Mother Instincts





Hyukjae POV


“I’m really nervous~”

“Ohw, come on Hyukkie, don’t be… cheer up!!”

I was now in front of Donghae and Kyuhyun house mansion, NO!! It more likely looks like a CASTLE!!!

It was so damn huge!!! There were huge garden around it, with a big pool at the other side. Not to mention that we’re invited by two young hot guys with a luxurious black limousine!!

As Donghae open the main door for me and Sungmin, we gasp for breath. There were about a long line of housemaids bow 90 degrees as soon as we stepped inside.




We gap our mouth in open.

What the fish???

“Hurry up guys!! I want you to met my parents!!,” Donghae took my hands and drag me towards the living room……er….maybe…it’s not really a ‘room’ anyways… its look more like a big hall for me!!! Much more larger than my own house!!

“Eh?? Where’s my parents Hyung??,” Donghae ask his butler. “My apologies young Master, it seems that your parents are still in their room, do you want me to fetch them myself young Master??,” the butlers said with his most modest and humble voice. OMG…he even got his own butler!!! Donghae and Kyuhyun are sure so damn RICH!!!

“Neh…I will fetch them myself…opss, my bad…Hyukkie, Minnie...this is the head butler in my house, Leeteuk Hyung, and he also happens to be mine and Kyuhyun bodyguards…,” both me and Sungmin held out our hands to shake with Leeteuk. He seems a very nice guy with a very sweet dimple. He looks very young and handsome too.

“Hi!! Nice to meet you!! Just call me Leeteuk Hyung neh?? Your guys are sooo cute!!! No wonder my baby masters like you!!!,” he squeals excitedly.

“Hyung!!! We’re not baby!!,” both Donghae and Kyuhyun pouted at him. He chuckled slightly.

“Alright, alright…that’s enough…come here!!,” Leeteuk Hyung pushed Donghae and Kyuhyun away from us and grab mine and Sungmin hands. He totally ignored the sulking boys behind us and drag us to the dining room where there were already two person waiting for us there.


Why my heart was beating so fast??

Is something bad going to happens??

I Hope’s not…



Donghae POV


“Umma!! Appa!! These is mine and Kyu’s boyfriend, Hyukjae and Sungmin!!,” I quickly introduce them to my parents. They were blushing really madly and bows deeply to my parents. Haha!! So cute!!


“OMO!!! So this is my future daughter-in-laws??? KYAAAAAA!!!!!!! They are SOOOOO CUTE!!!!! YESSSS!!!!! I will have cute grandchildren!!!!! OH YEAH!!!!,”

OMG……my mom’s has gone hyper.

I look behind me and chuckled as Hyukjae and Sungmin were both speechless upon my mother weird act.


“Just ignore her, she’s always like that…,” I said.

“Yeah, she’s may look crazy but she’s actually normal…err…to be corrected normal for us ONLY…,” Kyuhyun added and Sungmin tucked his ribs lightly. “Don’t say such a thing like that to your mother!!”

“Yes!! Kyu baby!! Serve you right!! OMo~ come here, come here… let’s me see you more closely…,” she stood up from her chair and went to get Hyukjae and Sungmin.

“Yah!! Chullie, are you forgetting me!!,” poor my father…he’s been left alone.

“Aish!! Shut up Hannie!! Just sit down and ate your food quietly!!,” my father pouted at her. Man…poor him…

First, she checks on Sungmin from head to toe. Next, she keeps on turning him to look for what??? I don’t have any idea…

“Mom!! Stop it!! Why are you checking on him!! You will scaring my little bunny!!,” Kyuhyun whine at my mother. She smacks his head. “I just want to see if you have done something bad to him because you’re too hard to handle!!,” she frowns before turning to Sungmin again, “Ah, forgive me dear, if this ‘insolent brat’ trying to do something bad on you, just report to Umma neh?? I will punish him!!,”

“Hmp!! What’s sort of punishment??,” Kyuhyun smirk but then fade quickly after my mother smirk backs at him. Haha~ I already figure it out what sort of punishment…^^

“Ohw, it’s so simple~ just choose either one, (A) One month without touching Sungmin, (B) One month without your little devil PSP…,”

Kyuhyun was speechless after that…

He felt like being thrown upside down…

I think he’s really regret for being so rude to my mother…

Haha!! Serve him rights!!


“Okay, that’s it!! Sungmin baby, you PASS!!,” she said cheerily and moves on to my Hyukkie.

“Ohw…and this is…………,” she stopped her words. Her hands were touching Hyukjae face.

“Huh?? Umma?? Is something wrongs??,” I grew panic as suddenly I saw tears already forming on my mother eyes.

Then, without warning, she storm out from the dining room.

What the hell????!!!

We’re all stunned about what had just happen. I come back to my sense and went after her but my father stop me.

“No, stay here, I will go…,” with that he left us.




Hankyung POV


“Chullie..??? What’s wrong sweetie??,”

I approach her slowly from back. When she realizes I was there, she immediately went to hug me.

“Hannie!! I…I…(sob)……dunno……(sob)……what’s this feelings……(sob)…it’s just that……(sob)……he….(sob)….remind me of my lost SON!!,” I patted her back gently and tried to comfort her.

“Calm down neh…calm down…”



Deep inside my heart…

I’ve this weird feeling…

That boy……




Why is it I think I’ve heard that name before…???




After I’ve manage to comfort Heechul, she drift to deep sleep. I slowly left her in our room and picked up my phone.


I need to figure out something...



“Hello?? Zhou Mi, I need you to find out everything about a boy name Lee Hyukjae…ASAP!!!”











*Yess!!! Done updating!! Phew~

Next, off to update The Royal Fiancé!!


This is my other ff's!!!

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Chapter 10: Ok ~~ the ending is unexpected but it's kind of cute ~~~
Chapter 10: .....wait wait wait.
so it's ended just like that? Oh wow. I'm sorry (for the lack of better words), but it's just disappointing. I was hoping for an angst moment when eunhae goes wild after knowing the truth sigh thanks for sharing btw
Julymoe #3
Chapter 10: It's too short……Why you didn't write sequel ?I wonder how about heechul and everthing……
Julymoe #4
Chapter 1: I'm new reader……I love your first chp
It is awesome
MizzPeel0007 #5
Chapter 9: I loved the story especially the ending, but how come the wife of Lee Man Soo did not realize that this was not her baby was she blind?( not sure if I spell the father's name correctly).
esmeberta #6
Chapter 9: nice story.... <3
maedeh #7
it was nice story
Good story!
I think the final chap will be they married, but that's also funny though lol
They're just sweet <3
Rizu-Q #9
finally end , yeeeyyy!!!
and the new story is Kyuhyuk?!
let's go!!
nice ending... :)