Chapter Seven


Chapter Seven

            When Mark and Jackson fell out the closet everyone was staring at them, most of them giggling while a very angry Mei-Rin gave one look at Jackson and got up and ran.

            “You two were, uh very vocal?” Someone from the group said, before high fiving their friend, laughing at their own joke. Mark looked at Jackson and cringed when he ran after Mei-Rin. Mark knew he was being ridiculous but that seriously hurt.

            “I guess the poor girl can’t handle her own games?” Mark said, reaching down to grab someone’s beer and finishing the half-filled can for them. As the party started to pick up pace, the drunk becoming even drunker Mark found his way to Jaebum.

            “Hello…” Mark dragged out, leaning most of his weight on the other boy. “Why don’t we leave these party people and start a party all our own?” Mark said, placing a kiss onto Jaebum’s neck. Mark was surprised however when the boy pushed him away before taking a sip of his own beer.

            “That was mean Mark, I know we were just ing, but Mei-Rin was actually dating Jackson. You might have broken them up ya know, but that’s what you wanted to do right?”

            Stepping back Mark glared at Jaebum, who was he to judge him? He knew that’s what Mark wanted to happen, he just didn’t think it would be his fault.

            “So what if it was, it wasn’t like Jackson didn’t kiss me back. If anything it’s equally his fault as much as it is mine.”

            “Did it ever occur to you that he did it out of pity maybe? You did kind of spill your lonely guts all over him. Jackson is just too nice of a person to leave you all sad like that.”

            “Why the do you care? Look I just wanted from you but I mean if you’re too far into your feelings I could always find someone else.” Mark spat, his face red with embarrassment and hate.

            “You seriously need more help than I can give, with you was fun but all this extra drama is so not worth it; enjoy the party.” Jaebum said before leaving.

            Feeling frustrated Mark made his way through the crowed and outside for some air. Just who the did Jaebum think he was. This was all Jackson’s fault not Mark’s. How did he not know that Mark loved him, Mark would do anything for his best friend and still he picked Mei-Rin a girl he barely knew over Mark, his childhood best friend? It didn’t make sense, if Jackson came first for Jackson, shouldn’t Mark come first for Jackson?

            Mark sat outside and tried his hardest not to cry and was spooked when someone plopped down beside him.

            “Hey,” The male said smiling at Mark. Mark recognized the boy as a dancer at their school. His name was…won…won?

            “My names Wonho, you’re Mark right?” Wonho said, his smile friendly.

            “Yea…what’s up?” Mark asked confused as to why this stranger was talking to him. They didn’t exactly hang out in the same crowed and from what Mark could remember about Wonho he was a school playboy, never scared to flaunt  off his body or brag about how many people he’d had with.

            “You looked like you could need a friend. That was pretty intense, the whole thing with Jackson and Mei-Rin?”

            Looking at Wonho made Mark realize something. He wasn’t stupid, this boy wanted something and right now Mark didn’t care who got it. If Jaebum didn’t want to fill up the hole in his chest maybe this boy could.

            “Did you wanna keep talking or did you wanna ? I’m not for the whole conversational fore-play.” Mark said bluntly, his stare blank.

            “Wow, um…my place or yours?” Wonho said, his expression actually surprised as he asked confused.

            Not really wanting to sleep at a stranger’s house and not wanting to invite them over so that another mishap like what happened when Jaebum met his mother Mark got a better idea.

            “Did you drive here?”

            When Wonho nodded Mark just smiled seductively before saying, “How big is your car?”

            “Wait you’re into that? You are perfect, literally.” Wonho said before getting up and pulling Mark along with him. Wonho drove a black range rover, which provided just enough room and if a tear or two fell from Mark’s eyes inside that car Wonho didn’t seem to notice. The sounds of their breathing, the chiseled out muscles of Wonho’s abdomen all felt wrong, and yet that hole in Mark’s chest felt like it was being filled up, the fluid thick and murky. It felt so wrong and yet at the same time, Mark could almost breathe a little bit easier if just for a moment. 

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Chapter 11: I don know why but I think Mark's character is awesome.
Chapter 11: I love this ^-^
Chapter 21: this is a great story ! thank you for writting it !
You.... you are precious author-nim! Holy Moses! You were blessed by the God of Writing. This story is gold. OMG. OMG. OMG. <3
ClearelyNotAStalker #5
Chapter 5: lol, is it weird to wish this was markbum instead
thunderbaek921 #6
Chapter 12: Just re read this for the third time lemme just say I am in love with this, the way you write and how you have fully developed characters is truly remarkable. Looking forward to more of your work.
thunderbaek921 #7
Chapter 22: This story deserves thousands of votes and subscribers to be very honest.
Lunaywolf #9
Chapter 22: Just wow.. loved it..
victoryssi #10
im happe markson ended up t gt