Man in Love

Finding Her Someone

 Infinite - Man in Love

 (I put the link because the song will be used later)


"I guess I did feel attracted to her at some point. And I can confidently say she felt the same way. But, I guess, maybe if it hadn't been for someone else, she and I could have had something real."

"Who?" Ken asked confused.

"Just someone," Hongbin answered.

Ken sat up on his bed as the memory came to mind. Who exactly had Hongbin been talking about. Who was that 'someone else'? Was it someone Ken knew?

Ken pursed his lips as he thought of all the possible candidates. In the end he shook his head as he spoke to himself. "No, why would I even care? Whatever happens between Sana and Hongbin should be none of my concern. And if someone came in between that's also none of my concern either."

Ken nodded his head in delight at his decision to stay out of others business... Before he changed his mind.

"No, but if Hongbin and Sana are my closest friends then I have every right to care. And Hannah and Sujung also want me to seperate those two and go undercover!"

Ken quickly stood up before his face changed and he sat back down. He was starting to worry.

"Wait, but why do I care so much? It's bothering me so much I hate this feeling. . .Ahhh!" Ken dug his head in his hands as he brought his knees closer. "I think I'm going crazy," Ken whispered.

"Tell me about it, since when do you talk to yours- nevermind," N said as he went inside Ken's room and took a seat next to him.

"Hakyeon, quick!" Ken said as he turned to his friend with terror in his eyes. "You're studying to be a doctor, tell me! What's wrong with my heart?!"

N was taken back a bit as Ken dramatically fell back on his bed with a hand on his chest, above his heart, and another one on his forehead. Seeing the exaggerated expressions of Ken, N couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Ken sat up and looked at his friend I'm disbelief. Was this really a time to be laughing at him? When he was dying of some sort of heart ache?

"Seriously, Hakyeon, what's wrong with my heart?" Ken whined as he shook N's shoulder.

N let out sigh as he shook his head. He started taking his phone out of his pocket and Ken watched with hawk eyes. "Here, listen to the lyrics," N said as he handed Ken the earbuds.

"What's the name of this song?" Ken asked.

"Man in Love. It's a song that Woohyun showed me," N said as the song started. Ken slowly nodded before he opened his mouth back up, "why are you showing me this?"

N simply shrugged as he held a smile. "Just because. No real reason."

Ken nodded as he started paying attention to the lyrics. The song seemed to be sang by a group and the lyrics seemed to describe the feelings and thoughts a man would go through when falling in love.

Originally Ken would be disgusted at such a cheesy song, but right now, surprisingly, he felt he understood. "N, are you trying to tell me something?" Ken asked in the middle of the song with a more serious tone.

N simply shrugged as a smile grew on his face.

"Do I feel this way about someone?" Ken asked reffering to the lyrics. "'When a man's in love he wants to stay by your side. There's always so much he wants to do for you.' Do I relate to this?"

N let out a sigh as he felt himself wanting to slap Ken. How could someone be so oblivious to their feelings? "Jaehwan, that's something that you should figure out on your own."

Ken looked at his friend with a look of uncertainty. N knew Ken had it in him. Be could figure out what was killing him inside, but it was as if he himself was rejecting it in the inside and putting himself in denial. Why was he in denial?

"Let's go to school," N said as he stood up and Ken nodded. The two friends went out the door and headed downstairs to go to school. Maybe seeing her would help Ken's thoughts.


 "What?!" Sujung asked Hannah with surprise and shock and a but of disgust.


"But Himchan is too conceited for Sana and he only cares about himself and he has an ego and he ne-" Sujung stopped talking when Hannah put her hand over and interrupted.

"Just like in the dramas! Sana can change him!" Hannah said. Sujung removed Hannah's hand from as she started thinking about it. The thought seemed more pleasing the more she thought about it.

"Okay, let's get those two to meet!" Sujung said. "Oh, there's Ken!"

Hannah and Sujung both looked at Ken as he walked over to a bench, head slung low, head in the clouds.

"Why does he look so down?" Hannah asked as she studied his facial expressions. The corners of his lips pointed down and his eyebrow's arched up a bit. He seemed conflicted.

"Maybe he's feeling lonely these days," Sujung suggested with a shrug remembering how she didn't see Ken with any girls. Ever. It was odd seeing a guy never dating or talking to girls at that age.

"Should we find him someone?" Hannah asked as the two made their way over to the conflicted-looking guy.

"Yes! We can find both him and Sana someone! Then we will truly be love experts," Sujung said.

"Okay, how about Kyungri?" Hannah asked as she pointed at Kyungri who was passing by.

Sujung made an 'eh' face before she shook her head. "She's too 'y' for him. You know what I mean?"

"You're right. Why don't we go ask him what his style is?" Hannah suggested and the two girls went off.

"Yo Ken!" Sujung yelled as the two girls went on both his sides, taking him back by surprise.

"W-what?" He asked confused as he took his earbuds out.

"What kind of girls do you like?" Sujung asked without hesitation. It wasn't a question that was to be asked so casually, but Sujung was a love expert who didn't care for things of the sort.

Ken blinked at Sujung and looked at her and then at Hannah. What were these two girls up to at nine in the morning? He had to take a moment to process what she asked before he tried to answer. "Uh. . . Well, I mean, I don't really have a style."

"How does one not have a style? Do you have any preferences?" Hannah asked and Ken proceeded to answer.

"Well, for such a sudden question, I guess I like girls that aren't really cute. She shouldn't act cute much, it's tiring. I guess she should have this sort of serious aura and seem like a cold and unapproachable person. . . When in reality theyre very soft in the inside and only put on an act to protect themselves . . ." Ken trailed off as it seemed he wasn't even talking to the two girls anymore.

The two girls who were standing there awkwardly exchanged kooks and Hannah mouthed, "it seems like he has a certain someone in mind."

"Who?" Sujung mouthed back and the other responded with a simple shrug.

 "And, she wont laugh often, but when she does, it's the best thing you could ever experience. Something rare and beautiful that sounds like music to your ears. . ."

Hannah signaled to Sujung to go and leave Ken and the two girls slowly backed away as the poor lovesick boy kept on talking to no one but himself.

"And when she finally opens up to you, it's amazing, because you'd never think she open up to anyone, so her opening to you makes it all more special an-"

"Ken? Why are you talking to yourself?" Sana asked as she walked over to him.

Ken looked up in surprise as his hand flew to his mouth in reflex. It wasn't like he had been saying anything bad, but he felt as of he'd been caught sleeping in class like the other day.

"I-i..." Ken looked around trying to find the girls he'd been talking to, but the two troublesome girls were nowhere in sight. "Darn those girls."

Ken looked back at Sana who seemed to be studying his face. Staring at him as if she were trying to read his thoughts, figure him out.

"I was just talking to myself," Ken said as he cleared his throat. "What are you doing here?"

"I always come out here," Sana says. "I like studying here outiside it's really quiet and nice. . ."

Ken nodded as he slightly chuckled at himself and scratched the back of his neck. "Uhm, don't you have class right now? Or something?"

Sana shook her head before she said, "it's my free time right now."

"Then let's go eat!" Ken sguested making Sana bit her bottom lip in uncertainty. She felt butterflies flutter in her stomach at the thought of going out to eat with Ken, but then shook her head. The two always hanged out together and now that she liked him it wasn't any different.

They were friends.


Tic. Toc. Tic. Toc.

Ken looked at the clocked, ticking slowly, little arms moving by the second. His pencil tapped on his desk as he glanced back at his book and his leg kept moving in anxiousness.

"Why aren't you studying?" Leo asked as he shut his book, getting tired of the little noises Ken was making.

"Huh?" Ken asked confused as he looked up at his friend. "What? Oh no, uh, yeah of course I'm studying."

Leo made a face and hit Ken on the head with his pencil. "Idiot," he murmured. "Study if you're going to study. Go with Sana if you're going to go with Sana and don't waste my time here."

"B-but. . ." Ken found himself tongue-tied and couldn't find an excuse to use, because truth was, he really wasn't studying and wanted to go with Sana. He looked at his journal of "notes" and all the notes were actually doodles and nothing but meaningless sketches. And maybe Sana's name had somehow formed along the way.

"She's in class. . ." Ken mumbled finally.

Leo blinked athe Ken and stated at him for a while before he sat back on his seat and opened his book to study. He couldn't deal with Ken at moments like these.

At that moment the little arm reached for three and Ken slammed his book shut and stood up. He hurriedly turned in the book to the librarian, grabbed his bag, and left to go wait for Sana outside her department building where she had class.

I can't escape because I'm in too deep

The letters in my book are dancing as they form your name

As if you're through main character of the movie, as of you're the moon in the sky, I keep seeing you

I draw you out every day - my heart will rest only when you come into my arms

I'll be your resting place that will never cool down.


 Sana stood frozen in her spot as she stared at the boy in front of her. Or man. Whatever went along with his age and not mentality.

Sana had been walking out of class and heading for the outside of the building when she saw Ken standing at the entrance, leaning against the wall and looking at his phone. Had he been waiting for her?

Sana didn't move. She stood there staring at him as he waited for her. If he was even waiting for her. She let out a frustrated groan as she kicked the wall next to her and messed up her hair.

"Ow Ow ow!" She yelled as she felt pain in her foot. "Idiot," She mumbled to herself. But what was she supposed to know that kicking the wall would hurt her foot? Although it was common sense. . . 

"Is your foot okay?"

Sana cursed under her breath as she looked up at Ken. "Yeah, I'm fine," She lied even though her foot was aching.

"Why did you kick the wall?" He asked confused as he stared at her foot with disbelief. She was never someone who would just kick a wall like that. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," Sana said as she started standing up straight, only to find herself bending back down in pain. "Ah, nevermind."

Ken stared at her for a few seconds in disbelief before he let out a chuckle. "You're ridiculous. When did you become so weird?" He asked.

Sana made a face at him feeling frustrated before she said, "It's your fault. I've been hanging out with you too much. I should stay away from you."

"No, we work out well like this," Ken said with a bright smile. Sana let out a sigh as she watched him bend down in front of her. "Get on my back," he suddenly demanded.

Sana uncrossed her arms and stared at him confused. Was he really going to give her a piggyback ride? We're they this close to do such things?

"What are you waiting for?" He asked as he signaled her to get on. "Don't make me stand up and carry you instead like that one scene in Reply 1988."

Sana's eyes widened knowing what he was talking about and hurried up and got on. With much hesitation, she wrapped her arms around his back and he stood up, taking hold of her legs.

"I didn't know you watched that drama," Sana said as she looked at Ken over his shoulder.

Ken simply shrugged as he started walking with her on his back. "I heard you and Hongbin talking about it one day, so I decided to check it out. It's a nice drama. Very emotional."

"Yeah, that drama really knows how to mess with your feelings," Sana agreed.

"She should've ended up with Junghwan," Ken suddenly said making Sana turn to give him a look.

"Team Taek all the way," She argued.

"What? But Duksun obviously always had something with Junghwan!" Ken argued confused as to why Sana was team Taek when obviously Junghwan had more on his side.

"Okay, she only started to like him when she found out he liked her. It's natural for many girls. First love, was all he had, and he pushed her away too much for Taek, meaning he didn't love her enough. Taek always gave his all," Sana explained her side.

"But first love is strong and has a lot. He gave her up because Taek was practically a baby. Do you go for guys like that?" Ken asked suddenly stopping and glancing at her.

"Well, of course every girl likes a nice guy like Taek. But no girl will ever really notice a guy like him, which I think is what made everything so special. Duksun cared for Taek, and was always curious about him. She didn't know she truly loved and cared for him. If Junghwan had actualky confessed, Taek wouldn't have had a chance, but Taek won in the end," Sana explained more.

"So a guy that's willing to give it his all and confess? That's what you like? No mattering if he's nice or not. Or has money or not. Or is smart or not?" Ken asked understanding what Sana was getting at.

"Exactly. I wouldn't want someone who pushes me away. Who pushes their feelings away. If someone liked me, I'd want then to give it their all and confess," Sana said.

"Well-" Ken started only stop when he saw Hannah and Sujung.

"It's the girls!" Sana exclaimed and hoped off of his back. Sujung and Hannah walked over and Sana waved at them. "What brings you two here?"

"Ohhhh, Sana, we didn't expect to see you here," Sujung exaggerated.

"But I have class near here," Sana said and Hannah facepalmed.

"Anyways!" Hannah suddenly yelled. "I hear that really good looking Himchan guy is in your class. Have you ever talked to him?"

Sana looked at Hannah confused based on the coincidence that she had actually just talked to him for the first time today, despite the fact that he had been in her class for a while.

"Actually. . ." Sana said remembering the little incident.

Sana walked into class at the same time as always, following her usual routine. She looked around and saw how the big room was quite empty. Letting out a sigh, she started making her way to her usual seat next to Minjee, when someone stepped in front of her.

Sana looked up to see a tall, well built looking guy with handsome model-like features. She knew who he was, Himchan. But she rarely really talked to him before. Never, actually.

"Hello, you're Sana, right?" Himchan asked and she slowly nodded as he started scanning her from head to toe and back again. "Hmm... slim body, nice facial features, pretty long hair, I guess you're not that bad. You obviously don't look better standing next to me so that's a plus about your looks."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Sana asked making a disgusted face at his comments. "You sure have a big ego."

Himchan stared at her for a few seconds before saying, "You seem to have a thing for speaking your mind, which won't work out with me. But that's something we can fix, so what do you day we go on a date?"

Sana stared at the guy in disbelief before she blew on her side bangs and kicked him on the knee, making him groan and bend down while reaching for his knee.

"Ahhh, what's wrong with you?!" He yelled out making half the class turn around and stare at them.

"You need to fix that confidence of yours," Sana said. "Girls are not objects you can just use to make yourself look better."

"What's wrong with you?" Himchan asked as he looked up at her, starting to stand up straight. "It would be an honor for you to date me, you must be crazy."

"And it would be an honor for a girl to even consider dating a person with such a big ego and hideous personality," Sana said before heading to her desk, leaving Himchan is shock and disbelief.

Hannah and Sujung's mouths dropped in disbelief as they finished listening to Sana's story of the earlier events. "She ruined him," Sujung whispered to Hannah and the girl nodded.

"Wow, you're so cool," Ken said in awe and Sana let out a small smile. "He had it coming."

"What are we going to do now?" Hannah whispered in a desperate tone.

"What?" Sana asked as she turned to Hannah, having heard her.

"Nothing," Hannah quickly said and Sana slowly nodded, not understanding her friend.

"Well, we gotta go plan something," Sujung said before the two odd girls ran off.

Ken scratched the back of his neck as it was only Sana and him. "So, you don't have any classes after this, right?"

Sana thought about it and shook her head. "Not today, why?"

"Do you want to go watch a movie or something?" Ken asked unsurely.

Sana looked at Ken for a few seconds, playing with the idea of it in her head. They had both gone out to eat and do other things together often before, so it wasn't a big deal. But now that she knew she liked him, it just felt different.

"Sure," Sana finally said. Whatever her feelings were, they were still friends, and she should treat him like a friend. Nothing more. Nothing less.

"Is your leg better now?" Ken asked, wondering if he'd have to keep carrying her.

"Yeah, I think it's worn of now," Sana said as she walked.

The two started heading of together as they made small talk. That was, until something, or someone, interrupted them.

"Hey! Where are you guys going?" Ravi asked as he suddenly went  in between Sana and Ken and put his arms around them.

"Uh, the movies," Ken said as he stared at Ravi confused as to where he came from.


"I heard we're going to the movies," Hyuk suddenly popped out of nowhere, making Ken more confused than before. He didn't see them coming from anywhere, so how did they join in?

"Which movie are we watching?" N asked almost giving Ken a heart attack as he popped out from behind him, dragging Leo behind. 

"I don't know. What good movies are out right now?"

"Let's watch the one with Kim Soohyun!" 

"I heard that one is good!"

"Hey guys, so are we going to the movies?" Hongbin asked as he randomly joined in too.

Ken looked around confused like never before. He knew he was a bit weird, but he wasn't delusional. Where did these people keep coming from?

All Ken had wanted was to spend sometime with Sana. Alone. Like the pair of friends they were.

When a man's in love, he wants to stay by your side

There's always so much he wants to do for you

When I'm in love, I want to give everything in my life to you

With just one expectation, your heart

When I'm in love


 "You completely disarmed all of me, I think I'm losing control~" Ken sang lowly as the members talked amongst themselves.

"What song is that?" Hyuk asked.

"Isn't it G.R.8.U.?" Sana asked, having it be one of her favorite songs.

Ken nodded slowly as he started to realize he was singing a song about a guy falling in love and being hesitant, but not caring because he loves her.

"Why are you singing a cheesy love song?" Ravi asked as he made a face.

"I guess it was just stuck in my head," Ken mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck.

Hyuk then made a face inquiring something that Ken wanted to avoid, saying, "Oooh, is Ken in love?"

 Ken facepalmed as N started to smirk and Hongbin and Ravi joined in. "It appears like little Jaehwan is all grown up and falling in love. Who's the unlucky girl?" Ravi asked.

"It's no one," Ken quickly argued.

"Hyung likes someone named No One?" Hyuk asked confused before Leo hit him at the back of his head.

"Now that I think about it, Ken has been acting real strange lately. It's very suspicious," Ravi said as he rubbed his chin and looked at Ken with a suspicious look.

Sana looked at Ken and then at Ravi. She was confused as to what was happening. Ken liked someone? Why hadn't he told her? Sana shook her head at the though. He probably didn't think of her as that close a friend to tell her...

"I don't like anyone now let's go inside, the movie is about to start," Ken quickly said noticing the stare he was getting from Sana.

Hyuk hummed as he looked at Sana and then at Ravi and back at Sana and then at Ken. "Wait!" He suddenly yelled out. "I think I got it! It's-!"

Hyuk was cut off by Leo who covered his mouth and started pulling him inside the theatre as N said, "Let's hurry up and get good seats!"


 "Today was fun," Sana said as she walked home with Ken who had argued that a girl shouldn't walk out so late by herself.

"What was that?" Ken asked as he leaned in close to Sana and put his hand behind his ear to hear her. "Did the great boring Sana actually just say she had fun?"

"Sopt," She whined as she pushed him and he chuckled.

"Wow, how whiny. You seem so different now than from when I first met you," Ken said with a grin.

"That's because you've been here," Sana said making Ken's smile drop. He looked at her as she kept on smiling and walking.

"What do you mean?" He catiously asked.

Sana pursed her lips as they arrived at her house. She stopped walking and turned to look at him. "Well, I really wasn't that open, until you and I started hanging out. I guess you helped bring me out."

Ken slowly nodded as he started to feel that pounding feeling on his chest again. He wanted it to stop, but at the same time he was enjoying. He opened his mouth to say something but felt flustered and closed it up.

'What's wrong with me? Why am I suddenly behaving this way? What is this feeling?'

Ken got lost deep in his thoughts and Sana just stared at him before she asked, "Is something wrong?"

Ken looked back at Sana as he snapped out of his thoughts.

"You've been acting weird since earlier," She said, him just blinking at her. "Are you okay?"

Ken slowly nodded as he felt himself acting weird again. Why was his heart pounding like this? Why was he suddenly flustered around her? Why did the fact that she was worrying over him right now make his heart flutter?

"I'm f-fine," he stuttered all of the sudden.

"Really?" She asked confused as she furrowed her eyebrows as his sudden weird behavior.

"Y-yeah," he said as she took a step closer to him. He looked away and slowly stepped back as she put a hand on his forehead.

"You don't seem to have a fever," She said, and he just kept looking in a different direction. He couldn't look directly at her whatsoever.

 "I-I think," Ken started as he slowly looked back at her confused face. "I think I. . ."

"What?" She asked anticipating what he was going to say all of the sudden, seeing how serious his face turned.

"I think I. . . Have to go," he quickly finished as he turned around and yelled, "Bye, see you tomorrow!

Sana just stood there confused as to what had just happened before she glanced back at Ken who was already walking down the street. She let out a breath of relief as her heart went up to her chest. "Oh gosh."

Ken, on the other hand, hurried out of there as fast as he could as he tried to control his breathing. "I think. . ."

He thought about it for a second before he stopped walking and put his hand up to his chest, whispering to no one. "I think I like you."

I start humming along to love that I didn't like before

All of the melodramas in the world seem like my story

I try to look good when I didn't before by paying attention to my appearance

I'm aquiring a bitter taste of coffee


Time goes so fast and my heart grows impatient

I imagine you next to me and film a movie of my own


When a man's, in love he wants to stay by your sidea

There's always so much he wants to do for you

When I'm in love, I want to give everything in my life to you

With just one expectation, your heart

When I'm in love


Haha. . . This is so overdue. . . Haha. . .

Sooooo, wow, that actually happened. Who knows what llama-like happen now. . .

I don't even know what to say myself.


 I got the lyrics from here. Just in case anyone wants to see it all.

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Thank you!
[Finding Her Someone] And here is the last chapter. Thanks so much to everyone for the love and support~


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Chapter 25: hahahahaha, I knew when Henry was included in here, Henber would be somewhere close.....

Hahahaha, and now I finally finished reading this story... Thank you so much authornim!!! and VIXX hwaiting always!!!!! :D
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 13: Ken being self-conscious.... I can't take it :(
Like seriously, he's the best thing that VIXX could ever had (reality speaking), I know it's a fanfiction or maybe Ken isn't really self-conscious but I kinda felt bad when I read that part....

After all, it was because of Ken that I got into VIXX and I'm not planning on changing my bias anytime soon.
awkskate #10
Chapter 25: I'm so glad I found a KenxOC fic and that it was this cute!! Thank you for writing this fanfic and for giving it such a good ending, I really enjoyed it.
Hope you keep writing in the future, sweetie x