Living with her

The revenge of Satan
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Eunjung woke up in the middle of the night because of the soft whimper from the girl sleeping on the sofa, she sighed annoyingly before got up from her bed and walked to sofa to find Hyomin sweating profoundly, it was obvious that she had a high fever, and it didn’t take long for Eunjung to figure out why, she unconsciously took Hyomin’s hand and examined the cut, before dropping her hand in hatred and walked back to her bed then she covered herself under blanket but Eunjung couldn’t bring herself to sleep, she tossed and turned around five minutes before popping herself up again and walked back to a sleeping girl.

“Isn’t what you want Eunjung? Why do I have to care?” Eunjung was talking to no one but herself. She knelt down and placed her hand on Hyomin’s forehead.

“ I just don’t want you to die this easy” Eunjung sighed before getting up to get a towel and run it through water and come back to wipe away cold sweat from Hyomin’s forehead.

After cooling her down, Eunjung stayed until she made sure that Hyomin’s fever gone then covered her with blanket and went back to sleep, without her knowing smile crept up on her face while she was sleeping.


Hyomin was introduced to all people who worked for Eunjung as her wife but still she was treating her coldly and this was one of her way to make Hyomin suffer, being with someone who hated you was far worse than being away from someone you loved. It had been a week after their planned marriage to make Eunjung qualify the position as a gang leader and became a successor, which absolutely a benefit for this Satan, Hyomin got no other choice than to accept what life was treating her.

“Ms.Kim, just let her do that herself” Eunjung told a maid while she tried to help Hyomin with her own clothes, with cold scary order, the maid backed away and exited from their bedroom door.

“Thank you Ms.Kim” Hyomin smiled at the maid before nonchalantly folding her clothes. While Eunjung who was stealing a glance from her paperwork and looked at Hyomin’s hand which was still wrapped in while gauge.

After the maid left, the room was filled with death air, a mental torturing which Eunjung created but as day passed, it didn’t seem to effect Hyomin that much when the latter showed no emotion at all, still Eunjung didn’t give up and tried to attack her with her harsh words and sometimes with physical assault when she was drunk.    


“ Hello?” Jiyeon was answering an unknown number with a bow

“Jiyeon, this is me” Hyomin was telling on the phone

“ Unnie ! it’s really you ? where are you ? Oh my God” Jiyeon was overwhelmed with a sudden call that she couldn’t find right words to say

“ First of all, yes it’s me, your unnie” Hyomin slightly laughed before she continued “ Jiyeon, I’m just calling to let you know that I’m fine, don’t worry about me, I’m staying with a friend” Hyomin lied

“ Unnie, don’t you know how worried I’m ? Why did you just disappear like that?” Jiyeon scolded her sister out of worry.

“I’m so sorry Jiyeon, I lost my phone and I couldn’t remember it at first, I’ll just let you know I’ll be staying with my friend for a while”

“Unnie, where are you now? Don’t you miss me? Please come home” Jiyeon was in a verge of crying, though she knew that her sister was safe, she couldn’t figure out why her sister didn’t want to stay with her.

“Jiyeon, please remember I miss you and will always miss you, but for time being I can’t come back yet, please take care of yourself and follow your heart, do what you want okay?” Hyomin tried her best to hold back her tear.

“What do you mean unnie?” Jiyeon got some hint from what her sister told her, and she started to panic, afraid that her sister might find out about her and Qri unnie.

“Don’t hold

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frenzymenzy #1
Chapter 18: Ive been rereading this story for more than 5 times..but it still makes me happy and squeal..this is such a beautiful storyyy :) hope to see more of your Eunmin stories in the future
Alexia_6 #2
Chapter 18: Omfg this was so good.I'm crying:')
Chapter 18: It's a beautiful ending author...I love HahmPark more these day
Oh...I miss you and your stories a please comeback soon ^_^
Btw...EunYeon still not see each other in person's cool LOL
Chapter 18: Oh I'm going to miss this story...
It was just so amazing..thanks for sharing this beautiful story and good luck on your next story
Chapter 18: I really love your story. I've reread this story for many times without being bored. Every time I read it, I'm still so touch with the characters. Really good job, authoshi.
6ixara #6
Chapter 18: heart skip a beat when i saw that 'complete' status haha..i really love this fic..sometimes i go reread it when i'm bored..thank you for giving us this are always my favourite author *thumbs up
Good luck with ur other eunmin fic..will look forward to it..and ofc i will listen to the song :)
Chapter 17: This story never fail to make me feel touched...
thanks for updating
Alexia_6 #8
Chapter 17: Yas:))))))))))
Chapter 17: Nice update! Looking forward to your new story. I'm happy that's still Eunmin.
Chapter 17: update...thank you that none of them got hurt. And I know...the end is coming and i gonna miss you.
Wait...What?...EunMin or EunMar...WHAT SHOULD I DO? OKTOKKE.