The Big Escape.......

The Haunting Shadow Pt. 2 (BTSXSKE48)

It was late and quiet...All Airi could hear was crickets chirping. As soon as all the lights went out it was time.

She started cutting the walls as silently as possible. It was for only a few minutes until her knife cut through the walls.

Finally she escaped by climbing through the sewers. The first thing she did was take off her prison uniform and walked across the sewer landfill until she found her old house, it looked abandoned but it was not.


She reached under the door mat to feel for the old extra key that was still there. She walked in and stared at the many computer screens. Then she walked to the bathroom, took a shower, and got dressed in a pink blouse, jeans,and pink flats with bows on them. After Airi got clean she put the house key in her pocket and walked down to the nearest convenience store.


She managed to get some food for the day before setting off. Her eyes glanced from side to side, seeing if anyone knew her identity. Suddenly she saw her good friend Matsui Rena.


“Airi!” Rena shouted.


“Ah, Rena-san~” she replied, “How’s it been?”


“Good, very good~” Rena says, “Well Airi when did u get released?”


“What..?” Airi replies.


“Airi, I heard you went to jail, you were all over the news, when did you get let out?” Rena asks.


“Eto… Just yesterday~ Yeah… Just yesterday!” Airi replied whilst stuttering, which to Rena was a big giveaway.


“You broke out, didn’t you?”




“It’s not like I’m going to tell anyone.”


“Alright then……..I’ll be leaving...See you later Rena-san~” Airi says while making her way out the door.


“Wait!” Before Airi could leave, Rena grabbed her arm, “I need your help with something.”


“W-What?” Airi says in shock.


“Ugh...You’ve always been so shy and introverted, Airi just come on!” Rena replies with such a serious tone to her voice, “It’s about Jurina.”


“Eh…? I’ve always thought you and Jurina---”  Airi says in concern.

“She’s sent bodyguards for me. To kill me.”  Rena replies.


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