Chapter Twelve


Chapter Twelve

            After he finished class with Jaebum he had gym next, so he headed to the boys locker room. Once he stepped inside however he got a few glares from some of his classmates. The boys on the Lacrosse team were all friends with Mei-Rin’s brother who was probably already out in the gym, but Mark could care less about that. What he was worried about however, was the fencing gear littering the floor which meant that he would probably run into Jackson.

            Mark quickly got dressed earning a few calls of “-,” when he took his shirt off revealing the many hickeys and scratch marks that Jinyoung had given to him the night before. Still Mark did not care, it was nothing personal really. They only did it because of Mei-Rin, it seemed her reach of control was much bigger than he had anticipated.

            Once out in the gymnasium the coach had everyone make their way outside. The chill from the morning air made most students complain but Mark didn’t mind it.

            “Alright I want everyone to start with some laps!” the coach said before blowing his whistle. While Mark took off on a steady jog he felt a couple of the guys push him, nearly sending him to the gravel covered ground.

            “Sorry I guess we didn’t see you there Tuan…” They said before running ahead. Mark tried to keep ignoring the people that were bothering him but seriously, they were acting stupid over things that weren’t even any of their business. Mark wasn’t even talking to Jackson anymore…he had told the boy no.

            Mark snapped when something else tapped his shoulder tired of all the petty games until he saw who it was. “Jackson…”

            “Mark please let me talk to you, we can fix this okay? We just have to sit and talk about it. I love you alright and us not talking isn’t okay.” Jackson said as he jogged with Mark. Mark was going to cave in when he felt something smacked into his rib cage, knocking him into Jackson.

            “What the Shownu!” Jackson yelled when he spotted the Lacrosse player who was smiling at the pair.

            “Sorry I guess I missed my mark.” He said shrugging his shoulder before high fiving his teammates.

            “Mark are you okay? I’m sorry Mei-Rin’s brother is such a tool. Do you need to go to the nurse?” Jackson said reaching out to touch Mark but he just slapped the boys hand away.

            “No Jackson, what I need is for you to leave me alone! You say you love me, but you don’t mean it in the way that I need it alright. You can’t fix this!” Mark said before turning to run the rest of his lap. The coach had seen and asked if Mark needed to go to the nurse but Mark shook his head no. His ribs ing ached but it was nothing compared to how the inside of his chest felt.  

            “That’s the spirit Mark, now get back out there.” Coach exclaimed. “Today were gonna be playing soccer. I want a nice clean game alright. We are playing for fun not for blood.”

            While some students played and others talked Mark decided that his only way to avoid Jackson was to play as well. He was actually having some fun until someone tripped him, making Mark earn a face full of grass.

            “Damn Tuan wanna go ahead and blow me while you’re down there?” Shownu said while he glared down at the boy.

            Just before Mark could say something another soccer ball smacked Shownu straight in the back, a loud thumping sound filling the area.

            “Sorry Shownu I guess I didn’t see you there?” said a familiar voice. Looking up Mark was surprised to see Jinyoung and he looked pissed.

            “What the Jr?” Shownu said staring hard at the boy. While Shownu could probably mess with Mark and not get no response, Jinyoung on the other hand was different.

            “Stop ing with my boyfriend .” Jinyoung said a sneer on his face. “Or would you like me to tell Jaebum about how you kept beating on Mark? I’m sure he would love to hear all about how you touched our lovely Mark here. You know Jaebum might not look like it, but he’s pretty possessive.” Jinyoung said, stepping right up to Shownu’s face. “And if you think that isn’t bad enough if Jaebum’s possessive, I’m down right greedy.” Jinyoung said, his sneer turning into a nasty little smile. He looked absolutely wicked like that.

            “Whatever man…” Shownu said walking away with his friends. When he leaned down to help Mark up, Mark smiled and said, “Is it weird that you kind when you did that?”

            “Oh no, I know just how much you love it when I to you. Oh look its Jackson, want me to yell at him too?” Jinyoung said when he spotted the boy who was practically screaming and Shownu.

            “No…let’s just get out of here.” Mark said and as they walked away Mark couldn’t help but feel a little happy that Jackson was still upset for him. He couldn’t help but wish that Jackson would love him… 

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Chapter 11: I don know why but I think Mark's character is awesome.
Chapter 11: I love this ^-^
Chapter 21: this is a great story ! thank you for writting it !
You.... you are precious author-nim! Holy Moses! You were blessed by the God of Writing. This story is gold. OMG. OMG. OMG. <3
ClearelyNotAStalker #5
Chapter 5: lol, is it weird to wish this was markbum instead
thunderbaek921 #6
Chapter 12: Just re read this for the third time lemme just say I am in love with this, the way you write and how you have fully developed characters is truly remarkable. Looking forward to more of your work.
thunderbaek921 #7
Chapter 22: This story deserves thousands of votes and subscribers to be very honest.
Lunaywolf #9
Chapter 22: Just wow.. loved it..
victoryssi #10
im happe markson ended up t gt