Discovering Means Investigation...

The Haunting Shadow Pt. 2 (BTSXSKE48)

It’s early morning,  Heaven slowly wakes up in Hoseok’s bed to realize he’s not there. She gets up, then walks to the kitchen. She sees him cooking a big breakfast for the two of them since Jimin left with his girlfriend earlier.




“Hi Baby~ Did you sleep well?”


“Ne~ Did you?”


“Yup,  But I had to wake up early so you could have a good breakfast~”


“You didn’t have to oppa~”


“Yes I did~ Now go sit down it’s ready”


“Arasso~” Heaven goes to sit down and waits for Hoseok to bring the breakfast. Once he does she looks down to see Bacon,Eggs,Pancakes,& Hashbrown along with a glass of milk and a sweet peck on her cheek.


“Aigoo~ Hobi this is amazing~”


“Only the best for my princess~” Hoseok said while sitting down in front of her as they continued to finish eating. Once they did Hoseok washed the dishes and then went over to the couch to begin watching TV with Heaven. And what they saw looked too familiar.  


News Caster: “Good Morning Tokyo citizens, A young girl was shot last night in her own home because of a break in. The name of the victim was eighteen year old, Matsui Jurina.  Neighbors claim late last night they heard a gunshot at around 3:30 AM coming from the girls’ house. Here is some security camera footage of the two girls that broke inside of the house.


They were wearing all black clothing and both had long black hair. And as you can see here both of the girls took off their ski masks when done robbing. They also were carrying five different duffle bags. If you see these girls please contact the police as soon as possible. We will update you soon on the information of this case and investigation.”


“Oppa...That looks like the girl that kidnapped you..”


“Yeah but I know she wouldn’t kill someone…. It must be the taller one who killed the young girl.”




“But it’s not like their going around breaking in jagi~ They most likely knew that girl and wanted to get revenge or so… Because this kind of stuff doesn’t usually happen.”


“So shouldn’t we ask Churi about this?”


“Most likely. I’m guessing she’s gonna get discharged today…”


“Ah~ Arasso~ Wait Hobi?”




“You know where she lives correct?”


“I do~”


“Alright I’m gonna get dressed so we can get going~”


“Ok I’ll be there in a bit” Hoseok said.


Soon he got up and walked into his bedroom to see Heaven in the bathroom fixing her hair.  He quickly got dressed and then urged Heaven to come on so they could get going. Once they got out the door. Hoseok walked down to the car with Heaven and they drove to Churi’s house.


Once they got there, Hoseok knocked on the door, hoping to get a reply from the inhabitants of the stately home. Then finally, Michael opened the door.


“Hey Hoseok, Heaven~ How are you guys?”


“We’re doing well, thanks for asking. How about you and Akane?”




“So did you have a concern..?”


“Well Kind of...Me and Heaven wanted to know if we could talk to you and Churi about something~”


“Oh Hoseok~ Hello, how are you?” Churi said, walking outside, feeling happy to see her dear friends once again.


“We’re just wondering about something.”


“Well, come inside. I don’t like talking to people outside.” She ushered the two inside where they began their conversation in the lounge, “What’s it you two are wondering about?”


“Have you seen the news about Matsui Jurina’s death?”


“Yes I have, was Airi involved?”


“I’m not sure..That’s why I’m here..”


“Wait a second…. There was another girl with her, right? That must have been Rena.”


“Really..? Wow…”


“Both of those girls are criminally dangerous and have horrible minds..Churi knows that and so do I..”


“But It’s not like their on the run breaking in right...Cause I told Heaven that most likely wouldn’t happen and they most likely knew the girl they killed..”


“Well they could be doing this to steal people’s belongings....But I honestly doubt that Hoseok...Because ever since the beginning of my career in SKE48...Rena has loved Jurina until that one day…”


“What Day..?” Hoseok asked. Michael noticed Churi as she began to tear up at the thought of the sad story so he took over.

“The day Jurina broke up with Rena...She quickly came crying to Churi & Airi...But mainly Airi..It was really sad..” Michael said, He then began to state out every detail in the sad story.

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