
That Kiss, First Kiss

Sun-Hee's P.O.V

Why is that name in my head??

Kyoung Jae. Kim Kyoung Jae. Who the heck is that guy??

Whatever i'll just try to forget about it.

"Gung! Come to umma." I had my arms spread out for a hug.

She stopped playing with Kibum and started crawling to me.

I picked her up and started singing twinkle twinkle little star.

"You too really look a like." Kibum told me.

Suddenly Gung started crying really loudly.

"Gung don't cry! Do you want a toy?" I gave her this toy, but she just threw it out of her hands.

"Kevin take her."  I gave her to Kevin, but she still kept on crying.

"Why won't she stop!?" Dongho asked.

"She wants milk." SooHyun gave Gung some milk and she stopped crying instantly.

"How did you know?" I asked him.

"It says in this book." He threw me a small black book with stuff about Gung in it.

"Thanks So-"

"WE ARE GOING TO THE BEACH!" Eli interrupted me.

Everyone started jumping up and down.

Even Gung had a smile on her face.

Abruptly we started packing.

After I was done packing, I started packing Gung's toys for the beach.

"Where you get that back-pack?" Eli asked as he went into my room.

He was looking at my domo back-pack I got about five years ago, but I forgot he gave it to me.

Eli grabbed the bag from and looked at the strap of it.

I never noticed but it said, "Kyoung Jae~"

That name again why does it keep coming up.

"Eli keep Gung away from Kiseop." Alexander came in with Gung.

"Why?" I asked getting all the stuff I packed into the hall way.

"Every time Kiseop carries her she cries.....a lot!" He gave me Gung.

I put her in a crib we got that was in my room.

Kevin started playing peek-a-boo.

"Unnie." She kept chanting every time he made her laugh.

He look quiet mad every time she said that.

After several minutes of that Gung fell asleep in her bed.

Kevin and I quietly tip-toed outside where all the members were.

Once we got far enough from our room Kevin yelled, "WHO TAUGHT HER TO CALL ME UNNIE!?" 

Alexander and Kiseop raised up their hands.

Kevin went up to them and slapped them with a pillow.

Which made a huge pillow fight between the three of them.

There so childish sometimes.

"OH! So cute!" Everyone stopped and looked at SooHyun who yelled.

Eli, SooHyun and Kibum had been looking at a photo album of Eli's when he was in China.

I walked over to them to see Eli around 14 to 16 years old wearing a white dress shirt and pants with two girls

"You looks so young!" Kibum said.

"Who are those girls?" Kevin asked.

"The girl on the right looks like Sun-Hee." Dongho declared.

Everyone started looking at me now.

They were all agreeing I looked like that girl in the picture.

"You know how ironic it is that her name was Sun-Hee." Eli announced.

"Who is the other girl?" Kibum asked.

"Yumi, her best friend."

"It's also ironic that I have a best friend name Yumi." I told them.

They looked at me curiously.

"Well, that can't be me I never went to China." Everyone sighed in relief.

"That girl was my first love." He told us.

"Do you guys keep intouch?" Alexander asked.

"No, but I told her my name was Kyoung Jae. I wanted to tell her my name was Eli though." He declared.

Eli is Kyoung Jae?

"Awww maybe you met before and she didn't know you were Kyoung Jae because you go by Eli now."

"I guess so." Eli sighed.

Eli's Korean name is Kyoung Jae.

Why is Kyoung Jae in my head though??

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Love the story! <3 ^_^
omg~~~that was 0.O... JOON? omo~~~
@Yuuki, <br />
ahahahahaha ^-^ cute mistake : ) .
awww =']<br />
hehe and the bit at the end, that was so cute ^.^<br />
;~~~; its nearly over ;~~~;