

HanChul enter the scene!!!! ^^


Donghae POV


“Hae baby!! Kyu baby!! Hurry up and eat your food!!!,”


I rush downstairs as I heard my mother, Heechul yell loudly at me and my little brother, Kyuhyun.

“Morning mommy!!,” I kissed both her cheek before took my seat at the dining table. (*ohw, Heechul is a woman in this story)

Kyuhyun come after me with his sleepy face and messy hair. “Mom!! How many times do I have to tell you?? Don’t call us BABY again!! We’re not baby anymore!!,” he made his pouting face to our mother. My mother smack his head hardly (she often do that though).

“Yah!! Your devil son!! Watch your manners when you’re talking with the person who brought you to this world!! Huh!! Whose gene did you inherited from??,” my mom whine loudly.

“Well, you of course…,” my father said in a very low voice. “Hey boys??,” my father, Hangkyung greet us before sat down behind me and take a sip on his coffee. He was already in his black suit uniform, ready to go for a work. Ohw, did I mention that my father is one of the most successful businessmen in Korea and also China?? So, me and my little brother could get anything what we want. Money never be the problems…we have more than enough…

“Honey~ did you say something earlier??......,” my mother was eyeing him angrily. “Uh?? No sweetie, I was just greeting the boys……,” I chuckled as my father tried to ignore the deadly glare from the big Madame.

“Err, so Hae, Kyu…how’s school??,” he tried to change the subject. “Imetnewfriendsatschool!!,” Kyuhyun answered with bread still in his mouth.

“Kyu!! Finish your food first!!! Don’t speak when your mouth is full!!,” my mother snapped at him. Kyuhyun gulped his food before talking again. “I met new friends at school!! They are so adorable!! Ohw, and Hae hyung seems have find his crush!!,” I stay frozen at my food as soon as Kyuhyun mention that. Damn it!!

“WHAT!!! OMG!! Who is it!!??? Who is it!!??? Tell mommy!!! I want to meet him!!!,” my mom suddenly got hyper upon this. I give my thanks-a-lot glare at Kyuhyun who replied with evil smirk on his face. “Mom, we just met…I still did not officially propose him… yet…,” I shyly said it.

“OMO!!! You just have to tell me baby!! Let Mommy help you to get your lover!! So, tell me who this guy is!! KYAAAA!!! I can’t wait to have a grandchildren!!!,” my mother squeals excitedly. Both my parents know that I don’t like girls…well, you know what I meant… ^^

“Chullie-ah, isn’t that too early??,” my father said. “Hannie~ I want a NEW babies… Those two are failures…especially this one!!,” she pointed her finger on Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun suddenly cough up back his food after hearing that. “What the heck!!???,” he give his question look at my mother but she ignored him.

“Hae baby, why don’t you invite him to our house??? Mommy want to meet him!!!,” she give me her pleading eyes. Aish…I can’t ignore them or my mom will just make it worse than ever…she never failed to get what she wants…

“Arasso, arasso…I will bring him then…but can I invite Kyu crush too??,” I smile at my brother as he rolled his eye on me. Hah!! Payback time!!

“What!! Kyu!! You also have one??!!,” my mother ask him and that latter nodded. “Yeah…he was Hyung lover’s best friend…,” he said without daring to meet my mother eyes.


“Huh?? Excuse me?? What’s with that ‘NO’???,” Kyuhyun asked. My mother looked at him sternly. “LEE KYUHYUN!! YOU’RE STILL A MINOR!! SO YOU CAN’T HAVE A BOYFRIEND YET!!,”

“WHAT THE FISH??!!! ME?? A MINOR?? Then, what about him??? How come he is allowed to have a boyfriend while I can’t??!! That is not FAIR!!!!,” he yelled in frustration.

“Hannie~ did you see that?? That’s why I say we need to have a NEW baby in this house!! My own son was shouting at me!!,” she complaint to my father. “Neh…fine, fine…I just followed you then…,” my father sighed in defeat. “Oho!! Kamsamhanida dear!!!,” my mother give her deeply kiss on my father.

“YAH!!! DON’T DO IT FRONT OF MY PURE, INNOCENT EYES!!!,” Kyuhyun leave the dining room with red face. I laughed before give my goodbye waves at my parents and went after Kyuhyun.

I’m gonna at school!!




Heechul watch as both her sons has finally leaved the house safely. Her beautiful, widen smile had suddenly vanish from her face. She turns to her husband who now is looking worriedly at her. He already knows what she is gonna talk about…

“Any news??,” she ask him. Hankyung shook his head slowly. “Sorry… we still lack of information...,” he looked down. Heechul smiled a little before place her hand on Hankyung shoulders.

“Aniyo…it’s okay…I understand…you have tried your best…,” she whispered and staring at the windows silently. The rains have suddenly come pouring down. She watch as the rains suddenly brings back a memory…

 A painful memory that still haunted her lives up until now…




“Hae!! Hae!! It’s okay baby!! You’re going to be alright!! Mommy and Daddy is here with you!!,

A woman was clutching her twelve years old son hands. He was already unconscious. His lips have turn to blue and his face is really pale.

“Madame, please calm down, Donghae need to rest now…if you could please followed me…I have some important matter to discuss…,” a doctor come into the gloomy room. Both the woman and her husband nodded quietly.

“I’m so sorry to say this……but is Donghae your adopted son??,” both of them shocked upon hearing that. “No!! Of course not!! He is my son!! My biological son!!,” the woman shriek at the doctor. Her husband tried to calm her down. “Why you ask such a question doctor??,” her husband ask calmly.

The doctor takes a deep before he continued again. “Your blood is not matching with Donghae, both of you is an ‘O’ type while Donghae is an ‘A’ type…I was getting so confuse here…so, we can’t do the blood transfusions here…,” the women cut his words.

“So, you’re saying that he is not my son after all!!!??,” she shouted.

“Could be…,” the doctor said coldly. She was speechless after that. Her husband looked at the doctor again. “What did you suggest??,”

“I suggest both of you to do the DNA test to see if whether Donghae really is your son…this is the only way to know…,” he said seriously. The women already cried under her husband arms. She still can’t believe the doctor words.



“Chullie?? Chullie-ah??,”

Hankyung called her wife several times after the long silences. “Ah…mianhei…I just remember about the past…,” she starts to sob. Hankyung looked so guilty. He wraps his arms around her to comfort her.

“Don’t worry…I promise I will find him…I will find our SON…”




Kyuhyun POV


“Yeah!! Our parents invited both of you to have dinner at our house today, so…what about it???,” Donghae explain to Hyukjae and Sungmin. Both of them look at each other. Not sure how to response.

“I don’t know…well…you already know my father…he will definitely won’t allowed it…,” Hyukjae muttered to my brother. “Ohw, come on Hyukkie…please~,” Donghae give his puppy eyes to him. No one can ever resist it except me…

“Why don’t you just say to your father that you went to my house to do some homework?? We often do that though don’t we?? And your father didn’t mind at all…,” Sungmin give his suggestion. I love you Minnie!!!

“Emm…okay I will try…,” Donghae smile like an idiot after Hyukjae said that. “Yahooo!!! Thanks Hyukkie!! I can’t wait to introduce you to my parents!!”




*hey guys?? Thanks for ur comment n subscribing!! ^^

I’m gonna update you’re my mr.sinderella after this!!


But right now I’ve my law class, so I will post it later!! wink


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Chapter 10: Ok ~~ the ending is unexpected but it's kind of cute ~~~
Chapter 10: .....wait wait wait.
so it's ended just like that? Oh wow. I'm sorry (for the lack of better words), but it's just disappointing. I was hoping for an angst moment when eunhae goes wild after knowing the truth sigh thanks for sharing btw
Julymoe #3
Chapter 10: It's too short……Why you didn't write sequel ?I wonder how about heechul and everthing……
Julymoe #4
Chapter 1: I'm new reader……I love your first chp
It is awesome
MizzPeel0007 #5
Chapter 9: I loved the story especially the ending, but how come the wife of Lee Man Soo did not realize that this was not her baby was she blind?( not sure if I spell the father's name correctly).
esmeberta #6
Chapter 9: nice story.... <3
maedeh #7
it was nice story
Good story!
I think the final chap will be they married, but that's also funny though lol
They're just sweet <3
Rizu-Q #9
finally end , yeeeyyy!!!
and the new story is Kyuhyuk?!
let's go!!
nice ending... :)