So in love

The revenge of Satan
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Morning was exceptionally beautiful than any morning Eunjung ever woke up to it, the sky was blue ,water was clear, morning breeze was calming and relaxing, everything was just gracefully wonderful as the way it never was before, and all of this was because of one particular person who made all imperfections turned perfect, who made her eyes saw a whole new world, chasing away darkness in her cold heart and filled it with love. And she was right here in front of her now, morning sun was shining on her and Eunjung believed she found her Goddess,

"Tenerife Sea"

You look so wonderful in your dress

I love your hair like that

The way it falls on the side of your neck

Down your shoulders and back

We are surrounded by all of these lies

And people who talk too much

You got the kind of look in your eyes

As if no one knows anything but us

Should this be the last thing I see

I want you to know it's enough for me

'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need

I'm so in love, so in love

So in love, so in love

You look so beautiful in this light

Your silhouette over me

The way it brings out the blue in your eyes

Is the Tenerife Sea

And all of the voices surrounding us here

They just fade out when you take a breath

Just say the word and I will disappear

Into the wilderness

Should this be the last thing I see

I want you to know it's enough for me

'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need

I'm so in love, so in love

So in love, so in love

Lumière, darling

Lumière over me

Should this be the last thing I see

I want you to know it's enough for me

'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need

I'm so in love, so in love

So in love, love, love, love,

So in love

You look so wonderful in your dress

I love your hair like that

And in a moment I knew you, Beth


Hyomin waved her hand in front of the woman in front of her, Eunjung dreamingly smiled, her eyes didn’t blink for minute.

“Eunjung, will you eat your breakfast? It’s getting cold now” Hyomin asked with her brow raised up. Eunjung blinked her eyes upon the call of her name but smile never left her face, with graceful curves at her lips made Hyomin smiled along confusingly.

“Can you give me a slice of that pancake?” Eunjung pointed her fork at Hyomin’s plate which laid a piece of pancake.

“Sure why not?” Hyomin sliced a small piece of pancake and was sharing it to Eunjung’s plate

“No, not that way” Eunjung protested, Hyomin was puzzled as she put it down on Eunjung’s plate

“What do you want then?” Hyomin didn’t know what was wrong

“Feed me please” Eunjung asked cutely and that was beyond Hyomin’s expectation, Hyomin blushed at sudden act of cuteness at the same time held her laughter, however she complied when she fed it into Eunjung’s mouth, the latter seemed so happy, savoring it.

“Need some more?” Hyomin asked as she was retreating her fork and rested it on her plate.

“Yes, please” A sweet pleading was made along with wide smile, and there was no way Hyomin could say no to it

The rest of the breakfast time Hyomim was busy feeding herself and Eunjung, she didn’t know why the woman sitting in front of her suddenly being all lazy to eat by herself and had to depend on her for that, however Hyomin didn’t mind it either, although it looked a bit embarrassing when there weren’t only two people in this nice restaurant, however Hyomin ignored those look , at this time she would care less about any other, when the most important person was here. If this was to count in her memory, she would call it a happy moment, the moment when they finally found peace and being there together because of love, not a forceful stay because of hatred. It wasn’t promising that they wouldn’t argue or flight after this, but Hyomin was willing to face the ups and downs from now on.

Eunjung completely set Hyomin free the moment she confessed to her. The confession alone was like a magic key that unlocked and broke all invisible imprison created by a Satan, who now appeared with no track of devilish aura, but sweet and caring woman.


Later that day, Hyomin was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching random shows on TV, she sometimes looked over to the woman at the other corner of their room serving as their accommodation in this grand cruise. Eunjung’s hand moved up and down as she was writing something on the desk. Eunjung would occasionally scratch the back of her head and buried her head down on something she was working on it. Hyomin didn’t want to pry in what she was doing, the latter looked a bit serious.

“Done!” Finally, Hyomin heard Eunjung squealing in delight, she lifted up the paper and waving it in the air. Hyomin frowned, having no clue until Eunjung walked toward her, she passed the paper to Hyomin.

“What’s it?” Hyomin took the paper from Eunjung.

“Read it” Eunjung stood in front of her grinning, she glanced expectantly at Hyomin to see her reaction.

“How do you think? Eunjung plopped herself to the edge of the bed, positioning herself next to Hyomin

 “Honeymoon trip itinerary?” Hyomin was obviously blushing as she read it out loud

 “Correct” Eunjung beamed brightly, she stole a glance at the latter, Hyomin seemed dazed as she reread the paper with itinerary items written by Eunjung’s neat handwriting.

“You know, we, em, kinda got married for a while but we didn’t have a chance for a honeymoon trip” Eunjung shyly explained, “So I think this should be a perfect time” She added.

No answer was made, Hyomin was getting quiet as if she was looking back on something in the past, that made Eunjung wasn’t sure if she was making the right move.

“Are we really married?” Hyomin decided to ask the question, although she kne it had been proceeded lawfully and traditionally according to Eunjung’s rule, but still the marriage was forcefully arranged, Hyomin doubted if that counted.

Sensing Hyomin’s insecurity on her tone, Eunjung knew the latter might still be haunted for what she did to her, and she knew she was wrong. Eunjung gently lifted up Hyomin’s chin, once their eyes met, Eunjung saw the flicker in her eyes, she knew the latter had been through a lot, both mentally and physically suffering, despite the cruelty Hyomin experienced in her life, Eunjung was impressed how the brunette could preserve her golden heart , the real heart that remained intact though all the crashes. Eunjung found new purpose of life, she was telling herself now it was time for this beautiful guardian angel who had protected and did for other so much deserved her happiness and protection and Eunjung wanted to be the person who showed her all of those.

“Yeah, we are” Eunjung stated firmly as she stared deeply into Hyomin’s eyes, “Look, I know we had a very awful start, rough path and all, it may sound very selfish of me to ask you to forget the things I’ve done to you because it’s too terrible to forgive” Eunjung paused, “But here I’m and ready to do whatever it takes if only you let us move on from here” She was begging in front of the woman she once hated the most, who returned the warmth back her heart and gave her purpose of life and she would shamelessly tell that she was in love with that same person right now.

“Do you really want us to move on? Hyomin asked making sure that she heard Eunjung right. She was sure she didn’t miss anything, if Eunjung asked them to move on, that meant she wanted to leave the past behind, more than anything it would also mean that she was forgiven for what she did (or in other word what she admitted doing) to her brother.

“Absolutely, can we do that?” Eunjung pleaded hopefully, her hand was holding Hyomin’s

“You know I can’t deny it right?” Hyomin’s eyes beamed with tears

“You’re free to do anything and everything you wish” Eunjung wanted to make sure that Hyomin understood that her freedom was given back to her.

“I’d love to move on and be at the beginning with you” Hyomin confirmed, the most beautiful smile written all over her face, the one that shined brightly when she

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frenzymenzy #1
Chapter 18: Ive been rereading this story for more than 5 times..but it still makes me happy and squeal..this is such a beautiful storyyy :) hope to see more of your Eunmin stories in the future
Alexia_6 #2
Chapter 18: Omfg this was so good.I'm crying:')
Chapter 18: It's a beautiful ending author...I love HahmPark more these day
Oh...I miss you and your stories a please comeback soon ^_^
Btw...EunYeon still not see each other in person's cool LOL
Chapter 18: Oh I'm going to miss this story...
It was just so amazing..thanks for sharing this beautiful story and good luck on your next story
Chapter 18: I really love your story. I've reread this story for many times without being bored. Every time I read it, I'm still so touch with the characters. Really good job, authoshi.
6ixara #6
Chapter 18: heart skip a beat when i saw that 'complete' status haha..i really love this fic..sometimes i go reread it when i'm bored..thank you for giving us this are always my favourite author *thumbs up
Good luck with ur other eunmin fic..will look forward to it..and ofc i will listen to the song :)
Chapter 17: This story never fail to make me feel touched...
thanks for updating
Alexia_6 #8
Chapter 17: Yas:))))))))))
Chapter 17: Nice update! Looking forward to your new story. I'm happy that's still Eunmin.
Chapter 17: update...thank you that none of them got hurt. And I know...the end is coming and i gonna miss you.
Wait...What?...EunMin or EunMar...WHAT SHOULD I DO? OKTOKKE.