I Love You Eli But...

That Kiss, First Kiss

Sun-Hee's P.O.V

A hooded man had a gun right at my forehead.

I could not see the man's face but he's muscular body can tell he was a man.

"Please don't shoot!" I yelled.

His hand started trembling.

It looked like any minute he pull the trigger and I would be shot in the head.

"Please." I told him softly.

He looked at me and suddenly fell to the ground crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked patting his back.

"I can't do this!" He screamed.

He removed his hood and it turned out to be my ex-boyfriend, Min-Kyung.

"Min-Kyung? " I asked.

"Yeah it's me." He responded.

"Why were you going to shoot me?" 

"The one who shot Kiseop, he found out he told you about everything. So he hired me." He announced. 

"To shoot me? Why?"

"I was suppose to say if you can't have me then no one can."  

"What a cheesy line." I declared.

 "Yeah." He agreed.

"But I love you too much to kill you. This isn't even a real gun! It's just a lame water gun!" He told me.

He grabbed the gun the was suppose to kill me and shot me with water.

Now from my headed to toe I was drenched with water.

Min-Kyung was laughing like crazy but a man wearing a black hoodie and a white mask came up behind him.

"You told her, Min-Kyung?" The man asked.

Min-Kyung instantly stopped laughing.

He nervously nodded his head.

"Then die!" He got a real gun out of his back pocket.

"No!" I screamed and blocked Min-Kyung.

I was standing right in front of him and I told the man, "Don't you dare hurt him or i''l call the police!" 

"Listen to me Sun-Hee, I love you and I don't want to hurt you so move!" He yelled.

"No. Min-Kyung is important to me and if you love me then stop hurting people I love and care about!" 

"Listen Sun-Hee," He grabbed my hand. "I know you love Eli." 

"So what does he have to do with this?" I asked.

"If you don't want him to die, stay faraway from him, ignore him as possible and be rude to him or.." He trailed off.

"Or?" I asked.

Waiting for his answer my hurt was beating faster every minute.

What was he going to my one and only love, Eli?

And how can I know he would just kill me right now.

No one is here to see, I told Min-Kyung run away before he got hurt.

"Or he will meet me soon." He finished saying.

My eyes widened in disbelief., "You wouldn't?"

"I'll do anything for you, so don't ever go near Eli again or you might never see him again." He declared.

"Don't even call the police or tell anyone because if you do your life will end too." He walked away right passed me.

I could not do anything, my body was frozen.

Would I risk Eli's life just to say I love him and I always think about him?

Or never talk to him and at least get to see him everyday.

I have a big choice to make, but I guess I don't want to risk Eli's life.

My love for Eli must just stay inside of me so, he won't get hurt.

I can't even ask for advice or my life will end and I won't ever get see Eli again.

I walked back to Cheon-Doong and MinHyuk who were still playing in the water.

"Sun-Hee you said you won't swim, but your drenched with water!" MinHyuk whined.

I ignored them and just headed to the beach house.

My life has been so crazy ever since I fell and kissed Eli.

But along the way I did make new friends.

Now I have to give up on Eli just because of this one stupid guy who loves me too much! 

"Hey Sun-Hee! What have you been up to?" A voice behind me asked.

It turned out to be Eli.

The person I must ignore, the person I love, the person that the man from earlier will kill if I don't ignore him or be rude to him.

"Why should I tell you! Are some sort of stalker!?" I asked rudely.

I walked away from him and before he could respond.  

I locked myself in the room and started crying.

I must have hurt his feelings.

Why does the man friking man whoever he is have to be like this.

Going to the full extent to killing someone!

I love Eli so much!

How can I do this!?

I wiped away my tears.

This will be even harder because Eli and I share a room.

I unlocked the door and went outside where every member was.

"SooHyun, Eli. Since SooHyun is the best dad switch rooms." I declared.

Kevin's P.O.V

"What!?" Everyone shouted in unison.

Everyone knows Eli has the hugest crush on her and Sun-Hee does the same....I think.

"Well Gung is sharing a room with me and since SooHyun is the best dad he should be near her." Sun-Hee declared.

Well that is a good point.

After that big dramatic speech of her she went outside while we moved Eli and SooHyun's stuff into the different rooms.

"Uggh!" Eli groaned laying down on his bed.

"What the heck was that about?" Kibum asked.

"Sun-Hee!" He yelled.

"We all I know you did it with her." I announced in a low tone.

"WHAT!?" He yelled jumping up from the bed.

"DongHo peeking into your room to see you too in the same bed....." Kibum told him.

I nodded my head to mean that he was telling the truth.

"Well that's not it. It's just...." He trailed off.

I looked at Kibum nodding my head.

"Tell us!" We yelled doing that puss in boots looking cute thing.

"I just don't get one Sun-Hee is acting like this! I told her I loved her and she kissed me on the cheek and now she is acting like this!" He fell onto his bed.

"Finally!" Kibum and I sighed.

Eli looked at with a curious expression.

I can't believe he doesn't know what were talking about!

It's been so long and now finally he confesses!

Sun-Hee must be over joyed, but it is strange for her to act like this.

Never she acted like this!

Ignoring people, being rude, and most of all being rude to Eli!

Something must be up with her.

~Later That Day~

As everyone was gathering around the dining table, Sun-Hee was nowhere to be found.

"She better hurry up, the food is getting cold." SooHyun declared.

Right then Sun-Hee came in with two shopping bags..

"Where were you?" Eli asked like a concerned mother.

"With Snsd shopping. Duh!" She rudely told him.

She sat right beside me grabbing a plate.

"Oh I also have a big announcement." She told us cheerfully as we ate.

"Really what is it?" I asked curiously. 

"Well Snsd told me that SM wants me to be in this new co-ed group their working on!" She yelled.

We high fived each other.

Even though I want her to be in our company it's still nice that she will able to be in a group.

"But..." She trailed off.

"BUT!? Why is there a but!?" I shouted.

"That's what she said." Dongho declared in a low soft tone.

"Shut up!" I slapped the back of  Dongho's head.

"But, at the end of Hello Baby I have to move in with Snsd because it's closer to SM." 

As I looked over at Eli he was the most shock all of us.

"Sun-Hee if you want to go to SM, go ahead. We will always support you." Tears built up in her eyes and hugged me.

She went to each member and hugged him.

When she got to Eli who had his arms already stretched out all she said was, "Like I'm giving you a hug!" and ran to her room

Eli's had his face in his hands and trudged into the room.

Again Sun-Hee was acting like that!

Something serious is going on and I must know!


Thanks to randomsparadise for giving me an idea for this chapter. The part with Min-Kyung and the water gun was not suppose to be like that. But when I read your comment it give me an idea. Thanks~

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Love the story! <3 ^_^
omg~~~that was 0.O... JOON? omo~~~
@Yuuki, <br />
ahahahahaha ^-^ cute mistake : ) .
awww =']<br />
hehe and the bit at the end, that was so cute ^.^<br />
;~~~; its nearly over ;~~~;