Putting Others First

Finding Her Someone

Jisu stared at Myungsoo who was talking to Sungyeol in the coffee shop. She was trying to decide how to go up to Myungsoo and talk to him about Sujung and this little incident. It's not like they weren't friends or anything, but it was kind of awkward talking to him about this when Sungyeol was around and she didn't know how to say it.

"Jisu!" Sungyeol yelled noticing her and catching her off guard. She looked up and saw how Myungsoo and Sungyeol were looking at her and signaling for her to go sit next to them.

"Guess I have no more time to think," She mumbled as she slid out of her seat and walked over to them, taking a seat next to Myungsoo.

"Sungyeol, can you leave us to talk alone?" Jisu asked making Myungsoo and Sungyeol confused. Sungyeol was always the one closest to Jisu while Myungsoo was closer to Sujung.

"W-what?" Sungyeol asked as he furrowed his eyebrow's at Myungsoo and Jisu. "I guess..."

"Thanks," Jisu mumbled as Sungyeol stood up and walked away.

"You're not going to confess to me or anything, right?" Myungsoo asked making Jisu frown.

"Are you an idiot? Of course not," Jisu scoffed. "I wanted to talk about Sujung."

At the mention of Sujung Myungsoo's face stiffened. "What about her?"

"Remember that day when you were walking with Sana, and then you saw Sujung, but she was supposedly conffesing to D.O.?" Jisu spoke all within the matter of two seconds.

Myungsoo slowly nodded. "Where are you going with this, Jisu?" He asked stiffening up more.

"It was a lie. Ken made that up to cover up for the fact that the kids were trying to set Sana up with D.O."

Myungsoo uncrossed his arms as he sat up. "What?!" He asked with wide eyes, making everyone turn around and look at them.

Jisu nodded proudly at his reaction. He totally liked Sujung and there was no denying that. "So, before you saw that incident, and you started talking to Sana, what was that about?"

Myungsoo leaned back as he scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, well, I wanted to ask Sujung out that day..."

"I knew it!" Jisu yelled as she pointed up at the air, making everyone turn to look at them again. She cleared her throat and slid back into her chair. "Anyways, I'm her best friend, so should I help you ask her out?"


Sana and Ken both sat in the cafeteria next to each other, chins resting on hands as they stared at an odd scene in front of them. Sujung was sitting with Suzy, Jiyeon, and Jieun at the couryard, while Hanna was sitting with Amber, Eric, Ailee, Kevin, and Jamie a couple of tables away.

"This is weird," Sana said as she watched Hannah laugh at something Eric said.

"Very weird," Ken responded as the two kept watching with furrowed eyebrows.

"Why aren't they sitting together," Sana asked while she watched as Sujung seemed annoyed at something Jiyeon was saying. "Sujung hates talking to people like that for too long. And Hanna only talks to the English speakers when she needs a laugh."

"Exactly. Remember Jisu said they got in a fight, or disagreement as she called it," Ken said.

"But why?" Sana asked as she tilted her head seeing Sujung force a laugh. "I thought they'd have made up by now, but it must be a real fight if they're still mad at each other."

Ken stopped and turned to Sana with a smile. Sana stopped too, noticing the look Ken was giving her. "What?" She asked confused.

Ken only smiled wider before he said, "Do you want to go on a mission?"

"What??" Sana asked surprised. Before she could say anything else Ken was already on his feet and dragging her outside.


 "Are we seriously spying on them? What kind of person does this?" Sana asked as Ken dragged her behind a tree in the courtyard where they had a nice view of Sujung and the girls.

"You'd be surprised," Ken said with a smile as he thought of how Hannah and Sujung went around like spies all the time.

"By the way, why aren't you hanging out with your other friends?" They heard Jieun ask Sujung.

"What friends?" Sujung asked with much disinterest as she stared off into space.

"You know, Myungsoo, Infinite, Ken, Sana, Minjee, Jisu, and Hannah," Suzy said. "Those are your closest friends."

Sujung scoffed wondering if she really only stuck to those kids that people believed she couldn't hang out with anyone else. "What? Can't I hang out with you guys? Do I always have to stay stuck to others?"

Sana shook her head as they listened to the conversation. "And there goes her attitude."

Suzy shook her head at Sujung's words. "That's not what we meant."

"Yeah, it's just that you prefer those people over than us, so you being with us... well, you know," Jiyeon said awkwardly.

Sujung sighed. "Myungsoo and I aren't on speaking terms, meaning I'm not on speaking terms with Infinite. Minjee is with Woohyun like always. I don't even know where Jisu is these days. Ken and Sana are probably hanging out together and I feel like a third wheel with those two."

"Do we really make her feel like a third wheel?" Ken asked as he looked down at Sana.

Sana titled her head thinking about it. Sujung was one of her closest friends, so she didn't understand how Ken and her could third wheel her. But then again, these days she felt closer to Ken and distant from Sujung...

"What about Hannah? You two are really close these days," Jieun said.

"I'm not friends with that witch," Sujung said as she stabbed her untouched food with a fork. The girls at the table gasped and so did Sana.

"Well that's not good," Ken mumbled and he dragged Sana away.

The two stopped walking and faced each other once they were away from Sujung and the other girls.

"This is serious," Sana said. "Why are they fighting?"

"I don't know, but let's go spy on Hannah now."


 "You guys know what we should do?!" Eric asked in english as he caught everyone's attention. "We should have a lip sync battle!"

All of them started talking and Ken and Sana could only stare in confusion. "Do you understand what they're saying?" Ken whispered as he leaned in.

"Not at all," Sana whispered back.

And on cue Jisu then walked into the cafeteria and looked around as if looking for someone. Sana and Ken saw her and immediately signaled her over.

"Hey guys... are you two hidin-"

Sana and Ken shushed Jisu and dragged her down to sit in between them before she could say anything.

"You know english, right?" Sana asked and Jisu slowly nodded, feeling intimidated by how Sana and Ken were acting.

"Okay you can be our translator," Ken said with a smile.

"What? What are you guy talking about?" Jisu asked confused.

Ken looked at Sana and she nodded at him. "We're kind of spying on Hannah, but since she's with the englsih speakers we don't know what they're saying," Ken explained.

"Oh, and why are you two spying on-actually I don't think I want to know," Jisu said and wondered since when she and Sana changed personalities.

 "Hannah, I wasn't going to say anything, but why are you hanging out with us and not Sujung?" Ailee asked sounding worried for Hannah.

"Yeah, it's kind of weird. A couple months ago you were hanging out with us and then left for Sujung and you just randomly came back," Amber said.

"What are they saying?" Sana asked.

Jisu looked at Ken and Sana before she let out a sigh. Since when did Sana follow Ken and his stupidity? That was supposed to be Jisu's thing.

"They asked Hannah why she's not with Sujung," Jisu explained shortly.

Hannah looked at them all before she let our a sigh. "I think I made a mistake."

"She's saying she thinks she made a mistake," Jisu said with disinterest as Ken and Sana kept watching with much interest.

"Why?" Jamie asked.

"I said something and no matter how right I was, I shouldn't have said it. Sujung is quite sensitive despite her cold exterior," Hannah explained.

"She said she told Sujung something that may have hurt her feelings and whatever," Jisu said with more disinterest, already having heard this story from Sujung herself.

"Why don't you apologize?"  Kevin asked. "I'm sure she'll forgive you."

Hannah sighed. "I've never been one to apologize, because I simply don't know how."

Ailee shook her head. "But you have to apologize. If you don't this is going to go on longer and that's not good."

"I will, just not now. Let's move on to something else," Hannah said not wanting to keep going on with the subject.

"And now they're telling her to apologize but she doesn't want to, because she doesn't know how," Jisu said. "And she changed the subject. Now they're talking about pokemon."

"We should help!" Ken said and Sana nodded in agreement.

Jisu just watched as the two started talking of ways they could help and wondered when things got this way. When Sana started to get involved in her friends matters. When she stopped thinking things like these were stupid.  When she broke out of her shell she had kept herself in for all those years.When she started liking Ken.

"Do you want to help?" Ken asked as they both turned to Jisu. Normally Jisu would jump at the idea of doing something like this. It would excite her to be in some sort of mission like this. But, this time, she knew her place. And her place was anywhere where she wouldn't intrude with Sana's happiness she hadn't seen in a long time.

She remembered when she first met Sana. Years ago. Back when she had lacked social skills and her anxiousness showed through.


Sujung stared at her reflection in the mirror as she listened to Jisu talk about her amazing dance skills. Hannah sat across from them on the table sound asleep. Minjee who was trying to study simply rolled her eyes at her choice in friends.

"Class, we have a new student," The teacher said as she walked in and set some papers on her table and then turned to the sophomore class. "Her name is Sana."

Sana looked around the room nervously, taking notice of how some students didn't even bother looking up. They all just kept talking and going on as if nothing. Her trembling and sweating hands tightened around the hem of her shirt as she wished the ground would just eat her up.

At the back of the class she saw a girl looking into a mirror before looking at her and scoffing. In front of her was a girl sleeping. Next to that girl was another one who had her nose in a book before she finally looked up at her. And next to them was another girl who frowned at the whole class that didn't even notice Sana.

Sujung put her mirror down for second to scan the girl. She was pretty with long black hair and the uniform. But she seemed too shy and self-concious. "Still not as pretty as me," Sujung mumbled before she looked back at her reflection.

Hannah looked up, waking up from her sleep. "She seems so outgoing," She said with her sarcasm peeking through and then went back to sleep.

"I hope she's not smart enough to take away first place from me," Minjee mumbled more to herself than the others.

Jisu looked around noticing how nobody even bothered paying attention to Sana and how she seemed very nervous. She took Minjee's book and stood up as she slammed it down hard on her desk.

"My book," Minjee mumbled as she looked at Jisu shocked. Hannah woke up again with a jolt, and Sujung simply put her mirror down as she mumbled, "Something that only Jisu would do."

"Hey new kid!" Jisu yelled out scaring Sana. Jisu had a serious face that soon turned into  her usual goofy smile. She pointed to an empty seat at their table before she said, "There's an empty seat over here."

Everyone in the classroom looked shocked and started whispering things. Jisu only ignored them and kept on smiling as she signaled Sana over.

Sana slowly walked over and stopped in front of the table.

"I thought no one was allowed into our group unless your sister allowed it," Hannah started and Minjee nodded in agreement.

"Jisu," Sujung said sternly as she watched her closely. "What are you doing?"

"I thought we weren't accepting more people into our group," Minjee said.

Jisu ignored the girls and just smiled at Sana who stood there awkwardly. She stuck out her hand at Sana and said with a cheeky smile, "I'm Jisu. Welcome to our group."


Of course, Sana ended up out-growing that awkward phase and got over her social anxiety. Although it sometimes peeked through. And it was all thanks to Jisu and the others who helped bring her out more.

But then she started going back into that shell and that's when Hannah and Sujung decided to find her someone, and sought for help with Ken. Jisu thought it was stupid how he was the right guys all along.

Yes. Jisu did like Ken. But so did Sana, even if she hadn't realized it yet. And the source of Sana's happiness for the first time in years was coming from him.

Jisu was always happy. Even when she wasn't, she put on a smile to hide it and got back up again. Sana wasn't like that. Sana was someone that was never happy and never tried. She needed Ken. Jisu would be fine on her own without Ken later on.  But Sana wouldn't.

"No," Jisu said with a forced smile.

"What? But we're always up to mischief and working together with things like these," Ken said confused.

Jisu nodded with a bittersweet smile. "Not this time."

And with that Jisu stood up bowed. "You've got a new parter now," She whispered so they both wouldn't hear. "I'll see you two later. I wish you two the best. Goodbye."

Ken and Sana nodded, both sensing that something seemed off with Jisu. 

Jisu walked away, heading of to find Sujung as she mumbled, "I wonder who the real matchmaker is, here."

"Why does it seem like something's off with everyone?" Sana asked herself as she watched Jisu walk away.

Ken shook his head slowly as he kept watching Jisu. No matter how he thought about it, Jisu's goodbye just  now had seemed very... symbolic? He was probably just over thinking things. The young girl never knew much but pranks, jokes, fooling around and happiness. 

"So what now?" Ken asked.

Sana blew on her bangs as she shrugged. "We find some way to fix things between Hannah and Sujung. The problem is how."

  Okay so Sana and Ken are the ones going undercover for a change. Jisu knows more than any other. Her part and the flashback scene was supposed to go in later, but it felt like the perfect moment now.

Sujung is now hanging out with Suzy, Jiyeon, and IU who are my role models.




Hannah is hanging with the english speakers that I love.


And can we just talk about that music video?

I mean...


And then... Maknae isn't so maknae anymore...

What was Ravi thinking?? How to kill all fangirls?? Well it worked. I won't trust anymore comebacks he's in charge of in the future.


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[Finding Her Someone] And here is the last chapter. Thanks so much to everyone for the love and support~


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Chapter 25: hahahahaha, I knew when Henry was included in here, Henber would be somewhere close.....

Hahahaha, and now I finally finished reading this story... Thank you so much authornim!!! and VIXX hwaiting always!!!!! :D
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 13: Ken being self-conscious.... I can't take it :(
Like seriously, he's the best thing that VIXX could ever had (reality speaking), I know it's a fanfiction or maybe Ken isn't really self-conscious but I kinda felt bad when I read that part....

After all, it was because of Ken that I got into VIXX and I'm not planning on changing my bias anytime soon.
awkskate #10
Chapter 25: I'm so glad I found a KenxOC fic and that it was this cute!! Thank you for writing this fanfic and for giving it such a good ending, I really enjoyed it.
Hope you keep writing in the future, sweetie x