Supporting Characters Have Their Own Lifes

Finding Her Someone

Sana and Ken made their way downstairs in silence as they stole glances from each other. The awkwardness in the air was so thick it was scary.

When they finally reached the bottom of the stairs they were greeted by N who stood there with his arms crossed and glared at them. "What took you two so long? What were you two doing?" N asked as he dragged them to the living room. "Moving on, you two can help set up the food over there that Leo brought."

"Okay," Sana said with a shrug. Ken looked at her as she walked over before he quickly ran up to catch up to her.

"Let's get working!" Ken said as the two started setting things up.

Sana turned around to see what Hannah and Sujung were doing only to find that the two girls were on their phones. "Those two are probably not going to do anything. "

Ken turned around and saw the two couch potatoes and chuckled. "I still bet they'll do more than Ravi who fell asleep again."

Sana smiled and nodded. It seemed like those two would be doing most of the work.


Jisu and Minjee walked up to Ken's house around thirty minutes before the party started since they had heard Sujung and the others were there. Jisu rang the doorbell and the door immediately opened to reaveal a very happy N.

"You girls made it! Come on it," N said and let them go in.

Jisu and Minjee looked around in awe at the big house and nice decorations. It seemed like the party was going to be amazing. The two girls stepped into the living room where Ken and Sana were talking near the kitchen, Hannah and Sujung were looking dead on the couch, Hyuk was watching Naruto, Ravi was sleeping on the floor, and Leo was eating in a corner.

"Taekwoon, I told we can't eat yet!" N said as he ran to Leo. Leo looked up at him with his mouth fool before he walked away with a plate of food.

"Did you all do this?" Jisu asked as she set her present down on the table.

"Ken and I did most of the work," Sana said as she sat on the couch, Ken following behind.

"We helped too!" Sujung and Hannah argued as they sat up.

Sana raised an eyebrow at the girls before she simply shrugged and shook her head. "At least we didn't sleep the whole time like Ravi," Hannah mumbled.

Ravi woke up from his sleep and glared at Hannah and Sujung. "I helped!"

"Yeah right!"

"I helped more than you did!"

"We did more!"

"Shut up! I'm watching Naruto!" Hyuk yelled at them and threw the pillow he had been holding. He seriously questioned whether he was the youngest or not.

"You all need to chill, because Sana and I are the ones who did the real work here," Ken said as he turned to Sana and she gave him a smile.

Jisu noticed this weird action and began having thoughts. She hadn't seen Sana smile like that in the longest time and now it seemed like she was doing it and it was headed towards Ken.

Jisu hadn't wanted to believe that the two could have feelings for each other, but seeing it now she felt like it could be true. It was especially obvious in Ken. The way he looked at her, smiled, and his actions. She wasn't too sure about Sana, but she for sure thought of him as more than just a friend. If Jisu didn't know any better she might have believed they were dating.

"I heard Myungsoo is coming. Is it true?" Minjee spoke, snaping Jisu out of her thoughts. Jisu turned around and saw how this was directed to Sujung.

Sujung looked up slowly before she looked around and shurgged uncomfortably. "How am I supposed to know? Why does everyone always asume I know what's going on with his life?"

Jisu furrowed her eyebrows at her best friend, seeing how weird she was acting. "Because you two have been close for the longest time no matter how much you two deny it, and everyone knows it."

Hannah snapped her head towards Sujung and said, "But now that I think about it, you haven't talked to him since that day."

Sujung blew on her bangs, frustraded at all of this. It was true, she and Myungsoo hadn't talked in the longest time, ever since that day when she and Hannah had tried talking to D.O.. But she was fine, she didn't need him as a friend.

Jisu looked at Hannah before she looked at Sujung confused. What day? What happened that day? How come she didn't know what was going on with her best friend?

"Guys, the party is starting in five minutes," Sana said standing up as she checked the time.


Hannah laughed as she chatted away with Hoya. It felt good to have a sarcasm filled conversation with her best friend once again after a while. Lately she had only been going around, looking for guys for Sana with Sujung. She had almost forgotten how great it was to just sit down, relax, and talk to someone she cared about.

"Of course, because purple is totally the world's hero," Hannah said with sarcasm as Hoya laughed.

"Hannah!" Hananh sighed as she heard Sujung and looked up to see her running to her.

"Wait here a moment," Hannah told Hoya and stood up. Sujung ran over to her and the two went over to an empty hallway.

"What?" Hannah asked.

"Chanyeol is here. We should hurry up and try to hook him up with Sana," Sujung said excitedly.

"Sujung," Hannah started. "Can't we just take a break? I swear, this is the only thing we've been doing for the past month and I'm finally getting time to talk to Hoya."

Sujung looked at Hannah confused. "But, if we don't do this then who knows what will happen and-"

"And fate will take over," Hannah finished for Sujung.

"Hannah, we have to do this," Sujung said.

Hannah took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling before she looked at Sujung. "I can't right now. When we first started this, you weren't so obsessed with, but now it seems like it's all you want to do and I'm starting to wonder if you're doing this for you more than Sana."

Sujung looked hurt and offended, letting her guard down. "What are you saying?"

"Haven't you noticed?" Hannah said with a scoff. "Don't let me lose Hoya like you lost Myungsoo," Hannah said before she turned around and walked away. Maybe she was a little harsh on Sujung, but she had changed, and someone had to tell her that.

Sujung looked down for a moment. She shook her head and went out of the hallway and into the living room. That ended up being a bad choice because she regretted as soon as her eyes landed on Myungsoo.


Hongbin had arrived and everyone yelled surprise. He had looked around and saw the whole gang standing together holding a cake. It was touching.

"So you liked it?" N asked with a bright smile.

"Yes, I was really surprised," Hongbin laughed showing his dimples that made all the girls swoon over him. "You had told me we were going to have a movie marathon so I came in my basketball clothes after practice."

Everyone laughed as they noticed how Hongbin was wearing his basketball practice clothes and was actaually quite sweaty.

"It's fine, you look good," Sana said which made Ken drop his smile and look at her. "All the girls seem to like it," Sana said pointing at some crazy fangirls in the corner.

Hongbin laughed showing his beautiful smile and dimples again. Ken mentally cursed his friend's hadsome looks and those dimples that went along with that charming smile.

"So, who did most of the work?" Hongbin asked.

"We did," Ken immediately said as he held Sana's hand up and his. "Together."

Hongbin gave his friend a weird look for his odd behaviour. "Okay..."

"I helped too!" Hyuk yelled. "Why does everyone always forget me," Hyuk pouted as he crossed his arms.

"At least you helped more than Ravi who only slept," Sana said as took her hand away from Ken's grasp and put it down.

All of them started arguing on who worked the hardest and eventually they all came to the conclusion that Ken and Sana worked the hardest.

"But Ken rarely works," N said thinking about it.

"That's because we make a great team," Ken excalimed as he held his arm and Sana's in the air again.

Sana didn't argue and pulled her hand down again. She simply smiled.


Jisu went around the croud of people as she looked around for Sujung. Her dear friend had disappeared for some strange, and she needed to talk to her. Knowing Sujung, she was probably out somewhere quiet.

"The backyard," Jisu whispered and hurried over to the backyard. She opened the door and saw how the lights were on. She looked around and saw Sujung sitting on a bench at the other side.

"Sujung!" Jisu yelled as she ran over to her friend.

Sujung looked up surprised. "What?"

"What's up with you and Myungsoo?" Jisu said getting straight to the point as she sat next to Sujung.

"What do you mean?"

Jisu scoffed at her answer. "Don't say that. You know what I mean," Jisu complained. "Something happened that made Myungsoo mad at you, and you've been trying to cover it up by going around with Hannah trying to find the perfect guy for Sana."

Sujung turned to Jisu shocked and confused. "How do you know?!"

Jisu flattened at the elder. "Did you seriously think you'd be able to hide this from me?"

Sujung still sat there shocked. "Y-you know?"

Jisu sighed and rolled her eyes. "Everytime I tried to talk to you this past month you would tell me you were with Hannah, with Ken or with Sana or all. There were rummors of you liking Kyungsoo which I actually fell for at first, but there was something more suspcious than all of that."

Sujung nodded waiting for Jisu to speak.

"Although I felt betrayed and suspcious over you hanging out with Hannah more than me, although you liking Kyungsoo is freaky weird and suspicious, the fact that you and Myungsoo stopped talking was the most shocking and suspcious."

Sujung bit her bottom lip as she looked at the floor.

"So I wanted to talk to you about that, but..."

Jisu walked down the hal, looking for her best friend Sujung. It had been a long time since she last talked to her and she needed to talk to her more than ever. The other day Sujung had told her the rummors of her liking Kyungsoo were true and she believed, but now it was suspicious. Especially since she always believe Sujung had a thing for Myungsoo and now they weren't even talking.

Jisu looked around before she finally ended up spotting Sujung and Hannah together.

"Great job, genius!" Sujung said as she hit Hannah. "Now we lost him."

Jisu follwed the girls and heard their conversation, curiosity taking over her. She had ended up seeing that the pair of girls were stalking Sungjae and his crew Big Byung.

"If we're going to set our plan up it has to be set up tomorrow. It's too late now," Hannah said.

"That's fine. This gives us a chance to study him more and perfect out plan," Sujung said.

"After that I kind of follwed you two around and figured things out," Jisu said.

Sujung nodded understanding. Gosh, if Jisu could have figured all of this out and followed them around and eavesdroped, then Hannah and her would make horrible spies.

"So, I think it's cool you're trying to help Sana and all, but admit it, you're doing this to cover for you missing Myungsoo," Jisu said.

Sujung thought about it and it made sense. "Maybe I just missed him after he got mad at me," She said.

Jisu listened to the story of how the rummor of her liking Kyungsoo came to be. "Sounds suspicious how he just randomly got mad."

"That's what I said!" Sujung said as she threw her hands up in the air with frustration.

"But didn't you say he had been talking to Sana about why he wanted to see you," Jisu asked.

 Sujung slowly nodded, "Yeah. Why?"

Jisu smiled and stood up, "I think I found something to play around with."

"So now that you know of the plan Hannah and I have, do you want to help?" Sujung asked.

Jisu shook her head. "I can't do that. I feel like I'd be intruding. But, remember something," Jisu said and Sujung raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes you have to stop looking and open your eyes to see that maybe it's someone close."

So who else is watching N's new drama? I swear I already love his character and that scares me.

Not sure what to say next so I'll just leave with these pictures of Myungsoo, Hoya, and Hongbin.




 So since I've started watching dramas again I'll probably be overreacting again.


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[Finding Her Someone] And here is the last chapter. Thanks so much to everyone for the love and support~


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Chapter 25: hahahahaha, I knew when Henry was included in here, Henber would be somewhere close.....

Hahahaha, and now I finally finished reading this story... Thank you so much authornim!!! and VIXX hwaiting always!!!!! :D
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 13: Ken being self-conscious.... I can't take it :(
Like seriously, he's the best thing that VIXX could ever had (reality speaking), I know it's a fanfiction or maybe Ken isn't really self-conscious but I kinda felt bad when I read that part....

After all, it was because of Ken that I got into VIXX and I'm not planning on changing my bias anytime soon.
awkskate #10
Chapter 25: I'm so glad I found a KenxOC fic and that it was this cute!! Thank you for writing this fanfic and for giving it such a good ending, I really enjoyed it.
Hope you keep writing in the future, sweetie x