Chapter Sixteen


Chapter Sixteen

            Both boys knew that had to leave the sanctuary of Jackson’s mustang some time, it just happened to be when a school guard knocked on Jackson’s window and yelled, “Beat it!”

            The ride home was a quite one, but both boys were happy for it. They each had a lot to think about. Mark needed to figure out how to tell Jaebum and Jinyoung because he was pretty sure he kind of just cheated on the two. Jackson however, needed to think about his feelings for the boy sitting next to him. He had never once in his life thought he was gay, but maybe he was just gay for Mark. Was that even possible? Everything was so confusing for the boy and he didn’t know what to do.

            When he pulled up to Mark’s house both boys looked at each other. Mark wanted so badly to reach over and kiss Jackson on his lips, slightly swollen from making-out just moments ago. Instead Mark kissed Jackson on his cheek before grabbing his backpack and waving goodbye to the boy. They both told each other that they would see each other again at the school bonfire that was supposed to happen later that night. Both boys had to think, and they needed to do it before tonight.

            Deciding the best place to think was the bathroom Mark headed up to his room. Once inside the privacy of his bathroom he undressed himself in front of the bathroom mirror. He never really looked at his body to long but now he could see what Jackson had meant earlier. Mark literally was covered in Jaebum and Jinyoung’s hickys. Just the thought made guilt churn in his stomach. He needed to tell them and sooner than later. He wasn’t as worried about telling Jaebum, the boy knew the full story so Mark figured he would understand but Jinyoung was a whole new story. Shoving his head under the spray of the water Mark tried to drown out his thoughts.

            Once Mark was clean and dressed for the bonfire he sent a quick text to Jinyoung and Jaebum asking where they were, the text he got from Jinyoung was nearly unreadable but the one that he got from Jaebum was much better. It read,

            Drunk already…get to the fire…

            Having both boys drunk might play in Mark’s favor actually, Mark thought. Jinyoung was much more forgiving when you put a few drinks in him, so grabbing his keys Mark headed out the door. He was thankful that his mother let him borrow the car, but not before asking about all his, “love bites,” as she called them. After explaining to his mother for the thousandth time that he was being safe and that he knew was a big deal he kissed her forehead and was off.


            It wasn’t too difficult to find Jaebum and Jinyoung, both boys were basically attached to the hip laying down on a towel in the sand. The moment Mark sat down to speak with them however Jaebum waved his hand nonchalantly.

            “Jackson already told us what happed you don’t need to explain, but I am happy that you came to do so.” Jaebum said smiling at the boy. Jinyoung however was pouting at the boy.

            “Jackson says I can’t touch you no more…he said no touchy marky-pooh.” Jinyoung slurred before giggling. “H…he better treat ya right…or my foot is going right up his !” Jinyoung shouted before leaning forward a bit, as he kicked out his left leg, nearly hitting Mark’s knee.

            “Wait Jackson talked to you two?” Mark asked, looking at Jaebum who seemed nearly sober when compared to Jinyoung.

            “Yea, he came by my house before the bonfire. He said you two were working some stuff out and that he’d appreciate it if we didn’t touch you as he figured those things out. We got dumped by your boyfriend, it was very traumatic for Jinyoung here who is obsessed with your .”

            “Mark’s is so pretty…I just wanna kiss it…” Jinyoung said smiling at Mark.

            “Ignore him he’ll be fine,” Jaebum said laughing. Mark felt sorry for Jinyoung but at the same time his heart was doing little flips in his chest. Jackson really was serious about this…he loved him….

            “I…I need to find Jackson, will you be okay with drunky over here?” Mark asked, actually concerned about his friend.

            Nodding his head Jaebum said, “Yea it’ll be fine don’t worry about it. It’s been real Mark and if Jackson can’t live up to your needs well…” Jaebum said before grabbing the front of Marks shirt before planting a kiss on him. “You can always come back to us.”

            Smiling, Mark planted a kiss on each boy’s cheek before saying, “I wouldn’t have made it without you too. Thank you seriously.”

            “No problem now go tame the Wang!” Jaebum shouted as Mark walked away. Mark laughed as he searched the beach front for Jackson. He walked passed a few people before headed closer to the grass area of the beach, it was much darker here without the flame from the fire. Still Mark moved forward in search of his friend. Mark thought nothing could wipe the smile of his face until he heard a voice say, “Tuan.”

            Turning around Mark’s smile disappeared leaving a faced of disgust as he said the boy’s name, “Shownu.” 

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Chapter 11: I don know why but I think Mark's character is awesome.
Chapter 11: I love this ^-^
Chapter 21: this is a great story ! thank you for writting it !
You.... you are precious author-nim! Holy Moses! You were blessed by the God of Writing. This story is gold. OMG. OMG. OMG. <3
ClearelyNotAStalker #5
Chapter 5: lol, is it weird to wish this was markbum instead
thunderbaek921 #6
Chapter 12: Just re read this for the third time lemme just say I am in love with this, the way you write and how you have fully developed characters is truly remarkable. Looking forward to more of your work.
thunderbaek921 #7
Chapter 22: This story deserves thousands of votes and subscribers to be very honest.
Lunaywolf #9
Chapter 22: Just wow.. loved it..
victoryssi #10
im happe markson ended up t gt