Chapter Fourteen


Chapter Fourteen

            Jackson took Mark out to the school parking lot, many cars were absent as students typically went off campus for lunch around this time so it was pretty silent outside aside from the students that choose to eat lunch outside of the school on the front lawn where the school mascot statue was. Opening the door and going to the back of Jackson’s mustang Mark waited for Jackson to do the same. Once Jackson was inside the car Mark waited to hear what Jackson had to say, but the boy was fidgeting, looking everywhere but at Mark. This went on for a few minutes before Mark sighed and said, “Look if you aren’t going to say anything I’m gonna leave. It’s rude to ask me to leave Jaebum and Jinyoung and just sit here in a silent car with you.”

            “Jaebum and now Jinyoung, so what are they your buddies? You told me that you didn’t even like him. What are you even doing with them two?” Jackson asked, his face growing a frown.

            “That’s none of your business Jackson, why do you care who I hang out with? They’re my friends now.” Mark said defending the two boys. He knew that the words Jackson was saying wouldn’t have bothered them in the slightest but Mark still felt bad for them.

            “It is my business though!” Jackson shouted, panting as he stared at Mark fully now. “I’m your best friend and you don’t even try to talk to me anymore. I’ve been going nuts without you but here you are covered in hickys from those two and you seem fine.” Jackson said angrily, “Am I that easy to replace Mark?”

            “Replace? What the hell would you know, I told you that I couldn’t do it anymore because it was too painful to be around you with the ing !” Mark shouted. How dare Jackson even say that Mark wasn’t feeling anything, he had been feeling pain for the past several months.

            “If you would have listened to me before you ran away you would have known that I broke-up up with her, Mark please-” Jackson tried to say but Mark wasn’t having any of it. Jackson had once again lured him back in but all it caused was anger. Reaching for the car door handle Mark was going to open the door until Jackson grabbed Mark’s arm and pulled him towards himself before kissing the boy. Caught off guard by the kiss Mark gasped giving Jackson time to kiss him properly, cradling his head with one arm as his other rested on Mark’s spread leg.

            Mark allowed Jackson to push him back against the car door, sitting between Mark’s spread legs. Jackson Mark’s bottom lip into his mouth, drawing a shaky moan from the boy. There was nothing more in the world that Mark wanted than to have Jackson like this every day, but it wasn’t right was it? Jackson’s hands roamed shakily and when they reached for Mark’s jeans he shook even more if it was even possible.

            Leaning his head back against the car door window Mark looked down through lidded eyes before placing his hand on top of Jackson’s.

            “Jackson what are you doing? You aren’t gay the last time I checked.” Mark said, but was surprised when he felt a tear drop onto his hand.

            Without lifting his head Jackson said, “This is what you wanted right? Please I just want you back…I’ll do what you want just please come back. I’ll never talk to another girl again as long as I live-well except for my mother but you get the point right?” Jackson said, more tears dropping onto their joined hands.

            Sighing Mark lifted Jackson’s chin so that he could look at the boy. Jackson looked absolutely hopeless. He was serious about this, probably even more serious than Mark was.

            “So what, you thought you could my and I’d just take you back as my best friend? You’re shaking Jackson.” Mark said. “You don’t want this, you and I both know that so stop trying so hard.”

            “I’m not! I’m serious and this is the only way I can prove it to you. I can do it alright?” Jackson said trying to sound serious but it fell flat on Mark’s ears.

            “Fine then,” Mark said angrily. “ my since you clearly want to so badly.” He hated the fact that he was dragging Mark around like this and Mark hated himself even more for making Jackson cry. Mark felt even worse when he felt Jackson’s hand brush over his clothed when he ped Mark’s jeans completely.  

            “ Jackson don’t! God what are you doing?” Mark asked pulling his friend up and into a hug. The angle was awkward and it was even worse because he had his jeans ped but Jackson needed it, hell even he needed it. He missed everything about Jackson, from his laugh to his smile, hell Mark even missed the way the boy smelled.

            “Jackson never touch my again…” Mark laughed as he felt his own tears slide down his face. Jackson gripped tightly onto Mark’s shirt and the way he was pushing on his still freshly bruised chest hurt like hell, but it was the type of hurt Mark liked because Jackson was here in his arms again. They needed to figure something out because it seemed Jackson couldn’t live without Mark either, and that little bit of information made the world to Mark. 

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Chapter 11: I don know why but I think Mark's character is awesome.
Chapter 11: I love this ^-^
Chapter 21: this is a great story ! thank you for writting it !
You.... you are precious author-nim! Holy Moses! You were blessed by the God of Writing. This story is gold. OMG. OMG. OMG. <3
ClearelyNotAStalker #5
Chapter 5: lol, is it weird to wish this was markbum instead
thunderbaek921 #6
Chapter 12: Just re read this for the third time lemme just say I am in love with this, the way you write and how you have fully developed characters is truly remarkable. Looking forward to more of your work.
thunderbaek921 #7
Chapter 22: This story deserves thousands of votes and subscribers to be very honest.
Lunaywolf #9
Chapter 22: Just wow.. loved it..
victoryssi #10
im happe markson ended up t gt