The Unknown Stalker...

The Haunting Shadow Pt. 2 (BTSXSKE48)

It was later that day...Rena woke up in Airi’s living room. She slowly opened her eyes, and walked to Airi’s secret room that contains large screens, which she uses to monitor and spy on her targets.  


“Up later than usual, Huh Rena?” 


“How did you know I was here? You didn’t even look at me…” 


“I don’t have to look at you Rena...I have cat instincts….Now come sit down..” 


“Okay..”  Rena said while sitting the chair next to Airi’s 


“So Rena...As you can see this is the room where I monitor my prey...At the top is the various rooms in my house...Meanwhile these monitor Nao’s house....And these monitor J-hope & Jimin’s house, Heaven’s house, And the house Churi and Michael share..” 


“Wow….You really are powerful” 


“Why thank you...And also with this remote here I can type in a address and see the inside the house of anyone. Cool right?” 




“Alright now...Wait what’s up with Churi…” 


“Looks like she’s crying Airi…” 


“Hurry put on the headphones and listen with me!” Airi yelled. Rena put on the headphones along with Airi and observed Michael holding her as Churi pleaded on how she didn’t mean to hurt Airi by breaking up with her… 


“...Wow...She’s just regretting that?! Okay then! I still don’t give a single damn!!” 


Airi calm down…” 


“I will not calm down Rena!!” Airi screamed while walking out of the room. She went to another room and punched the wall in anger, “This is so ing stupid!” 




“What’s the meaning of life… When all you feel is pain…” 


Airi there is deeper meaning...You’ve been through a lot in your life, I can understand your pain.” 


“NO YOU CAN’T!! You have not been through what I have been through Rena…” 




“You had a pampered life, living with your parents and even with them spoiling you to no end…. And here I am with my parents being killed point blank right in front of my ing face…. If it wasn’t for Churi’s parents… I would’ve been killed with them….” 


“Oh my god….Airi I’m so sorry...I never knew…” 


“Well everything is fine now...Let’s get back to business..” 


Hai..” Rena slowly said. The girls then continued working on their master-plan to get revenge on Akane.

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