Big Byung

Finding Her Someone

Jisu stared at the wall in front of her before she shook her head and looked over at Ken who was sitting at the front of the class. Her eyes drifted back to Sana who was sitting next to her. She saw how Sana wasn't looking at the board, but in fact, somewhere at the front of the class.

Jisu looked around, trying to see who Sana was staring at. At the front of the class only the VIXX members sat. Hyuk, Hongbin, Ken, and N. Who exactly was she staring at out of all of those guys. Maybe it was Ken.

At that moment the sudden ring of the bell was heard and Jisu snapped oit of her thoughts. She closed her book and stuffed her journal into her backpack.

"Hey, Sana," Jisu said as she walked up to Sana who was still putting her things away. "What are you doing now?"

"I'm meeting up with Ken, why?"

Jisu sighed and shook her head. "Nothing. It seems like you two are real close these days I remember when you used to hate him."

Sana stopped for a moment and thought about this. It was true. She did use to not like Ken. She used to hate him, in fact. Did she still hate him? Well, after spending much time with him, she had actually opened up to him more. He wasn't as bad as she had thought he would be.

Sana shook her head at this. Maybe she did dislike him less than before, but that was it. As soon as this project ended she would never talk to him again and that was that.

"I guess I just don't dislike him as much as I used to," Sana said with a simple shrug before she walked away.


 "Great job, genius," Sujung said as she hit Hannah. "Now we lost him."

Hannah gave Sujung a look before she went back to searching for Sungjae. The pair of idiot-girls had been chasing after Sungjae, studying his every move. But then Hannah just had to talk to Hoya when they bumped into him and now they lost Sungjae.

"I think he went that way," Hannah said and they made a turn. Much to their luck, Sungjae was standing right there talking to Hyun, N, and Jackson.

"Yeah, man! Stress!" Jackson yelled in English before he said, "So tiring."

"Why is life so stressful?" Hyuk asked with a sigh. N patted his back and nodded.

"I didn't know they hanged out," Hannah said as they watched the four guys go on about stressful things.

Sujung nodded. "Yeah, I think they hang out and call themselves something like Small Byung or Water Bottle. It's pretty stupid."

Hannah took out her phone and checked the time. "If we're going to set our plan up it has to be done tomorrow. It's too late now."

Sujung nodded. "That's fine. This gives us a chance to perfect our plan and get to study him more."


 Ken walked down the hall the next day with a wide smile on his face. Today just seemed like such a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the grass was growing. Everything was amazing. Or not.

A frown appeared upon Ken's face when he saw that Hongbin was with Sana and they were laughing and talking. He didn't like this. He needed to separate them, just like he'd promise Sujung and Hannah. He panicked and tried to think of something. More panick rose in him as he heard Sana's laughter. Without any more thoughts he rushed over to them.

 "Sana!" Ken yelled as he approached them.

Both Sana and Hongbin looked up at Ken with a smile. Hongbin waved but Ken walked right past him and towards Sana.

"So, what are you two talking about?" Ken asked.

Sana smiled and looked at Hongbin then back at Ken. She shrugged and shut her locker as Ken's mouth dropped. Was she not going to tell him? Was something wrong with her? Since when did she talk to Hongbin about things that she didn't talk to him about?

"Well then, must have been something real funny for me to hear your laugh across the hall," Ken said as he crossed his arms.

Sana nodded before she chuckled. The curiosity was killing Ken. Hongbin just snickered off at the side before he shook his head, making Ken even more curious.

"Seriously, what were you two talking about that was so funny?" Ken asked confused, curious, and frustrated.

"A brand new t-shirt smeared with cake," Sana said.

Ken looked at her confused before it hit him. He made an 'oh' shape with his mouth before he facepalmed.


A ten-year-old Hongbin walked happily down the main hall on the second floor of the school. In his hands he held a medium size box that he clutched on to tightly. His friend Sanghyuk who was coming out of his class came out and saw the bright smile on Hongbin's face and walked up to him.

"What's that you're holding?" Hyuk asked as he approached his friend.

"A delicious strawberry cake. This girl gave it to me for no reason," Hongbin said.

Sanghyuk looked at Hongbin, wondering if he was serious. Did he really not know why girls gave him presents every day? Sometimes he couldn't help but question his brightness.

One floor below, an eleven-year-old kid that went by the name of Jaehwan and who was known as the class clown, also walked happily.

"Everyone look at my awesome new shirt!" Jaehwan said as he walked around and bragged about his new shirt. "It cost me a lot of money, but it was worth it."

His best friend Hakyeon simply smiled while his other best friend Taekwoon let out a sigh and rolled his eyes. People either stared in awe or rolled their eyes.

"Yeah, you can stare, but don't touch."

As Jaehwan kept bragging about his new shirt and incident was occurring upstairs.

A student that went by the name of Wonsik was ruining in the hall upstairs from who knows who or what as he yelled, "Watch out, coming through!"

Hongbin and Sanghyuk both looked up, but it was too late, for Wonsik had ran into them and the small cake box had gone flying in the air. It went flying until it reached the second floor.


Wonsik, Hongbin, and Sanghyuk all looked at each other in alert. That shout had come from downstairs, so the trio quickly headed to the rails to see what happened.

Down on the first floor, Jaehwan's new shirt which he had loved so much and cosy him who knows how much, was covered with strawberry cake.

"My cake," Hongbin mumbled as he watched with horror.

"My shirt! My brand new shirt!" Jaehwan yelled as he looked at his shirt. He then looked up furiously and saw the trio looking at him. "You! You did this!"

The three guys looked in horror before they all turned around and headed for the stairs to the first floor.

"My shirt!" Jaehwan cried out as he stumbled on to the floor and crawled up into a ball and kept crying. "The pain! The horror! My shirt!'

Hakyeon just looked at him with his famous stank face while Taekwoon questioned his friendship.

"Stop throwing a temper tantrum," Taekwoon mumbled as he kicked the Jaehwan on the floor.

"Go! Leave me alone to die here in my pain and misery!" Jaehwan yelled.

Hakyeon looked around and then back at Jaehwan. He bent down and took his hand and started dragging him along. "We can't be late to class, Jaehwan."

Hongbin, Sanghyuk, and Wonsik appeared in front of them with sheepish smiles. 

"We're so sorry," Hongbin apologized.

Hakyeon who was still holding on to the crying Jaehwan smiled at the younger kids. "It's okay. Do you kids want to join us for lunch later?"

Jaehwan sat up in his spot and yelled, "No! They ruined my shirt."

Taekwoon who was standing behind kicked him and he whined.

"Sure we'll pay," Wonsik said and they all smiled. Except for Taekwoon who never smiled and Jaehwan who was still crying.


"I did not throw a temper tantrum!" Ken argued as Sana and Hongbin laughed at him.

"Tell that to everyone that was in the hallway that day," Hongbin responded.

Ken closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. Sure, he may have over exaggerated, but he wasn't that dramatic. Maybe.

"This isn't fair," Ken mumbled as he crossed his arms.

Sana shrugged and said, "I have to go to calss."

"I'll walk you to class."

Ken and Hongbin looked at each other. "Isn't your class at the other side of the school?" Hongbin asked.

"No, I'm cool. I can take her and make it back in time to class," Ken said even though he was pretty sure he'd be late.

 Hongbin raised an eyebrow before he shrugged. "Fine."

Hongbin left the two there. Standing. In the busy hallways.

"You don't have to take me to class," Sana said as they started walking together.

Ken simply shrugged. Of course he knew he didn't have to, but he wanted to. Maybe to just push her away from Hongbin, or maybe more. It was something he was still trying to figure out.

"It's fine. Anyways, I heard you went out with N and Hyuk the other day," Ken said as he remembered how the guys went up to him, telling him what a great time they had with Sana.

"Yeah," Sana nodded in comfirmation.

"And how was it?"

Sana simply shrugged. "They're cool."

Ken nodded as he processed this. It was times like these that he really wished Sana talked more. Yet, somehow, despite his loud and 4D personality, he enjoyed having her by his side. He usually thought lowly of people like her, yet over the time he'd gotten to know her, he felt comfortable and liked it.

"Here's my class," Sana said and Ken nodded. The bid their farewells and Ken went his own way. Then he realized how late he was to class and ran for it.


 Hannah and Sujung let out an evil laugh as they started getting their plan into motion.

"Did you put the note in Sana's locker?" Sujung asked Hannah.

"Yes, did you put the note in Sungjae's locker?" Hannah asked and Sujung nodded.

"Now we just have to wait for both of them to go into the music room and when they do, BAM!" Sujung said with hand motions. Hannah nodded in agreement and the two hid in the other hall, waiting for something to happen anxiously.

Their plan was fool-proof according to them, but of course, they already had many trial and error events. But it's not like they were dumb, but the fact that finding Sana someone was hard.

Sana was not someone simple, and the two girls knew that when they took this challenge.

It didn't take long before Sungjae appeared, holding the note Sujung put in his locker in one hand. He looked up at the room and then went into and looked around. Sana showed right after as she stared at the paper and walked. She looked at the music room and entered.

"Go go go go," Sujung whispered as she rushed Hannah and the two hurried to the door and shut it. They took out a set of keys they stole earlier and locked the door.

Hannah let out a sigh and slid down the door as Sujung laughed.

"Now we just have to wait for them to click," Sujung said as she took a seat next to Hannah.

 "I just hope this works out well," Hannah said. "I feel like we're forgetting something, though."

Sujung nodded in agreement. It really did feel like something was missing. The two girls decided to shrug it off since it probably wasn't that big a deal.

"I just hope that Joy girl doesn't intrude when we get Sungjae and Sana together," Hannah said.

"Yeah, she's so obvious about her feelings, but it's so obvious Sungjae isn't intreasted."

Hannah nodded in agreement. The two girls went on to some discussion about why Joy and Sungjae just couldn't be together.


 Sana went inside the music room as she held on to the note tightly. Earlier when she had opened her locker a note fell out telling her to meet someone in the music room after school.

She looked around and saw Sungjae, a student who wasn't much younger than her, but sure did act like it. Especially with his group of friends. Before she could say anything the door shut close behind her and she spun around. She heard the click of the lock and her eyes widened.

"Did someone just lock the door?!" Sungjae yelled as he ran to the door and tried to open it.

"Is it locked?!" Sana asked as panick rose inside her. She was supposed to meet up with Ken right now, but she was locked in some room with some random guy now.

She went up to the door and tried to open the door as Sungjae let out a sigh. She didn't understand why it would be locked. Maybe it wad the janitor who thought no one was in there.

"I'll just call someone," Sungjae said as he took out his phone. He turned it on and went to his contacts before he groaned and looked up at Sana. "I'm not getting signal."

Sana took out her phone to see for herself, and he was right. After all, this was the dead zone of the school. She might as well take a seat and get relaxed, because it'd take time for someone to find them.

"What do we do now?" Sungjae asked as he watched Sana take a seat next to the door.

"Just sit here and wait, I guess," She said with a shrug.

"But who's going to find us?" Sungjae asked as he took a seat at the piano.

Sana thought about this. A lot of the students had already left campus except for the ones taking extra classes or studying. Sana's eyes widened at this. Maybe Ken would notice she was gone and come find her!

Sana sighed and leaned back. Even if Ken noticed she was gone he would just end up taking the chance to leave and go do something else. Not like he would care where she was and what she did.


 "Where is she?" Ken asked as he tapped his foot on the floor and checked his phone for the tenth time. "Maybe she's just running late?"

Ken decided to get started on his work instead and tried to focus.

Tic. Toc.

All he heard was that clock ticking and ticking. He looked up and around. Many students had their heads hurried in books, we're reading something of the internet, or were simply looking through the bookshelves. And here was. Not being able to concentrate on his work.

 "I give up!" Ken yelled as he stood up and threw his arms in the air out of frustration.  Everyone there turned to look at him with annoyed faces.

"Shh," people shushed him and he bowed with mumbled apologies as he sat back down.

"I should go look for her," Ken whispered to himself. "Yeah, because what if she's in trouble?!" Ken asked as he stood up with panic.

Everyone turned back to look at her and he oplogized once again.

"But what if she doesn't want me near her?" Ken asked himself another question and sat back down.

 "What if she's with Hongbin?!" Ken asked and, yet again, stood up. People turned to look at him and he apologized. Again.

"But it's none of my business if she's with Hongbin," Ken whispered and took a seat down. Suddenly his eyes widened and he stood up, yelling, "But I need to stop them because that's what I promised the girls!"

Everyone started turning around but he was already bowing and apologizing before they could say anything. Quickly, and quietly, he gathered all his things and ran out of the library. He had to hurry up, find Sana, and get her away from Hongbin. If she was even with Hongbin.


 And that was it for this chapter! Hahaha... I died at the cake. Kudos to my friend for the idea.

Poor little Jaehwan.


 Big Byung

Best thing that happened to kpop in 2014 


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[Finding Her Someone] And here is the last chapter. Thanks so much to everyone for the love and support~


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Chapter 25: hahahahaha, I knew when Henry was included in here, Henber would be somewhere close.....

Hahahaha, and now I finally finished reading this story... Thank you so much authornim!!! and VIXX hwaiting always!!!!! :D
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 21: The Man in Love MV is actually very good and I liked Sunggyu's part there too!!!

All these scenes with Ravi sleeping made me really search for Ravi sleeping... hahahaha, taking me back to myDol and MTV Diary days... :)

And I did really loved Moorim! and the Alive OST... it's still my jam up to now bc damn that Ken's high note...

Actually thankful that u went around Infinite and VIXX bc in all of Kpop, they are the only ones I tuly love (add BtoB as well!)
Chapter 13: Ken being self-conscious.... I can't take it :(
Like seriously, he's the best thing that VIXX could ever had (reality speaking), I know it's a fanfiction or maybe Ken isn't really self-conscious but I kinda felt bad when I read that part....

After all, it was because of Ken that I got into VIXX and I'm not planning on changing my bias anytime soon.
awkskate #10
Chapter 25: I'm so glad I found a KenxOC fic and that it was this cute!! Thank you for writing this fanfic and for giving it such a good ending, I really enjoyed it.
Hope you keep writing in the future, sweetie x