Rising Action..

The Haunting Shadow Pt. 2 (BTSXSKE48)

J-Hope & Heaven were driving home and as they were driving down the street an SUV pulled out straight in front of them, causing them to crash head on... 

The car flipped over, but luckily Heaven was able to climb out. 

"Jagiya!!!" Hoseok yelled crawling closer to Heaven. 

"Hoseok...I-I'm bleeding!! Call 911..."  

Hoseok quickly pulls out his phone and dialed 911  

"911, what is your emergency?" 

"Me and my girlfriend just got into a crash!! Please come quick!" 

"Calm down sir please tell me what street are you on?" 

"Tokyo Lane and Marunachi Street!!"  

"Alright help is on the way" 

Then the call ended... 

Hoseok  crawled back over to Heaven and took off his shirt wrapping it around Heaven's bleeding forehead. 

"Oppa...If I die...Don't forget me.." 

"Do not say that jagi! Help is coming soon.." 

Just then as they layed in the street hanging onto life, the ambulance pulled up next to them. 

They rolled out two gurney's and strapped them down rolling them into the ambulance together. 

"Where are you taking me..?" Hoseok asked.  

"Don't worry we are taking you to Tokyo Dominican Hospital, you and  your girlfriend will be in the same room just stay calm" 

After that, the ambulance team aided the couples' cuts and bruises.  

Then, finally they pulled up to the hospital and were rushed into emergency. It took a while for the doctors and nurses to treat the serious wounds, but managed to get them safely into recovery. 

Heaven & J-Hope were laying in their hospital beds when suddenly a visitor walked in. It was Furuhata Nao...From the very first incident they had together. 

"Hello friends~" Nao said slowly making her way in the room. 

"Nao-Chan~" Heaven says happily. 

"I heard you guys had got hurt, so I ran to get some flowers and rushed to the hospital.” 

"Wait but what about the nurse at the front desk?" Hoseok asked. 

"Eh..She was a but I managed to make it." 

"Well I can't be in here...We still have so many things to do Hoseok! I need to get home!" Heaven yelled getting up. 

"Heaven please..You need to rest." Nao stated while holding her shoulders. 

"Forget it I'm leaving!" Heaven shouted while limping out of the room 

Then, not even five full steps out of the room she heard a familiar voice...It was Airin's voice, the door was cracked so she took a peek. 

She saw Akane and Airin sitting together talking as Airin laid in her hospital bed. Before Heaven could get caught she ran back to her hospital room that was surprisingly right next door. 

"Hoseok, Nao! Airin isn't in jail anymore! I heard her talking to Akane! I seen her! She said Rena DID kill Jurina!!" 

"What?" Nao said while standing up from her seat, “She shouldn't be! Why is Akane even talking to her?!” 

“I don't know but we need to find out and stop her!” Heaven yells. 

"Heaven, no you need to stay here and recover" Hoseok says. 


The door suddenly blew open and Michael appeared, looking angered and stressed. 

“Where is she…?” 



Michael! We can't say….” 

Oh yeah? Why did I see her, WITH AIRI?!” 

"..Mikey-Oppa..Calm down" Heaven said lightly. 


"...Sit down and I'll tell you"  Heaven said once again, Michael sat down and listened to the entire story, stunned by it all. 

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