Kisses that last

The revenge of Satan
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Eunjung sleepily reached her hand out to serch for the warmth of the body next to her on the bed who she had been cuddling all night long, but to her disappoiment, she found only an empty space next to her, to confirm that Hyomin wasn’t there, Eunjung opened her eyes to find an empty bed besides her, frowned. All of sudden, the threat came rushing to her, the memory of her looking for Hyomin last night on the dark street came vivid in her mind, she aruptedly sat up and jumped out of the bed to look for Hyomin in bathroom, in connect sitting room in their executive suite hotel room but she was no where to be found, scare was overwhelmed, fast as her thought Eunjung quickly grabbed her hoodie to storm out of the entrance door.

 “Where are you going, Eunjung?” Eunjung stopped and turned around to see Hyomin with spatula in her hand, her hair was tied up in messy bun, and Eunjung narrowed her brow but soon it turned into a smile, she ran up to Hyomin and threw her arms around Hyomin’s neck to hug her.

“I was going to look for you” Eunjung secured her arms around Hyomin’s neck.

“I was up early and just found that we had a little kitchen in our room so I decided to cook for us” Hyomin explained, but Eunjung yet let go of the hug

“Are you alright?” Hyomin could sense the tense of Eunjung’s breath

“Please don’t scare me like this” Eunjung pleaded, “I wouldn’t know where to find you if you disappear again” She confessed.

“I’m sorry, I saw you sleeping soundly so I didn’t want to wake you up” Hyomin used her free hand to rub Eunjung’s back.

“I don’t mind to be woken as long as I wake up seeing you” Eunjung remarked

“Okay, I’ll do that, but don’t complain later” Hyomin tried to lighten up the mood.

“Never, I want to make sure you’re always close to me” Eunjung weakly confessed

“I’m not going anywhere without you” Hyomin said

“Promise?” Eunjung realeased the hug to serch for the look in Hyomin’s eye.

“Yes, promise” Hyomin gave an assuring smile.

“I wouldn’t forgive myself if I let you stay out of my sight and something happens to you” Eunjung said weakly.

“I’ll stick with you” Hyomin confirmed

“Sure?” Eunjung asked

“Positive” Hyomin nodded. Eunjung gave Hyomin another hug.

“Thank you” Eunjung whisphed

“Are you sure you will never get tired of always having me around you?” Hyomin asked, uncertained

“Are you kidding me?” Eunjung widened her eyes as if it was such a strange question?

“Uh?” Hyomin was confused.

“I love to have you around all 24 hours a day, I’ll never get enough of it” Eunjung answered and it brought smile to Hyomin.

“Cheesy” Hyomin commented, trying to hide her smile.

“I mean it, I always love to have you around, to feel your presence, to see your smile, to see your moment or even to feel your breath” Eunjung stared deep into Hyomin’s eyes.

“Thank you for telling me this, me either” Hyomin felt so touched, her eyes started to beam with happy tear but before it could fall, Eunjung changed the subject because she didn’t want to see Hyomin cried.

“I wonder what my wife cooks for me, can you please show me?” Eunjung grinned.

“There are not many ingredient in fridge, just standard stuff so I cooked simple American breakfast” Hyomin said, back to her buble mood, grabbing Eunjung’s hand and led her to the kitchen she found on the corner of the large hotel room.

“Whatever you cook, it is surely special” Eunjung encouraged

“What’s a sweet hubby” Hyomin lightly pinched Eunjung’s nose.

“I know right” Mischief grin spread across Eunjung’s face as she looked at her wife, Hyomin found the grin so cute and she couldn’t help it but pecked on Eunjung’s lip.

“I guess this is better than breakfast” Eunjung winked before leaning forward to kiss Hyomin.

“We will never get to eat breakfast” Hyomin frowned after they broke the kiss.

 “I can’t help it, I find your lips so kissable” Eunjung stared at Hyomin’s lips, “And I’m glad they are mine”, followed by another light kiss.

“Food is going to get cold” Hyomin reasoned

“Don’t worry, something is more delicious here” Eunjung smirked and cupped Hyomin’s face for another passionate kiss, Hyomin had no strength to fight and she surrendered to the soft touch given by Eunjung. The direction was changed from kitchen and back to their master bedroom.


They never got to eat breakfast at all because by the time they woke up again it was already noon, but they could care less when their hunger hearts were satifised and they were savoring the happiness that no food could replace. Hyomin was reaching out for Eunjung’s face, her smooth skin was so touchable, and it was too soft that Hyomin was envious. Eunjung grabbed Hyomin’s hand and took it in her hold, she gently kissed the back of it.

“Where do you want to go today babe?” Eunjung broke the silence

“I don’t know, you tell me” Hyomin interwined her fingers with Eunjung’s

“How about we have bruch somewhere?” Eunjung suggested

“Are you hungry?” Hyomin was playing with Eunjung’s hand.

“Not really, you?” Eunjung asked worriedly

“I want to stay like this, can we?” Hyomin looked up to see Eunjung’s eyes and the latter understood.

“As long as you want” Eunjung smiled.

“Forever?” Hyomin asked

“I wish we could do that but we need to embark tomorrow” Eunjung amusingly commented

“That’s true” Hyomin sulked

“But don’t worry, we will have forever waiting for us and I’ll make sure to make it happen” Eunjung determined.

“Thanks” Hyomin snuggled to Eunjung’s body and the latter cuddled her tightly.


Though how much they wanted to stay cuddling like that, their stomach seemed to betray them anyway, and they had to get up, freshened up and went out to eat. After a nice brunch, the couple strolled around the city, market and nice tourist places, everywhere they went, Eunjung made sure she held Hyomin’s hand tight, not wanting to lose sight of her.

“Ouch!” Hyomin cried out in pain when she felt strong hit on her shoulder

“Are you alright babe?” Eunjung instinctively checked on Hyomin.

“I’m fine” Hyomin hid her pain, Eunjung glared at the guy who just passed by without saying sorry, and she was going after him.

“Please don’t” Hyomin stopped Eunjung

 “He needs to apologize” Eunjung was furious

“It’s alight” Hyomin shook her her, disapproved

“But” Eunjung protested

“It isn’t worth it” Hyomin sensed the dejavu

“Fine” Eunjung sighed, a bit calm, she then checked on Hyomin’s shoulder making sure she had no bruise or else she would hunt down that guy.

“You are scary” Hyomin commented

“I’m sorry” Eunjung felt bad to scare Hyomin off

“Please don’t be, I know your reason” Hyomin gave an assuring smile

“ It hurts me to see you hurt” Eunjung admitted, she couldn’t surpresss such a feeling when she saw Hyomin got hurt, not when she wanted to protect her with her life.

“It’s just an accident” Hyomin assured

“I know but I can’t help it” Eunjung murmured

“Let’s get going, enjoy a nice day, and we need to pack as well” Hyomin puffed Eunjung cheek and smile. The latter smiled along.

“Let’s go” Eunjung grabbed Hyomin’s hand and left. Though the smile, Hyomin had something that she couldn’t get it out of her head, a dejavu feeling, but she hoped she was wrong and there was nothing to do with this coincidence. Afraid that Eunjung might noticed it, she set it aside and shook it off.  



The sun was setting, with the orange shade of sky brightly shinning at the horizon, as the sunset reflected with never ending ocean creating beautiful glitter on water surface that the scenery was so amazing than to take one eyes of it.

“Aren’t you cold?” Eunjung was covering Hyomin’s shoulder with satin flowery shoulder-wrap-scarf from behind, the woman who was taken care, smiled at the little act of caring.

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frenzymenzy #1
Chapter 18: Ive been rereading this story for more than 5 times..but it still makes me happy and squeal..this is such a beautiful storyyy :) hope to see more of your Eunmin stories in the future
Alexia_6 #2
Chapter 18: Omfg this was so good.I'm crying:')
Chapter 18: It's a beautiful ending author...I love HahmPark more these day
Oh...I miss you and your stories a please comeback soon ^_^
Btw...EunYeon still not see each other in person's cool LOL
Chapter 18: Oh I'm going to miss this story...
It was just so amazing..thanks for sharing this beautiful story and good luck on your next story
Chapter 18: I really love your story. I've reread this story for many times without being bored. Every time I read it, I'm still so touch with the characters. Really good job, authoshi.
6ixara #6
Chapter 18: heart skip a beat when i saw that 'complete' status haha..i really love this fic..sometimes i go reread it when i'm bored..thank you for giving us this are always my favourite author *thumbs up
Good luck with ur other eunmin fic..will look forward to it..and ofc i will listen to the song :)
Chapter 17: This story never fail to make me feel touched...
thanks for updating
Alexia_6 #8
Chapter 17: Yas:))))))))))
Chapter 17: Nice update! Looking forward to your new story. I'm happy that's still Eunmin.
Chapter 17: update...thank you that none of them got hurt. And I know...the end is coming and i gonna miss you.
Wait...What?...EunMin or EunMar...WHAT SHOULD I DO? OKTOKKE.