Torn Apart

Growing Up
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h-hey guys... i know it's been more than two months already. I'M SO SO SORRY, I NEVER MEANT FOR THIS TO HAPPEN, a load of things came up all of a sudden and i've been busier than ever, I GIVE MY WORD that until i finish with this story THIS WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN. (where i'm from) school's almost over so i can relax a lot more now and also holidays are just around the block! again, sorry, and thanks to all the new subscribers! hop abroad and enjoy this piece of my imagination i'm sharing here. now we can move on to the actual story, for all of you who took the time to read this, i love you u little s <3 i'll shut up now.



Next thing I knew, manager-nim came in our dorms yelling at Jungkook and me. We all woke up and I checked the clock: 11:13 am. Slightly annoyed at the sudden loud noise, I recovered my senses and realized I was being called. I went for my clothes, rapidly put them on and walked towards the angry voice. My hyungs looked at me as if I was walking to my death. Once me and Jungkook got to the living-room we saw a furious manager, tapping his foot against the floor impatiently.

"What is it?" I asked, seeing Jungkook was almost frozen in place.

"Oh, what is it?" He mocked. "This is what happens, Taehyung." And he threw a bunch of pictures on the desk, scattering them around. Pictures of me and Jungkook walking hand in hand last night were all over. .

"What is this?" Jungkook asked, voice trembling.

"That's exactly what I came to ask you. What exactly is this? What were you two doing out late at night? Why on Earth are you holding hands like a couple? And what should I do to stop your behaviour?" He almost yelled. Oh, I feared him a lot at that moment.

"Uh, th-that's uh..." We both mumbled. Decided, I ordered my words quickly on my mind and spoke up in a firm tone.

"We were just walking around. We couldn't sleep. We had been talking all night, you know, pretty deep bonding experience, so we were a bit weak emotionally, we just held hands to reassure one another." I went for that cheap story.

"Ah, yes, bonding. Well, stop bonding because you're all over the gossip websites." He answered angrily and made me swallow harshly. "Just to be sure all these gosspis come to an end, everything you do from now on, even when there are no cameras, or well... you think there's no cameras. But there's always cameras. Everywhere you go. Everything you do from now on, you two better stay away from one another, I don't want you to feed the gossips, this could get to a really bad point and we don't need that happening, don't we?"

"N-no..." Jungkook replied scared.

"So you got it! Great! Stay. Away. From each other. If possible, don't even exchange conversation during interviews and other variety things. If you do this, everything shall be okay." He smiled, he was satisfied with the outcome so I tried to pus

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YunaMomoCat #1
Chapter 2: This is making my heart cringe and it feels good<3
Taekooklove #2
Chapter 11: haha! he called Tae a little ?.. lol!, I don't know how I feel about that .. regardless, I enjoyed it!, I'm glad they're back together!.. (throws confetti!)
AkaReikou #3
Chapter 11: oopps. im not into top kookie tho.
AkaReikou #4
Chapter 9: pls let taekook be togetherrrr again huhuhu
teeaewai #5
Hehehe NICE!! Keep up the good work!
MikuChocoretto #6
Chapter 8: Perfect, ma bae ♥♥♥