Revelations of a Broken Hearted Girl

The Haunting Shadow Pt. 2 (BTSXSKE48)

“Eh? I thought you two were close?” Airi pondered. This was something she had never known about the two.


“She married Kashiwagi Yuki. She wanted me dead for the past few months.” Her eyes looked down, in fright and in anger, “Now she’s using Jurina to get to me”


“Yukirin? Wait, I thought she was with Mayu…?”


“Mayu died whilst you were in jail… By my own hands….” Rena gripped her hands, creating fists, regretting the time where Gekikara came and killed Yuki’s beloved, “I regret everything I’ve done whilst you were gone…. Now I might need to pay for it.”


“Gekikara came out? If so… I can help you… If Yukirin’s going this far to kill you for revenge, I’m not risking anything.” Airi said, confidently and reassuringly, “Since I’m the brains and you’re the brawl, it’s gonna be fine.”


“What’s the plan then, Airi?” Rena asked with a tinge of hesitance in her voice.


“Well, it’s quite simple really~” Airi said whilst smirking, “But I’ll need your help for something too.”




“I want to kill Furuhata Nao.” Her facial expression became more serious.


“Y-you can’t do that!”


“In order to get Churi back, I have to.”

“But still! You’re going to be as bad as Nao if you do that!” Rena’s eyes started to well up with tears, knowing that Airi could die for what she wanted to do, “You do realise you could die?!”


“I know but --” Airi got cut off by the sharp jolt of pain on her cheek.


“What the hell are you thinking then?! Doing something like this just to get Churi-chan back is too extreme!” Rena almost shouted at Airi in immense anger.

“What about you?! You’re asking me to kill Yuki, just so you can get Jurina back! That’s the same thing!”


“Okay Airi, that’s all different” Rena replies.


“What the ?! No it’s not! You want to kill someone just to get someone you love back, it’s pretty much the same thing!”  Airi shouts.

“Let’s just go before anything else happens in here,” Rena looks around and notices people in the convenience store staring at them suspiciously.

They left the store and made their way to Airi’s house and continued to talk. Whilst they were walking, they noticed a certain pair walking together.

It was Hoseok & Nao.


Hoseok was walking Nao home because it was late and dark.


“Are you cold, Nao?”


“Eh? Why?”


“Here, my jacket, you’re shivering.”


“Thank You~”


Hoseok took his jacket off and put it around Nao, who smiled and thanked him.


In reaction to this lovey dovey scene, Airi turned towards Rena and grinned with a sly look.

“I’ve got a good idea and let’s get home~”

“That scene… It reminds me of when me and Jurina were together...” Rena’s eyes swelled up with tears, remembering those painful memories she had shared with the girl who shared her family name with her. It was that one day that Rena could never seem to get rid of from her mind.




“Rena… I’m sorry… But I’m leaving so you won’t have to suffer any longer...” The younger girl looked down at the unconscious girl, wiped a tear and then left the room.


A few minutes later...


Rena’s eyes fluttered open to see her lover out of view.




“Ah, Matsui-san...”


“Where is she?”




“Matsui Jurina….”


“Ah, she left a little while ago and she told me to leave this for you.” She gave Rena a note, in which she had opened.


Dear Rena


If you read this, then I’ve already left to go to England. Why? I got a scholarship to Trinity College and I can’t reject it because it’s one of the most prestigous colleges in England. I hope you still remember me by the time I get back and you’re not in a relationship.


“No… Please…”  Rena says as a teardrop falls down her face.

Rena falls onto the floor and begins crying. Suddenly she tries to calm herself down...But it didn’t work at all..She continued the night crying and never forget about her dear Jurina...

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