I spell the father's name correctly).
esmeberta #6
Chapter 9: nice story.... <3
maedeh #7
it was nice story
Good story!
I think the final chap will be they married, but that's also funny though lol
They're just sweet <3
Rizu-Q #9
finally end , yeeeyyy!!!
and the new story is Kyuhyuk?!
let's go!!
nice ending... :)