The Meeting


Nobody POV

A man dressed in fine suit walk out from his car into an old hospital building. There were several bodyguards stay closed around him as a protection because he was indeed a very wealthy businessman in the world, Lee Hankyung.

As he approach to the main door, there was already another person waits for him.

“Xian sheng, ni hou ma??,” the Chinese man greets Hankyung in humble. He was after all, was his personal assistant in China. Hankyung had always trusted him more than anyone else.

“I’m fine Zhou Mi, thanks but don’t speaking Chinese here, we’re in Korea right now, so speak Korean……or else you’re going to get hit by my wife again…,” Hankyung .

Zhou Mi smile sheepishly. He suddenly remembered the incident where the first time he met with his Boss wife. She was cooking for dinner when suddenly Zhou Mi patted her shoulder from back as he was mistaken her as one of the maid. As a result, he got a nice hit from a frying pan…

 Don’t ever mess up with the Boss wife… that is rule number ONE!!

“Where’s the documents??,” Hankyung asked him.

“Ohw, here it is…,” Zhou Mi immediately opens his briefcase and handed them to Hankyung.

“All the details about the people who were born exactly on the same day as Young Master Donghae was in there….including the one you asked me to investigate…,” he explained.

Hankyung raise his eyebrow. “What did you mean??”

“Well, I don’ know whether this was a coincidence but err… that boy, Lee Hyukjae… he turns out to born on the same day and at the same hospital like your son, Sir…,” Hangkyung gasp upon hearing that.

“Really??!! Haha!!,” he cried out happiness. He doesn’t know why, but he found it really…AMUSING!!

It feels that he just won a big lottery!!

“Err…Sir…??,” Zhou Mi looked at him in confusion. Why his Boss seems so happy??


“Ah, forgive me…I’m just too happy…haha…let’s go inside…,” Hankyung drag his confused assistant into the hospital main office. They went to receptionist’s desk and ask the nurses.

“Yes, may I help you Sir??,” she ask politely.

“I’ve an appointment with Doctor Jia, is she’s here??,” Hankyung replied.

“Ohw, just a minute Sir…,” she pick up the telephone and dial some numbers. Then, she looked at them again.

“Okay Sir, Doctor Jia is waiting for you in her office, please proceed this way…,” she gesture her hand towards the way. She then led them until they reach the Doctor office. “Excuse me Dr, here are your guests…”

“Ohw!! Mr.Hankyung!! It have been such a long time!!,” the Doctor stood up from his seat and greet them. “Please have a seat!!,” she said after they handshake with each other.

“Hemm, I don’t want to be rude but, how can your hair is still perfectly fine black while mine’s already have some silver?? Ah...did you just dyed your hair to hide them??,” Hankyung smile teasingly at her.

Dr.Jia chuckled. “You always loved to tease me aren’t you?? Lucky your wife aren’t here with you or else I will ask her to hit you for me!!,”

They laughed together, forgetting the third person who was in awkward situation.

“Ohw, forgive me!! This is Zhou mi, my personal assistant..,” Hankyung just realized about his presence.

“Hello~,” Zhou Mi gives her smile which cause the female Doctor to blushed.

“Ehem…Doctor~,” Hankyung broke their eye-contact. They both looked down in embarrassment.

“Ah…err…back to our topic…so, about your son……,” she waited for him to reply.

Hankyung take a deep breath before talking again.

“Well…just like I’ve explained to you before…I’ve gone through some investigation and I think……I think I’ve found him but……,”

“But what…??”

Hankyung looked at her deeply on her eyes. The Doctor could see the sadness in his eyes.

“I don’t know…what if………if I was mistaken………again??,” he sighed heavily. “That’s why I’m doing this alone myself now…I can’t stand to see my wife was heartbreaking again…”

 Dr.Jia smile calmly. She understands how hard this man has gone through his days. Despite his hard, full-schedule work, he never gave up in finding his real, biological son.  That’s what makes her felt more respect to him!!

“Don’t worry!! We will definitely find him!!,” she gives her words of courage to him.





No response.

“Yah!!! Lee Hyukjae!!!! Are deaf or what??!! Get your here now!!”

Hyukjae quickly went to his farm, only to meet with his father angry face.

“What takes you so long here huh??!!,” Lee Soo Man smack the poor boy head with his left hand. Hyukjae just gritted his teeth in pain. “So_sorry…Appa…”

“What Appa!!?? I’m not your father pabo!!,” he scowl and put down several baskets in front of him harshly. There was a loud thud on the ground.

“Pick up those fresh strawberries and don’t let them get squish or I will squish your head!! Arasso!!,” he left the boy in the farm before heading himself inside his house. (Their house is just behind the farm)

Hyukjae just shrugged his shoulder. He has no idea why his father always been so mean to him. He never asked, because he taught that was very impolite towards your elders. So, he just bears with it. He had gotten used to it as he always facing the same problems every time he was with his father.

 “And last but not least… he got scold again…,”

A voice whispered from his left ear. He moves backward in shocked.

“Si..Siwon -shii?? What’re you doing here……again??,” Hyukjae sigh. He also had gotten used with Siwon usual presence at his small farm. Siwon pouted at him.

“Don’t do that…it’s doesn’t suit you at all…,” Hyukjae completely ignore that handsome guy and continued doing his work.

“Ohw, come one Hyuk…I’m bored…let’s hang out somewhere!!,” he whines. Hyukjae frowns loudly. Since when this guy close to him??

Well, in case everyone is wondering, Donghae has paid all Kangin debts to Siwon without Hyukjae knowledge. He only knows about it when Siwon told him.


“The last time we met, you nearly kill me, and now you’re asking me to hang out with you??,” Hyukjae stopped plucking the strawberries .

“I’m just bored coz I don’t need to chase you or your brother anymore~ ,” he simply said it. Hyukjae looked at him in speechless.

What a weird guy……

“…So, you’re not being the bad guy anymore??,” Hyukjae said seriously. Siwon raise his right hand immediately.

“I swear to God to be a good person!!!”

He then look at the sky and make his pray. Eh???

“What the hell is wrong with him?? Does someone sent an angel to purify his evil hearts??,” Hyukjae said. “Oh whatever…as long as he’s happy…”


Hyukjae ignore that guy and continue doing his work. After he finishes plucking all the fresh strawberries, he took them inside his small strawberries shop to clean them. Siwon also rush to help him.

“Where are your friends?? Didn’t they always help you here??,” he wipe his own sweat after he bring all the three big baskets full with strawberries. “And this is kind of heavy too~”

“Haha!! You need to work out more Siwon-ah, me alone can do it every day you know…,” Hyukjae said. Siwon mock his face.

“Well, Sungmin has his martial arts lessons today, so he can’t help me in the farm… And Junsu…he said he’s coming, but until now, I still haven’t see his shadow yet… that guy is probably oversleep again…,”

Siwon raise his eyebrow. “Ohw, then what about your boyfriend~ ??,”

Hyukjae blush instantly on hearing that. “Yah!! What are you talking about??”

“Don’t tell me your guys still don’t declare yet??....well, that means I still got a chance don’t I??,” he said to himself.


“Don’t even think about it Choi Siwon…”


Both Hyukjae and Siwon looked up towards the incoming voice.

“Donghae!! You came!!,” Hyukjae ran to him like a 4 years old kid.

“Now, now…please stop doing lovey-dovey in front of me…My eyes are pure and innocent you know…,” Siwon said.

Donghae chuckled. “Well, so sorry about that, but can I have my Hyukkie back to me??,”

“Neh, whatever…I’m going up…so, do what you wants~,” Siwon winked to him before head towards Hyukjae’s shop. There’s only left Donghae and Hyukjae alone in the middle of the strawberries farm.

“Well…what should we do now??,” Donghae said playfully to Hyukjae. The red-haired boy was as red as the strawberries right now.




Siwon was about to sit on the bench in front of the strawberries shop before he saw a black limousine car stopped in front of the shop. Then, there was several person in black suit climb out in hurry and waits in line.

There were two person walk out. A man and a woman.

Then, they walked towards his direction. Are they visitors?? Or from the Healthy Food Department??


“Excuse me Sir, is this Lee Hyukjae’s house??,” the pretty middle-age woman ask him. She may look matured but still have a good looks and body.

“Erm…well, yeah…but this is not his house, I mean, this is his shop! His house is right down there!!,” Siwon gesture to a small house from their current position. “Sorry, but you need to use those stairs to get down…but not too many…as you can see…I’m not pretty sure that stairs can hold so much people on it…,” he said as he scanned towards the crowded bodyguards.


“May I know who’re you??,” the man ask him in curiosity.  

“Ah, I’m sorry, I’m Siwon, Hyukjae’s friends!!,” he held out his hand to shake with him which he took it without much hesitate.

“Do you want to meet him?? I will call him for you…,”

“Aniyo! It’s okay…actually…,” the man stopped talking as he looked to the woman beside him. The woman nodded in understands.

“Actually, we’re looking for his father, Lee Soo Man, is he here??,”


Siwon stiffens in his postion. What those people want with Hyukjae’s father?? He never borrows any loan rights??


“Oh-kay…please follow me…,” Siwon gesture them through the downstairs until they reach the small wooden house.

He knocked on it gently several times before an old-middle age man opened it.


“Huh?? Who’re you??,” the old man ask as they were so many crowd in front of him.

The man and woman look at him in intense. Siwon felt like he just gotten himself into an awkward situation. He felt like running to Hyukjae and drag that latter there…


“Mr.Lee Soo Man??,” the woman asked. “Yes, I’m…,” he replied.

“Don’t you recognized me??,” she ask him again. The old man stare at her in confusion before mouthed “No”.

“Well…I’m Doctor Meng Jia…in case you’ve forgotten, I’m the one who assist you on the day your son is born…,”


Lee Soo Man gaps his mouth in open, unable to speak. Dr.Jia continued her talking.



“Ohw, and this is Mr.Lee Hankyung!! I’m pretty sure you know him very well don’t you??”









*I’m having some difficulties here…

I was planning to make it more longer but its sooo frustrating!!

I lack of idea… -____-

And I can’t ignore my other fics!!

So, as the conclusions, I will ended this fics as soon as I can!!

Probably two or three more chappie ~

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Chapter 10: Ok ~~ the ending is unexpected but it's kind of cute ~~~
Chapter 10: .....wait wait wait.
so it's ended just like that? Oh wow. I'm sorry (for the lack of better words), but it's just disappointing. I was hoping for an angst moment when eunhae goes wild after knowing the truth sigh thanks for sharing btw
Julymoe #3
Chapter 10: It's too short……Why you didn't write sequel ?I wonder how about heechul and everthing……
Julymoe #4
Chapter 1: I'm new reader……I love your first chp
It is awesome
MizzPeel0007 #5
Chapter 9: I loved the story especially the ending, but how come the wife of Lee Man Soo did not realize that this was not her baby was she blind?( not sure if I spell the father's name correctly).
esmeberta #6
Chapter 9: nice story.... <3
maedeh #7
it was nice story
Good story!
I think the final chap will be they married, but that's also funny though lol
They're just sweet <3
Rizu-Q #9
finally end , yeeeyyy!!!
and the new story is Kyuhyuk?!
let's go!!
nice ending... :)