Chapter Five


Chapter Five

            When it came time for the movies Mark was going mad. Jaebum had texted him that he was on his way to pick up his date. How he got his number is beyond him but Mark was learning that he should just stop questioning things that involved the football player. It seems that no matter what Mark did Jaebum was going to get his way and the more Mark struggled the worse it got.

            The hickeys that covered Mark’s neck were still there so he opted for another hoodie. It wasn’t necessarily cold out, but it was the fall time so he didn’t stick out too much for wearing the thicker piece of clothing. As if Mark could be any more annoyed he heard his mother call out his name saying, “Mark a friend of yours is here.”

            Rushing downstairs Mark was shocked to see Jaebum standing in his living room. Rushing over he smiled at his mother giving her a kiss on the cheek before saying, “What are you doing here?”

            Looking confused Jaebum said, “I’m here for our date obviously, you didn’t forget did you?”

            “No…I just thought you’d text or whatever when you’re outside.” Like he hoped he would. Mark did not want his mother to see they boy who deflowered him because he was love sick for Jackson.

            “That would be rude, anyway it was nice meeting you Mrs. Tuan but we really must be going so that we don’t miss the movie.”

            “Oh alright, it was nice meeting you, take care of my baby.” She said and as Mark was leaving his house he didn’t miss the not so subtle thumbs up his mother gave him.

            “God let’s just get out of here!” Mark said throwing his hands up as he walked towards Jaebum’s car. It was a black and white Camaro and it looked like it had just been freshly waxed, it shined beautifully in the sun.

            “Nice car,” Mark said before reaching for the door before Jaebum could open the passenger side for him. This was not a date!

            “Thank you, your mom’s really nice.” Jaebum said, before starting the car and headed for the movie theater.

            “Thanks…” Mark said before placing his headphones in his ears. He just wanted to get this day over and done with. Maybe if he asked like he didn’t feel well he could go home early, avoid the movies and Jaebum’s planned kick back all together. If Mark was lucky that is, but of course the odds are never truly in his favor.

            Once they arrived at the movies Jackson and Mei-Rin were already waiting by the ticket stand, both of them cuddled up to each other. Why had Mark agreed to this? It was like he was rubbing salt into a wound that was already festering.

            “Hey…it’ll be alright, just ignore them okay. If it makes you feel better high school relationships hardly ever last the first few months.” Jaebum said, nudging Mark’s shoulder.

            “Well it’s a good thing we aren’t going out, we’d hardly last a week.” Mark said before walking over to the couple.

            “Hey Mark, hey Jaebum!” Mei-Rin said, smiling up at the two boys. She was quite short when compared to the other boys, but to Jackson’s height she didn’t seem all that short. They fit together a twisted voice in Mark’s head said.

            “So did you two decide on a movie yet?” Mark asked not returning her hello. He knew he was being rude but he had unfair hate towards the girl. A pained heart cares not about the feelings of others and all that stupid heart ache stuff he thought.

            “No we wanted to wait for you both to get here but we are leaning towards this dancing movie.” Mei-Rin said.

            “I’m fine with whatever I’m not picky.” Mark said, crossing his arms over his chest.

            “What do you mean, you are like one of the pickiest people I know.” Jackson said. His face didn’t have the usual smile as he was looking at Mark, Jackson had his I know you’re hiding something look on.

            “Well you guys go get the tickets, Jaebum and I will go get some snacks.” Mark said walking away from the couple, not even bothering to wait for his date. Jaebum did however catch up to Mark who was standing in line at the concessions stand.

            “Well that went well, I’d give you a five out of ten for jealous boyfriend mode, and even a bit of extra credit for subtle sass.” Jaebum said, poking Mark in his side.

            “This is all your fault, if you hadn’t volunteered me to go to the movies this wouldn’t have happened. Why are you always ruining things? What exactly do you want from me Jaebum? Do you want a boyfriend, are you lonely?” Mark mocked, his glare strong.

            “On the contrary, I wouldn’t want to date you, you have to much emotional baggage. If I’m being honest here I kinda really wanna hook up again. I wasn’t lying when I said I had fun. Most people are so boring, or they try to overdo it which makes it sound like amateur . You however…well you do it the way I want it.”

            “Oh and please tell me just how that is?” Mark said, ready to hit

            Leaning in, his breath ticking his noise Jaebum whispered, “You like an animal. You don’t need any of that extra lovey-dovy bull. I like a guy who knows what he wants, and takes what he wants too.” Jaebum said, his mouth sliding down to the skin behind Mark’s ear, kissing it softly.

            Sliding his hand up to Jaebum’s neck, Mark grabbed Jaebum’s shirt and pulled him closer.

            “Well you better ing remember it because it isn’t happening again.” Mark said before stepping up in line.

            “Yea could I get a large popcorn please, oh and a large sprit too?” Mark asked ignoring the comical look on Jaebum’s face. Mark finished buying his snacks and moved past Jaebum when he spotted Jackson waiting by the bathrooms.

            “Aw Mark where’s my snacks?” Jackson pouted, before Mark picked up a piece of popcorn and shoved it in his best friend’s mouth. “Oh extra butter my favorite!” He said before taking some more popcorn and shoveling it into his mouth. He didn’t even have to ask as Mark handed over the drink he had been holding. Jackson hummed in response, pleased to taste his favorite soda.

            “You do care! And here I thought you were upset or something.” Jackson said.

            “Nah, I can’t be mad at you. It’s physically impossible at this point.” Mark said smiling as Jackson happily nibbled on the buttery goodness.

            “It’s because I’m super cute right, it’s okay I know.” Jackson said placing his right hand over his heart and nodding his head in mock understanding.

            “Please you are disgusting,” Mark said, reaching his finger over to wipe a bit of butter from the corner of Jackson’s mouth. He was half temped to stick the finger in his mouth but decided against it when Mei-Rin came back from the bathroom. When Mei-Rin got back Jackson fed her a piece of popcorn and it made Marks stomach churn. When Jackson moved to give back Mark the snacks he waved his hand, dismissing his friend.

            “You keep it,” Mark said, no longer wanting to share.

            When Jaebum got back they made their way inside the dark theater room. Mark didn’t ask what they were seeing because he really didn’t care but Jaebum said it had something to do with dinosaurs. Mark thought he was going to be able to sit through the movie he really did, until Mei-Rin kept bumping into his arm. Just how the hell do you find CGI’d dinosaurs scary, was she doing this on purpose, did she think it was cute because it only made Mark want to scream at her. After her last little push Mark had enough, getting up he whispered going to the bathroom when Jackson looked at him funny and then stormed off. Mark contemplated going home then and there, but the movies were far away from his house and it looked like it was going to rain on the way home. Deciding to actually go to the bathroom to hide out for a few moments seemed like a good idea. Mark had just finished splashing water on his when he looked up and was surprised to see Jaebum.

            “What are you doing here? Not enjoying the movie?” Mark mocked before he left Jaebum grip at his hips and lean over Mark, their eyes only connecting through the mirror.

            “I’m tired of being the nice guy Mark, I tried the whole be kind and friendly approach but to be honest you’re kind of a .” Jaebum said, pulling Mark’s lower half flush against his.

            “Then what are you doing here then? I told you I didn’t want a boyfriend.” Mark said, his eye brow raised in annoyance.

            “I don’t want one either, and I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to you again. I’m just changing when I want to do it, and if you didn’t catch on I wanna do it right now.” Jaebum said. 

            “I’m not sleeping with you at the movies, do I look like some to you?” Mark said pushing away from Jaebum.

            “Oh I don’t know, the way you eye Jackson every time you see him might make a person think that about you, but hey no judgement.” Jaebum said, his eyes hard and his trade mark smile gone from his face. Mark raised his arm to punch Jaebum but the taller boy just caught it and pushed Mark into the handicap stall.

            “I want you and Jackson doesn’t. You said I was a good distraction, so let me distract you.” Jaebum said lifting Mark’s legs and placing it at his hips. “We don’t even have to take our clothes off.” Jaebum whispered pulling Mark’s hoodie down so he could he access to his neck.

            “Why’d you cover up these marks, I really like mine.” Jaebum said biting down into the soft skin of Mark’s neck making the boy moan. This was most defiantly a bad idea. This was an idea that could get him into serious trouble with the police even, but the way Jaebum was grinding into his hips. It tasted like the best kind of sin, almost like that cookie you would sneak before dinner. You knew it would spoil your dinner but who care’s when there’s a giant chocolate chip cookie staring you down, telling you how much it wanted you.

            “God just take my pants off,” Mark said deciding that yes the taste of sinful Jaebum was much better than movie theater popcorn. Who cares about dinosaurs anyway, they were dead and Jaebum was very alive.


            “Well I’ve certainly never done that before,” Jaebum said zipping up his pants. It was a miracle they hadn’t been caught ing up against the stall walls and if they had whoever came into the bathroom was truly a good person.

            “Shut up Jaebum,” Mark said pulling his hoodie back over his head. He was sweaty and wanted a shower, and maybe a bucket of ice cream. Just what exactly was Mark doing with his life, in public with a guy you didn’t even like? Yea perfect life choices there Mark, he thought as he opened the stall and walked out to wash his face in the sink again.

            Once they left the bathroom Jackson and Mei-Rin were already waiting outside, and Mei-Rin looked annoyed.

            “There you two are we’ve been waiting forever, the movie nearly ended ten minutes ago!”

            “Sorry, we lost track of time I guess.” Jaebum said smiling at the short girl.

            “Doing what, you were supposed to be watching the movie.” She huffed out as Jackson patted her shoulder in sympathy.

            “Games, we played games. Turns out you were right Jackson, I really hate movies.” Mark said smiling at his best friend, pleased to cause Mei-Rin some discomfort.

            “Well then why’d you come?” She asked, glaring dead at the red head.

            “Last time I check I came here with Jaebum? Now let’s go I’m bored, you said you had drinks back at your house right Jaebum?” Mark asked looking up at the taller boy. Jaebum’s smile rivaled that of a Cheshire cat when he said, “Now that’s the spirit Mark, let the kick back begin.”

            Before they began to leave the theater Mark didn’t miss Jackson mouth a quick “What the hell?” but Mark ignored him, he was going to drown out his feelings for the boy, one way or another. 

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Chapter 11: I don know why but I think Mark's character is awesome.
Chapter 11: I love this ^-^
Chapter 21: this is a great story ! thank you for writting it !
You.... you are precious author-nim! Holy Moses! You were blessed by the God of Writing. This story is gold. OMG. OMG. OMG. <3
ClearelyNotAStalker #5
Chapter 5: lol, is it weird to wish this was markbum instead
thunderbaek921 #6
Chapter 12: Just re read this for the third time lemme just say I am in love with this, the way you write and how you have fully developed characters is truly remarkable. Looking forward to more of your work.
thunderbaek921 #7
Chapter 22: This story deserves thousands of votes and subscribers to be very honest.
Lunaywolf #9
Chapter 22: Just wow.. loved it..
victoryssi #10
im happe markson ended up t gt