
Finding Her Someone

"Kyungsoo!" Sujung cheerfully yelled as she approached the short guy who was barely taller than her.

Kyungsoo looked at Sujung confused, wondering why she was headed towards him.

"What?" He asked.

"I heard you're close friends with my dear friend Sana," Sujung said with a smile.

Kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows at this. Everyone on campus knew she wasn't bright and cheerful like this and usually she had a mean and nasty attitude. "What are you up to?"

And that's when her face dropped into her usual self. "How do you know?" She asked with her attitude.

"That's how I always look before I plan something on Baekhyun and Chanyeol," he said.

Sujung sighed in frustration and blew her bangs. "So are you close with Sana or not?" She asked wanting to get straight to the point.

In a far away distance Hannah and Ken were sitting on a bench watching this. They shook their heads once they saw Sujung drop back to her normal self.

"I knew we shouldn't have left her in charge of this one," Ken said. "She's going to let things spill."

"Let's wait. She's smarter than she seems," Hannah said before she sighed. "Who are we kidding. We're doomed."

Back to Sujung and Kyungsoo things were still a little messy and Sujung was trying to clean off the messy ends. She wasn't the type of person who was good at socializing so this was quite hard for her.

"Yeah, we're friends, why?" Kyungsoo asked making Sujung feel like she should have thought this through better.

"Well, you know how she's a really lonely person?"

Kyungsoo nodded.

"I'm quite glad you're close with her," Sujung said placing a a hand Kyungsoo's shoulder. She pretended to wipe away a tear. "I'm glad she has someone else beside us at times like these."

Kyungsoo just stared at her before raising an eyebrow. He then looked behind her and waved at someone. "Oh hey Myungsoo!"

Sujung quickly spinned around only to find the hallway empty. She turned back to Kyungsoo with wide open. "Oh you're evil," She said sounding mad.

Kyungsoo smirked before he started walking away. "It's not going to work out between me and Sana."

Sujung quickly followed him and started whining, "But why?"

Sujung stood in front of Kyungsoo so they were face to face. He looked at her and let out a deep sigh before explaining. "Because no matter how much I can make her smile I can't make her laugh."

Sujung frowned at this. "But you can keep trying! Please!"

Kyungsoo was about to start walking again before Sujung got on her knees and begged him, "Please! I'm desperate!"

Sujung quickly grabbed on to his leg and held on. Kyungsoo looked around emberassed as she kept begging for him to re-think things. Many people stopped walking to give them weird stares and whispers.

Hannah and Ken cringed and leaned back when they saw Sujung get down on her knees like a crazy person. She had lost it.

"We've lost her," Ken said as he shook his head. Hannah just stared with disgust.

 Kyungsoo kept trying to walk with emberassment as Sujung kept a hold of his leg. "Please! I'm desperate!"

"Hey Sujung stop," he whispered trying to avoid the looks they were getting from people.  "People are staring."

"I'm not letting go until you reconsider it! Please! I'm seriously beging you right now!" Sujung said not letting go.

Hannah and Ken gasped when they saw two people walking towards where Sujung and Kyungsoo were. They looked at each other and then back before they both stood up and started running to them.

 "Sujung!" Hannah yelled as she waved her arms in the air while running with Ken.

Sujung didn't hear them and just kept holding on while begging. Kyungsoo looked up from her and saw two figures heading their way.

"Hey Myungsoo! Hey Sana!" Kyungsoo said waving with a smile.

"Hahaha very funny," Sujung said sarcastically. "I'm not falling for that twice."

That's when Sujung heard the shouts coming from a side and turned to see Ken and Hannah who were both very out of breath and signaling her to stop. 

Sujung slowly stood up and turned around to see Sana and Myungsoo standing there. She mentally cursed herself as she thought that they would misunderstand this situation.

Myungsoo tilted his head, his arms crossed, and his lips as he looked at Sujung in a questionable way. Sana just stood there shocked. It was obvious they both wanted answers to this weird situation.

Then Myungsoo and Sana both noticed Hannah and Ken standing a few feet away, obviously trying to escape this sticky situation.

"I didn't know you were so desperate," Myungsoo said as he looked back at Sujung.

"Sujung..." Sana said before looking at everyone and then back at her. "I didn't know you liked Kyungsoo."

Sujung's eyes widened and Hannah and Ken couldn't help but snicker from the side. It was just too funny of a situation. Such a misunderstanding that had been created.

"I don't like him!" Sujung yelled as she waved her arms in the air.

"Then what is this all about? And why does it seem like Hannah and Ken are up to something?" Sana asked.

Hannah and Ken stopped laughing at once and walked over to them all.

"It's just that... I was begging Kyungsoo for... uh... help?" Sujung asked unsure of what she was saying.

Sana raised an eyebrow at her friend questioningly. Myungsoo was trying to figure out what was going on with Sujung. Hannah and Ken were waiting for Sujung to come up with a good excuse. Sujung was wishing she was dead. And then there was Kyungsoo who was enjoying this all too much like the evil short person he was.

"The thing is..." Ken said stepping in after an awkward five seconds of silence. "I didn't want to say this because it was supposed to be a secret, but..."

Hannah and Sujung looked alerted at what he was going to say. Was he going to tell them about their plan? Was he going to let all the hard work go to waste?

"Sujung likes Kyungsoo and asked Hannah and I for help so we both gave her advice and hid over there to watch how it went. But obviously it didn't go very well, because she ended up begging," Ken "explained" what happened.

Myungsoo looked over at Sujung and she just hid behind Hannah. Sana raised an eyebrow, wondering since when Hannah and Sujung were close to Ken. And why even Ken knew about Sujung's crush but she didn't. What sort of friend was she?

"Oh. I see," Sana said. "Sujung, it looks like you're very desperate for Kyungsoo, but he doesn't like you."

Sujung bit her bottom lip before shamefully nodding her head. This was so emberrassing. Now Sujung and Myungsoo though that she liked Kyungsoo. Not only that but the fact that she was on her knees begging him for something so desperately would spread around the whole university. Her reputation was ruined.

"Yeah," Sujung said. "But why are you two together?"

Sana looked at Myungsoo and shrugged. "He asked me if I knew where you were and then he was explaining to me why he needed to see you."

"Well, I'll be leaving," Kyungsoo said and started walking away from the awkwardness. "Sorry Sujung. I hope you find someone else," He said earning a glare from Sujung.

'Do Kyungsoo you are dead to me' Sujung thought to herself.

"Well, this is, uh... we're just going to go," Hannah said and Ken nodded. Hannah grabbed his wrist and started pulling him with her. The two were quite quick in leaving.

"Since when are those two so close?" Sana mumbled as she watched them run away. "Did I miss something?"

Sujung kept looking around as she fiddled with her fingers and Myungsoo just stared- no, glared at her. It seemed like he was furious about something which she didn't understand .

"Well, since you've already found Sujung I'm just going to leave so you can talk to her," Sana said feeling the tension and wanting to get out of there. 

Once Sana left the tension only rose more. Myungsoo kept staring at her with those eyes, making her feel guilty. What even was there to be guilty about.

"If you keep staring at me like that you'll burn a hole through me," She said looking at him.

He didn't say anything.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked and took a step closer. He took a step back. "Why are you mad?"

He just scoffed as if he couldn't belive her. How could she not know? It was quite obvious. He was always obvious. But maybe not obvious enough. Maybe he had just wasted all of his time for nothing.

"Forget it," He said and turned around. That's when she realized something must really be wrong. No matter how many times he'd get mad at her he'd tell her what she did and then they'd fight, which was their way of making up. He would never ignore her. And to be honest, the fact that he was walking away right now like this kind of hurt her.

"Myungsoo!" She yelled but he just kept on walking. "There's something wrong with him... "


Sana stared at the screen in front of her, not really paying attention to it. Instead she turned around and looked at Ken who was writing down notes. He looked up when he noticed she was staring at him.

"What?" He asked.

"I didn't know you were close with Hannah and Sujung," Sana said.

Ken looked back down at his notes and shrugged before he continued writing. "Yeah, well... it just sort of happened."

 Sana nodded and bit the end of her pencil. She seemed to be in deep thought for a while. Ken noticed this and poked her with his pen.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh?" Sana asked coming back to life. "What?"

Ken shook his head before he closed his book and turned to look at her. "Do you want to do something fun?"

"Fun?" Sana repeated. She had often heard she wasn't a fun person so hearing things like these made her wonder why he'd ask her that.

"We've been working for the past few days on this project non-stop. I think we deserve a little break," Ken said. "The members are all going out to eat, and I don't want to be stuck here studying with you."

Sana stared at him for a while before she realized what he said. "The members? As in, VIXX?"


"All of them?" She asked.

"Yeah. Why? Are you worried about there being a lot of guys?" He asked.

Sana shook her head. "No, it's just..."

Ken then closed the books and stacked them together. He shut her laptop and stuffed in her bag. Sana looked up confused at him before he ended up grabbing her wrist and pulling her up from her seat.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she let herself be dragged by Ken.

"You never have fun. You're such a plain and boring person and that's why you're still alone."

"Gee, thanks," She mumbled before he could finish.

"And that's why we're going out, so you can see more of the real world," He said.

Before she knew it they were at the music room, and so was VIXX. He pushed her down so she'd bow to them and then pulled her back up. 

"This is Sana, as you know, and today she will be joining us for research on the 'fun' side of the world," Ken said.

"Ken, what are you saying?" N leader asked.

"I thought we said wouldn't question what he says or does anymore," Hyuk, the young one, pointed out.

"She's going to join us?" Hongbin asked.

As soon as he stepped up the bitter expression on Sana's face changed. She looked... happier? Ken took notice of this and decided to ask the girls later on.

"Yes, yes she is." Ken said. "So where are we going first?"

The guys started getting excited, Ken in particular, as they discussed where they'd be going on this day of 'fun'. Sana, on the other hand, felt like she should be doing research. But how could she when Ken had her laptop and backpack which held all of her work?

She decided to go with all of this until he gave her her things back. After all, how bad could it be? It's not like they were doing anything dangerous, right?

 "Let's go bungee jumping!" Hyuk yelled out with excitement.

"No!" The rest yelled out.

"I am never going bungee jumping again," N said and shivered at the single thought of it. He still didn't understand how he managed to do it last time and he certainly wasn't going to do it again.

"Let's go to a haunted house!" Ken suggested with that child-like grin of his.

"No!" Hongbin, Ravi, and N yelled out.

Hyuk burst into laughter thinking about the last time they went to a haunted house. "Last time we went N couldn't even get past the first room!"

Most of the guys laughed at this. Even Leo simply smiled at this. N just frowned as he crossed his arms. Sana swore she wouldn't think he was the oldest if he hadn't said so before. He acted like the youngest.

"Kids, why don't we do something else? Something that's not scary and dangerous?" N whined. "Why don't we ask Sana?"

They all turned to look at Sana and it took her a moment to process things. "Oh, no no no," She said as she waved her arms in the air.

"Let's not ask her. She doesn't even know the definition of fun," Ken said making Sana elbow him.

"Fine," N grumbled and sat back. Suddenly he sat up with delight writen all over his face. "Why don't we go to the park?"

The members all looked over at him as if he was an idiot. What grown adult wanted to go to the park with his friends? It sounded ridiculous... even though they'd done it last month.

"We already went last month we should do something else," Hyuk said.

 "Why don't we go eat and then go to the Amusement Park?" Hongbin 

"Now that's something I can do," Ravi said and the others nodded. "Let's go!"

Poor Sujung.

Kyungsoo... The short people shall not be trusted.

Evil D.O.

Myungsoo of Infinite appeared and he seemed mad... Wonder why.

Dang his glare is killer.

Looks like Ken wants to teach Sana about 'fun'.

'Cause we all know how fun Ken is..

Who remembers back in MyDol days when VIXX went bungee jumping?


Or when they went to the haunted school mission? That was hilarious.

Anyys, I hope you enjoyed and leave a comment or upvote!



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[Finding Her Someone] And here is the last chapter. Thanks so much to everyone for the love and support~


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Chapter 25: hahahahaha, I knew when Henry was included in here, Henber would be somewhere close.....

Hahahaha, and now I finally finished reading this story... Thank you so much authornim!!! and VIXX hwaiting always!!!!! :D
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 13: Ken being self-conscious.... I can't take it :(
Like seriously, he's the best thing that VIXX could ever had (reality speaking), I know it's a fanfiction or maybe Ken isn't really self-conscious but I kinda felt bad when I read that part....

After all, it was because of Ken that I got into VIXX and I'm not planning on changing my bias anytime soon.
awkskate #10
Chapter 25: I'm so glad I found a KenxOC fic and that it was this cute!! Thank you for writing this fanfic and for giving it such a good ending, I really enjoyed it.
Hope you keep writing in the future, sweetie x