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The revenge of Satan
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I lost counting how long this happened, continued and resolved itself, day turns to week, week turns to month, and month turns to year and now I’m standing here in front of the garden at the back of the house I once thought was the most horrible place I ever stepped into but now I’m partially glad it happened. Before my mind travels back to where it started and reminds me of the darkest time hidden at the bottom of my memory that I did my best to forget it, I succeed in bringing myself back to enjoy the moment of the present where beauty of flower blooming laid before me with colourful butterflies are dancing from flowers to flowers, then I smile.

“I hate to interrupt your favorite time in the garden but breakfast is ready and it’s our time now”, a voice indicates the present of particular someone, followed by gentle pair of arms that wrapped around my waist, and I would say this is my favorite part of being where I’m now.

“You make pumkin soup for our breakfast today, don’t you?” I ask with knowing tone.

“How do you know that?” A little puzzpled in her tone

 I turn around and smile

“You smell like pumpkin” I pinch her nose.

“Eh, is it bad?”, Eunjung widens her eyes, she alertedly sniffs her shirt

“No, it smells nice” I stop her worry with my contented smile

“Aigoo, your sensitive nose scaries me sometimes” Eunjung pouts which I find so adorable, I slowly get closer to her chest and inhale her shirt and then peck on her cheek, Eunjung smiles whole heartedly

“For sure, your scent is sweeter than anything I’ve ever liked” I tell her.

“Really?” Smile never leaves her face.

“Nothing is better” I smile and she smiles wider.

“ I know right” She announces proudly

What else do I ever need? An enemy who turns to a lover, a person I never thought I could love this much. If most people would scare to face a Satan then I would call myself a bravest person in the world to ever fall for one, but who wouldn’t when I have such a loving Satan right here in front of me.

“How is it?” Eunjung is expecting comment from me when I swallow a spoonful of pumkin soup down my throat.

“It’s not bad” I give a supportive smile before dipping my spoon to the soup bowl once again, Eunjung smiles satisfiedly

“Do you like it?” Eunjung asks hopefully  

 “Yeah, thank you for making me pumpkin soup, I know you don’t like its smell and you don’t even eat it” I express my gratitude , Eunjung learns to do things she never does for anyone but me, and cooking is one of them, she is not good at it but she is willing to learn. I know she doesn’t like pumpkin, but still she learns how to make the soup for me when she finds out that I like it.

“Are you thirsty?” Eunjung may notice that I’ve gulped down the second glass of water that our maid keeps pouring for me.

“Hmm” I caught off guard by her sudden question and try to come up with anything but my mind is blank.

“Anything wrong?” Eunjung looks worried, I shake my head and continue our breakfast.

 and suddenly I feel her hand stops mine, before she scoots closer to examine my hand.

“Oh my god, your fingers look chubby” Eunjung looks alert, “Are you alright?”

“I’m ok” I gently remove my hand from her hold and smile but I know she doesn’t buy it, she looks skeptic. 

“Aigoo, this is salty” Eunjung coughs the soup as soon as she takes away my spoon and put into , I quickly rub her back and give her water.

“Are you okay?” I ask worriedly, she doesn’t answer and keeps a short moment of silence.

“Eunjung?” She scares me with her silence.

“No, I’m not” Eunjung gets up and walks away. It confuses me a bit, after signaling the maid that we are done with breakfast, I follow her to her office where I find her sitting on my sofa at the corner end with her sad face.

“Would you mind to tell me what’s wrong?” I sit back and put my hand above her.

“You should have told me” She turns around at look at me.

“About what?” I ask

“That my cooking is bad” She looks disappointed

“It’s not bad at all” I quickly correct it, “It’s just a little salty” I say the last words faintly.

“At least you should have told me it was salty and you didn’t have to eat it all, and now see how your fingers are swollen eating salty soup” Eunjung is a bit frustrated and I can understand why.

“Eunjung ah, please don’t be like this, I know how much effort you put into it and I’m grateful for that”, I take hold of her hand, “You know why I didn’t complain about it? Because it’s you and I want you to know I appreciate everything you do for me”. Eunjung looks at my eyes, and small smile makes it way to her cheeks.

“I’m sorry I’m a bad cook” She makes a long face.

“You don’t have to be best at everything, I’m bad at direction and driving too” I reason

“I’d rather drive for us then having you drive” She laughs

“I love you no matter how salty your cooking is” I pinch her nose

“I promise to make it better next time” She smiles hopefully

“Thank you, but what’s about you let me taking care of cooking and you do other thing instead” I quickly oppose her idea to cook.

“You don’t trust me huh?” She pouts again

“It’ not like that but you’ve done a lot for me and I couldn’t wish for more” I sincerely express my feeling to her, and it’s all true, she has done a lot for me.

“Have I?” She asks

“Positive” I confirm, and rest my head on her shoulder. “ I know you can always lend me your shoulder when I need it.” I add

“It’s my honour and always” Eunjung kisses my hair.

“Just be yourself that I’ve fallen for” I tell her.

“Even I was devilish?” She asked 

“You may not know but even your bad habits make me smile sometimes” I confess.

“I’m sorry for that, believe me, it will never ever happen again, it will only kill me seeing you hurt” Eunjung is still reflecting herself sometimes, and I don’t want her to feel such a way.

 “I’ve trusted your love and I know your heart” I assure her.

“Thank you for giving me back the life I’ve lost” She leans in and pecks on my lip.

“Thank you for giving me the love I’ve lacked too” I look up and give her a kiss.

All I want is nothing more, as long as I’m in her warm embrace where I feel safe and sound, her love is the greatest gift I’ve ever prayed for, she has given me back a brand new soul in brand new world where the past won’t be able to cross the line and does anything to us.



Hyomin was hugging her sister tightly in her arms like she didn’t want to let her go, but this was life and no matter how hard it was to say goodbye to her beloved one, Hyomin knew what was better for her baby sister , the only and only who she was willing to do anything and everything for her happiness. Qri could only look the two sisters, and admired the strong bond they had, she sometimes imagined how it was like to have a sister because she was a single child but she wasn’t bothed much about the fact that she was a single daughter because from now on she would have other half that could be her lover, friend and sister.

“Hey, Park sisters, if you would hug each other any longer, I’m sure we will miss the flight” Qri remarked in her not-funny-joke but it was enough to draw attention from the Park sisters, they broke the hug and looked at Qri at the entrance of departure gate.

“Sorry Qri unnie, but I’m not going to see Jiyeon for years from now” Hyomin sounded sad

“You can always come to visit us unnie” Jiyeon suggested

“Yeah, France is not that far, you can even come to see us every month” Qri added.

“Will you provide me ticket?” Hyomin w

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frenzymenzy #1
Chapter 18: Ive been rereading this story for more than 5 times..but it still makes me happy and squeal..this is such a beautiful storyyy :) hope to see more of your Eunmin stories in the future
Alexia_6 #2
Chapter 18: Omfg this was so good.I'm crying:')
Chapter 18: It's a beautiful ending author...I love HahmPark more these day
Oh...I miss you and your stories a please comeback soon ^_^
Btw...EunYeon still not see each other in person's cool LOL
Chapter 18: Oh I'm going to miss this story...
It was just so amazing..thanks for sharing this beautiful story and good luck on your next story
Chapter 18: I really love your story. I've reread this story for many times without being bored. Every time I read it, I'm still so touch with the characters. Really good job, authoshi.
6ixara #6
Chapter 18: heart skip a beat when i saw that 'complete' status haha..i really love this fic..sometimes i go reread it when i'm bored..thank you for giving us this are always my favourite author *thumbs up
Good luck with ur other eunmin fic..will look forward to it..and ofc i will listen to the song :)
Chapter 17: This story never fail to make me feel touched...
thanks for updating
Alexia_6 #8
Chapter 17: Yas:))))))))))
Chapter 17: Nice update! Looking forward to your new story. I'm happy that's still Eunmin.
Chapter 17: update...thank you that none of them got hurt. And I know...the end is coming and i gonna miss you.
Wait...What?...EunMin or EunMar...WHAT SHOULD I DO? OKTOKKE.