Chapter Ten


Chapter Ten

            “Well don’t just stand there come inside.” Jinyoung said stepping out of the way to let Mark inside. “Jaebum is in the shower right now so you can wait out here with him. Are you hungry, I’m making spaghetti and meat balls come help.” Jinyoung said before heading in the direction of Jaebum’s kitchen. Mark thought he should leave but Jinyoung just shouted, “Hurry up!” So Mark gave up his plans of escape before following the tall, black haired boy.

            “So Jaebum’s told me a lot about you,” Jinyoung said as he chopped up onions, his hand moving steady and fast. Mark felt extremely nervous being in the kitchen with those boy and flinched when he pointed the knife in Mark’s direction.

            “So you’re the guy who’s all -hurt over the fact that his best friend doesn’t love him right?”

            “I…I wouldn’t word it like that but you can say that I guess.” Mark said taking a seat.

            “That ing blows, and not in the good way either. Here drink this, you look like you could need it Jinyoung said walking over to Mark, knife in hand while there was a beer in the other.

            Taking a sip Mark decided he shouldn’t beat around the bushes, he should ask questions. Maybe if Jinyoung knew that Mark did not know that he was Jaebum’s boyfriend he wouldn’t inflict bodily harm on him.

            “Is that all you and Jaebum talked about?” Mark asked, testing the waters.

            “Oh he also told me you his but that’s another story.” Jinyoung said adding the onions to the ground beef before kneading them together.

            Choking on his drink Mark spit it out onto the table. Jaebum had told him? He was glad but still, how could Jinyoung be so calm about this?!

            “Damn don’t spit all over the table I just cleaned it earlier today. Spitter’s are quitters Mark.” Jinyoung said as he tossed a roll of paper towels to the boy.

            “I had no idea Jaebum had a boyfriend! I would never have don’t that with him if I knew.” Mark said quickly as he cleaned up his mess. Mark felt his face flush with embarrassment as Jinyoung looked at him unamused before smiling when he spotted Jaebum walking into the kitchen wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist.

            “Dinner is gonna be a little bit late, your boy toy stopped by looking like a hot mess.” Jinyoung said before pecking Jaebum on the cheek.

            “Mark? What are you doing here, is everything alright? Why’s your face so read?” Jaebum asked walking over to the boy, but stopped short when Mark nearly screamed, “Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend and why isn’t he trying to disembowel me?”

            “That’s because one, disemboweling someone is extremely messy and two, because I don’t care that you two are ing. Jaebum and I have a bit of an understanding about the whole semi-open relationship thing. He can’t just sleep with anyone, I had to approve of you first.” Jinyoung said before making little meat balls and placing them on a cookie sheet before sliding them into the oven.

            “Wait what do you mean you had to approve first? You’ve never even met me before.” Mark said even more confused than before.

            “Oh…Jaebum you didn’t tell him did you? Why do I have to handle all the sticky situations around here?” Jinyoung sighed.

            “Because you’re y when you’re annoyed, you get the cutest little face.” Jaebum said before patting his lap. Jinyoung walked over and took a seat on the boy and rested his elbow on the table so that he could lean in and get a better look at Mark.

            “Jaebum’s right you are much cuter when you aren’t completely faced. He says you look even better in bed, but I don’t know,” Jinyoung said blinking lazily at him.

            “Can one of you please explain to me what the is going on here?” Mark asked, tired of the pair talking in riddles.

            “Basically, Jaebum and I have been thinking of ways to making staying together a bit more interesting. So we had been planning on finding an extra person to ya know, spend time with. So when Jaebum said that he knew you from class at the first party I gave him the okay. You two hooked up and we were just kind of waiting for the best time to ask if you would be okay with it. At first we were a little unsure but then after Jaebum told me about Wonho…well if you can sleep with that guy I see no reason as to why you wouldn’t want to sleep with us.” Jinyoung said.

            Well he defiantly got his answer and all he could do was stare at the two. “You want me…to date the both of you?”

            “Ugh if you must call it that then yes I guess so and by the look on your snot ridden face I don’t see a reason for you to say no. I take it the friend said something mean to you?”

            “Jinyoung…” Jaebum warned before looking at Mark who suddenly looked less confused and now just looked sad.  “Mark I take it you talked to Jackson and it probably didn’t go very great.”

            “W…we can’t be friends any more, Jackson and I. We talked and it can’t work out between us too.”

            “Damn that , so what do you say Mark wanna be our buddy?” Jinyoung said bluntly.

            “Jinyoung! Again what did I say about being a little too harsh?”

            “Look the boy obviously is in some pain, why can’t we just help him out.” Getting up from Jaebum’s lap, Jinyoung walked slowly over to Mark pulling the boys chair back so that he had more room. Jinyoung took a seat on Mark’s lap, facing forward. Mark leaned back when Jinyoung tapped his finger onto Mark’s lips.

            “You want me to help you out pretty?” Jinyoung said, his voice low and sweet.

            Looking at Jaebum over Jinyoung’s shoulder he watched the boy smile before slowly nodding his head. Focusing back on Jinyoung, Mark leaned forward before pressing his lips to Jinyoung’s.  

            “See, that wasn’t so hard now was it.” Jinyoung asked before pecking Mark’s cheek. “Doesn’t it feel good to have people who care about you?” Jinyoung whispered into Mark’s ear.

            Gripping onto Jinyoung’s shirt he nodded as Jinyoung dragged the tip of his tongue across a vein in his neck.

            This was fine…Mark could do this…he wasn’t sad….he thought, but if that was the case why did he feel even worse.


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Chapter 11: I don know why but I think Mark's character is awesome.
Chapter 11: I love this ^-^
Chapter 21: this is a great story ! thank you for writting it !
You.... you are precious author-nim! Holy Moses! You were blessed by the God of Writing. This story is gold. OMG. OMG. OMG. <3
ClearelyNotAStalker #5
Chapter 5: lol, is it weird to wish this was markbum instead
thunderbaek921 #6
Chapter 12: Just re read this for the third time lemme just say I am in love with this, the way you write and how you have fully developed characters is truly remarkable. Looking forward to more of your work.
thunderbaek921 #7
Chapter 22: This story deserves thousands of votes and subscribers to be very honest.
Lunaywolf #9
Chapter 22: Just wow.. loved it..
victoryssi #10
im happe markson ended up t gt